diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 4e6323eb4..733429e7a 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ electron-out hexcache build crowdinstats.csv +libs/*/_locales *.user *.sw? diff --git a/libs/audio-recording/_locales/audio-recording-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/audio-recording/_locales/audio-recording-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0aa81a0e0..000000000 --- a/libs/audio-recording/_locales/audio-recording-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -{ - "record": "Functions to operate the v2 on-board microphone and speaker.", - "record.audioDuration": "Get how long the recorded audio clip is", - "record.audioIsPlaying": "Get whether the playback is active", - "record.audioIsRecording": "Get whether the microphone is listening", - "record.audioIsStopped": "Get whether the board is recording or playing back", - "record.audioStatus": "Test what the audio is doing", - "record.erase": "Clear the buffer", - "record.play": "Play the audio clip that is saved in the buffer", - "record.playAudio": "Play recorded audio", - "record.record": "Record an audio clip", - "record.setBothSamples": "Set the sample rate for both input and output", - "record.setInputSampleRate": "Change the sample rate of the splitter channel (audio input)", - "record.setMicGain": "Change how sensitive the microphone is. This changes the recording quality!", - "record.setMicrophoneGain": "Set sensitity of the microphone input", - "record.setOutputSampleRate": "Change the sample rate of the mixer channel (audio output)", - "record.setSampleRate": "Set the sample frequency for recording, playback, or both (default)\n* @param hz The sample frequency, in Hz", - "record.startRecording": "Record an audio clip for a maximum of 3 seconds", - "record.stop": "Stop recording" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/audio-recording/_locales/audio-recording-strings.json b/libs/audio-recording/_locales/audio-recording-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index d910bff0c..000000000 --- a/libs/audio-recording/_locales/audio-recording-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -{ - "record.AudioEvent.StartedPlaying|block": "starts playing", - "record.AudioEvent.StartedRecording|block": "starts recording", - "record.AudioEvent.StoppedPlaying|block": "stops playing", - "record.AudioEvent.StoppedRecording|block": "stops recording", - "record.AudioLevels.High|block": "high", - "record.AudioLevels.Low|block": "low", - "record.AudioLevels.Medium|block": "medium", - "record.AudioRecordingMode.Playing|block": "playing", - "record.AudioRecordingMode.Recording|block": "recording", - "record.AudioRecordingMode.Stopped|block": "stopped", - "record.AudioSampleRateScope.Everything|block": "everything", - "record.AudioSampleRateScope.Playback|block": "playback", - "record.AudioSampleRateScope.Recording|block": "recording", - "record.AudioStatus.BufferEmpty|block": "empty", - "record.AudioStatus.Playing|block": "playing", - "record.AudioStatus.Recording|block": "recording", - "record.AudioStatus.Stopped|block": "stopped", - "record.BlockingState.Blocking|block": "until done", - "record.BlockingState.Nonblocking|block": "in background", - "record.audioStatus|block": "audio is $status", - "record.playAudio|block": "play audio clip $mode", - "record.setMicGain|block": "set microphone sensitivity to $gain", - "record.setSampleRate|block": "set sample rate to $hz || for $scope", - "record.startRecording|block": "record audio clip $mode", - "record|block": "Record", - "{id:category}Record": "Record" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/bluetooth/_locales/bluetooth-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/bluetooth/_locales/bluetooth-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 837b50092..000000000 --- a/libs/bluetooth/_locales/bluetooth-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@ -{ - "bluetooth": "Support for additional Bluetooth services.\n\nSupport for additional Bluetooth services.", - "bluetooth.advertiseUid": "Advertise an Eddystone UID", - "bluetooth.advertiseUidBuffer": "Advertise an Eddystone UID", - "bluetooth.advertiseUidBuffer|param|connectable": "true to keep bluetooth connectable for other services, false otherwise.", - "bluetooth.advertiseUidBuffer|param|nsAndInstance": "16 bytes buffer of namespace (bytes 0-9) and instance (bytes 10-15)", - "bluetooth.advertiseUidBuffer|param|power": "power level between 0 and 7, eg: 7", - "bluetooth.advertiseUid|param|connectable": "true to keep bluetooth connectable for other services, false otherwise.", - "bluetooth.advertiseUid|param|instance": "4 last bytes of the instance uid", - "bluetooth.advertiseUid|param|ns": "4 last bytes of the namespace uid", - "bluetooth.advertiseUid|param|power": "power level between 0 and 7, eg: 7", - "bluetooth.advertiseUrl": "Advertise an Eddystone URL", - "bluetooth.advertiseUrl|param|connectable": "true to keep bluetooth connectable for other services, false otherwise.", - "bluetooth.advertiseUrl|param|power": "power level between 0 and 7, eg: 7", - "bluetooth.advertiseUrl|param|url": "the url to transmit. Must be no longer than the supported eddystone url length, eg: \"https://makecode.com\"", - "bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected": "Register code to run when the Calliope mini is connected to over Bluetooth", - "bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected|param|body": "Code to run when a Bluetooth connection is established", - "bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected": "Register code to run when a bluetooth connection to the Calliope mini is lost", - "bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected|param|body": "Code to run when a Bluetooth connection is lost", - "bluetooth.onUartDataReceived": "Registers an event to be fired when one of the delimiter is matched.", - "bluetooth.onUartDataReceived|param|delimiters": "the characters to match received characters against.", - "bluetooth.setTransmitPower": "Sets the bluetooth transmit power between 0 (minimal) and 7 (maximum).", - "bluetooth.setTransmitPower|param|power": "power level between 0 (minimal) and 7 (maximum), eg: 7.", - "bluetooth.startAccelerometerService": "Starts the Bluetooth accelerometer service", - "bluetooth.startButtonService": "Starts the Bluetooth button service", - "bluetooth.startIOPinService": "Starts the Bluetooth IO pin service.", - "bluetooth.startLEDService": "Starts the Bluetooth LED service", - "bluetooth.startMagnetometerService": "Starts the Bluetooth magnetometer service", - "bluetooth.startTemperatureService": "Starts the Bluetooth temperature service", - "bluetooth.startUartService": "Starts the Bluetooth UART service", - "bluetooth.stopAdvertising": "Stops advertising Eddystone end points", - "bluetooth.uartReadBuffer": "Reads buffered UART data into a buffer", - "bluetooth.uartReadUntil": "Reads from the Bluetooth UART service buffer, returning its contents when the specified delimiter character is encountered.", - "bluetooth.uartWriteBuffer": "Sends a buffer of data via Bluetooth UART", - "bluetooth.uartWriteLine": "Writes to the Bluetooth UART service buffer. From there the data is transmitted over Bluetooth to a connected device.", - "bluetooth.uartWriteNumber": "Prints a numeric value to the serial", - "bluetooth.uartWriteString": "Writes to the Bluetooth UART service buffer. From there the data is transmitted over Bluetooth to a connected device.", - "bluetooth.uartWriteValue": "Writes a ``name: value`` pair line to the serial.", - "bluetooth.uartWriteValue|param|name": "name of the value stream, eg: x", - "bluetooth.uartWriteValue|param|value": "to write" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/bluetooth/_locales/bluetooth-strings.json b/libs/bluetooth/_locales/bluetooth-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index e63707af1..000000000 --- a/libs/bluetooth/_locales/bluetooth-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -{ - "bluetooth.advertiseUid|block": "bluetooth advertise UID|namespace (bytes 6-9)%ns|instance (bytes 2-6)%instance|with power %power|connectable %connectable", - "bluetooth.advertiseUrl|block": "bluetooth advertise url %url|with power %power|connectable %connectable", - "bluetooth.onBluetoothConnected|block": "on bluetooth connected", - "bluetooth.onBluetoothDisconnected|block": "on bluetooth disconnected", - "bluetooth.onUartDataReceived|block": "bluetooth|on data received %delimiters=serial_delimiter_conv", - "bluetooth.setTransmitPower|block": "bluetooth set transmit power %power", - "bluetooth.startAccelerometerService|block": "bluetooth accelerometer service", - "bluetooth.startButtonService|block": "bluetooth button service", - "bluetooth.startIOPinService|block": "bluetooth io pin service", - "bluetooth.startLEDService|block": "bluetooth led service", - "bluetooth.startMagnetometerService|block": "bluetooth magnetometer service", - "bluetooth.startTemperatureService|block": "bluetooth temperature service", - "bluetooth.startUartService|block": "bluetooth uart service", - "bluetooth.stopAdvertising|block": "bluetooth stop advertising", - "bluetooth.uartReadUntil|block": "bluetooth uart|read until %del=serial_delimiter_conv", - "bluetooth.uartWriteLine|block": "bluetooth uart|write line %data", - "bluetooth.uartWriteNumber|block": "bluetooth uart|write number %value", - "bluetooth.uartWriteString|block": "bluetooth uart|write string %data", - "bluetooth.uartWriteValue|block": "bluetooth uart|write value %name|= %value", - "bluetooth|block": "bluetooth", - "{id:category}Bluetooth": "Bluetooth" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/Untitled-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/Untitled-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index e26e27327..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/Untitled-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -{ - "SoundExpression": "A sound expression.", - "SoundExpression.play": "Starts to play a sound expression.", - "SoundExpression.playUntilDone": "Plays a sound expression until finished", - "TouchButtonEvent": "An action on a touch button", - "basic": "Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic micro:bit functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.", - "basic.setLedColors": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|brightness": "The LED brightness in percent.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color1": "The color of the first LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color2": "The second LED color.