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Event Documentation

William Fish edited this page Oct 6, 2020 · 47 revisions

DRAFT Events (Version 2)


Events encapsulate something that happens at a particular time for a given subject (eventable) such as a move, journey or person.

To create them, they are POSTed to the Book a Secure Move API.

Events fall into one of 4 business categories:

  • MI (Management Intelligence)
  • CDI (Contract Delivery Indicator) - subset of MI (includes financial penalties and target levels)
  • Payment
  • Incident

Events must indicate their subject (Eventable), which falls into one of the following categories

  • Move
  • Journey
  • PersonEscortRecord
  • Person
  • Profile

List of Events

Journey Events

Type Short Description On V1? Result
JourneyAdmitThroughOuterGate Admitted through outer gate of a Designated location N
JourneyArriveAtOuterGate Arrival outside the outer gate of a Designated location N
JourneyCancel Journey cancel Y Changes journey state from in_progress to cancelled
JourneyComplete Journey complete Y Changes the journey state from in_progress to completed
JourneyExitThroughOuterGate Exit through the outer gate of the Designated location N
JourneyHandoverToDestination Handover to establishment N
JourneyLockout DEPRECATED Lockout (deprecated, use MoveLockout) Y
JourneyLodging DEPRECATED Lodging (deprecated, use MoveLodgingStart and MoveLodgingEnd) Y
JourneyPersonBoardVehicle Person boards escort vehicle N
JourneyPersonLeaveVehicle Person leaves escort vehicle N
JourneyReadyToExit Escort vehicle loaded and ready to exit from the Designated location N
JourneyReject Journey reject Y Changes journey state from proposed to rejected
JourneyStart Journey start Y Changes the proposed journey state to in_progress
JourneyUncancel Journey uncancel Y Changes journey state from cancelled to in_progress
JourneyUncomplete Journey uncomplete Y Changes the journey state from completed to in progress

Move Events

Type Short Description On V1? Result Details
MoveAccept Move accept Y Changes move status from requested to booked
MoveApprove Move approve Y Changes move status to requested and updates with the provided move date
MoveReject Move reject Y Changes move status to cancelled, the move cancellation reason to rejected and update with the provided rejection reason
MoveCancel Move cancel Y Changes move status to cancelled
MoveStart Move start Y Changes move status from booked to in_transit A move should only be started when the Escorting Escort Vehicle is loaded and ready for exit from the Designated Location
MoveRedirect Move redirect Y Changes move destination (to_location). It does not alter the journeys associated with the move: additional API calls will be necessary to reject, complete or cancel existing journeys and create new journeys
MoveComplete Move complete Y Changes move status to completed
MoveLockout Move lockout Y
MoveLodgingStart Lodging start N
MoveLodgingEnd Lodging end N
MoveNotifySupplierOfMoveRequest Supplier notified of move request N
MoveOperationSafeguard Operation Safeguard N
MoveOperationTornado Operation Tornado N
MoveOperationHMCTS Operation HMCTS Court Cells N
MoveNotifyPremisesOfExpectedCollectionTime Notified Of Expected Collection Time N
MoveNotifyPremisesOfETA Expected arrival time N
MoveNotifyPremisesOfArrivalIn30Mins 30 mins to destination N
MoveCollectionByEscort Collected by escort crew N

PER Events

Type Short Description
PERCourtAllDocumentationProvidedToSupplier All necessary documentation provided to supplier
PERCourtNotifySupplierOfReturnDestination Supplier notified of return destination
PERCourtExcessiveDelayNotDueToSupplier Excessive delay caused by party other than Supplier
PERCourtCellShareRiskAssessment Cell share risk assement at Court
PERCourtAssignCellInCustody Assign cell in court custody
PERCourtReadyInCustody Person ready and available within court custody area
PERCourtTakeFromCustodyToDock Person taken from court custody to court dock
PERCourtTakeToSeeVisitors Person taken to see visitors at court
PERCourtReturnToCustodyAreaFromVisitorArea Person returned to court custody area from visitor area
PERCourtTask Miscellaneous Court Task
PERCourtHearing Court Hearing
PERCourtPreReleaseChecksCompleted Pre-release checks
PERCourtRelease Released
PERCourtReleaseOnBail Released on bail
PERCourtReturnToCustodyAreaFromDock Person returned to court custody area from court dock
PERMedicalAid Medical aid
PERPrisonerWelfare Prisoner Welfare
PERGeneric Generic PER event

Incidents (implementation TBC)

Type Short Description
PersonMoveRoadTrafficAccident Road traffic accident
PersonMoveVehicleBrokeDown Vehicle breakdown
PersonMoveVehicleSystemsFailed Failure of vehicle systems
PersonMovePersonEscapedKPI KPI Escape
PersonMovePersonEscaped Non KPI Escape
PersonMoveReleasedError Released in error
PersonMoveUsedForce Use of Force
PersonMoveAssault Assault
PersonMoveDeathInCustody Death in Custody
PersonMoveSeriousInjury Serious Injury
PersonMoveMajorIncidentOther Other Major Incidents
PersonMoveMinorIncidentOther Other Minor Incidents

Bed Watch (Implementation TBC)

Type Short Description
PersonMovePlannedBedwatchHappened Planned Bedwatch undertaken
PersonMoveUnplannedBedwatchHappened Unplanned Bedwatch undertaken


Supplier creates an event

Given a predefined event When that event occurs The Supplier will POST to /api/prison_escort_records/:id/event With the predefined json structure And receive 201 success

Book A Secure Move PER user views events

Given a predefined PER event created by a supplier and a logged in user When the user navigates to the PER dashboard Then they see a list of events

Book A Secure Move PER authority user views events

Given a predefined PER event created by a supplier and a logged in user When the user navigates to the PER dashboard Then they see a list of events And can see an option to review specific events

Book A Secure Move PER authority user reviews events

Given a predefined PER event created by a supplier and a logged in user When the user navigates to the PER dashboard Then they see a list of events When the user clicks on the review event button Then they are taken to the edit event screen When they submit the event review Then the PER event is updated to the reviewed state

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