Content • Setup • Security • License
The Price Oracle contract is a vital component of the Mimic protocol, responsible for providing price data to support various operations and calculations within the decentralized ecosystem. It acts as an oracle, fetching and storing price information from external sources, which can be accessed by other contracts or components within the Mimic protocol.
To set up this project you'll need git and yarn installed. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository's package
$ cd v3-core/packages/price-oracle
# Install dependencies
$ yarn
# Run tests to make sure everything is set up correctly
$ yarn test
To read more about our auditing and related security processes please refer to the security section of our docs site.
However, if you found any potential issue in any of our smart contracts or in any piece of code you consider critical for the safety of the protocol, please contact us through [email protected].
GPL 3.0
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