Terragrunt for ttd-terraform
The project uses Terragrunt to manage shared resources across multiple deployment environments.
Terragrunt and Terraform are required.
Before running terragrunt commands, few parameters needs to be defined manually in AWS Parameter Store, namely
Identity providers ids and secrets (you need to setup OAuth2 clients in Facebook and Google developer consoles)
- /{stage}/cognito/identity-provider/facebook/client-id
- /{stage}/cognito/identity-provider/google/client-secret
- /{stage}/cognito/identity-provider/facebook/client-id
- /{stage}/cognito/identity-provider/google/client-secret
Google APIs key (you need to create credentials allowing working with Places API in Google developer console)
- /{stage}/google/api/key
substitute {stage} with the environment name, e.g. test.
You can install whole infrastructure for a given environment in one go executing
non-prod/eu-central/test/terragrunt apply-all
To deploy a single module, navigate to that module and run
terragrunt apply
for instance, to setup elasticsearch module in a test environment
non-prod/eu-central/test/elasticsearch/terragrunt apply
To check which resources will be created or changed run
non-prod/eu-central/test/terragrunt plan-all
or individually, on module basis
non-prod/eu-central/test/elasticsearch/terragrunt plan
To destroy environment globally run
non-prod/eu-central/test/terragrunt destroy-all
or individually, on module basis
non-prod/eu-central/test/elasticsearch/terragrunt destroy
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.MD file for details