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Debugging Go code using VS Code

Ramya Rao edited this page Feb 24, 2019 · 65 revisions

Install delve

There are 2 ways to install delve

  • Run the command Go: Install/Update Tools, select dlv, press Ok to install/update delve
  • Or install it manually install delve as per the Installation Instructions.

Set up configurations in your settings

The below settings are used by the debugger. You may not need to add/change any of them to have debugging working in simple cases, but do give them a read sometime

  • go.gopath. See GOPATH in VS Code
  • go.inferGopath. See GOPATH in VS Code
  • go.delveConfig
    • apiVersion: Controls the version of delve apis to be used when launching the delve headless server. Default is 2.
    • dlvLoadConfig: Not applicable when apiVersion is 1. The configuration passed to delve. Controls various features of delve that affects the variables shown in the debug pane.
      • maxStringLen: maximum number of bytes read from a string
      • maxArrayValues: maximum number of elements read from an array, a slice or a map
      • maxStructFields: maximum number of fields read from a struct, -1 will read all fields
      • maxVariableRecurse: how far to recurse when evaluating nested types
      • followPointers: requests pointers to be automatically dereferenced

Some common cases where you might want to tweak the configurations passed to delve

  • Change the default cap of 64 on string and array length when inspecting variables in the debug viewlet.
  • Evaluate variables that are nested when inspecting them in the debug viewlet.

Set up configurations in launch.json

Once delve is installed, run the command Debug: Open launch.json. If you didnt already have a launch.json file, this will create one with the below default configuration.

	"version": "0.2.0",
	"configurations": [
			"name": "Launch",
			"type": "go",
			"request": "launch",
			"mode": "auto",
			"program": "${fileDirname}",
			"env": {},
			"args": []

The program option is mandatory and takes path to a folder or file.

  • This can refer to a package folder to debug, or a file within that folder.
  • This should be a full path and not relative.
  • Use ${workspaceFolder} to debug package at the root of the workspace that is opened in VS Code
  • Use ${file} to debug the current file.
  • Use ${fileDirname} to debug the package to which the current file belongs to.

The mode parameter can be set to:

  • debug to compile the contents of the program folder and launch under the debugger. [default]
  • test to debug tests in the program folder. To debug a single test, pass and the Test name as args. Additionally, you can pass -test.v to get verbose output as well.
  • auto to automatically detect whether to use debug or test based in the current file that is open.
  • exec to run a pre-built binary specified in program, for example "program":"${workspaceRoot}/mybin".
  • remote to attach to a remote headless Delve server. You must manually run Delve on the remote machine, and provide the additional remotePath, host and port debug configuration options pointing at the remote machine.

If your build needs build tags (e.g. go build -tags=whatever_tag), then add the parameter buildFlags with the content "-tags=whatever_tag". Multiple tags are supported, by enclosing them in single quotes within the double quotes like so: "-tags='first_tag second_tag third_tag'".

In version 0.6.66 or lesser of the Go extension, the debugger cannot read your settings. It figures out the GOPATH from either the environment variables or from the path provided in the program option. If you have set multiple GOPATHs in the go.gopath setting, pass the same in the env option of the launch.json as an environment variable.

As of 0.6.67 version, the debugger will inherit the GOPATH from settings. Run Go: Current GOPATH command to see the GOPATH being used by the Go extension and the debugger.

Snippets for Debug Configurations

As of 0.6.54 version of the Go extension, you can now make use of snippets while editing the launch.json file. Type "Go" and you will get debug configuration snippets for debugging current file/package, a test function etc.

Debugging the Debugger?

If you have issues debugging your Go code, first try to update your version of delve to ensure that you are working with the latest delve and it has been compiled using your current Go version. To do this, run the command Go: Install/Update Tools, select dlv, press Ok.

If you still have issues debugging your Go code, there are various levels of logging you can try to understand what is going on. These are attributes in your debug configuration that you can tweak.

  • Set showLog attribute in your debug configuration to true. You will see logs in the debug console from delve.

  • Set trace attribute in your debug configuration to verbose. You will see logs in the debug console from the Go extension's debug adapter. These logs will be saved to a file whose path will be printed at the beginning in the debug console.

  • Set logOutput attribute in your debug configuration to rpc. You will see logs corresponding to the RPC messages going back and forth between VS Code and delve. Note that this first requires to set showLog to true.

    • The logOutput attribute corresponds to the --log-output flag used by delve and can be a comma separated list of components that should produce debug output.

If you want to dig deeper and debug the debugger using source code of this extension, see building-and-debugging-the-extension

Remote Debugging

To remote debug using VS Code, you must first run a headless Delve server on the target machine. For example:

$ dlv debug --headless --listen=:2345 --log

Any arguments that you want to pass to the program you are debugging must be passed to this Delve server that runs on the target machine. For example:

$ dlv debug --headless --listen=:2345 --log -- -myArg=123

Then, create a remote debug configuration in VS Code launch.json.

	"name": "Remote",
	"type": "go",
	"request": "launch",
	"mode": "remote",
	"remotePath": "${workspaceRoot}",
	"port": 2345,
	"host": "",
	"program": "${workspaceRoot}",
	"env": {}

Note: remotePath must be correct otherwise breakpoints will silently fail

When you launch the debugger with this new Remote target selected, VS Code will send debugging commands to the dlv server you started previously instead of launching it's own dlv instance against your app.

The above example runs both the headless dlv server and the VS Code debugger locally on the same machine. For an example of running these on different hosts, see the example of debugging a process running in a docker host at


Breakpoints added after debugging starts don't get hit

Breakpoints can be added either before starting a debug session or when another breakpoint is hit. This is a limitation from delve which doesn't allow interacting with the target process without pausing/stopping it.

The feature to pause the debugging program is being tracked in issue number 978.

Cannot find Delve debugger at ... Ensure it is in your "GOPATH/bin" or "PATH".

Like the error message says, the extension cannot find dlv. Remember, the debug adapter cannot read the VS Code settings.

Solution: Add the location where dlv is installed to your PATH. You can find this location by running which dlv or where dlv

Cannot find package ".." in any of ...

The debugger is not using the right GOPATH. This shouldn't happen, if it does, log a bug.

Solution: Until the bug you logged is resolved, the work around is to add the GOPATH as an env var in the env property in the launch.json file.

Failed to continue: "Error: spawn EACCES"

You have dlv running just fine from command line, but VS Code gives this access related error. This can happen if the extension is trying to run the dlv binary from a wrong location. The Go extension first tries to find dlv in your $GOPATH/bin and then in your $PATH.

Solution: Run which dlv in the command line. If this doesn't match your GOPATH/bin, then delete the dlv file in your GOPATH/bin

could not launch process: stat ***/debug.test: no such file or directory

You may see this in the debug console, while trying to run in the test mode. This happens when the program attribute points to a folder with no test files.

Solution: Ensure that the program attribute points to the folder that contains the test files you want to run.

could not launch process: could not fork/exec


This usually happens in OSX due to signing issues. See the discussions in please see #717, #269 and derekparker/delve/357

Solution: You may have to uninstall dlv and install it manually as per instructions


Docker has security settings preventing ptrace(2) operations by default within the container.

Solution: To run your container insecurely, pass --security-opt=seccomp:unconfined to docker run when starting. Reference: derekparker/delve/515

could not launch process: exec: "lldb-server": executable file not found in $PATH

This error can show up for Mac users using delve of version 0.12.2 or above. Not sure why, but doing a xcode-select --install has solved the problem for users who have seen this issue.

Unverified breakpoints when remote debugging

Check the version of delve api being used in the remote delve process i.e check the value for the flag –api-version. This needs to match the version used by the Go extension which uses version 2 by default. You can change the api version being used by the extension by editing the debug configuration in the launch.json file.

Try using dlv from the terminal/command-line

Add "trace": "verbose" to your debug configuration and debug in VS Code. This will send logs to the debug console where you can see the actual call being made to dlv. You can copy that and run it in your terminal