From 9a0e589701d397f4e4276045e156b65fa4e1d565 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 11:22:23 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/19] updated tests --- test/utils.test.ts | 138 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index c43b36fe9..15fa721aa 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -import { AmountPreference } from '../src/model/types/index.js'; +import { AmountPreference, Token } from '../src/model/types/index.js'; import * as utils from '../src/utils.js'; import { PUBKEYS } from './consts.js'; @@ -47,87 +47,20 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { test('testing v1 Token', () => { const token = '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'; - - const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); - expect(result.token[0].proofs.reduce((c, p) => c + p.amount, 0)).toEqual(100); - expect(result.token[0].mint).toStrictEqual(''); - }); - test('test corrupt v1 token', () => { - const token = - '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'; - expect(() => utils.getDecodedToken(token)).toThrowError(); + let result: Token | undefined; + expect(() => { + result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); + }).toThrow(); + expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); test('testing v2 Token', async () => { const token = 'eyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sicHJvb2ZzIjpbeyJpZCI6IkkyeU4raVJZZmt6VCIsImFtb3VudCI6MSwic2VjcmV0IjoiOTd6Zm1tYUdmNWs4TWcwZ2FqcG5ibXBlcnZUdEVlRTh3d0tyaTdyV3BVcz0iLCJDIjoiMDIxOTUwODFlNjIyZjk4YmZjMTlhMDVlYmUyMzQxZDk1NWMwZDEyNTg4YzU5NDhjODU4ZDA3YWRlYzAwN2JjMWU0In1dLCJtaW50IjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMzM4In1dfQ'; - - const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); - expect(result).toStrictEqual({ - token: [ - { - proofs: [ - { - id: 'I2yN+iRYfkzT', - amount: 1, - secret: '97zfmmaGf5k8Mg0gajpnbmpervTtEeE8wwKri7rWpUs=', - C: '02195081e622f98bfc19a05ebe2341d955c0d12588c5948c858d07adec007bc1e4' - } - ], - mint: 'http://localhost:3338' - } - ] - }); - }); - test('testing v2 Token 2', () => { - const token = - 'eyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sicHJvb2ZzIjpbeyJpZCI6IjBOSTNUVUFzMVNmeSIsImFtb3VudCI6MSwic2VjcmV0Ijoia3hxWFlwYkNWb0l1eDRsbVdJRFh4M29NMi83S1ZzaHFqSklJZXh0cU1hVT0iLCJDIjoiMDJhNDIxNDBkMWJiZDU5Y2E0YzViYTllYjczZDAyMGYzMWY2OGY0ZTMwNzhmZDNhZjFlZTY0ZWJlY2U1MmI2ZWRhIn1dLCJtaW50IjoiaHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDozMzM4In1dfQ'; - - const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); - expect(result).toStrictEqual({ - token: [ - { - proofs: [ - { - id: '0NI3TUAs1Sfy', - amount: 1, - secret: 'kxqXYpbCVoIux4lmWIDXx3oM2/7KVshqjJIIextqMaU=', - C: '02a42140d1bbd59ca4c5ba9eb73d020f31f68f4e3078fd3af1ee64ebece52b6eda' - } - ], - mint: 'http://localhost:3338' - } - ] - }); - }); - test('test corrupt v2 token', () => { - const token = - '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'; - - expect(() => utils.getDecodedToken(token)).toThrowError(); - }); -}); - -describe('test encode token', () => { - test('testing v3 Token', async () => { - const token = - 'cashuAeyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sibWludCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOCIsInByb29mcyI6W3siaWQiOiJJMnlOK2lSWWZrelQiLCJhbW91bnQiOjEsInNlY3JldCI6Ijk3emZtbWFHZjVrOE1nMGdhanBuYm1wZXJ2VHRFZUU4d3dLcmk3cldwVXM9IiwiQyI6IjAyMTk1MDgxZTYyMmY5OGJmYzE5YTA1ZWJlMjM0MWQ5NTVjMGQxMjU4OGM1OTQ4Yzg1OGQwN2FkZWMwMDdiYzFlNCJ9XX1dfQ'; - - const obj = { - proofs: [ - { - id: 'I2yN+iRYfkzT', - amount: 1, - secret: '97zfmmaGf5k8Mg0gajpnbmpervTtEeE8wwKri7rWpUs=', - C: '02195081e622f98bfc19a05ebe2341d955c0d12588c5948c858d07adec007bc1e4' - } - ], - mints: [{ url: 'http://localhost:3338', ids: ['L3zxxRB/I8uE', 'I2yN+iRYfkzT'] }] - }; - - const result = utils.getEncodedToken({ - token: [{ mint: obj.mints[0].url, proofs: obj.proofs }] - }); - expect(result).toEqual(token); + let result: Token | undefined; + expect(() => { + result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); + }).toThrow(); + expect(result).toBe(undefined); }); }); @@ -176,10 +109,57 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { }; const token = - 'eyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sibWludCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOCIsInByb29mcyI6W3siaWQiOiJJMnlOK2lSWWZrelQiLCJhbW91bnQiOjEsInNlY3JldCI6Ijk3emZtbWFHZjVrOE1nMGdhanBuYm1wZXJ2VHRFZUU4d3dLcmk3cldwVXM9IiwiQyI6IjAyMTk1MDgxZTYyMmY5OGJmYzE5YTA1ZWJlMjM0MWQ5NTVjMGQxMjU4OGM1OTQ4Yzg1OGQwN2FkZWMwMDdiYzFlNCJ9XX1dfQ'; + 'AeyJ0b2tlbiI6W3sibWludCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOCIsInByb29mcyI6W3siaWQiOiJJMnlOK2lSWWZrelQiLCJhbW91bnQiOjEsInNlY3JldCI6Ijk3emZtbWFHZjVrOE1nMGdhanBuYm1wZXJ2VHRFZUU4d3dLcmk3cldwVXM9IiwiQyI6IjAyMTk1MDgxZTYyMmY5OGJmYzE5YTA1ZWJlMjM0MWQ5NTVjMGQxMjU4OGM1OTQ4Yzg1OGQwN2FkZWMwMDdiYzFlNCJ9XX1dfQ'; const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); expect(result).toStrictEqual(obj); }); + test('testing v4 Token', () => { + const v3Token = { + memo: '', + token: [ + { + mint: '', + proofs: [ + { + secret: '7e98535c6f8cd7a5eff150963a2743613a91e9498150fd5af8d2bfcfd5babe68', + C: '03022a28d163cf63792c1533e6660112f2b75db2fe46aa840e7f5d0f979a2c6cfd', + id: '00500550f0494146', + amount: 16 + }, + { + amount: 4, + secret: '96bd8480717673311bc70e92818b5babcb665edee39b639defad5584d8d18b1f', + C: '030936759e03235867f9cea58f047c043acdd7455f604c92c75839e5e08a91e198', + id: '00500550f0494146' + }, + { + secret: 'e145fa7fba21a9cd3c8743c9de5e4de33e0095abc50b262f1b3831b69b8f63df', + id: '00500550f0494146', + C: '03eba391a31e101e1ba1853db1e4bbb6a166d4fbbb1e181e82892c3301e4e02015', + amount: 1 + } + ] + } + ] + }; + + const token = + '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'; + + const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); + console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); + expect(result).toStrictEqual(v3Token); + }); + test('testing joining urls', () => { + const mint_url = 'http://localhost:3338'; + const info_url = utils.joinUrls(mint_url, 'info'); + + expect(info_url).toBe('http://localhost:3338/info'); + + const mint_url_trailing_slash = 'http://localhost:3338/'; + const mint_info_url = utils.joinUrls(mint_url_trailing_slash, 'info'); + expect(mint_info_url).toBe('http://localhost:3338/info'); + }); }); describe('test keyset derivation', () => { From 6ed41a99073257ece044947acb9c4e327cb81b4d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 11:22:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/19] added cbor-x --- package-lock.json | 2747 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- package.json | 3 +- 2 files changed, 1433 insertions(+), 1317 deletions(-) diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 973669c62..f4b4f45e7 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ "@noble/hashes": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip32": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip39": "^1.2.2", - 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const uriPrefixes = ['web+cashu://', 'cashu://', 'cashu:', 'cashuA']; + const uriPrefixes = ['web+cashu://', 'cashu://', 'cashu:', 'cashu']; uriPrefixes.forEach((prefix) => { if (!token.startsWith(prefix)) { return; @@ -97,21 +97,29 @@ function getDecodedToken(token: string): Token { * @param token * @returns */ -function handleTokens(token: string): Token { - const obj = encodeBase64ToJson | Token>(token); - - // check if v3 - if ('token' in obj) { - return obj; - } - - // check if v1 - if (Array.isArray(obj)) { - return { token: [{ proofs: obj, mint: '' }] }; +function handleTokens(token: string): Token | undefined { + const version = token.slice(0, 1); + const encodedToken = token.slice(1); + if (version === 'A') { + return encodeBase64ToJson(encodedToken); + } else if (version === 'B') { + const uInt8Token = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedToken); + const tokenData = decode(uInt8Token) as { + t: { p: { a: number; s: string; c: string }[]; i: string }[]; + m: string; + }; + const tokenEntries = + (tokenEntry): TokenEntry => ({ + mint: tokenData.m, + proofs: + (p): Proof => ({ secret: p.s, C: p.c, amount: p.a, id: tokenEntry.i }) + ) + }) + ); + return { token: tokenEntries, memo: '' }; + } else { + throw new Error('Token version is not supported'); } - - // if v2 token return v3 format - return { token: [{ proofs: obj.proofs, mint: obj?.mints[0]?.url ?? '' }] }; } /** * Returns the keyset id of a set of keys From b5ec29b41c1aa5b11a1285da4ecdf9292bb1e10c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 06:33:31 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/19] remove cbor dependency --- package-lock.json | 201 +----------------------------------------- package.json | 3 +- src/cbor.ts | 216 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ src/utils.ts | 7 +- 4 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-) create mode 100644 src/cbor.ts diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index f4b4f45e7..a3c6104f3 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ "@noble/hashes": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip32": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip39": "^1.2.2", - "buffer": "^6.0.3", - "cbor-x": "^1.5.9" + "buffer": "^6.0.3" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/jest": "^29.5.1", @@ -633,78 +632,6 @@ "buffer": "^6.0.3" } }, - "node_modules/@cbor-extract/cbor-extract-darwin-arm64": { - "version": "2.2.0", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": 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+ encodeString(value, buffer); + } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { + encodeArray(value, buffer); + } else if (typeof value === 'object') { + encodeObject(value, buffer); + } else { + throw new Error('Unsupported type'); + } +} + +function encodeUnsigned(value: number, buffer: Array) { + if (value < 24) { + buffer.push(value); + } else if (value < 256) { + buffer.push(0x18, value); + } else if (value < 65536) { + buffer.push(0x19, value >> 8, value & 0xff); + } else if (value < 4294967296) { + buffer.push(0x1a, value >> 24, (value >> 16) & 0xff, (value >> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff); + } else { + throw new Error('Unsupported integer size'); + } +} + +function encodeString(value: string, buffer: Array) { + const utf8 = new TextEncoder().encode(value); + encodeUnsigned(utf8.length, buffer); + buffer[buffer.length - 1] |= 0x60; + utf8.forEach((b) => buffer.push(b)); +} + +function encodeArray(value: Array, buffer: Array) { + encodeUnsigned(value.length, buffer); + buffer[buffer.length - 1] |= 0x80; + for (const item of value) { + encodeItem(item, buffer); + } +} + +function encodeObject(value: { [key: string]: any }, buffer: Array) { + const keys = Object.keys(value); + encodeUnsigned(keys.length, buffer); + buffer[buffer.length - 1] |= 0xa0; + for (const key of keys) { + encodeString(key, buffer); + encodeItem(value[key], buffer); + } +} +type DecodeResult = { + value: any; + offset: number; +}; + +export function decodeCBOR(data: Uint8Array): any { + const view = new DataView(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); + const result = decodeItem(view, 0); + return result.value; +} + +function decodeItem(view: DataView, offset: number): DecodeResult { + if (offset >= view.byteLength) { + throw new Error('Unexpected end of data'); + } + const initialByte = view.getUint8(offset++); + const majorType = initialByte >> 5; + const additionalInfo = initialByte & 0x1f; + + switch (majorType) { + case 0: + return decodeUnsigned(view, offset, additionalInfo); + case 1: + return decodeSigned(view, offset, additionalInfo); + case 2: + return decodeByteString(view, offset, additionalInfo); + case 3: + return decodeString(view, offset, additionalInfo); + case 4: + return decodeArray(view, offset, additionalInfo); + case 5: + return decodeMap(view, offset, additionalInfo); + case 7: + return decodeSimpleAndFloat(view, offset, additionalInfo); + default: + throw new Error(`Unsupported major type: ${majorType}`); + } +} + +function decodeLength(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + if (additionalInfo < 24) return { value: additionalInfo, offset }; + if (additionalInfo === 24) return { value: view.getUint8(offset++), offset }; + if (additionalInfo === 25) { + const value = view.getUint16(offset, false); + offset += 2; + return { value, offset }; + } + if (additionalInfo === 26) { + const value = view.getUint32(offset, false); + offset += 4; + return { value, offset }; + } + if (additionalInfo === 27) { + const hi = view.getUint32(offset, false); + const lo = view.getUint32(offset + 4, false); + offset += 8; + return { value: hi * 2 ** 32 + lo, offset }; + } + throw new Error(`Unsupported length: ${additionalInfo}`); +} + +function decodeUnsigned(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + const { value, offset: newOffset } = decodeLength(view, offset, additionalInfo); + return { value, offset: newOffset }; +} + +function decodeSigned(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + const { value, offset: newOffset } = decodeLength(view, offset, additionalInfo); + return { value: -1 - value, offset: newOffset }; +} + +function decodeByteString(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + const { value: length, offset: newOffset } = decodeLength(view, offset, additionalInfo); + if (newOffset + length > view.byteLength) { + throw new Error('Byte string length exceeds data length'); + } + const value = new Uint8Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset + newOffset, length); + return { value, offset: newOffset + length }; +} + +function decodeString(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + const { value: length, offset: newOffset } = decodeLength(view, offset, additionalInfo); + if (newOffset + length > view.byteLength) { + throw new Error('String length exceeds data length'); + } + const bytes = new Uint8Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset + newOffset, length); + const value = new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); + return { value, offset: newOffset + length }; +} + +function decodeArray(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + const { value: length, offset: newOffset } = decodeLength(view, offset, additionalInfo); + const array = []; + let currentOffset = newOffset; + for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { + const result = decodeItem(view, currentOffset); + array.push(result.value); + currentOffset = result.offset; + } + return { value: array, offset: currentOffset }; +} + +function decodeMap(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): DecodeResult { + const { value: length, offset: newOffset } = decodeLength(view, offset, additionalInfo); + const map: { [key: string]: any } = {}; + let currentOffset = newOffset; + for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { + const keyResult = decodeItem(view, currentOffset); + const valueResult = decodeItem(view, keyResult.offset); + map[keyResult.value] = valueResult.value; + currentOffset = valueResult.offset; + } + return { value: map, offset: currentOffset }; +} + +function decodeSimpleAndFloat( + view: DataView, + offset: number, + additionalInfo: number +): DecodeResult { + if (additionalInfo < 24) { + switch (additionalInfo) { + case 20: + return { value: false, offset }; + case 21: + return { value: true, offset }; + case 22: + return { value: null, offset }; + case 23: + return { value: undefined, offset }; + default: + throw new Error(`Unknown simple value: ${additionalInfo}`); + } + } + if (additionalInfo === 24) return { value: view.getUint8(offset++), offset }; + if (additionalInfo === 25) { + const value = view.getUint16(offset, false); + offset += 2; + return { value, offset }; + } + if (additionalInfo === 26) { + const value = view.getFloat32(offset, false); + offset += 4; + return { value, offset }; + } + if (additionalInfo === 27) { + const value = view.getFloat64(offset, false); + offset += 8; + return { value, offset }; + } + throw new Error(`Unknown simple or float value: ${additionalInfo}`); +} diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index 87dcf43b3..5ffc70d81 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ -import { encodeBase64ToJson, encodeJsonToBase64 } from './base64.js'; -import { AmountPreference, Keys, Proof, Token, TokenV2 } from './model/types/index.js'; +import { encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeJsonToBase64 } from './base64.js'; +import { AmountPreference, Keys, Proof, Token, TokenEntry, TokenV2 } from './model/types/index.js'; import { TOKEN_PREFIX, TOKEN_VERSION } from './utils/Constants.js'; import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/curves/abstract/utils'; import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256'; +import { decodeCBOR } from './cbor.js'; function splitAmount(value: number, amountPreference?: Array): Array { const chunks: Array = []; @@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ function handleTokens(token: string): Token | undefined { return encodeBase64ToJson(encodedToken); } else if (version === 'B') { const uInt8Token = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedToken); - const tokenData = decode(uInt8Token) as { + const tokenData = decodeCBOR(uInt8Token) as { t: { p: { a: number; s: string; c: string }[]; i: string }[]; m: string; }; From a34c439b9f9fae6e35f3c38865b919032b25deda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 10:16:35 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/19] added byte id and C --- src/utils.ts | 9 +++++++-- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index 5ffc70d81..dfcd3479f 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -106,14 +106,19 @@ function handleTokens(token: string): Token | undefined { } else if (version === 'B') { const uInt8Token = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedToken); const tokenData = decodeCBOR(uInt8Token) as { - t: { p: { a: number; s: string; c: string }[]; i: string }[]; + t: { p: { a: number; s: string; c: Uint8Array }[]; i: Uint8Array }[]; m: string; }; const tokenEntries = (tokenEntry): TokenEntry => ({ mint: tokenData.m, proofs: - (p): Proof => ({ secret: p.s, C: p.c, amount: p.a, id: tokenEntry.i }) + (p): Proof => ({ + secret: p.s, + C: bytesToHex(p.c), + amount: p.a, + id: bytesToHex(tokenEntry.i) + }) ) }) ); From 7f23bf208b9fb5e3664d60040e1f52b8e58c8996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 15:28:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 06/19] added testcases and multi token --- src/utils.ts | 23 ++++++++++----------- test/utils.test.ts | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------- 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index dfcd3479f..842853028 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -108,21 +108,20 @@ function handleTokens(token: string): Token | undefined { const tokenData = decodeCBOR(uInt8Token) as { t: { p: { a: number; s: string; c: Uint8Array }[]; i: Uint8Array }[]; m: string; + d: string; }; - const tokenEntries = - (tokenEntry): TokenEntry => ({ - mint: tokenData.m, - proofs: - (p): Proof => ({ - secret: p.s, - C: bytesToHex(p.c), - amount: p.a, - id: bytesToHex(tokenEntry.i) - }) - ) + const mergedTokenEntry: TokenEntry = { mint: tokenData.m, proofs: [] }; + tokenData.t.forEach((tokenEntry) => + tokenEntry.p.forEach((p) => { + mergedTokenEntry.proofs.push({ + secret: p.s, + C: bytesToHex(p.c), + amount: p.a, + id: bytesToHex(tokenEntry.i) + }); }) ); - return { token: tokenEntries, memo: '' }; + return { token: [mergedTokenEntry], memo: tokenData.d || '' }; } else { throw new Error('Token version is not supported'); } diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index 15fa721aa..8e2117d5e 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -114,28 +114,52 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { expect(result).toStrictEqual(obj); }); test('testing v4 Token', () => { + const v3Token = { + memo: 'Thank you', + token: [ + { + mint: 'http://localhost:3338', + proofs: [ + { + secret: '9a6dbb847bd232ba76db0df197216b29d3b8cc14553cd27827fc1cc942fedb4e', + C: '038618543ffb6b8695df4ad4babcde92a34a96bdcd97dcee0d7ccf98d472126792', + id: '00ad268c4d1f5826', + amount: 1 + } + ] + } + ] + }; + + const token = + 'cashuBpGF0gaJhaUgArSaMTR9YJmFwgaNhYQFhc3hAOWE2ZGJiODQ3YmQyMzJiYTc2ZGIwZGYxOTcyMTZiMjlkM2I4Y2MxNDU1M2NkMjc4MjdmYzFjYzk0MmZlZGI0ZWFjWCEDhhhUP_trhpXfStS6vN6So0qWvc2X3O4NfM-Y1HISZ5JhZGlUaGFuayB5b3VhbXVodHRwOi8vbG9jYWxob3N0OjMzMzhhdWNzYXQ='; + + const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); + expect(result).toStrictEqual(v3Token); + }); + test('testing v4 Token with multi keyset', () => { const v3Token = { memo: '', token: [ { - mint: '', + mint: 'http://localhost:3338', proofs: [ { - secret: '7e98535c6f8cd7a5eff150963a2743613a91e9498150fd5af8d2bfcfd5babe68', - C: '03022a28d163cf63792c1533e6660112f2b75db2fe46aa840e7f5d0f979a2c6cfd', - id: '00500550f0494146', - amount: 16 + secret: 'acc12435e7b8484c3cf1850149218af90f716a52bf4a5ed347e48ecc13f77388', + C: '0244538319de485d55bed3b29a642bee5879375ab9e7a620e11e48ba482421f3cf', + id: '00ffd48b8f5ecf80', + amount: 1 }, { - amount: 4, - secret: '96bd8480717673311bc70e92818b5babcb665edee39b639defad5584d8d18b1f', - C: '030936759e03235867f9cea58f047c043acdd7455f604c92c75839e5e08a91e198', - id: '00500550f0494146' + secret: '1323d3d4707a58ad2e23ada4e9f1f49f5a5b4ac7b708eb0d61f738f48307e8ee', + C: '023456aa110d84b4ac747aebd82c3b005aca50bf457ebd5737a4414fac3ae7d94d', + id: '00ad268c4d1f5826', + amount: 2 }, { - secret: 'e145fa7fba21a9cd3c8743c9de5e4de33e0095abc50b262f1b3831b69b8f63df', - id: '00500550f0494146', - C: '03eba391a31e101e1ba1853db1e4bbb6a166d4fbbb1e181e82892c3301e4e02015', + secret: '56bcbcbb7cc6406b3fa5d57d2174f4eff8b4402b176926d3a57d3c3dcbb59d57', + C: '0273129c5719e599379a974a626363c333c56cafc0e6d01abe46d5808280789c63', + id: '00ad268c4d1f5826', amount: 1 } ] @@ -144,10 +168,9 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { }; const token = - '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'; + 'cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA=='; const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); - console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); expect(result).toStrictEqual(v3Token); }); test('testing joining urls', () => { From da1c60354e1a9a5230f14c6dfa3d55d2d853bc23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2024 18:40:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 07/19] specified return type --- src/utils.ts | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index 842853028..1ace779b7 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function getDecodedToken(token: string) { * @param token * @returns */ -function handleTokens(token: string): Token | undefined { +function handleTokens(token: string): Token { const version = token.slice(0, 1); const encodedToken = token.slice(1); if (version === 'A') { From c68de1af53825da6a2ff5eff028f7d57274161a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 10:57:57 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 08/19] cleanup rebase --- test/utils.test.ts | 10 ---------- 1 file changed, 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index 8e2117d5e..1569cd782 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -173,16 +173,6 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); expect(result).toStrictEqual(v3Token); }); - test('testing joining urls', () => { - const mint_url = 'http://localhost:3338'; - const info_url = utils.joinUrls(mint_url, 'info'); - - expect(info_url).toBe('http://localhost:3338/info'); - - const mint_url_trailing_slash = 'http://localhost:3338/'; - const mint_info_url = utils.joinUrls(mint_url_trailing_slash, 'info'); - expect(mint_info_url).toBe('http://localhost:3338/info'); - }); }); describe('test keyset derivation', () => { From c91c27e9a54fab41a9dc6f9d734d36a01df577f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:08:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/19] added cbor test cases --- test/cbor.test.ts | 294 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 294 insertions(+) create mode 100644 test/cbor.test.ts diff --git a/test/cbor.test.ts b/test/cbor.test.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9df53b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/test/cbor.test.ts @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +import { decodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; + +const tests = [ + { + cbor: 'AA==', + hex: '00', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 0 + }, + { + cbor: 'AQ==', + hex: '01', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1 + }, + { + cbor: 'Cg==', + hex: '0a', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 10 + }, + { + cbor: 'Fw==', + hex: '17', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 23 + }, + { + cbor: 'GBg=', + hex: '1818', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 24 + }, + { + cbor: 'GBk=', + hex: '1819', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 25 + }, + { + cbor: 'GGQ=', + hex: '1864', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 100 + }, + { + cbor: 'GQPo', + hex: '1903e8', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1000 + }, + { + cbor: 'GgAPQkA=', + hex: '1a000f4240', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1000000 + }, + { + cbor: 'GwAAAOjUpRAA', + hex: '1b000000e8d4a51000', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1000000000000 + }, + { + cbor: 'IA==', + hex: '20', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: -1 + }, + { + cbor: 'KQ==', + hex: '29', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: -10 + }, + { + cbor: 'OGM=', + hex: '3863', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: -100 + }, + { + cbor: 'OQPn', + hex: '3903e7', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: -1000 + }, + { + cbor: '+QAA', + hex: 'f90000', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 0.0 + }, + { + cbor: '+TwA', + hex: 'f93c00', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1.0 + }, + { + cbor: '+z/xmZmZmZma', + hex: 'fb3ff199999999999a', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1.1 + }, + { + cbor: '+T4A', + hex: 'f93e00', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1.5 + }, + { + cbor: '+Xv/', + hex: 'f97bff', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 65504.0 + }, + { + cbor: '+kfDUAA=', + hex: 'fa47c35000', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 100000.0 + }, + { + cbor: '+n9///8=', + hex: 'fa7f7fffff', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 3.4028234663852886e38 + }, + { + cbor: '+3435DyIAHWc', + hex: 'fb7e37e43c8800759c', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1.0e300 + }, + { + cbor: '+QAB', + hex: 'f90001', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 5.960464477539063e-8 + }, + { + cbor: '+QQA', + hex: 'f90400', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 6.103515625e-5 + }, + { + cbor: '+cQA', + hex: 'f9c400', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: -4.0 + }, + { + cbor: '+8AQZmZmZmZm', + hex: 'fbc010666666666666', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: -4.1 + }, + { + cbor: '9A==', + hex: 'f4', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: false + }, + { + cbor: '9Q==', + hex: 'f5', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: true + }, + { + cbor: '9g==', + hex: 'f6', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: null + }, + { + cbor: 'YA==', + hex: '60', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '' + }, + { + cbor: 'YWE=', + hex: '6161', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 'a' + }, + { + cbor: 'ZElFVEY=', + hex: '6449455446', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 'IETF' + }, + { + cbor: 'YiJc', + hex: '62225c', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '"\\' + }, + { + cbor: 'YsO8', + hex: '62c3bc', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 'ü' + }, + { + cbor: 'Y+awtA==', + hex: '63e6b0b4', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '水' + }, + { + cbor: 'ZPCQhZE=', + hex: '64f0908591', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '𐅑' + }, + { + cbor: 'gA==', + hex: '80', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [] + }, + { + cbor: 'gwECAw==', + hex: '83010203', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [1, 2, 3] + }, + { + cbor: 'gwGCAgOCBAU=', + hex: '8301820203820405', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]] + }, + { + cbor: 'mBkBAgMEBQYHCAkKCwwNDg8QERITFBUWFxgYGBk=', + hex: '98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [ + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 + ] + }, + { + cbor: 'oA==', + hex: 'a0', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: {} + }, + { + cbor: 'omFhAWFiggID', + hex: 'a26161016162820203', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: { + a: 1, + b: [2, 3] + } + }, + { + cbor: 'gmFhoWFiYWM=', + hex: '826161a161626163', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [ + 'a', + { + b: 'c' + } + ] + }, + { + cbor: 'pWFhYUFhYmFCYWNhQ2FkYURhZWFF', + hex: 'a56161614161626142616361436164614461656145', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: { + a: 'A', + b: 'B', + c: 'C', + d: 'D', + e: 'E' + } + } +]; + +describe('cbor decoder', () => { + test.each(tests)('given $hex as arguments, returns $decoded', ({ hex, decoded }) => { + //@ts-ignore + const res = decodeCBOR(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')); + console.log(decoded); + console.log(res); + expect(res).toEqual(decoded); + }); +}); From 79cefe540cf70cda1095727f2fe8ae898572a397 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:09:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 10/19] fixed 16 bit float parsing --- src/cbor.ts | 15 ++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/cbor.ts b/src/cbor.ts index a998caf2f..4a78889c5 100644 --- a/src/cbor.ts +++ b/src/cbor.ts @@ -177,6 +177,19 @@ function decodeMap(view: DataView, offset: number, additionalInfo: number): Deco return { value: map, offset: currentOffset }; } +function decodeFloat16(uint16: number): number { + const exponent = (uint16 & 0x7c00) >> 10; + const fraction = uint16 & 0x03ff; + const sign = uint16 & 0x8000 ? -1 : 1; + + if (exponent === 0) { + return sign * 2 ** -14 * (fraction / 1024); + } else if (exponent === 0x1f) { + return fraction ? NaN : sign * Infinity; + } + return sign * 2 ** (exponent - 15) * (1 + fraction / 1024); +} + function decodeSimpleAndFloat( view: DataView, offset: number, @@ -198,7 +211,7 @@ function decodeSimpleAndFloat( } if (additionalInfo === 24) return { value: view.getUint8(offset++), offset }; if (additionalInfo === 25) { - const value = view.getUint16(offset, false); + const value = decodeFloat16(view.getUint16(offset, false)); offset += 2; return { value, offset }; } From 79569274e5d1588c1d4cd7fbb9acde37bd3f8687 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 16:37:48 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 11/19] poc decoding and encoding(wip) implementations --- package.json | 1 + src/base64.ts | 2 +- src/model/types/index.ts | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- src/utils.ts | 12 +++---- test/utils.test.ts | 76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 5 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index a7ef03c38..0bb93afe9 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ "scripts": { "compile": "rm -rf dist/lib && tsc && tsc --build tsconfig.es5.json", "test": "jest --coverage --testPathIgnorePatterns ./test/integration.test.ts", + "test-utils": "jest --coverage --testPathPattern ./test/utils.test.ts", "test-integration": "jest --coverage --testPathPattern ./test/integration.test.ts", "dev": "tsc --watch", "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts . --fix", diff --git a/src/base64.ts b/src/base64.ts index 7f1b09237..5d8572176 100644 --- a/src/base64.ts +++ b/src/base64.ts @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ function base64urlFromBase64(str: string) { // .replace(/=/g, '.'); } -export { encodeUint8toBase64, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeJsonToBase64, encodeBase64ToJson }; +export { encodeUint8toBase64, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeJsonToBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, base64urlToBase64, base64urlFromBase64 }; diff --git a/src/model/types/index.ts b/src/model/types/index.ts index 1193535c0..52142b5fd 100644 --- a/src/model/types/index.ts +++ b/src/model/types/index.ts @@ -357,9 +357,6 @@ export type CheckStateEntry = { * Response when checking proofs if they are spendable. Should not rely on this for receiving, since it can be easily cheated. */ export type CheckStateResponse = { - /** - * - */ states: Array; } & ApiError; /** @@ -436,6 +433,66 @@ export type TokenV2 = { mints: Array<{ url: string; ids: Array }>; }; +export type TokenV4DLEQProof = { + e: Uint8Array, + s: Uint8Array, + r: Uint8Array +} + +export type TokenV4Proof = { + /** amount */ + a: number, + /** secret */ + s: string, + /** signature */ + c: Uint8Array, + /** DLEQ proof */ + d?: TokenV4DLEQProof, + /** witness */ + w?: string +} + +export type TokenV4Entry = { + /** keyset id */ + i: Uint8Array + /** proofs */ + p: TokenV4Proof[] +} + +/** + * new token format (v4) + * @see + */ +export type TokenV4 = { + /** mint url */ + m: string; + /** unit */ + u: string; + /** memo */ + d?: string; + /** tokens */ + t: TokenV4Entry[] +} + +// hexed variants + +export type HexedTokenV4Proof = Omit & { + /** hex representation of signature */ + c: string, +} + +export type HexedTokenV4Entry = Omit & { + /** hex representation of keyset id */ + i: string, + /** proofs */ + p: HexedTokenV4Proof[] +} + +export type HexedTokenV4 = TokenV4 & { + /** tokens with hex representations instead of Uint8Arrays */ + t: HexedTokenV4Entry[] +} + /** * Data that the library needs to hold in memory while it awaits the blinded signatures for the mint. It is later used for unblinding the signatures. */ diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index 1ace779b7..1bf9d12b3 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ import { encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeJsonToBase64 } from './base64.js'; -import { AmountPreference, Keys, Proof, Token, TokenEntry, TokenV2 } from './model/types/index.js'; +import { AmountPreference, Keys, Proof, Token, TokenEntry, TokenV2, TokenV4 } from './model/types/index.js'; import { TOKEN_PREFIX, TOKEN_VERSION } from './utils/Constants.js'; import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/curves/abstract/utils'; import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256'; @@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ function getEncodedToken(token: Token): string { return TOKEN_PREFIX + TOKEN_VERSION + encodeJsonToBase64(token); } +function getEncodedTokenV4(token: TokenV4): string { + throw new Error('Not implemented yet'); +} + /** * Helper function to decode cashu tokens into object * @param token an encoded cashu token (cashuAey...) @@ -105,11 +109,7 @@ function handleTokens(token: string): Token { return encodeBase64ToJson(encodedToken); } else if (version === 'B') { const uInt8Token = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedToken); - const tokenData = decodeCBOR(uInt8Token) as { - t: { p: { a: number; s: string; c: Uint8Array }[]; i: Uint8Array }[]; - m: string; - d: string; - }; + const tokenData = decodeCBOR(uInt8Token) as TokenV4; const mergedTokenEntry: TokenEntry = { mint: tokenData.m, proofs: [] }; tokenData.t.forEach((tokenEntry) => tokenEntry.p.forEach((p) => { diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index 1569cd782..e73b00a4c 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ -import { AmountPreference, Token } from '../src/model/types/index.js'; -import * as utils from '../src/utils.js'; -import { PUBKEYS } from './consts.js'; +import { AmountPreference, HexedTokenV4, HexedTokenV4Entry, Token, TokenV4 } from '../src/model/types/index'; +import * as utils from '../src/utils'; +import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; +import { PUBKEYS } from './consts'; +import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes as h } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; +import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; describe('test split amounts ', () => { test('testing amount 2561', async () => { @@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ describe('test split custom amounts ', () => { }); }); -describe('test decode token', () => { +describe('test decode token v1 v2', () => { test('testing v1 Token', () => { const token = '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'; @@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { }); }); -describe('test decode token', () => { +describe('test decode token v3 v4', () => { test('testing v3 Token', async () => { const obj = { token: [ @@ -173,8 +176,71 @@ describe('test decode token', () => { const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); expect(result).toStrictEqual(v3Token); }); + test('decode v4 specification token', async () => { + const encodedToken = `cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==` + + const noPrefix = encodedToken.slice(6) + const decodeduint = encodeBase64toUint8(noPrefix) + const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint) as TokenV4 + const hexedCBOR: HexedTokenV4 = { m: dt.m, u: dt.u, t: [] } + + for (const token of dt.t) { + const hexedToken: HexedTokenV4Entry = { i: bytesToHex(token.i), p: [] } + + for (const proof of token.p) { + const hexedProof = { a: proof.a, s: proof.s, c: bytesToHex(proof.c) } + hexedToken.p.push(hexedProof) + } + hexedCBOR.t.push(hexedToken) + } + // this works + + console.log(JSON.stringify(hexedCBOR, null, 2)) + // console.log(JSON.stringify(dt, null, 2)) + }) }); +describe('test encode token v4', () => { + test('encode v4 token', async () => { + const token: TokenV4 = { + t: [ + { + i: h('00ffd48b8f5ecf80'), + p: [ + { + a: 1, + s: "acc12435e7b8484c3cf1850149218af90f716a52bf4a5ed347e48ecc13f77388", + c: h('0244538319de485d55bed3b29a642bee5879375ab9e7a620e11e48ba482421f3cf') + } + ] + }, + { + "i": h('00ad268c4d1f5826'), + "p": [ + { + "a": 2, + "s": "1323d3d4707a58ad2e23ada4e9f1f49f5a5b4ac7b708eb0d61f738f48307e8ee", + "c": h('023456aa110d84b4ac747aebd82c3b005aca50bf457ebd5737a4414fac3ae7d94d'), + }, + { + "a": 1, + "s": "56bcbcbb7cc6406b3fa5d57d2174f4eff8b4402b176926d3a57d3c3dcbb59d57", + "c": h('0273129c5719e599379a974a626363c333c56cafc0e6d01abe46d5808280789c63'), + }, + ], + }, + ], + m: 'http://localhost:3338', + u: 'sat' + } + const cbor = encodeCBOR(token); + const b64 = encodeUint8toBase64(cbor) + const b64_url = base64urlFromBase64(b64) + const prefixed = 'cashuB' + b64_url + console.log(prefixed) + }) +}) + describe('test keyset derivation', () => { test('derive', () => { const keys = PUBKEYS; From 7b5598c0a5d46338fc002fe609bf0275b856503f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 17:52:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 12/19] more work, add diffing library temporarily --- package.json | 5 +- pnpm-lock.yaml | 8 +++ src/utils.ts | 6 +- test/utils.test.ts | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 4 files changed, 96 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 0bb93afe9..8634e5453 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ "name": "@cashu/cashu-ts", "version": "1.0.0-rc.12-minibits", "description": "cashu library for communicating with a cashu mint", - "main": "src/index.ts", + "main": "src/index.ts", "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ "@noble/hashes": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip32": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip39": "^1.2.2", - "buffer": "^6.0.3" + "buffer": "^6.0.3", + "microdiff": "^1.4.0" } } diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml index 52e73c44b..85a44cfed 100644 --- a/pnpm-lock.yaml +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ importers: buffer: specifier: ^6.0.3 version: 6.0.3 + microdiff: + specifier: ^1.4.0 + version: 1.4.0 devDependencies: '@types/jest': specifier: ^29.5.1 @@ -1629,6 +1632,9 @@ packages: resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg==} engines: {node: '>= 8'} + microdiff@1.4.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-OBKBOa1VBznvLPb/3ljeJaENVe0fO0lnWl77lR4vhPlQD71UpjEoRV5P0KdQkcjbFlBu1Oy2mEUBMU3wxcBAGg==} + micromatch@4.0.7: resolution: {integrity: sha512-LPP/3KorzCwBxfeUuZmaR6bG2kdeHSbe0P2tY3FLRU4vYrjYz5hI4QZwV0njUx3jeuKe67YukQ1LSPZBKDqO/Q==} engines: {node: '>=8.6'} @@ -4219,6 +4225,8 @@ snapshots: merge2@1.4.1: {} + microdiff@1.4.0: {} + micromatch@4.0.7: dependencies: braces: 3.0.3 diff --git a/src/utils.ts b/src/utils.ts index 1bf9d12b3..a31635954 100644 --- a/src/utils.ts +++ b/src/utils.ts @@ -77,9 +77,9 @@ function getEncodedToken(token: Token): string { return TOKEN_PREFIX + TOKEN_VERSION + encodeJsonToBase64(token); } -function getEncodedTokenV4(token: TokenV4): string { - throw new Error('Not implemented yet'); -} +// function getEncodedTokenV4(token: TokenV4): string { +// throw new Error('Not implemented yet'); +// } /** * Helper function to decode cashu tokens into object diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index e73b00a4c..54baca51c 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ import { AmountPreference, HexedTokenV4, HexedTokenV4Entry, Token, TokenV4 } fro import * as utils from '../src/utils'; import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; import { PUBKEYS } from './consts'; -import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes as h } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; +import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; +import diff from 'microdiff'; describe('test split amounts ', () => { test('testing amount 2561', async () => { @@ -176,69 +177,92 @@ describe('test decode token v3 v4', () => { const result = utils.getDecodedToken(token); expect(result).toStrictEqual(v3Token); }); - test('decode v4 specification token', async () => { - const encodedToken = `cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==` - - const noPrefix = encodedToken.slice(6) - const decodeduint = encodeBase64toUint8(noPrefix) - const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint) as TokenV4 - const hexedCBOR: HexedTokenV4 = { m: dt.m, u: dt.u, t: [] } - - for (const token of dt.t) { - const hexedToken: HexedTokenV4Entry = { i: bytesToHex(token.i), p: [] } - - for (const proof of token.p) { - const hexedProof = { a: proof.a, s: proof.s, c: bytesToHex(proof.c) } - hexedToken.p.push(hexedProof) - } - hexedCBOR.t.push(hexedToken) - } - // this works - console.log(JSON.stringify(hexedCBOR, null, 2)) - // console.log(JSON.stringify(dt, null, 2)) - }) + // test('decode v4 specification token', async () => { + // const encodedToken = `cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==` + + + // // this works + + // // console.log(JSON.stringify(hexedCBOR, null, 2)) + // // console.log(JSON.stringify(dt, null, 2)) + // }) }); -describe('test encode token v4', () => { - test('encode v4 token', async () => { - const token: TokenV4 = { - t: [ - { - i: h('00ffd48b8f5ecf80'), - p: [ +function encodeV4Token(tokenTBE: TokenV4) { + const cbor = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE); + const b64 = encodeUint8toBase64(cbor) + const b64_url = base64urlFromBase64(b64) + const prefixed = 'cashuB' + b64_url + return prefixed +} + +function decodeV4Token(encodedToken: string) { + const noPrefix = encodedToken.slice(6) + const decodeduint = encodeBase64toUint8(noPrefix) + const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint) as TokenV4 + return dt; +} + +/** swap Uint8Arrays for hex strings */ +function hexTokenObject(tokenObj: TokenV4) { + const hexedCBOR: HexedTokenV4 = { m: tokenObj.m, u: tokenObj.u, t: [] } + + for (const token of tokenObj.t) { + const hexedToken: HexedTokenV4Entry = { i: bytesToHex(token.i), p: [] } + + for (const proof of token.p) { + const hexedProof = { a: proof.a, s: proof.s, c: bytesToHex(proof.c) } + hexedToken.p.push(hexedProof) + } + hexedCBOR.t.push(hexedToken) + } + return hexedCBOR +} + +describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { + const tokenTBE: TokenV4 = { + t: [ + { + i: hexToBytes('00ffd48b8f5ecf80'), + p: [ + { + a: 1, + s: "acc12435e7b8484c3cf1850149218af90f716a52bf4a5ed347e48ecc13f77388", + c: hexToBytes('0244538319de485d55bed3b29a642bee5879375ab9e7a620e11e48ba482421f3cf') + } + ] + }, + { + "i": hexToBytes('00ad268c4d1f5826'), + "p": [ { - a: 1, - s: "acc12435e7b8484c3cf1850149218af90f716a52bf4a5ed347e48ecc13f77388", - c: h('0244538319de485d55bed3b29a642bee5879375ab9e7a620e11e48ba482421f3cf') - } - ] - }, - { - "i": h('00ad268c4d1f5826'), - "p": [ - { - "a": 2, - "s": "1323d3d4707a58ad2e23ada4e9f1f49f5a5b4ac7b708eb0d61f738f48307e8ee", - "c": h('023456aa110d84b4ac747aebd82c3b005aca50bf457ebd5737a4414fac3ae7d94d'), - }, - { - "a": 1, - "s": "56bcbcbb7cc6406b3fa5d57d2174f4eff8b4402b176926d3a57d3c3dcbb59d57", - "c": h('0273129c5719e599379a974a626363c333c56cafc0e6d01abe46d5808280789c63'), - }, - ], + "a": 2, + "s": "1323d3d4707a58ad2e23ada4e9f1f49f5a5b4ac7b708eb0d61f738f48307e8ee", + "c": hexToBytes('023456aa110d84b4ac747aebd82c3b005aca50bf457ebd5737a4414fac3ae7d94d'), + }, + { + "a": 1, + "s": "56bcbcbb7cc6406b3fa5d57d2174f4eff8b4402b176926d3a57d3c3dcbb59d57", + "c": hexToBytes('0273129c5719e599379a974a626363c333c56cafc0e6d01abe46d5808280789c63'), + }, + ], }, - ], - m: 'http://localhost:3338', - u: 'sat' - } - const cbor = encodeCBOR(token); - const b64 = encodeUint8toBase64(cbor) - const b64_url = base64urlFromBase64(b64) - const prefixed = 'cashuB' + b64_url - console.log(prefixed) + ], + m: 'http://localhost:3338', + u: 'sat' + } + + test('decoded v4 token is the same as the one we want to encode', async () => { + const decodedToken = decodeV4Token(`cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==`) + + console.log(diff(tokenTBE, decodedToken)) + expect(tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(decodedToken) }) + + // test('encode v4 token', async () => { + // console.log(encodeV4Token(tokenTBE)) + // }) }) describe('test keyset derivation', () => { From 76dad4f04b846dc27c515c364b1fde5da821ce59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 18:12:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 13/19] slight cleanup --- package.json | 3 +-- pnpm-lock.yaml | 8 -------- test/utils.test.ts | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------- 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 8634e5453..3ab7be968 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ "@noble/hashes": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip32": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip39": "^1.2.2", - "buffer": "^6.0.3", - "microdiff": "^1.4.0" + "buffer": "^6.0.3" } } diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml index 85a44cfed..52e73c44b 100644 --- a/pnpm-lock.yaml +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -26,9 +26,6 @@ importers: buffer: specifier: ^6.0.3 version: 6.0.3 - microdiff: - specifier: ^1.4.0 - version: 1.4.0 devDependencies: '@types/jest': specifier: ^29.5.1 @@ -1632,9 +1629,6 @@ packages: resolution: {integrity: sha512-8q7VEgMJW4J8tcfVPy8g09NcQwZdbwFEqhe/WZkoIzjn/3TGDwtOCYtXGxA3O8tPzpczCCDgv+P2P5y00ZJOOg==} engines: {node: '>= 8'} - microdiff@1.4.0: - resolution: {integrity: sha512-OBKBOa1VBznvLPb/3ljeJaENVe0fO0lnWl77lR4vhPlQD71UpjEoRV5P0KdQkcjbFlBu1Oy2mEUBMU3wxcBAGg==} - micromatch@4.0.7: resolution: {integrity: sha512-LPP/3KorzCwBxfeUuZmaR6bG2kdeHSbe0P2tY3FLRU4vYrjYz5hI4QZwV0njUx3jeuKe67YukQ1LSPZBKDqO/Q==} engines: {node: '>=8.6'} @@ -4225,8 +4219,6 @@ snapshots: merge2@1.4.1: {} - microdiff@1.4.0: {} - micromatch@4.0.7: dependencies: braces: 3.0.3 diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index 54baca51c..9ed59da6b 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; import { PUBKEYS } from './consts'; import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; -import diff from 'microdiff'; describe('test split amounts ', () => { test('testing amount 2561', async () => { @@ -221,6 +220,11 @@ function hexTokenObject(tokenObj: TokenV4) { } describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { + + /** + * example token object from the spec + @see + */ const tokenTBE: TokenV4 = { t: [ { @@ -252,17 +256,32 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { m: 'http://localhost:3338', u: 'sat' } + const encodedExample = `cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==` - test('decoded v4 token is the same as the one we want to encode', async () => { - const decodedToken = decodeV4Token(`cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==`) + test('decoded v4 token is the same as tokenTBE (spec)', async () => { + const decodedToken = decodeV4Token(encodedExample) - console.log(diff(tokenTBE, decodedToken)) expect(tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(decodedToken) }) - // test('encode v4 token', async () => { - // console.log(encodeV4Token(tokenTBE)) - // }) + test('CBOR of tokenTBE (spec) is the same as cbor of encodedExample', async () => { + const cbor_tokenTBE = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE); + const cbor_encodedExample = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedExample.slice(6)) + + console.log( + 'cbor_tokenTBE', + cbor_tokenTBE.length, + 'cbor_encodedExample', + cbor_encodedExample.length + ) + + expect(cbor_tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(cbor_encodedExample) + }) + + test('encoded tokenTBE (spec) is what it should be', async () => { + const encodedToken = encodeV4Token(tokenTBE) + expect(encodedToken).toBe(encodedExample) + }) }) describe('test keyset derivation', () => { From 6ce03f0e37091d5572bb2082f2735707367a7d7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 19:23:59 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 14/19] revert --- test/utils.test.ts | 14 ++++++++------ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index 9ed59da6b..b8b707653 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ import { AmountPreference, HexedTokenV4, HexedTokenV4Entry, Token, TokenV4 } from '../src/model/types/index'; import * as utils from '../src/utils'; import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; +// import { decode as decodeCBOR, encode as encodeCBOR } from 'cborg'; +// import { decode, encode } from 'cborg'; import { PUBKEYS } from './consts'; import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; @@ -258,12 +260,6 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { } const encodedExample = `cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==` - test('decoded v4 token is the same as tokenTBE (spec)', async () => { - const decodedToken = decodeV4Token(encodedExample) - - expect(tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(decodedToken) - }) - test('CBOR of tokenTBE (spec) is the same as cbor of encodedExample', async () => { const cbor_tokenTBE = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE); const cbor_encodedExample = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedExample.slice(6)) @@ -278,6 +274,12 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { expect(cbor_tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(cbor_encodedExample) }) + test('decoded v4 token is the same as tokenTBE (spec)', async () => { + const decodedToken = decodeV4Token(encodedExample) + + expect(tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(decodedToken) + }) + test('encoded tokenTBE (spec) is what it should be', async () => { const encodedToken = encodeV4Token(tokenTBE) expect(encodedToken).toBe(encodedExample) From ea31d0cfe550ca8baa887a26828df3a99b353d17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:45:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 15/19] handeled encoder edge cases --- src/cbor.ts | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/cbor.ts b/src/cbor.ts index 4a78889c5..bedc1b6a2 100644 --- a/src/cbor.ts +++ b/src/cbor.ts @@ -34,7 +34,19 @@ function encodeUnsigned(value: number, buffer: Array) { } else if (value < 4294967296) { buffer.push(0x1a, value >> 24, (value >> 16) & 0xff, (value >> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff); } else { - throw new Error('Unsupported integer size'); + const hi = Math.floor(value / 0x100000000); + const lo = value >>> 0; + buffer.push( + 0x1b, + hi >> 24, + (hi >> 16) & 0xff, + (hi >> 8) & 0xff, + hi & 0xff, + lo >> 24, + (lo >> 16) & 0xff, + (lo >> 8) & 0xff, + lo & 0xff + ); } } @@ -45,9 +57,17 @@ function encodeString(value: string, buffer: Array) { utf8.forEach((b) => buffer.push(b)); } -function encodeArray(value: Array, buffer: Array) { - encodeUnsigned(value.length, buffer); - buffer[buffer.length - 1] |= 0x80; +function encodeArray(value: Array, buffer: Array): void { + const length = value.length; + if (length < 24) { + buffer.push(0x80 | length); + } else if (length < 256) { + buffer.push(0x98, length); + } else if (length < 65536) { + buffer.push(0x99, length >> 8, length & 0xff); + } else { + buffer.push(0x9a, length >> 24, (length >> 16) & 0xff, (length >> 8) & 0xff, length & 0xff); + } for (const item of value) { encodeItem(item, buffer); } From 14a724aeed0f05a1eae12dc3fe0dc63cadac623d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Egge Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 12:45:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 16/19] added cbor encoder tests --- test/cbor.test.ts | 198 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 196 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/cbor.test.ts b/test/cbor.test.ts index e9df53b1c..538140933 100644 --- a/test/cbor.test.ts +++ b/test/cbor.test.ts @@ -1,4 +1,191 @@ -import { decodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; +import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; + +const encoderTests = [ + { + cbor: 'AA==', + hex: '00', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 0 + }, + { + cbor: 'AQ==', + hex: '01', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1 + }, + { + cbor: 'Cg==', + hex: '0a', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 10 + }, + { + cbor: 'Fw==', + hex: '17', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 23 + }, + { + cbor: 'GBg=', + hex: '1818', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 24 + }, + { + cbor: 'GBk=', + hex: '1819', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 25 + }, + { + cbor: 'GGQ=', + hex: '1864', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 100 + }, + { + cbor: 'GQPo', + hex: '1903e8', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1000 + }, + { + cbor: 'GgAPQkA=', + hex: '1a000f4240', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1000000 + }, + { + cbor: 'GwAAAOjUpRAA', + hex: '1b000000e8d4a51000', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 1000000000000 + }, + { + cbor: '9A==', + hex: 'f4', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: false + }, + { + cbor: '9Q==', + hex: 'f5', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: true + }, + { + cbor: '9g==', + hex: 'f6', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: null + }, + { + cbor: 'YA==', + hex: '60', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '' + }, + { + cbor: 'YWE=', + hex: '6161', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 'a' + }, + { + cbor: 'ZElFVEY=', + hex: '6449455446', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 'IETF' + }, + { + cbor: 'YiJc', + hex: '62225c', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '"\\' + }, + { + cbor: 'YsO8', + hex: '62c3bc', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: 'ü' + }, + { + cbor: 'Y+awtA==', + hex: '63e6b0b4', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '水' + }, + { + cbor: 'ZPCQhZE=', + hex: '64f0908591', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: '𐅑' + }, + { + cbor: 'gA==', + hex: '80', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [] + }, + { + cbor: 'gwECAw==', + hex: '83010203', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [1, 2, 3] + }, + { + cbor: 'gwGCAgOCBAU=', + hex: '8301820203820405', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [1, [2, 3], [4, 5]] + }, + { + cbor: 'mBkBAgMEBQYHCAkKCwwNDg8QERITFBUWFxgYGBk=', + hex: '98190102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718181819', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [ + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 + ] + }, + { + cbor: 'oA==', + hex: 'a0', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: {} + }, + { + cbor: 'omFhAWFiggID', + hex: 'a26161016162820203', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: { + a: 1, + b: [2, 3] + } + }, + { + cbor: 'gmFhoWFiYWM=', + hex: '826161a161626163', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: [ + 'a', + { + b: 'c' + } + ] + }, + { + cbor: 'pWFhYUFhYmFCYWNhQ2FkYURhZWFF', + hex: 'a56161614161626142616361436164614461656145', + roundtrip: true, + decoded: { + a: 'A', + b: 'B', + c: 'C', + d: 'D', + e: 'E' + } + } +]; const tests = [ { @@ -285,10 +472,17 @@ const tests = [ describe('cbor decoder', () => { test.each(tests)('given $hex as arguments, returns $decoded', ({ hex, decoded }) => { - //@ts-ignore const res = decodeCBOR(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')); console.log(decoded); console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(decoded); }); }); + +describe('cbor encoder', () => { + test.each(encoderTests)('give $decoded as argument, return $hex', ({ hex, decoded }) => { + const res = encodeCBOR(decoded); + console.log(res); + expect(res).toEqual(Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))); + }); +}); From 75fcca7598d4c242a49f4c1c53a2a983a3602ba0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 13:49:09 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 17/19] modify tests for v4 token --- test/utils.test.ts | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index b8b707653..4f70d5d75 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ -import { AmountPreference, HexedTokenV4, HexedTokenV4Entry, Token, TokenV4 } from '../src/model/types/index'; +import { AmountPreference, HexedTokenV4, HexedTokenV4Entry, Token, TokenV4, TokenV4Entry } from '../src/model/types/index'; import * as utils from '../src/utils'; import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; -// import { decode as decodeCBOR, encode as encodeCBOR } from 'cborg'; -// import { decode, encode } from 'cborg'; import { PUBKEYS } from './consts'; import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; -import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; +import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeJsonToBase64, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; +// import diff from 'microdiff'; describe('test split amounts ', () => { test('testing amount 2561', async () => { @@ -199,9 +198,9 @@ function encodeV4Token(tokenTBE: TokenV4) { } function decodeV4Token(encodedToken: string) { - const noPrefix = encodedToken.slice(6) - const decodeduint = encodeBase64toUint8(noPrefix) - const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint) as TokenV4 + const noPrefix = encodedToken.slice(6) // base64url + const decodeduint = encodeBase64toUint8(noPrefix) // uint8array + const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint) as TokenV4 // TokenV4 object return dt; } @@ -221,6 +220,21 @@ function hexTokenObject(tokenObj: TokenV4) { return hexedCBOR } +function buffersToUint8ArraysTokenObj(tokenObj: TokenV4) { + const cbor2: TokenV4 = { m: tokenObj.m, u: tokenObj.u, t: [] } + + for (const token of tokenObj.t) { + const token2: TokenV4Entry = { i: Uint8Array.from(token.i), p: [] } + + for (const proof of token.p) { + const proof2 = { a: proof.a, s: proof.s, c: Uint8Array.from(proof.c) } + token2.p.push(proof2) + } + cbor2.t.push(token2) + } + return cbor2 +} + describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { /** @@ -230,27 +244,27 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { const tokenTBE: TokenV4 = { t: [ { - i: hexToBytes('00ffd48b8f5ecf80'), + i: Uint8Array.from(hexToBytes('00ffd48b8f5ecf80')), p: [ { a: 1, s: "acc12435e7b8484c3cf1850149218af90f716a52bf4a5ed347e48ecc13f77388", - c: hexToBytes('0244538319de485d55bed3b29a642bee5879375ab9e7a620e11e48ba482421f3cf') + c: Uint8Array.from(hexToBytes('0244538319de485d55bed3b29a642bee5879375ab9e7a620e11e48ba482421f3cf')) } ] }, { - "i": hexToBytes('00ad268c4d1f5826'), + "i": Uint8Array.from(hexToBytes('00ad268c4d1f5826')), "p": [ { "a": 2, "s": "1323d3d4707a58ad2e23ada4e9f1f49f5a5b4ac7b708eb0d61f738f48307e8ee", - "c": hexToBytes('023456aa110d84b4ac747aebd82c3b005aca50bf457ebd5737a4414fac3ae7d94d'), + "c": Uint8Array.from(hexToBytes('023456aa110d84b4ac747aebd82c3b005aca50bf457ebd5737a4414fac3ae7d94d')), }, { "a": 1, "s": "56bcbcbb7cc6406b3fa5d57d2174f4eff8b4402b176926d3a57d3c3dcbb59d57", - "c": hexToBytes('0273129c5719e599379a974a626363c333c56cafc0e6d01abe46d5808280789c63'), + "c": Uint8Array.from(hexToBytes('0273129c5719e599379a974a626363c333c56cafc0e6d01abe46d5808280789c63')), }, ], }, @@ -260,26 +274,40 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { } const encodedExample = `cashuBo2F0gqJhaUgA_9SLj17PgGFwgaNhYQFhc3hAYWNjMTI0MzVlN2I4NDg0YzNjZjE4NTAxNDkyMThhZjkwZjcxNmE1MmJmNGE1ZWQzNDdlNDhlY2MxM2Y3NzM4OGFjWCECRFODGd5IXVW-07KaZCvuWHk3WrnnpiDhHki6SCQh88-iYWlIAK0mjE0fWCZhcIKjYWECYXN4QDEzMjNkM2Q0NzA3YTU4YWQyZTIzYWRhNGU5ZjFmNDlmNWE1YjRhYzdiNzA4ZWIwZDYxZjczOGY0ODMwN2U4ZWVhY1ghAjRWqhENhLSsdHrr2Cw7AFrKUL9Ffr1XN6RBT6w659lNo2FhAWFzeEA1NmJjYmNiYjdjYzY0MDZiM2ZhNWQ1N2QyMTc0ZjRlZmY4YjQ0MDJiMTc2OTI2ZDNhNTdkM2MzZGNiYjU5ZDU3YWNYIQJzEpxXGeWZN5qXSmJjY8MzxWyvwObQGr5G1YCCgHicY2FtdWh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6MzMzOGF1Y3NhdA==` - test('CBOR of tokenTBE (spec) is the same as cbor of encodedExample', async () => { - const cbor_tokenTBE = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE); - const cbor_encodedExample = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedExample.slice(6)) - - console.log( - 'cbor_tokenTBE', - cbor_tokenTBE.length, - 'cbor_encodedExample', - cbor_encodedExample.length - ) - - expect(cbor_tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(cbor_encodedExample) - }) - - test('decoded v4 token is the same as tokenTBE (spec)', async () => { + test('js objects equal: decoded v4 token is the same as tokenTBE (spec)', async () => { const decodedToken = decodeV4Token(encodedExample) - expect(tokenTBE).toStrictEqual(decodedToken) }) + test('cbor encode is symmetric to cbor decode', async () => { + const result = decodeCBOR(encodeCBOR(tokenTBE)); + // console.log('microdiff', diff(tokenTBE, result)) + expect(tokenTBE).toEqual(result) + }) + + // test('token v4 encode is symmetric to token v4decode', async () => { + // const result = decodeV4Token(encodeV4Token(tokenTBE)); + // // console.log('microdiff', diff(tokenTBE, result)) + // expect(tokenTBE).toEqual(result) + // }) + + + // test('cbor representations equal: CBOR of tokenTBE (spec) is the same as cbor of encodedExample', async () => { + // const cbor_tokenTBE = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE) + // const cbor_encodedExample = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedExample.slice(6)) + + // console.log( + // 'cbor_tokenTBE', + // cbor_tokenTBE.length, + // typeof cbor_tokenTBE, Object.keys(cbor_tokenTBE), + // 'cbor_encodedExample', + // cbor_encodedExample.length, + // typeof cbor_encodedExample, Object.keys(cbor_encodedExample) + // ) + + // expect(cbor_tokenTBE).toEqual(cbor_encodedExample) + // }) + test('encoded tokenTBE (spec) is what it should be', async () => { const encodedToken = encodeV4Token(tokenTBE) expect(encodedToken).toBe(encodedExample) From 0732cd04368fe4b4e3f4722bee254580a9b40bc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 14:01:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 18/19] add more cbor tests --- package.json | 3 ++- test/cbor.test.ts | 21 ++++++++++++++++++--- 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 1abf16285..f1c131613 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ "scripts": { "compile": "rm -rf dist/lib && tsc && tsc --build tsconfig.es5.json", "test": "jest --coverage --testPathIgnorePatterns ./test/integration.test.ts", - "test-utils": "jest --coverage --testPathPattern ./test/utils.test.ts", "test-integration": "jest --coverage --testPathPattern ./test/integration.test.ts", + "test:utils": "jest --coverage --testPathPattern ./test/utils.test.ts", + "test:cbor": "jest --coverage --testPathPattern ./test/cbor.test.ts", "dev": "tsc --watch", "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts . --fix", "format": "prettier --write .", diff --git a/test/cbor.test.ts b/test/cbor.test.ts index 538140933..0ebe45a78 100644 --- a/test/cbor.test.ts +++ b/test/cbor.test.ts @@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ const tests = [ describe('cbor decoder', () => { test.each(tests)('given $hex as arguments, returns $decoded', ({ hex, decoded }) => { const res = decodeCBOR(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex')); - console.log(decoded); - console.log(res); + // console.log(decoded); + // console.log(res); expect(res).toEqual(decoded); }); }); @@ -482,7 +482,22 @@ describe('cbor decoder', () => { describe('cbor encoder', () => { test.each(encoderTests)('give $decoded as argument, return $hex', ({ hex, decoded }) => { const res = encodeCBOR(decoded); - console.log(res); + // console.log(res); + expect(res).toEqual(Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))); + }); +}); + +// warning: i'm not exactly sure what's the difference between the encoderTests and tests, so these might be useless +describe('cbor encode -> decoder symmetry', () => { + test.each(encoderTests)('give $decoded as argument, return $hex', ({ hex, decoded }) => { + const res = decodeCBOR(encodeCBOR(decoded)); + expect(res).toEqual(decoded); + }); +}); + +describe('cbor decode -> encoder symmetry', () => { + test.each(tests)('given $hex as arguments, returns $decoded', ({ hex, decoded }) => { + const res = encodeCBOR(decodeCBOR(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))); expect(res).toEqual(Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(hex, 'hex'))); }); }); From 5c727df8af5f0fae81d3a8c7e9b22b0b5748ec96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: KraXen72 Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2024 19:09:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 19/19] some stuff --- package.json | 3 ++- pnpm-lock.yaml | 23 +++++++++++++++++++++++ test/utils.test.ts | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 3 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index f1c131613..ee25113c4 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ "@noble/hashes": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip32": "^1.3.3", "@scure/bip39": "^1.2.2", - "buffer": "^6.0.3" + "buffer": "^6.0.3", + "cbor-redux": "^1.0.0" } } diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml index 52e73c44b..e4ac8b700 100644 --- a/pnpm-lock.yaml +++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml @@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ importers: buffer: specifier: ^6.0.3 version: 6.0.3 + cbor-redux: + specifier: ^1.0.0 + version: 1.0.0 devDependencies: '@types/jest': specifier: ^29.5.1 @@ -262,6 +265,12 @@ packages: resolution: {integrity: sha512-IchNf6dN4tHoMFIn/7OE8LWZ19Y6q/67Bmf6vnGREv8RSbBVb9LPJxEcnwrcwX6ixSvaiGoomAUvu4YSxXrVgw==} engines: {node: '>=12'} + '@deno/shim-deno-test@0.4.0': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-oYWcD7CpERZy/TXMTM9Tgh1HD/POHlbY9WpzmAk+5H8DohcxG415Qws8yLGlim3EaKBT2v3lJv01x4G0BosnaQ==} + + '@deno/shim-deno@0.16.1': + resolution: {integrity: sha512-s9v0kzF5bm/o9TgdwvsraHx6QNllYrXXmKzgOG2lh4LFXnVMr2gpjK/c/ve6EflQn1MqImcWmVD8HAv5ahuuZQ==} + '@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0': resolution: {integrity: sha512-1/sA4dwrzBAyeUoQ6oxahHKmrZvsnLCg4RfxW3ZFGGmQkSNQPFNLV9CUEFQP1x9EYXHTo5p6xdhZM1Ne9p/AfA==} engines: {node: ^12.22.0 || ^14.17.0 || >=16.0.0} @@ -721,6 +730,9 @@ packages: caniuse-lite@1.0.30001642: resolution: {integrity: sha512-3XQ0DoRgLijXJErLSl+bLnJ+Et4KqV1PY6JJBGAFlsNsz31zeAIncyeZfLCabHK/jtSh+671RM9YMldxjUPZtA==} + cbor-redux@1.0.0: + resolution: {integrity: sha512-nqCD/Yu2FON0XgZYdUNsMx1Tc08MOY3noh9bO2MvkjlyLZyqIVWjuz6A0mDrPJncdOfacokFUtF7zlzzP5oK5A==} + chalk@2.4.2: resolution: {integrity: sha512-Mti+f9lpJNcwF4tWV8/OrTTtF1gZi+f8FqlyAdouralcFWFQWF2+NgCHShjkCb+IFBLq9buZwE1xckQU4peSuQ==} engines: {node: '>=4'} @@ -2427,6 +2439,13 @@ snapshots: dependencies: '@jridgewell/trace-mapping': 0.3.9 + '@deno/shim-deno-test@0.4.0': {} + + '@deno/shim-deno@0.16.1': + dependencies: + '@deno/shim-deno-test': 0.4.0 + which: 2.0.2 + '@eslint-community/eslint-utils@4.4.0(eslint@8.57.0)': dependencies: eslint: 8.57.0 @@ -3071,6 +3090,10 @@ snapshots: caniuse-lite@1.0.30001642: {} + cbor-redux@1.0.0: + dependencies: + '@deno/shim-deno': 0.16.1 + chalk@2.4.2: dependencies: ansi-styles: 3.2.1 diff --git a/test/utils.test.ts b/test/utils.test.ts index 4f70d5d75..85eee9c3d 100644 --- a/test/utils.test.ts +++ b/test/utils.test.ts @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ import { AmountPreference, HexedTokenV4, HexedTokenV4Entry, Token, TokenV4, TokenV4Entry } from '../src/model/types/index'; import * as utils from '../src/utils'; -import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; +// import { decodeCBOR, encodeCBOR } from '../src/cbor'; +import { CBOR } from 'cbor-redux'; import { PUBKEYS } from './consts'; import { bytesToHex, hexToBytes } from '@noble/hashes/utils'; import { base64urlFromBase64, encodeBase64ToJson, encodeBase64toUint8, encodeJsonToBase64, encodeUint8toBase64 } from '../src/base64'; // import diff from 'microdiff'; +const encodeCBOR = CBOR.encode +const decodeCBOR = CBOR.decode + describe('test split amounts ', () => { test('testing amount 2561', async () => { const chunks = utils.splitAmount(2561); @@ -190,7 +194,7 @@ describe('test decode token v3 v4', () => { }); function encodeV4Token(tokenTBE: TokenV4) { - const cbor = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE); + const cbor = new Uint8Array(encodeCBOR(tokenTBE)); const b64 = encodeUint8toBase64(cbor) const b64_url = base64urlFromBase64(b64) const prefixed = 'cashuB' + b64_url @@ -200,7 +204,9 @@ function encodeV4Token(tokenTBE: TokenV4) { function decodeV4Token(encodedToken: string) { const noPrefix = encodedToken.slice(6) // base64url const decodeduint = encodeBase64toUint8(noPrefix) // uint8array - const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint) as TokenV4 // TokenV4 object + console.log(decodeduint) + const dt = decodeCBOR(decodeduint.buffer) as TokenV4 + console.log(decodeduint, dt) return dt; } @@ -284,6 +290,22 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { // console.log('microdiff', diff(tokenTBE, result)) expect(tokenTBE).toEqual(result) }) + + test('cbor representations equal: CBOR of tokenTBE (spec) is the same as cbor of encodedExample', async () => { + const cbor_tokenTBE = new Uint8Array(encodeCBOR(tokenTBE)) + const cbor_encodedExample = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedExample.slice(6)) + + console.log( + 'cbor_tokenTBE', + cbor_tokenTBE.length, + typeof cbor_tokenTBE, Object.keys(cbor_tokenTBE), + 'cbor_encodedExample', + cbor_encodedExample.length, + typeof cbor_encodedExample, Object.keys(cbor_encodedExample) + ) + + expect(cbor_tokenTBE).toEqual(cbor_encodedExample) + }) // test('token v4 encode is symmetric to token v4decode', async () => { // const result = decodeV4Token(encodeV4Token(tokenTBE)); @@ -292,21 +314,6 @@ describe('test encode & decode token v4 sync up', () => { // }) - // test('cbor representations equal: CBOR of tokenTBE (spec) is the same as cbor of encodedExample', async () => { - // const cbor_tokenTBE = encodeCBOR(tokenTBE) - // const cbor_encodedExample = encodeBase64toUint8(encodedExample.slice(6)) - - // console.log( - // 'cbor_tokenTBE', - // cbor_tokenTBE.length, - // typeof cbor_tokenTBE, Object.keys(cbor_tokenTBE), - // 'cbor_encodedExample', - // cbor_encodedExample.length, - // typeof cbor_encodedExample, Object.keys(cbor_encodedExample) - // ) - - // expect(cbor_tokenTBE).toEqual(cbor_encodedExample) - // }) test('encoded tokenTBE (spec) is what it should be', async () => { const encodedToken = encodeV4Token(tokenTBE)