Conceived by Andrew Sprinz. Maintained by Chris Bell & Andrew Walker.
Full documentation can be found here.
- Download the latest release
- ...or clone the repo:
git clone git://
- ...or install with Bower
bower install sir-trevor-js
We are keeping a list of custom block repos here. See the documentation to find out more about adding your own block types.
Sir Trevor is only tested on the following modern browsers:
- IE10+
- Chrome 25+
- Safari 5+
- Firefox 16+
Sir Trevor requires Underscore (or LoDash), jQuery (or Zepto) and Eventable.
See the roadmap and read a little about the philosophy guiding development.
We use Sass for our styles, if you'd like to change the default styling please fork the repository and make changes to the Sass before recompiling.
Block Types can also easily be added to the SirTrevor.Blocks
object. You can also override the default block types (Text, Image, Tweet, Video, Quote, Heading & List) at any time. See the documentation to find out more about adding your own block types.
We use the awesome Grunt for our build process. Before getting started please be sure to install the necessary dependencies via npm:
$ npm install
Make sure install the dependecies of bower. As you need jQuery, Eventable and Underscore while you are testing with Jasmine:
$ bower install
When completed you'll be able to run the various grunt commands provided:
$ grunt
Concatenates scripts, compiles the Sass, runs the Jasmine tests and minifies the project.
$ grunt watch
Convenience method while developing to compile the Sass files and concatenate the Javascript on save of a file in the /src
Please ensure any pull requests have relevant Jasmine tests (where applicable).
Sir Trevor is released under the MIT license: