From run (Control-R):
eventvwr # Event Viewer
control appwiz.cpl # Add or remove programs
Usual stuff:
perfmon # Performance Monitor
Visual Studio
msbuild someproj.csproj /v:diag
Common Operations
findstr /spin FooText * & REM Grep a string
dir /b /s *FooFile* & REM Search for filename
tree /f & REM tree cmd showing filenames in each directory
tree /f .\SomeDirectory
start . & REM Launches explorer.exe for current directory
<Command> | clip & REM Redirects output to Windows clipboard
clip < <FileName> & REM Copies content of <FileName> onto Windows clipboard
File and Directory Operations
cat .\somefile.txt
rename file1.txt file2.txt & REM Renames file1.txt to file2.txt
rename *.txt *.doc & REM Renames all .txt files to .doc files
move <source> <dest> & REM Moves one or more files (supports pattern)
mkdir FooDirectory
Process Management
tasklist & REM Lists all tasks
tasklist | find "notepad" & REM Greps for all tasks containing "notepad"
taskkill /pid 20792 & REM Kills task with process id 20792
Performance Management
typeperf "\Memory\Available bytes" "\processor(_total)\% processor time"
System Operations
ipconfig & REM Displays TCP/IP network configuration values