From 702b588bda8f42095f6a4a1799df779425f2f1c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chris Patti Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:27:07 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Add documentation for the process we used to fix #1090 --- .../ | 141 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs/runbooks/ diff --git a/docs/runbooks/ b/docs/runbooks/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..07a9a29f7c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/runbooks/ @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +# Moving a Heroku Managed Postgres DB to Pulumi Managed AWS RDS + +## Preparation + +You will need to gather some information about the Heroku managed application and its database before you start. You'll need the +[Heroku CLI]( with auehenticated access to the application in question to continue. + +You'll also need the postgresql tools, specifically the `pg_dump` and `psql` tools. + +Record the following information somewhere persistent that you'll be able to refer back to through this process. I like using my [notes]( + +- The Heroku application's name. Our convention is generally - so for the CI environment of the micromasters +application, you'd use `micromasters-ci`. +- The applications's `DATABASE_URL`. You can obtain this with the following invocation: `heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a ` +- The currently attached Heroku database name as well as the alias they have assigned to it by default. You can get this with: +`heroku addons -a | grep -i postgres` for example: +``` +╰ ➤ heroku addons -a micromasters-ci | grep -i postgres +heroku-postgresql (postgresql-rigid-71273) mini $5/month created + └─ as HEROKU_POSTGRES_YELLOW +``` +so in this case we see that postgresql-rigid-71273 is attached as HEROKU_POSTGRES_YELLOW +- A set of URLs to browse when the transition is done to ensure everything is working properly. You should also browse them before the transition to note how +everything looks. + +## Building the Infrastructure with Pulumi + + +Describing in detail how to code the necessary resources to build the AWS RDS Postgres instance and associated S3 bucket, IAM rules, VPC peerings +etc. is beyond the scope of this ducument. You can see what I did in my [Github branch]( + +Once the infrastructure is properly built, you'll need to record the new AWS RDS Postgres instance's endpoint. You can do this from within +the directory for the application you're working on. For my current project, that's `ol-infrastructure/src/ol_infrastructure/applications/micromasters` +with this: 'poetry run pulumi stack export -s applications.micromasters.CI | grep -i endpoint' but obviously sub your app in for micromasters. + +You'll also need to retrieve the database password from Vault using Pulumi. You can do that with the following invocation: +`poetry run pulumi config get "micromasters:db_password"` + +## Dump Heroku Managed DB + +Use something like the following invocation to dump the contents of the current application database. + +`pg_dump -x -O $(heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a micromasters-rc) > micromasters_qa_db_dump.sql` + +Obviously, substitute your app for micromasters and your environment for rc/qa. + +(Aside: We use rc and qa interchangably here). + +Examine the dump in your editor (read-only to be safe) and ensure that all the necessary components are present: Schema, data, foreign keys, and the like. + +## Construct A New DATABASE_URL + +I suggest doing this in a text file you can source easily since you'll be working with this database a bit for this project. I keep such things in an 'envsnips' folder +in my home directory. + +The file should look something like: +``` +export DATABASE_URL=postgresql:// +``` + +Make sure the URL has the following components: + +- `postgresql://` is the protocol identifier followed by a :. +- 'oldevops' is the database user, then another :. +- the database password we pulled from Pulumi above, followed by an @ sign. +- The endpoint hostname we retrieved from Pulumi earlier, followed by a :. +- The port number. We usually use 5432. Then a /. +- The database name. + +If your URL is missing any of these it will not work. Once you've finished write out your file and source it in your shell. + +Now, test that you can connect using the URL you just built with: + +`psql $DATABASE_URL` + +If you get an access denied message, make sure you got the correct password for the app and environment (e.g. CI, QA or production) and check the +other components. + +We'll assume $DATABASE_URL is set to to the new RDS database we've created for the rest of the runbook. + +## Restore Dump Into AWS RDS DB + +Using the DATABASE_URL we just created and tested, we can now restore the data we dumped in the prior step into the new DB: + +`psql $DATABASE_URL < micromasters_qa_db_dump.sql` + +You will see a lot of output representing each statement as it's processed by the DB. You shouldn't see any errors here. + +## Coordinate Transition + +In the process of changing the database out from under a running application, there will be some small period of down time, so it's important to coordinate with +all the appropriate stakeholders and leadership before you do. + +## Perform The Final Transition + +At the time, it's important that you perform the following steps quickly in succession, because once you detach the current DB, the application will be down. +Keep this as brief as possible. + +You may wish to cue up the commands you want to run in a text file somewhere you can eaily review them, and then cut and paste them into your shell when the +time comes. + +### Create An Additional DB Attachment + +You'll need to create an additional attachment for the current DB: +`heroku addons:attach postgresql-amorphous-36035 --as HEROKU_POSTGRES_DB` + +Substitute your db instance you gathered above. HEROKU_POSTGRES_DB is just an alias we can use if we should need to roll back. + +### Detach The Current Database + +This is where you'll need to use the Heroku managed database instance above, along with the Heroku application name we collected. Substitute accordingly +into the following invocation: + +`heroku addons:detach postgresql-amorphous-36035 -a micromasters-rc` + +### Change the DATABASE_URL to the New RDS Instance + +Ensuring that your DATABASE_URL environment variable is properly set to your new RDS from the above steps, use it to set DATABASE_URL in the heroku app: + +`heroku config:set -a micromasters-rc DATABASE_URL=$DATABASE_URL` + +Now immediately print out the value you just set to ensure that all looks good: +`heroku config:get -a micromasters-rc DATABASE_URL` + +## Test Your Work + +You should carefully test the application you just transitioned to ensure everything works using the set of URLs you gathered at the beginning. +- Do the pages have all the elements they should? +- Are images loading? + +## How To Roll Back + +If something goes wrong and you need to roll back, don't panic! + +All you need to do is promote the old Heroku managed DB back into use: + +`heroku pg:promote --app micromasters-ci postgresql-rigid-71273` + +Obviously substitute your db and application for the ones above. + +Re-run your tests as defined above to make sure everything's working right post-rollback.