Add issue related revision by branch name. If the branch name include #xxxx, this plugin relate the commit to issue xxxx. For example, commits of following branches is related to issue 12345.
- #12345
- hotfix/#12345
- hotfix/#12345/some-module
- hotfix/#12345/fix-somedescription
- fix-#12345
Git Brnach Hook Plugin can close the ticket automatically by Merge branch. For example, if you work on hotfix/#12345 branch. When merge this branch with --no-ff option to master (or something else),
$ git merge --no-ff hotfix/#12345
This command add commit log :
commit 6d30f57bbf423404fbe8a2a497039ead2e90bbbf
Merge: 98dd73e 59007a4
Author: XXXXX
Date: XXX
Merge branch 'hotfix/#12345'
Git Branch Hook Plugin add string "cloesed #12345" to end of commit message.
Merge branch 'hotfix/#12345' (closes #12345)
If you enabled Remine's issue auto close option by the key word in the commit message, issue #12345 will be closed.
If you don't want close the issue by merge, disabled Redmine's issue auto close function.
When merge branch on fast-forward, Merge message is not commited and auto close function does not work correctly. To use close by merge function, ensure execute 'git merge' with '--no-ff' option.
- ALMinium Project