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Initial Findings Regarding Front Matter Identification in HT

This exploratory aims to assess the overall feasibility of applying machine learning techniques to the problem of discriminating between factual and creative content in the initial pages of Hathi Trust (HT) volumes. The basic problem statement runs like so: Given a HT volume V, analyze the first n pages of V (where n is a small integer, on the order of 5-30). For each of these n pages p1, p2, ..., pn, we seek a prediction p'i in {factual, creative} that can guide a decision whether or not to "expose" pi to the public.

N.B. In my analysis, I refer to factual and creative as open and closed, respectively. Thus the aim is make a prediction in {open, closed} for each page pi. Thus, successful predictions will allow HT to expose open pages to the public while keeping access to creative pages under stricter control

The page labels (i.e. the ground truth) used in this analysis are described in

  • Lara McConnaughey, Jennifer Dai and David Bamman (2017), "The Labeled Segmentation of Printed Books" (EMNLP 2017) and are available here. The data consist of 1055 HT volumes with publication dates between 1750 and 1922. These 1055 volumes contain a total of 294,816 pages. For each volume in the data set, McConnoaughey et al labeled each page with one of ten categories (e.g. TOC, index, title page, advertisement, main text, etc.)

It is worth noting that the volumes and labels used here were collected in service to a problem similar to the one we are considering but not identical to it. The salient differences between McConnaughey et al's problem and ours are:

  • Dates: While our interest lies in volumes published after 1922, McConnaughey et al selected volumes published in or prior to 1922.
  • Labels: Our task is simpler than MConnaughey's. Instead of predicting the structural role that each page plays in a given volume, our aim is simply to assess whether each page is inherently factual or creative. In other words, our target variable's sample space is of size 2, while McConnaughey et al treat the target as a 10-category variable. This analysis resolves this difference by mapping each of McConnaughey et al's 10 categories onto {factual/open, creative/closed}. I performed this mapping myself.

Selection of n, The Number of Pages Under Consideration

Before approaching the task of labeling individual pages, we considered simpler question: Is it possible to select an integer n such that exposing the first n pages of all volumes will show a reasonable proportion of factual content while hiding most of the creative content?

false pos/neg Figure 1. False Positive/Negative Counts as a Function of n, the Number of Pages Exposed

Figure 1 suggests that this approach does not lead to a satisfying outcome. The figure shows two plots (hence the different scales shown on the graph's y-axis).

In both plots the x-axis is n, the number of pages hypothetically exposed per volume. In blue, the figure shows the number of false positives at n. In other words, each blue point gives the number of pages with a closed label (i.e. creative content) erroneously exposed under the hypothetical policy of opening the first n pages per volume.

The red points in the figure correspond to false negatives. That is, for a given n, how many factual pages have we failed to expose?

Figure 1 suggests that no single value of n yields a good outcome. For instance, if we chose the very conservative policy of exposing only the first n=5 pages of our 1055 volumes we have a very high false negative rate (approximately 14,000 unexposed factual pages), while still incurring 171 exposed creative pages.
Assuming that false positives (exposed creative/closed pages) is highly undesirable, Figure 1 suggests that we need a policy with more nuance than simply opening the first n pages per volume.

Prospects for Success using Machine Learning to Expose Factual Pages

In the previous section we explored the "naive" strategy of exposing the first n pages of each volume, and we found this strategy to be too blunt of an instrument for deployment in the wild. A more nuanced approach is to learn a function f(pi) that, given as input a page pi, returns a prediction o'i that quantifies that likelihood that pi is of class open. In this section we discuss initial results on the feasibility of learning such a function f using machine learning techniques.

Training Data

We use the labels created by McConnaughey et al to train the models described below. Thus we have 294,816 possible training instances--i.e. the labeled pages from 1055 volumes. However, we have altered these data slightly to suit our needs more closely. In particular, we altered the training data in two ways:

  • Target Variable: As described above, we map each of the 10 structural page categories used by McConnaughey et al onto the simpler scheme of {open, closed}. For instance, pages labeled by McConnaughey et al as TOC take the label open in our data, while pages labeled preface by McConnaughey are considered creative and thus carry a closed label in our data.
  • Pages Under Consideration: Though not strictly necessary, we have limited our consideration to pages with sequence numbers <= 30. That is, we consider only the first 30 (or fewer) pages per volume in our analysis. Thus we work with a total of 30,266 labeled pages in the following discussion.

Of our 30,266 pages, 11,453 carry the open label, while 18,813 are of type closed.

Predictor Variables

To test the feasibility of using machine learning for the task at hand, we generated a set of 11 simple features for each of our 30,266 pages.

| Variable Name			| Description					|
| ----------------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| seq				| The sequence/page number			|
| log_seq			| The log of the sequence number		|
| token_count			| Number of tokens on the page			|
| token_count_normalized	| (token_count - mean_tok_count)/std(tok_count)	|
| line_count			| Number of lines of text on the page		|
| line_count_normalized		| (line_count - mean_line_count)/std(line_count)|
| empty_line_count		| Number of empty lines on the page		|
| empty_line_count_normalized	| (empty_lc - mean_empty_lc) / std(empty_lc)	|
| cap_alpha_seq			| Longest observed sequence of alphabetical caps|
| pct_begin_char_caps		| % of lines that begin with a capital letter	|
| pct_end_char_numeric		| % of lines that end with a roman numeral	|

Table 1. Predictor Variables per Page. N.B. Averages and Std Deviations are taken at the volume level.

The features shown in Table 1 were chosen for three principal reasons:

  1. Plausibility: We chose features that we hoped would give a fair sense of the level of accuracy obtainable using this general approach (i.e. machine learning).
  2. Ease of Implementation: These features are all easy to compute using the HTRC Extracted Features data and the HTRC FeatureReader API.
  3. Data Agnostic: Ostensibly, we hope to apply a machine learning approach to the task of identifying factual content regardless of the language, age and genre of a given volume. The features shown in Table 1 ignore obviously important information such as vocabulary use in efforts to generate a model that might reasonably be applied across a wide variety of volumes from HT.

It is important to note that no effort was made to generate an optimal set of predictive features. Expediency and generalizeability were of paramount importance. In future work, more features, and more expressive features will almost surely improve the accuracy of learned classifiers, though perhaps at the cost of generalizeability across languages and genres.

Learned Models

All models were obtained under the following setup.

First, the data were partitioned into training (80%) and validation (20%) sets. Models were trained using 10-fold cross-validation on the training data, and eventually tested on the validation set.

In the interest of breadth of inquiry, we trained models of varying structure and type. The models are summarized in Table 2.

|Abbrev	| Name				| Description				|
|LDA	| Linear Descriminant Analysis	| A simple, linear model		|
|CART	| Classification Tree		| A simple, non-linear model		|
|LR	| Logistic Regression		| An easily interpretable GLM		|
|KNN	| K-Nearest Neighbors		| A non-linear, non-parametric model	|
|SVM	| Support Vector Machine	| A state-of-the art, non-linear model	|
|RF	| Random Forests		| A state-of-the art, non-linear model	|

Table 2. Learned Models. All models contain all 11 predictors listed in Table 1.

All models adopted the default parameterizations given in the R programming language (except that the SVM model used the radial basis function kernel type).

Obtained Results

Figure 2 schematizes the cross-validation accuracy of the models. The figure shows model accuracy (via cross-validation) in the left column and Cohen's Kappa in the right column.

xval Figure 2. 10-Fold Cross-validation Accuracy

Figure 2 is heartening in several respects. First, and most basically, it appears that even with a parsimonious and simple set of predictors the prospect of using this sort of machine learning setup to expose factual content seems promising. The accuracy of almost all of the models was greater than 90% on average, with both SVM and RF achieving average cross-validation accuracy ~95%.

(N.B. Among our 30,266 sample pages 11,453 had a ground-truth label of open. Thus the accuracy obtained by the one-R rule of always choosing the dominant class was only 62%, suggesting that all of the learned models have non-trivial predictive power.)

A second interesting result visible in Figure 2 is the narrow error bars on each model's cross-validation accuracy. The figure's 95% confidence intervals suggest two important results:

  1. The more complex models such as RF and SVM appear to outperform the simpler models, suggesting that this is a tractable but non-trivial prediction problem.
  2. We do not appear to be in great danger of over-fitting our models using the training data described here. We return to this issue below.
| Model	| Accuracy	|
| LDA	| 0.9068	|
| CART	| 0.8881	|
| LR	| 0.9139	|
| KNN	| 0.9099	|
| SVM	| 0.9423	|
| RF	| 0.9504	|

Table 3. Validation Set Model Accuracy

These results are reinforced by Table 3, which lists the accuracy of each model on the validation set data. Again, we see a high level of accuracy across the models, with the strongest results coming from the more complex models.

Analysis of Predictor Variables

                            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                 8.220248   0.257898  31.874  < 2e-16 ***
seq                         0.153901   0.011918  12.913  < 2e-16 ***
log_seq                    -4.289811   0.160233 -26.772  < 2e-16 ***
token_count                -0.002508   0.000303  -8.277  < 2e-16 ***
token_count_normalized     -0.669308   0.039166 -17.089  < 2e-16 ***
line_count                 -0.019555   0.002922  -6.693 2.18e-11 ***
line_count_normalized       0.007086   0.047086   0.150   0.8804    
empty_line_count            0.022329   0.005170   4.319 1.57e-05 ***
empy_line_count_normalized  0.312050   0.034637   9.009  < 2e-16 ***
cap_alpha_seq              -0.057951   0.010944  -5.295 1.19e-07 ***
pct_begin_char_caps         0.217768   0.085176   2.557   0.0106 *  
pct_end_char_numeric        5.691780   0.204785  27.794  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Figure 3. Statistical Properties of the Logistic Regression's Coefficients

Because the predictors listed in Table 1 were chosen quite casually, it is natural to assess the extent to which each of the variables are contributing to the prediction task. In other words, is it the case that most of our variables actually contribute to the model, or is it, say, the case that most of the models' predictive accuracy comes from a small subset of the variables?

