This is yet another assembler and emulator package for the DCPU16 processor as defined by notch/mojang, version 1.7 (see Try the live demo.
var result = DCPU16.asm(src);
Assembles the source code into a memory image (an array of bytes) which is accessible through the bc attribute. There's also some meta information returned in the meta property containing the address to line conversion object addr2line, the line to address conversion object line2addr and the entry point in entry.
var bc = result.bc;
var line = result.addr2line[0x1F];
var addr = result.line2addr[2];
var entryline = result.entry; // equals result.meta.addr2line[0]
Please note that lines without a corresponding address (and vice versa) are undefined.
var PC = new DCPU16.PC([rom]);
Initializes a new DCPU16 PC. Optional parameter rom: An array of bytes.
var screen = new DCPU16.NE_LEM1802(PC);
Initialize a screen and connect it to the PC.
Load the rom given as a memory image (an array of bytes).
Executes one or i steps.
Run the emulator until stop is called.
Clear all registers and flags and reinitialize the RAM.
Access the ram. The registers and flags (A, B, C, X, Y, Z, I, J, SP, PC, EX, IA) can be accessed as properties of the ram:
var valueOfRegisterA = PC.ram.A;
- Dav1dde
- FireFly
dcpu16.js uses test cases from krasin. Base64 encoding has been borrowed from Stuk's jszip.
Other projects/libraries used: