All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Merged pull request by Alex Creuzot. Thank you Alex.
- Changes make this pod compatible with Swift version 4.2
- updated travis build script
- by William Miller.
- Update project settings as recommended by xcode
- Added pods 'SwiftLint' and 'SwiftLinkPreview'
- Updated the camera layout to display properly on iPhone X
- by William Miller.
- Upgraded to make the public class and properties available to Objective-C code by prepending @objc keyword before classes and properties.
- Upgraded deployment target to 9.0
- by William Miller.
- Upgraded to swift 4.
- by William Miller.
- Re-enabled the snap button after return from the delegate instead of before.
- by William Miller.
- Snap photo button is disabled after pressing until the photo capture is completed then it is re-enabled.
- by William Miller.
- Corrected problem in readme file.
- by William Miller.
Usage in many downloads with few reported issues shows the quality is ready for 1.0 release.
- Corrected syntax error on line 448 of file MMSCameraViewController.swift from
for port in (connection as AnyObject).inputPorts {
tofor port in (connection as! AVCaptureConnection).inputPorts {
- Corrected warning on line 25 of file Support.swift from
- Corrected warning in tests.swift by importing
- Corrected problem in podspec.
- by William Miller.
- Corrected string key "camera.interrupted.alert.msg"
- Removed resource bundle from podspec.
- by William Miller.
- Made the controls in the bars opaqe by making background transparent by assigning a color with an alpha value over setting the view's alpha value.
- Switch camera in the main thread not the background thread.
- Updated logic to deterimine the image orientation.
- by William Miller.
- Deleted the 0.1.5 tag and the pod trunk push still failed. Updated to a new tag to correct.
- Added by William Miller.
- Updated init so that the calling application can pass the bundleName and nibName.
- Removed .png files from the assets folder.
- Removed some unnecessary print statements.
- Added by William Miller.
- Corrected problem with podspec where resources were not included when installing the pod. Moved all the resources to the assets folder, and updated the podspec to reflect that.
- Added by William Miller.
- Made the protocal MMSCameraViewDelegate compatible with objective-c definition.
- Added by William Miller.
- Corrected problems in the build. Remove pod lib lint from travis build because swift 3 is support is in prerelease.
- Added by William Miller.
- Corrected formatting in so cocoapods reads correctly.
- Added by William Miller.
- Initial release of MMSCropViewController to begin the process for submitting to cocoapods.
- Added by William Miller.