Figure 3 suggests that most of the proposed predictors are quite valuable. The figure shows results only for the logistic regression model. Results for other models were very similar, and the coefficients of logistic regression models are easy to interpret, which is why we focus on logistic regression in this section.

With the exception of two variables (the normalized line count and the percent of lines starting with a capital letter), all of the learned coefficients were "highly statistically significant." This suggests that we could probably improve our models by devising and adding more--and more expressive--features.

As to why two of the features fail to show much predictive value, a few responses present themselves immediately. First, it is possible that the code I used to generate the line_count_normalized variable contains a bug, and that the variable may in fact be more helpful that it seems. I believe this is plausible given the merits of the non-normalized line count. Thus, I will re-run these experiments after re-checking the code. With respect to pct_end_char_numeric, weak prediction is actually not surprising. This variable is likely to be helpful in indentifying segments such as indexes. Since indexes typically lie outside of the n=30 pages analyzed in these experiments, it is not surprising that pct_end_char_numeric fails to prove useful here.

Effect of Sample Size on Model Accuracy

A crucial question when using machine learning is, how many labeled instances (pages in our case) do we need in order to achieve a stable, accurate model? This is a notoriously difficult question, one without a decisive answer. However, Figure 4 suggests some strategies and intuitions for labeling data in service to this problem.

sample size Figure 4. Model Accuracy as a Function of Training Set Size.

Figure 4 plots model accuracy vs. the amount of training data used for three model types--logistic regression, SVMs, and random forests. The graph was created by sampling n' (where n' is an integer <= 24,214) pages from our training data, fitting each model on this reduced training set, and then calculating model accuracy on our validation data.

Not surprisingly, Figure 4 suggests that a logistic regression for this problem needs fewer labeled pages than more complex models such as random forests and support vector machines. In fact, the logistic regression model approaches its maximum accuracy with only about 5000 labeled pages to learn from. On the other hand, both random forests and support vector machines continue to improve with respect to accuracy, the more labeled pages we train them on. However, even these complex models appear to plateau once we have at least ~15,000 training instances.

Figure 4 suggests that a relatively modest set of training data can deliver accurate models for the problem we are interested in. If we are satisfied with a relatively simple model such as logistic regression, we may be able to find adequate results with only 10k-15k labeled pages. However, if we opt to learn more flexible models, we will likely require on the order of 20k training instances.

It is important to note, however, that the apparent saturation reached in Figure 4 is partly a function of the very modestly parameterized models pursued in this analysis (cf Table 1). If we choose to add more predictors to our models, it is likely that more training data will be needed for our models to achieve low variance. Mitigating this assertion, however, is another strategy--instead of choosing n=30 pages to label per volume as we have done here, we might be able to improve model accuracy with the same number of labels by choosing a lower n, say, n=20. The intuition behind this strategy is that pages 21-30 are, in most cases seen here, of class closed (i.e. creative). As such they are not contributing as much to our learning process as lower numbered pages are, insofar as these lower numbered pages are likely to contain more information about the distinction between open and closed page types.

Next Steps

This (very preliminary) analysis suggests several important take-away points:

  1. Labeling HT pages as factual/creative using supervised machine learning appears tractable but non-trivial.
  2. The reported accuracy of ~95% obtained by this analysis's best models was obtained by training under the simplification that all types of errors are equally undesireable. This, however, is not the case in practice (exposing creative content is more undesireable than failing to expose factual content). Taking this distinction into account will allow us to reduce our false positive rate in the future.
  3. A simple set of 11 predictor variables yielded surprisingly strong performance.
  4. A training set of approximately 15,000-20,000 labeled pages appears sufficient to train models of the type and complexity explored here.
  5. In this analysis, flexible and complex models out-performed simpler models. This suggests that the problem at hand is non-trivial and that deeper thinking about our models is likely to improve performance.

In terms of what actions to take next, several items present themselves in light of this analysis:

  1. Labeling Data. Re-purposing the labels used by McConnaughey et al gave us a fast, reasonable starting point. However, the differences between their task and ours suggest that we would be better served by creating a better-suited set of data.
  2. Predictor Variables. In the interest of expediency and generalizeability, this analysis used only a small set of very simple, high-level variables. I plan to pursue the matter of defining and extracting more expressive features. However, this exploration will be tempered by my aim of constraining the size and data- specificity (e.g. language specificity) of our predictor set.
  3. Model Type. Even the "state-of-the-art" models pursued here are quite simple by contemporary standards. In particular, each of these models considers the label for a given page pi in isolation from the labels of neighborhing pages. This clearly throws away important sequential information that is native to the book format (if page 2 is factual, this surely gives us information about the probability that page 3 is factual). Neural models such as recurrant neural nets--particularly LSTM models--and conditional random fields natively encode and exploit such sequential information, and thus may be highly effective for the task at hand. However, these models typically demand more training data than the classes of models pursued in this analysis. As such, assessing their merits will require more analysis on my part.