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color3": "The third LED color.", - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.logoIsPressed": "Get the logo state (pressed or not).", - "input.onLogoEvent": "Do something when the logo is touched and released again.", - "input.onLogoEvent|param|body": "the code to run when the logo is pressed", - "motors": "Blocks to control the onboard motors", - "motors.brakeMotor": "Controls one or two motors attached to the board.", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Controls two motors attached to the board.", - "motors.motorCommand": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPower": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50", - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.builtInPlayableMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.builtInPlayableMelody|param|melody": "the melody name", - "music.builtinPlayableSoundEffect": "Get the sound expression string for a built-in sound effect.", - "music.builtinPlayableSoundEffect|param|soundExpression": "a sound expression for a built-in sound effect", - "music.builtinSoundEffect": "Get the sound expression string for a built-in a sound effect.", - "music.builtinSoundEffect|param|soundExpression": "a sound expression for a built-in sound effect", - "music.createSoundEffect": "Create a sound expression from a set of sound effect parameters.", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|duration": "the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) that sound will play for", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|effect": "the effect to apply to the waveform or volume", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|endFrequency": "ending frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|endVolume": "ending volume of the sound, or ending amplitude", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|interpolation": "interpolation method for frequency scaling", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|startFrequency": "starting frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|startVolume": "starting volume of the sound, or starting amplitude", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|waveShape": "waveform of the sound effect", - "music.createSoundExpression": "Create a sound expression from a set of sound effect parameters.", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|duration": "the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) that sound will play for", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|effect": "the effect to apply to the waveform or volume", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|endFrequency": "ending frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|endVolume": "ending volume of the sound, or ending amplitude", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|interpolation": "interpolation method for frequency scaling", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|startFrequency": "starting frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|startVolume": "starting volume of the sound, or starting amplitude", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|waveShape": "waveform of the sound effect", - "music.isSoundPlaying": "Check whether any sound is being played, no matter the source", - "music.onEvent": "Registers code to run on various melody events", - "music.playSoundEffect": "Play a sound effect from a sound expression string.", - "music.playSoundEffect|param|mode": "the play mode, play until done or in the background", - "music.playSoundEffect|param|sound": "the sound expression string", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled": "Turn the built-in speaker on or off.\nDisabling the speaker resets the sound pin to the default of P0.", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|param|enabled": "whether the built-in speaker is enabled in addition to the sound pin", - "music.setSilenceLevel": "Defines an optional sample level to generate during periods of silence.", - "music.setVolume": "Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...255", - "music.tonePlayable": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.tonePlayable|param|duration": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.tonePlayable|param|note": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz).", - "music.volume": "Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "pins": "Control currents in Pins for analog/digital signals, servos, i2c, ...", - "pins.touchSetMode": "Configure the touch detection for the pins and logo.\nP0, P1, P2 use resistive touch by default.\nThe logo uses capacitative touch by default.", - "pins.touchSetMode|param|mode": "the touch mode to use", - "pins.touchSetMode|param|name": "target to change the touch mode for" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/Untitled-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/Untitled-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1d24a5e99..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/Untitled-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -{ - "InterpolationCurve.Curve|block": "curve", - "InterpolationCurve.Linear|block": "linear", - "InterpolationCurve.Logarithmic|block": "logarithmic", - "SoundExpression.playUntilDone|block": "play sound $this until done", - "SoundExpression.play|block": "play sound $this", - "SoundExpressionEffect.None|block": "none", - "SoundExpressionEffect.Tremolo|block": "tremolo", - "SoundExpressionEffect.Vibrato|block": "vibrato", - "SoundExpressionEffect.Warble|block": "warble", - "SoundExpressionPlayMode.InBackground|block": "in background", - "SoundExpressionPlayMode.UntilDone|block": "until done", - "TouchButtonEvent.LongPressed|block": "long pressed", - "TouchButtonEvent.Pressed|block": "pressed", - "TouchButtonEvent.Released|block": "released", - "TouchButtonEvent.Touched|block": "touched", - "TouchTarget.LOGO|block": "logo", - "TouchTarget.P0|block": "P0", - "TouchTarget.P1|block": "P1", - "TouchTarget.P2|block": "P2", - "TouchTarget.P3|block": "P3", - "TouchTargetMode.Capacitive|block": "capacitive", - "TouchTargetMode.Resistive|block": "resistive", - "WaveShape.Noise|block": "noise", - "WaveShape.Sawtooth|block": "sawtooth", - "WaveShape.Sine|block": "sine", - "WaveShape.Square|block": "square", - "WaveShape.Triangle|block": "triangle", - "basic.setLedColors|block": "set LED to %color1=colorNumberPicker %color2=colorNumberPicker %color3=colorNumberPicker", - "basic|block": "basic", - "input.logoIsPressed|block": "logo is pressed", - "input.onLogoEvent|block": "on logo $action", - "input|block": "input", - "motors.brakeMotor|block": "motor %motor break", - "motors.dualMotorPower|block": "motor %motor|at %percent \\%", - "motors.motorCommand|block": "motor %command", - "motors.motorPower|block": "motor on at %percent \\%", - "motors|block": "motors", - "music.PlaybackMode.InBackground|block": "in background", - "music.PlaybackMode.LoopingInBackground|block": "looping in background", - "music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone|block": "until done", - "music._playDefaultBackground|block": "play $toPlay $playbackMode", - "music.builtInPlayableMelody|block": "melody $melody", - "music.builtinPlayableSoundEffect|block": "$soundExpression", - "music.builtinSoundEffect|block": "$soundExpression", - "music.createSoundEffect|block": "$waveShape|| start frequency $startFrequency end frequency $endFrequency duration $duration start volume $startVolume end volume $endVolume effect $effect interpolation $interpolation", - "music.createSoundExpression|block": "$waveShape|| start frequency $startFrequency end frequency $endFrequency duration $duration start volume $startVolume end volume $endVolume effect $effect interpolation $interpolation", - "music.isSoundPlaying|block": "sound is playing", - "music.onEvent|block": "music on %value", - "music.playSoundEffect|block": "play sound $sound $mode", - "music.play|block": "play $toPlay $playbackMode", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|block": "set built-in speaker $enabled", - "music.setVolume|block": "set volume %volume", - "music.stringPlayable|block": "melody $melody at tempo $bpm|(bpm)", - "music.tonePlayable|block": "tone $note for $duration", - "music.volume|block": "volume", - "music|block": "music", - "pins.touchSetMode|block": "set %name to touch mode %mode", - "pins|block": "pins", - "soundExpression.giggle|block": "{id:soundexpression}giggle", - "soundExpression.happy|block": "{id:soundexpression}happy", - "soundExpression.hello|block": "{id:soundexpression}hello", - "soundExpression.mysterious|block": "{id:soundexpression}mysterious", - "soundExpression.sad|block": "{id:soundexpression}sad", - "soundExpression.slide|block": "{id:soundexpression}slide", - "soundExpression.soaring|block": "{id:soundexpression}soaring", - "soundExpression.spring|block": "{id:soundexpression}spring", - "soundExpression.twinkle|block": "{id:soundexpression}twinkle", - "soundExpression.yawn|block": "{id:soundexpression}yawn", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basic", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:category}Pins": "Pins", - "{id:category}SoundExpression": "SoundExpression", - "{id:group}Logo": "Logo", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED", - "{id:group}State": "State", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}Touch": "Touch", - "{id:group}Volume": "Volume" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core---minicodal-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core---minicodal-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index a100ad728..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core---minicodal-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -{ - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.beat": "Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds", - "music.beginMelody": "Use startMelody instead", - "music.builtInMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.changeTempoBy": "Change the tempo by the specified amount", - "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20", - "music.getFrequencyForNote": "Converts an octave and note offset into an integer frequency.\nReturns 0 if the note is out of range.\n* @param octave The octave of the note (1 - 8)\n\n@returns A frequency in HZ or 0 if out of range", - "music.getFrequencyForNote|param|note": "The offset of the note within the octave", - "music.melodyEditor": "Create a melody with the melody editor.", - "music.noteFrequency": "Gets the frequency of a note.", - "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name", - "music.onEvent": "Registers code to run on various melody events", - "music.playMelody": "Play a melody from the melody editor.", - "music.playMelody|param|melody": "string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: \"E D G F B A C5 B \"", - "music.playMelody|param|tempo": "number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for", - "music.playTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.rest": "Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``.", - "music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.ringTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0``.", - "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled": "Turn the built-in speaker on or off.\nDisabling the speaker resets the sound pin to the default of P0.", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|param|enabled": "whether the built-in speaker is enabled in addition to the sound pin", - "music.setPlayTone": "Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies", - "music.setSilenceLevel": "Defines an optional sample level to generate during periods of silence.", - "music.setTempo": "Sets the tempo to the specified amount", - "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120", - "music.setVolume": "Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...255", - "music.startMelody": "Starts playing a melody.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", - "music.startMelody|param|melodyArray": "the melody array to play", - "music.startMelody|param|options": "melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background", - "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds and melodies currently playing.", - "music.stopMelody": "Stops the melodies", - "music.stopMelody|param|options": "which melody to stop", - "music.tempo": "Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.", - "music.volume": "Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core---minicodal-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core---minicodal-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index df2f6928b..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core---minicodal-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -{ - "BeatFraction.Breve|block": "4", - "BeatFraction.Double|block": "2", - "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", - "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", - "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", - "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", - "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", - "Melodies.BaDing|block": "ba ding", - "Melodies.Baddy|block": "baddy", - "Melodies.Birthday|block": "birthday", - "Melodies.Blues|block": "blues", - "Melodies.Chase|block": "chase", - "Melodies.Dadadadum|block": "dadadum", - "Melodies.Entertainer|block": "entertainer", - "Melodies.Funeral|block": "funeral", - "Melodies.Funk|block": "funk", - "Melodies.JumpDown|block": "jump down", - "Melodies.JumpUp|block": "jump up", - "Melodies.Nyan|block": "nyan", - "Melodies.Ode|block": "ode", - "Melodies.PowerDown|block": "power down", - "Melodies.PowerUp|block": "power up", - "Melodies.Prelude|block": "prelude", - "Melodies.Punchline|block": "punchline", - "Melodies.Ringtone|block": "ringtone", - "Melodies.Wawawawaa|block": "wawawawaa", - "Melodies.Wedding|block": "wedding", - "MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground|block": "forever in background", - "MelodyOptions.Forever|block": "forever", - "MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground|block": "once in background", - "MelodyOptions.Once|block": "once", - "MelodyStopOptions.All|block": "all", - "MelodyStopOptions.Background|block": "background", - "MelodyStopOptions.Foreground|block": "foreground", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded|block": "background melody ended", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed|block": "background melody note played", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused|block": "background melody paused", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated|block": "background melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed|block": "background melody resumed", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted|block": "background melody started", - "MusicEvent.MelodyEnded|block": "melody ended", - "MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed|block": "melody note played", - "MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated|block": "melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.MelodyStarted|block": "melody started", - "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", - "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", - "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", - "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", - "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", - "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", - "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", - "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", - "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", - "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", - "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", - "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|beat", - "music.builtInMelody|block": "%melody", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "change tempo by (bpm)|%value", - "music.melodyEditor|block": "$melody", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%name", - "music.onEvent|block": "music on %value", - "music.playMelody|block": "play melody $melody at tempo $tempo|(bpm)", - "music.playTone|block": "play|tone %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "rest(ms)|%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "ring tone (Hz)|%note=device_note", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|block": "set built-in speaker $enabled", - "music.setTempo|block": "set tempo to (bpm)|%value", - "music.setVolume|block": "set volume %volume", - "music.startMelody|block": "start melody %melody=device_builtin_melody| repeating %options", - "music.stopAllSounds|block": "stop all sounds", - "music.stopMelody|block": "stop melody $options", - "music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)", - "music.volume|block": "volume", - "music|block": "music", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}Tempo": "Tempo", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}Volume": "Volume", - "{id:group}micro:bit (V2)": "micro:bit (V2)" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-mini-codal-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-mini-codal-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index cb1fae6c9..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-mini-codal-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,64 +0,0 @@ -{ - "SoundExpression": "A sound expression.", - "SoundExpression.play": "Starts to play a sound expression.", - "SoundExpression.playUntilDone": "Plays a sound expression until finished", - "TouchButtonEvent": "An action on a touch button", - "basic": "Provides access to basic Calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic Calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.", - "basic.setLedColors": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|brightness": "The LED brightness in percent.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color1": "The color of the first LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color2": "The second LED color.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color3": "The third LED color.", - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.logoIsPressed": "Get the logo state (pressed or not). Calliope mini 3 block.", - "input.onLogoEvent": "Do something when the logo is touched and released again. Calliope mini 3 block.", - "input.onLogoEvent|param|body": "the code to run when the logo is pressed", - "motors": "Blocks to control the onboard motors", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Controls two motors attached to the board.", - "motors.motorCommand": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPower": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50", - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.builtInPlayableMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.builtInPlayableMelody|param|melody": "the melody name", - "music.builtinPlayableSoundEffect": "Get the sound expression string for a built-in sound effect.", - "music.builtinPlayableSoundEffect|param|soundExpression": "a sound expression for a built-in sound effect", - "music.builtinSoundEffect": "Get the sound expression string for a built-in a sound effect.", - "music.builtinSoundEffect|param|soundExpression": "a sound expression for a built-in sound effect", - "music.createSoundEffect": "Create a sound expression from a set of sound effect parameters.", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|duration": "the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) that sound will play for", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|effect": "the effect to apply to the waveform or volume", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|endFrequency": "ending frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|endVolume": "ending volume of the sound, or ending amplitude", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|interpolation": "interpolation method for frequency scaling", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|startFrequency": "starting frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|startVolume": "starting volume of the sound, or starting amplitude", - "music.createSoundEffect|param|waveShape": "waveform of the sound effect", - "music.createSoundExpression": "Create a sound expression from a set of sound effect parameters.", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|duration": "the amount of time in milliseconds (ms) that sound will play for", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|effect": "the effect to apply to the waveform or volume", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|endFrequency": "ending frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|endVolume": "ending volume of the sound, or ending amplitude", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|interpolation": "interpolation method for frequency scaling", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|startFrequency": "starting frequency for the sound effect waveform", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|startVolume": "starting volume of the sound, or starting amplitude", - "music.createSoundExpression|param|waveShape": "waveform of the sound effect", - "music.isSoundPlaying": "Check whether any sound is being played, no matter the source", - "music.onEvent": "Registers code to run on various melody events", - "music.playSoundEffect": "Play a sound effect from a sound expression string.", - "music.playSoundEffect|param|mode": "the play mode, play until done or in the background", - "music.playSoundEffect|param|sound": "the sound expression string", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled": "Turn the built-in speaker on or off.\nDisabling the speaker resets the sound pin to the default of P0.", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|param|enabled": "whether the built-in speaker is enabled in addition to the sound pin", - "music.setSilenceLevel": "Defines an optional sample level to generate during periods of silence.", - "music.setVolume": "Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...255", - "music.tonePlayable": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.tonePlayable|param|duration": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.tonePlayable|param|note": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz).", - "music.volume": "Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "pins": "Control currents in Pins for analog/digital signals, servos, i2c, ...", - "pins.touchSetMode": "Configure the touch detection for the pins and logo.\nP0, P1, P2 use resistive touch by default.\nThe logo uses capacitative touch by default.", - "pins.touchSetMode|param|mode": "the touch mode to use", - "pins.touchSetMode|param|name": "target to change the touch mode for" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-mini-codal-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-mini-codal-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0cc6869df..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-mini-codal-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -{ - "InterpolationCurve.Curve|block": "curve", - "InterpolationCurve.Linear|block": "linear", - "InterpolationCurve.Logarithmic|block": "logarithmic", - "SoundExpression.playUntilDone|block": "play sound $this until done", - "SoundExpression.play|block": "play sound $this", - "SoundExpressionEffect.None|block": "none", - "SoundExpressionEffect.Tremolo|block": "tremolo", - "SoundExpressionEffect.Vibrato|block": "vibrato", - "SoundExpressionEffect.Warble|block": "warble", - "SoundExpressionPlayMode.InBackground|block": "in background", - "SoundExpressionPlayMode.UntilDone|block": "until done", - "TouchButtonEvent.LongPressed|block": "long pressed", - "TouchButtonEvent.Pressed|block": "pressed", - "TouchButtonEvent.Released|block": "released", - "TouchButtonEvent.Touched|block": "touched", - "TouchTarget.LOGO|block": "logo", - "TouchTarget.P0|block": "P0", - "TouchTarget.P1|block": "P1", - "TouchTarget.P2|block": "P2", - "TouchTarget.P3|block": "P3", - "TouchTargetMode.Capacitive|block": "capacitive", - "TouchTargetMode.Resistive|block": "resistive", - "WaveShape.Noise|block": "noise", - "WaveShape.Sawtooth|block": "sawtooth", - "WaveShape.Sine|block": "sine", - "WaveShape.Square|block": "square", - "WaveShape.Triangle|block": "triangle", - "basic.setLedColors|block": "set LED to %color1=colorNumberPicker %color2=colorNumberPicker %color3=colorNumberPicker || brightness %brightness", - "basic|block": "basic", - "input.logoIsPressed|block": "logo is pressed", - "input.onLogoEvent|block": "on logo $action", - "input|block": "input", - "motors.dualMotorPower|block": "motor %motor|at %percent \\%", - "motors.motorCommand|block": "motor %command", - "motors.motorPower|block": "motor on at %percent \\%", - "motors|block": "motors", - "music.PlaybackMode.InBackground|block": "in background", - "music.PlaybackMode.LoopingInBackground|block": "looping in background", - "music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone|block": "until done", - "music._playDefaultBackground|block": "play $toPlay $playbackMode", - "music.builtInPlayableMelody|block": "melody $melody", - "music.builtinPlayableSoundEffect|block": "$soundExpression", - "music.builtinSoundEffect|block": "$soundExpression", - "music.createSoundEffect|block": "$waveShape|| start frequency $startFrequency end frequency $endFrequency duration $duration start volume $startVolume end volume $endVolume effect $effect interpolation $interpolation", - "music.createSoundExpression|block": "$waveShape|| start frequency $startFrequency end frequency $endFrequency duration $duration start volume $startVolume end volume $endVolume effect $effect interpolation $interpolation", - "music.isSoundPlaying|block": "sound is playing", - "music.onEvent|block": "music on %value", - "music.playSoundEffect|block": "play sound $sound $mode", - "music.play|block": "play $toPlay $playbackMode", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|block": "set built-in speaker $enabled", - "music.setVolume|block": "set volume %volume", - "music.stringPlayable|block": "melody $melody at tempo $bpm|(bpm)", - "music.tonePlayable|block": "tone $note for $duration", - "music.volume|block": "volume", - "music|block": "music", - "pins.touchSetMode|block": "set %name to touch mode %mode", - "pins|block": "pins", - "soundExpression.giggle|block": "{id:soundexpression}giggle", - "soundExpression.happy|block": "{id:soundexpression}happy", - "soundExpression.hello|block": "{id:soundexpression}hello", - "soundExpression.mysterious|block": "{id:soundexpression}mysterious", - "soundExpression.sad|block": "{id:soundexpression}sad", - "soundExpression.slide|block": "{id:soundexpression}slide", - "soundExpression.soaring|block": "{id:soundexpression}soaring", - "soundExpression.spring|block": "{id:soundexpression}spring", - "soundExpression.twinkle|block": "{id:soundexpression}twinkle", - "soundExpression.yawn|block": "{id:soundexpression}yawn", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basic", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:category}Pins": "Pins", - "{id:category}SoundExpression": "SoundExpression", - "{id:group}Logo": "Logo", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED", - "{id:group}State": "State", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}Touch": "Touch", - "{id:group}Volume": "Volume" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-minicodal-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-minicodal-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index a100ad728..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-minicodal-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -{ - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.beat": "Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds", - "music.beginMelody": "Use startMelody instead", - "music.builtInMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.changeTempoBy": "Change the tempo by the specified amount", - "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20", - "music.getFrequencyForNote": "Converts an octave and note offset into an integer frequency.\nReturns 0 if the note is out of range.\n* @param octave The octave of the note (1 - 8)\n\n@returns A frequency in HZ or 0 if out of range", - "music.getFrequencyForNote|param|note": "The offset of the note within the octave", - "music.melodyEditor": "Create a melody with the melody editor.", - "music.noteFrequency": "Gets the frequency of a note.", - "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name", - "music.onEvent": "Registers code to run on various melody events", - "music.playMelody": "Play a melody from the melody editor.", - "music.playMelody|param|melody": "string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: \"E D G F B A C5 B \"", - "music.playMelody|param|tempo": "number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for", - "music.playTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.rest": "Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``.", - "music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.ringTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0``.", - "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled": "Turn the built-in speaker on or off.\nDisabling the speaker resets the sound pin to the default of P0.", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|param|enabled": "whether the built-in speaker is enabled in addition to the sound pin", - "music.setPlayTone": "Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies", - "music.setSilenceLevel": "Defines an optional sample level to generate during periods of silence.", - "music.setTempo": "Sets the tempo to the specified amount", - "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120", - "music.setVolume": "Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...255", - "music.startMelody": "Starts playing a melody.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", - "music.startMelody|param|melodyArray": "the melody array to play", - "music.startMelody|param|options": "melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background", - "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds and melodies currently playing.", - "music.stopMelody": "Stops the melodies", - "music.stopMelody|param|options": "which melody to stop", - "music.tempo": "Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.", - "music.volume": "Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-minicodal-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-minicodal-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index df2f6928b..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-codal/_locales/core-minicodal-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -{ - "BeatFraction.Breve|block": "4", - "BeatFraction.Double|block": "2", - "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", - "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", - "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", - "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", - "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", - "Melodies.BaDing|block": "ba ding", - "Melodies.Baddy|block": "baddy", - "Melodies.Birthday|block": "birthday", - "Melodies.Blues|block": "blues", - "Melodies.Chase|block": "chase", - "Melodies.Dadadadum|block": "dadadum", - "Melodies.Entertainer|block": "entertainer", - "Melodies.Funeral|block": "funeral", - "Melodies.Funk|block": "funk", - "Melodies.JumpDown|block": "jump down", - "Melodies.JumpUp|block": "jump up", - "Melodies.Nyan|block": "nyan", - "Melodies.Ode|block": "ode", - "Melodies.PowerDown|block": "power down", - "Melodies.PowerUp|block": "power up", - "Melodies.Prelude|block": "prelude", - "Melodies.Punchline|block": "punchline", - "Melodies.Ringtone|block": "ringtone", - "Melodies.Wawawawaa|block": "wawawawaa", - "Melodies.Wedding|block": "wedding", - "MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground|block": "forever in background", - "MelodyOptions.Forever|block": "forever", - "MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground|block": "once in background", - "MelodyOptions.Once|block": "once", - "MelodyStopOptions.All|block": "all", - "MelodyStopOptions.Background|block": "background", - "MelodyStopOptions.Foreground|block": "foreground", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded|block": "background melody ended", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed|block": "background melody note played", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused|block": "background melody paused", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated|block": "background melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed|block": "background melody resumed", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted|block": "background melody started", - "MusicEvent.MelodyEnded|block": "melody ended", - "MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed|block": "melody note played", - "MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated|block": "melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.MelodyStarted|block": "melody started", - "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", - "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", - "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", - "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", - "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", - "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", - "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", - "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", - "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", - "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", - "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", - "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|beat", - "music.builtInMelody|block": "%melody", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "change tempo by (bpm)|%value", - "music.melodyEditor|block": "$melody", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%name", - "music.onEvent|block": "music on %value", - "music.playMelody|block": "play melody $melody at tempo $tempo|(bpm)", - "music.playTone|block": "play|tone %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "rest(ms)|%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "ring tone (Hz)|%note=device_note", - "music.setBuiltInSpeakerEnabled|block": "set built-in speaker $enabled", - "music.setTempo|block": "set tempo to (bpm)|%value", - "music.setVolume|block": "set volume %volume", - "music.startMelody|block": "start melody %melody=device_builtin_melody| repeating %options", - "music.stopAllSounds|block": "stop all sounds", - "music.stopMelody|block": "stop melody $options", - "music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)", - "music.volume|block": "volume", - "music|block": "music", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}Tempo": "Tempo", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}Volume": "Volume", - "{id:group}micro:bit (V2)": "micro:bit (V2)" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/Untitled-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/Untitled-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 68c3151dd..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/Untitled-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -{ - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.isCalibratedCompass": "Returns 'true' when the compass is calibrated. Otherwise returns 'false'.", - "input.loudness": "gets the level of loudness from 0 (silent) to 255 (loud)", - "motors": "Blocks to control the onboard motors", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Controls two motors attached to the board. Switches to dual-motor mode!", - "motors.motorCommand": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPower": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/Untitled-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/Untitled-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 38a7ed75f..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/Untitled-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -{ - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass|block": "assume calibration compass", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass|block": "clear calibration compass", - "input.isCalibratedCompass|block": "is compass calibrated", - "input.loudness|block": "Loudness", - "input|block": "input", - "motors.dualMotorPower|block": "motor %motor|at %percent \\%", - "motors.motorCommand|block": "motor %command", - "motors.motorPower|block": "motor on at %percent \\%", - "motors|block": "motors", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Configuration", - "{id:group}System": "System" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core---minidal-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core---minidal-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index dcb78cff4..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core---minidal-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Colors": "Well known colors", - "basic": "Provides access to basic calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic micro:bit functionality.", - "basic.color": "Converts the color name to a number", - "basic.rgb": "Converts red, green, blue channels into a RGB color", - "basic.rgb|param|blue": "value of the blue channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.rgb|param|green": "value of the green channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.rgb|param|red": "value of the red channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.setLedColor": "Sets the color on the build-in LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff": "Sets the color on the build-in LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.isCalibratedCompass": "Returns 'true' when the compass is calibrated. Otherwise returns 'false'.", - "input.soundLevel": "gets the level of loudness from 0 (silent) to 255 (loud)", - "motors": "Blocks to control the onboard motors", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Controls two motors attached to the board. Switches to dual-motor mode!", - "motors.motorCommand": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPower": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50", - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.beat": "Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds", - "music.beginMelody": "Use startMelody instead", - "music.builtInMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.changeTempoBy": "Change the tempo by the specified amount", - "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20", - "music.getFrequencyForNote": "Converts an octave and note offset into an integer frequency.\nReturns 0 if the note is out of range.\n* @param octave The octave of the note (1 - 8)\n\n@returns A frequency in HZ or 0 if out of range", - "music.getFrequencyForNote|param|note": "The offset of the note within the octave", - "music.melodyEditor": "Create a melody with the melody editor.", - "music.noteFrequency": "Gets the frequency of a note.", - "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name", - "music.onEvent": "Registers code to run on various melody events", - "music.playMelody": "Play a melody from the melody editor.", - "music.playMelody|param|melody": "string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: \"E D G F B A C5 B \"", - "music.playMelody|param|tempo": "number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for", - "music.playTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.rest": "Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``.", - "music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.ringTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0``.", - "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.setPlayTone": "Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies", - "music.setTempo": "Sets the tempo to the specified amount", - "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120", - "music.setVolume": "Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...255", - "music.speakerPlayTone": "Plays a tone through ``speaker`` for the given duration.", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.startMelody": "Starts playing a melody.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", - "music.startMelody|param|melodyArray": "the melody array to play", - "music.startMelody|param|options": "melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background", - "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds and melodies currently playing.", - "music.stopMelody": "Stops the melodies", - "music.stopMelody|param|options": "which melody to stop", - "music.tempo": "Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.", - "music.volume": "Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core---minidal-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core---minidal-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index dae95ebae..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core---minidal-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -{ - "BeatFraction.Breve|block": "4", - "BeatFraction.Double|block": "2", - "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", - "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", - "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", - "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", - "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", - "Colors.Blue|block": "blue", - "Colors.Green|block": "green", - "Colors.Indigo|block": "indigo", - "Colors.Off|block": "off", - "Colors.Orange|block": "orange", - "Colors.Purple|block": "purple", - "Colors.Red|block": "red", - "Colors.Violet|block": "violet", - "Colors.White|block": "white", - "Colors.Yellow|block": "yellow", - "Melodies.BaDing|block": "ba ding", - "Melodies.Baddy|block": "baddy", - "Melodies.Birthday|block": "birthday", - "Melodies.Blues|block": "blues", - "Melodies.Chase|block": "chase", - "Melodies.Dadadadum|block": "dadadum", - "Melodies.Entertainer|block": "entertainer", - "Melodies.Funeral|block": "funeral", - "Melodies.Funk|block": "funk", - "Melodies.JumpDown|block": "jump down", - "Melodies.JumpUp|block": "jump up", - "Melodies.Nyan|block": "nyan", - "Melodies.Ode|block": "ode", - "Melodies.PowerDown|block": "power down", - "Melodies.PowerUp|block": "power up", - "Melodies.Prelude|block": "prelude", - "Melodies.Punchline|block": "punchline", - "Melodies.Ringtone|block": "ringtone", - "Melodies.Wawawawaa|block": "wawawawaa", - "Melodies.Wedding|block": "wedding", - "MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground|block": "forever in background", - "MelodyOptions.Forever|block": "forever", - "MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground|block": "once in background", - "MelodyOptions.Once|block": "once", - "MelodyStopOptions.All|block": "all", - "MelodyStopOptions.Background|block": "background", - "MelodyStopOptions.Foreground|block": "foreground", - "Motor.AB|block": "A and B", - "MotorCommand.Break|block": "break", - "MotorCommand.Coast|block": "coast", - "MotorCommand.Sleep|block": "sleep", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded|block": "background melody ended", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed|block": "background melody note played", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused|block": "background melody paused", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated|block": "background melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed|block": "background melody resumed", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted|block": "background melody started", - "MusicEvent.MelodyEnded|block": "melody ended", - "MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed|block": "melody note played", - "MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated|block": "melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.MelodyStarted|block": "melody started", - "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", - "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", - "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", - "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", - "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", - "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", - "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", - "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", - "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", - "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", - "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", - "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", - "basic.color|block": "%c", - "basic.rgb|block": "red %red|green %green|blue %blue", - "basic.setLedColor|block": "set led to %color=colorNumberPicker", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff|block": "turn build-in LED off", - "basic|block": "basic", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass|block": "assume calibration compass", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass|block": "clear calibration compass", - "input.isCalibratedCompass|block": "is compass calibrated", - "input.soundLevel|block": "soundLevel", - "input|block": "input", - "motors.dualMotorPower|block": "motor %motor|at %percent \\%", - "motors.motorCommand|block": "motor %command", - "motors.motorPower|block": "motor on at %percent \\%", - "motors|block": "motors", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|beat", - "music.builtInMelody|block": "%melody", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "change tempo by (bpm)|%value", - "music.melodyEditor|block": "$melody", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%name", - "music.onEvent|block": "music on %value", - "music.playMelody|block": "play melody $melody at tempo $tempo|(bpm)", - "music.playTone|block": "play|tone %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "rest(ms)|%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "ring tone (Hz)|%note=device_note", - "music.setTempo|block": "set tempo to (bpm)|%value", - "music.setVolume|block": "set volume %volume", - "music.startMelody|block": "start melody %melody=device_builtin_melody| repeating %options", - "music.stopAllSounds|block": "stop all sounds", - "music.stopMelody|block": "stop melody $options", - "music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)", - "music.volume|block": "volume", - "music|block": "music", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basic", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Configuration", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED", - "{id:group}Sensors": "Sensors", - "{id:group}Silence": "Silence", - "{id:group}System": "System", - "{id:group}Tempo": "Tempo", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}Volume": "Volume" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-mini-dal-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-mini-dal-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 1702c8509..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-mini-dal-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -{ - "basic": "Provides access to basic Calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic Calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.", - "basic.setLedColors": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|brightness": "The LED brightness in percent.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color1": "The color of the first LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color2": "The second LED color.", - "basic.setLedColors|param|color3": "The third LED color.", - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "motors": "Blocks to control the onboard motors", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Controls two motors attached to the board. Switches to dual-motor mode!", - "motors.motorCommand": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPower": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-mini-dal-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-mini-dal-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index faefd8c20..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-mini-dal-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -{ - "basic.setLedColors|block": "set LED to %color1=colorNumberPicker %color2=colorNumberPicker %color3=colorNumberPicker", - "basic|block": "basic", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass|block": "assume calibration compass", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass|block": "clear calibration compass", - "input|block": "input", - "motors.dualMotorPower|block": "motor %motor|at %percent \\%", - "motors.motorCommand|block": "motor %command", - "motors.motorPower|block": "motor on at %percent \\%", - "motors|block": "motors", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basic", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Configuration", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-minidal-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-minidal-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 55a096ae8..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-minidal-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Colors": "Well known colors", - "basic": "Provides access to basic micro:bit functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic micro:bit functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.", - "basic.color": "Converts the color name to a number", - "basic.rgb": "Converts red, green, blue channels into a RGB color", - "basic.rgb|param|blue": "value of the blue channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.rgb|param|green": "value of the green channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.rgb|param|red": "value of the red channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.setLedColor": "Sets the color on the build-in LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff": "Sets the color on the build-in LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.isCalibratedCompass": "Returns 'true' when the compass is calibrated. Otherwise returns 'false'.", - "input.soundLevel": "gets the level of loudness from 0 (silent) to 255 (loud)", - "motors": "Blocks to control the onboard motors", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Controls two motors attached to the board. Switches to dual-motor mode!", - "motors.motorCommand": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPower": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50", - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.beat": "Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds", - "music.beginMelody": "Use startMelody instead", - "music.builtInMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.changeTempoBy": "Change the tempo by the specified amount", - "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20", - "music.getFrequencyForNote": "Converts an octave and note offset into an integer frequency.\nReturns 0 if the note is out of range.\n* @param octave The octave of the note (1 - 8)\n\n@returns A frequency in HZ or 0 if out of range", - "music.getFrequencyForNote|param|note": "The offset of the note within the octave", - "music.melodyEditor": "Create a melody with the melody editor.", - "music.noteFrequency": "Gets the frequency of a note.", - "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name", - "music.onEvent": "Registers code to run on various melody events", - "music.playMelody": "Play a melody from the melody editor.", - "music.playMelody|param|melody": "string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: \"E D G F B A C5 B \"", - "music.playMelody|param|tempo": "number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for", - "music.playTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.rest": "Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``.", - "music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.ringTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0``.", - "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.setPlayTone": "Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies", - "music.setTempo": "Sets the tempo to the specified amount", - "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120", - "music.setVolume": "Set the default output volume of the sound synthesizer.", - "music.setVolume|param|volume": "the volume 0...255", - "music.speakerPlayTone": "Plays a tone through ``speaker`` for the given duration.", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.startMelody": "Starts playing a melody.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", - "music.startMelody|param|melodyArray": "the melody array to play", - "music.startMelody|param|options": "melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background", - "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds and melodies currently playing.", - "music.stopMelody": "Stops the melodies", - "music.stopMelody|param|options": "which melody to stop", - "music.tempo": "Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.", - "music.volume": "Returns the current output volume of the sound synthesizer." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-minidal-strings.json b/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-minidal-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index dae95ebae..000000000 --- a/libs/core-mini-dal/_locales/core-minidal-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -{ - "BeatFraction.Breve|block": "4", - "BeatFraction.Double|block": "2", - "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", - "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", - "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", - "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", - "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", - "Colors.Blue|block": "blue", - "Colors.Green|block": "green", - "Colors.Indigo|block": "indigo", - "Colors.Off|block": "off", - "Colors.Orange|block": "orange", - "Colors.Purple|block": "purple", - "Colors.Red|block": "red", - "Colors.Violet|block": "violet", - "Colors.White|block": "white", - "Colors.Yellow|block": "yellow", - "Melodies.BaDing|block": "ba ding", - "Melodies.Baddy|block": "baddy", - "Melodies.Birthday|block": "birthday", - "Melodies.Blues|block": "blues", - "Melodies.Chase|block": "chase", - "Melodies.Dadadadum|block": "dadadum", - "Melodies.Entertainer|block": "entertainer", - "Melodies.Funeral|block": "funeral", - "Melodies.Funk|block": "funk", - "Melodies.JumpDown|block": "jump down", - "Melodies.JumpUp|block": "jump up", - "Melodies.Nyan|block": "nyan", - "Melodies.Ode|block": "ode", - "Melodies.PowerDown|block": "power down", - "Melodies.PowerUp|block": "power up", - "Melodies.Prelude|block": "prelude", - "Melodies.Punchline|block": "punchline", - "Melodies.Ringtone|block": "ringtone", - "Melodies.Wawawawaa|block": "wawawawaa", - "Melodies.Wedding|block": "wedding", - "MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground|block": "forever in background", - "MelodyOptions.Forever|block": "forever", - "MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground|block": "once in background", - "MelodyOptions.Once|block": "once", - "MelodyStopOptions.All|block": "all", - "MelodyStopOptions.Background|block": "background", - "MelodyStopOptions.Foreground|block": "foreground", - "Motor.AB|block": "A and B", - "MotorCommand.Break|block": "break", - "MotorCommand.Coast|block": "coast", - "MotorCommand.Sleep|block": "sleep", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded|block": "background melody ended", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed|block": "background melody note played", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused|block": "background melody paused", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated|block": "background melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed|block": "background melody resumed", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted|block": "background melody started", - "MusicEvent.MelodyEnded|block": "melody ended", - "MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed|block": "melody note played", - "MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated|block": "melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.MelodyStarted|block": "melody started", - "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", - "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", - "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", - "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", - "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", - "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", - "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", - "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", - "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", - "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", - "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", - "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", - "basic.color|block": "%c", - "basic.rgb|block": "red %red|green %green|blue %blue", - "basic.setLedColor|block": "set led to %color=colorNumberPicker", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff|block": "turn build-in LED off", - "basic|block": "basic", - "input.assumeCalibrationCompass|block": "assume calibration compass", - "input.clearCalibrationCompass|block": "clear calibration compass", - "input.isCalibratedCompass|block": "is compass calibrated", - "input.soundLevel|block": "soundLevel", - "input|block": "input", - "motors.dualMotorPower|block": "motor %motor|at %percent \\%", - "motors.motorCommand|block": "motor %command", - "motors.motorPower|block": "motor on at %percent \\%", - "motors|block": "motors", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|beat", - "music.builtInMelody|block": "%melody", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "change tempo by (bpm)|%value", - "music.melodyEditor|block": "$melody", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%name", - "music.onEvent|block": "music on %value", - "music.playMelody|block": "play melody $melody at tempo $tempo|(bpm)", - "music.playTone|block": "play|tone %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "rest(ms)|%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "ring tone (Hz)|%note=device_note", - "music.setTempo|block": "set tempo to (bpm)|%value", - "music.setVolume|block": "set volume %volume", - "music.startMelody|block": "start melody %melody=device_builtin_melody| repeating %options", - "music.stopAllSounds|block": "stop all sounds", - "music.stopMelody|block": "stop melody $options", - "music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)", - "music.volume|block": "volume", - "music|block": "music", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basic", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Configuration", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED", - "{id:group}Sensors": "Sensors", - "{id:group}Silence": "Silence", - "{id:group}System": "System", - "{id:group}Tempo": "Tempo", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}Volume": "Volume" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 276c479df..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/core-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,698 +0,0 @@ -{ - "AcceleratorRange.EightG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 8 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.FourG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 4 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.OneG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 1 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.TwoG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 2 gravity", - "Array": "Add, remove, and replace items in lists.", - "Array._pickRandom": "Return a random value from the array", - "Array._popStatement": "Remove the last element from an array and return it.", - "Array._removeAtStatement": "Remove the element at a certain index.", - "Array._shiftStatement": "Remove the first element from an array and return it. This method changes the length of the array.", - "Array._unshiftStatement": "Add one element to the beginning of an array and return the new length of the array.", - "Array.concat": "Concatenates the values with another array.", - "Array.concat|param|arr": "The other array that is being concatenated with", - "Array.every": "Tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented by the provided function.", - "Array.every|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to two arguments. The every method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.", - "Array.fill": "Fills all the elements of an array from a start index to an end index with a static value. The end index is not included.", - "Array.filter": "Return the elements of an array that meet the condition specified in a callback function.", - "Array.filter|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to two arguments. The filter method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.", - "Array.find": "Returns the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function. Otherwise undefined is returned.", - "Array.forEach": "Call a defined callback function on each element of an array.", - "Array.forEach|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to two arguments. The forEach method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.", - "Array.get": "Get the value at a particular index", - "Array.get|param|index": "the zero-based position in the list of the item, eg: 0", - "Array.indexOf": "Return the index of the first occurrence of a value in an array.", - "Array.indexOf|param|fromIndex": "The array index at which to begin the search. If fromIndex is omitted, the search starts at index 0.", - "Array.indexOf|param|item": "The value to locate in the array.", - "Array.insertAt": "Insert the value at a particular index, increases length by 1", - "Array.insertAt|param|index": "the zero-based position in the list to insert the value, eg: 0", - "Array.isArray": "Check if a given object is an array.", - "Array.join": "joins all elements of an array into a string and returns this string.", - "Array.join|param|sep": "the string separator", - "Array.length": "Get or set the length of an array. This number is one more than the index of the last element the array.", - "Array.map": "Call a defined callback function on each element of an array, and return an array containing the results.", - "Array.map|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to two arguments. The map method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.", - "Array.pop": "Remove the last element from an array and return it.", - "Array.push": "Append a new element to an array.", - "Array.reduce": "Call the specified callback function for all the elements in an array. The return value of the callback function is the accumulated result, and is provided as an argument in the next call to the callback function.", - "Array.reduce|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to three arguments. The reduce method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.", - "Array.reduce|param|initialValue": "Initial value to start the accumulation. The first call to the callbackfn function provides this value as an argument instead of an array value.", - "Array.removeAt": "Remove the element at a certain index.", - "Array.removeElement": "Remove the first occurence of an object. Returns true if removed.", - "Array.reverse": "Reverse the elements in an array. The first array element becomes the last, and the last array element becomes the first.", - "Array.set": "Store a value at a particular index", - "Array.set|param|index": "the zero-based position in the list to store the value, eg: 0", - "Array.set|param|value": "the value to insert, eg: 0", - "Array.shift": "Remove the first element from an array and return it. This method changes the length of the array.", - "Array.slice": "Return a section of an array.", - "Array.slice|param|end": "The end of the specified portion of the array. eg: 0", - "Array.slice|param|start": "The beginning of the specified portion of the array. eg: 0", - "Array.some": "Tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test implemented by the provided function.", - "Array.some|param|callbackfn": "A function that accepts up to two arguments. The some method calls the callbackfn function one time for each element in the array.", - "Array.sort": "Sort the elements of an array in place and returns the array. The sort is not necessarily stable.", - "Array.splice": "Remove elements from an array.", - "Array.splice|param|deleteCount": "The number of elements to remove. eg: 0", - "Array.splice|param|start": "The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements. eg: 0", - "Array.unshift": "Add one element to the beginning of an array and return the new length of the array.", - "Array@type": "Add, remove, and replace items in lists.", - "Boolean.toString": "Returns a string representation of an object.", - "Buffer.chunked": "Splits buffer into parts no larger than specified", - "Buffer.concat": "Return concatenation of current buffer and the given buffer\n\nConcatenates all buffers in the list", - "Buffer.create": "Allocate a new buffer.", - "Buffer.create|param|size": "number of bytes in the buffer", - "Buffer.equals": "Returns true if this and the other buffer hold the same data", - "Buffer.fill": "Fill (a fragment) of the buffer with given value.", - "Buffer.fromArray": "Create a new buffer initialized to bytes from given array.", - "Buffer.fromArray|param|bytes": "data to initialize with", - "Buffer.fromBase64": "Create a new buffer, decoding a Base64 string", - "Buffer.fromHex": "Create a new buffer, decoding a hex string", - "Buffer.fromUTF8": "Create a new buffer from an UTF8-encoded string", - "Buffer.fromUTF8|param|str": "the string to put in the buffer", - "Buffer.getNumber": "Read a number in specified format from the buffer.", - "Buffer.getUint8": "Reads an unsigned byte at a particular location", - "Buffer.hash": "Compute k-bit FNV-1 non-cryptographic hash of the buffer.", - "Buffer.indexOf": "Return position of other buffer in current buffer", - "Buffer.isReadOnly": "Returns false when the buffer can be written to.", - "Buffer.length": "Returns the length of a Buffer object.", - "Buffer.packAt": "Writes numbers to the buffer according to the format", - "Buffer.rotate": "Rotate buffer left in place.\n\n\n\nstart. eg: -1", - "Buffer.rotate|param|length": "number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus", - "Buffer.rotate|param|offset": "number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right", - "Buffer.rotate|param|start": "start offset in buffer. Default is 0.", - "Buffer.setNumber": "Write a number in specified format in the buffer.", - "Buffer.setUint8": "Writes an unsigned byte at a particular location", - "Buffer.shift": "Shift buffer left in place, with zero padding.\n\n\n\nstart. eg: -1", - "Buffer.shift|param|length": "number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus", - "Buffer.shift|param|offset": "number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right", - "Buffer.shift|param|start": "start offset in buffer. Default is 0.", - "Buffer.sizeOfNumberFormat": "Get the size in bytes of specified number format.", - "Buffer.slice": "Return a copy of a fragment of a buffer.", - "Buffer.toArray": "Read contents of buffer as an array in specified format", - "Buffer.toBase64": "Convert buffer to ASCII base64 encoding.", - "Buffer.toHex": "Convert a buffer to its hexadecimal representation.", - "Buffer.toString": "Convert a buffer to string assuming UTF8 encoding", - "Buffer.unpack": "Reads numbers from the buffer according to the format", - "Buffer.write": "Write contents of `src` at `dstOffset` in current buffer.", - "Colors": "Well known colors", - "EventCreationMode": "How to create the event.", - "EventCreationMode.CreateAndFire": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and its event handlers are immediately fired (not suitable for use in interrupts!).", - "EventCreationMode.CreateOnly": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and no further processing takes place.", - "Gesture.EightG": "Raised when a 8G shock is detected", - "Gesture.FreeFall": "Raised when the board is falling!", - "Gesture.LogoDown": "Raised when the logo is downward and the screen is vertical", - "Gesture.LogoUp": "Raised when the logo is upward and the screen is vertical", - "Gesture.ScreenDown": "Raised when the screen is pointing down and the board is horizontal", - "Gesture.ScreenUp": "Raised when the screen is pointing up and the board is horizontal", - "Gesture.Shake": "Raised when shaken", - "Gesture.SixG": "Raised when a 6G shock is detected", - "Gesture.ThreeG": "Raised when a 3G shock is detected", - "Gesture.TiltLeft": "Raised when the screen is pointing left", - "Gesture.TiltRight": "Raised when the screen is pointing right", - "Image.clear": "Sets all pixels off.", - "Image.height": "Gets the height in rows (always 5)", - "Image.pixel": "Get the pixel state at position ``(x,y)``", - "Image.pixelBrightness": "Gets the pixel brightness ([0..255]) at a given position", - "Image.pixel|param|x": "pixel column", - "Image.pixel|param|y": "pixel row", - "Image.plotFrame": "Draws the ``index``-th frame of the image on the screen.", - "Image.plotFrame|param|xOffset": "column index to start displaying the image", - "Image.plotImage": "Plots the image at a given column to the screen", - "Image.scrollImage": "Scrolls an image .", - "Image.scrollImage|param|frameOffset": "x offset moved on each animation step, eg: 1, 2, 5", - "Image.scrollImage|param|interval": "time between each animation step in milli seconds, eg: 200", - "Image.setPixel": "Set a pixel state at position ``(x,y)``", - "Image.setPixelBrightness": "Sets a specific pixel brightness at a given position", - "Image.setPixel|param|value": "pixel state", - "Image.setPixel|param|x": "pixel column", - "Image.setPixel|param|y": "pixel row", - "Image.showFrame": "Show a particular frame of the image strip.", - "Image.showFrame|param|frame": "image frame to show", - "Image.showImage": "Shows an frame from the image at offset ``x offset``.", - "Image.showImage|param|interval": "time in milliseconds to pause after drawing", - "Image.showImage|param|xOffset": "column index to start displaying the image", - "Image.width": "Gets the width in columns", - "Infinity": "Constant representing positive infinity.", - "JSON.parse": "Converts a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string into an object.", - "JSON.stringify": "Converts a JavaScript value to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string.", - "JSON.stringify|param|indent": "Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read.", - "JSON.stringify|param|replacer": "Not supported; use null.", - "JSON.stringify|param|value": "A JavaScript value, usually an object or array, to be converted.", - "Math": "More complex operations with numbers.", - "Math.abs": "Returns the absolute value of a number (the value without regard to whether it is positive or negative).\nFor example, the absolute value of -5 is the same as the absolute value of 5.", - "Math.abs|param|x": "A numeric expression for which the absolute value is needed.", - "Math.acos": "Returns the arccosine (in radians) of a number", - "Math.acos|param|x": "A number", - "Math.asin": "Returns the arcsine (in radians) of a number", - "Math.asin|param|x": "A number", - "Math.atan": "Returns the arctangent (in radians) of a number", - "Math.atan2": "Returns the arctangent of the quotient of its arguments.", - "Math.atan2|param|x": "A number", - "Math.atan2|param|y": "A number", - "Math.atan|param|x": "A number", - "Math.ceil": "Returns the smallest number greater than or equal to its numeric argument.", - "Math.ceil|param|x": "A numeric expression.", - "Math.constrain": "Constrains a number to be within a range", - "Math.cos": "Returns the cosine of a number.", - "Math.cos|param|x": "An angle in radians", - "Math.exp": "Returns returns ``e^x``.", - "Math.exp|param|x": "A number", - "Math.floor": "Returns the greatest number less than or equal to its numeric argument.", - "Math.floor|param|x": "A numeric expression.", - "Math.icos": "Returns the cosine of an input angle. This is an 8-bit approximation.", - "Math.icos|param|theta": "input angle from 0-255", - "Math.idiv": "Returns the value of integer signed 32 bit division of two numbers.", - "Math.idiv|param|x": "The first number", - "Math.idiv|param|y": "The second number", - "Math.imul": "Returns the value of integer signed 32 bit multiplication of two numbers.", - "Math.imul|param|x": "The first number", - "Math.imul|param|y": "The second number", - "Math.isin": "Returns the sine of an input angle. This is an 8-bit approximation.", - "Math.isin|param|theta": "input angle from 0-255", - "Math.log": "Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of a number.", - "Math.log|param|x": "A number", - "Math.map": "Re-maps a number from one range to another. That is, a value of ``from low`` would get mapped to ``to low``, a value of ``from high`` to ``to high``, values in-between to values in-between, etc.", - "Math.map|param|fromHigh": "the upper bound of the value's current range, eg: 1023", - "Math.map|param|fromLow": "the lower bound of the value's current range", - "Math.map|param|toHigh": "the upper bound of the value's target range, eg: 4", - "Math.map|param|toLow": "the lower bound of the value's target range", - "Math.map|param|value": "value to map in ranges", - "Math.max": "Returns the larger of two supplied numeric expressions.", - "Math.min": "Returns the smaller of two supplied numeric expressions.", - "Math.pow": "Returns the value of a base expression taken to a specified power.", - "Math.pow|param|x": "The base value of the expression.", - "Math.pow|param|y": "The exponent value of the expression.", - "Math.random": "Returns a pseudorandom number between 0 and 1.", - "Math.randomBoolean": "Generates a `true` or `false` value randomly, just like flipping a coin.", - "Math.randomRange": "Returns a pseudorandom number between min and max included.\nIf both numbers are integral, the result is integral.", - "Math.randomRange|param|max": "the upper inclusive bound, eg: 10", - "Math.randomRange|param|min": "the lower inclusive bound, eg: 0", - "Math.round": "Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest number.", - "Math.roundWithPrecision": "Rounds ``x`` to a number with the given number of ``digits``", - "Math.roundWithPrecision|param|digits": "the number of resulting digits", - "Math.roundWithPrecision|param|x": "the number to round", - "Math.round|param|x": "The value to be rounded to the nearest number.", - "Math.sign": "Returns the sign of the x, indicating whether x is positive, negative or zero.", - "Math.sign|param|x": "The numeric expression to test", - "Math.sin": "Returns the sine of a number.", - "Math.sin|param|x": "An angle in radians", - "Math.sqrt": "Returns the square root of a number.", - "Math.sqrt|param|x": "A numeric expression.", - "Math.tan": "Returns the tangent of a number.", - "Math.tan|param|x": "An angle in radians", - "Math.trunc": "Returns the number with the decimal part truncated.", - "Math.trunc|param|x": "A numeric expression.", - "NaN": "Constant representing Not-A-Number.", - "Number.isNaN": "Check if a given value is of type Number and it is a NaN.", - "Number.toString": "Returns a string representation of a number.", - "Object.keys": "Return the field names in an object.", - "String": "Combine, split, and search text strings.", - "String.charAt": "Return the character at the specified index.", - "String.charAt|param|index": "The zero-based index of the desired character.", - "String.charCodeAt": "Return the Unicode value of the character at the specified location.", - "String.charCodeAt|param|index": "The zero-based index of the desired character. If there is no character at the specified index, NaN is returned.", - "String.compare": "See how the order of characters in two strings is different (in ASCII encoding).", - "String.compare|param|that": "String to compare to target string", - "String.concat": "Returns a string that contains the concatenation of two or more strings.", - "String.concat|param|other": "The string to append to the end of the string.", - "String.fromCharCode": "Make a string from the given ASCII character code.", - "String.includes": "Determines whether a string contains the characters of a specified string.", - "String.includes|param|searchValue": "the text to find", - "String.includes|param|start": "optional start index for the search", - "String.indexOf": "Returns the position of the first occurrence of a specified value in a string.", - "String.indexOf|param|searchValue": "the text to find", - "String.indexOf|param|start": "optional start index for the search", - "String.isEmpty": "Returns a value indicating if the string is empty", - "String.length": "Returns the length of a String object.", - "String.replace": "Return the current string with the first occurence of toReplace\nreplaced with the replacer\n\n\nor a function that accepts the substring and returns the replacement string.", - "String.replaceAll": "Return the current string with each occurence of toReplace\nreplaced with the replacer\n\n\nor a function that accepts the substring and returns the replacement string.", - "String.replaceAll|param|replacer": "either the string that replaces toReplace in the current string,", - "String.replaceAll|param|toReplace": "the substring to replace in the current string", - "String.replace|param|replacer": "either the string that replaces toReplace in the current string,", - "String.replace|param|toReplace": "the substring to replace in the current string", - "String.slice": "Return a substring of the current string.", - "String.slice|param|end": "one-past-last character index", - "String.slice|param|start": "first character index; can be negative from counting from the end, eg:0", - "String.split": "Splits the string according to the separators", - "String.split|param|separator": "@param limit", - "String.substr": "Return a substring of the current string.", - "String.substr|param|length": "number of characters to extract, eg: 10", - "String.substr|param|start": "first character index; can be negative from counting from the end, eg:0", - "String.toLowerCase": "Converts the string to lower case characters.", - "String.toUpperCase": "Converts the string to upper case characters.", - "String.trim": "Return a substring of the current string with whitespace removed from both ends", - "String@type": "Combine, split, and search text strings.", - "StringMap": "A dictionary from string key to string values", - "_py.range": "Returns a sequence of numbers up to but not including the limit\n\nIf more than one argument is passed, this argument is instead used for the first value in the range", - "_py.range|param|first": "The value to end the sequence before. This value will not show up in the result.", - "_py.range|param|step": "The value to increase or decrease by for each step in the range. Must be a nonzero integer", - "_py.range|param|stop": "The value to end the sequence before. This value will not show up in the result", - "_py.slice": "Returns a section of an array according to python's extended slice syntax", - "_py.stringSlice": "Returns a section of a string according to python's extended slice syntax", - "basic": "Provides access to basic Calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic calliope mini functionality.\n\nProvides access to basic Calliope mini functionality.", - "basic.clearScreen": "Turn off all LEDs", - "basic.color": "Converts the color name to a number", - "basic.forever": "Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.", - "basic.pause": "Pause for the specified time in milliseconds", - "basic.pause|param|ms": "how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000", - "basic.plotLeds": "Draws an image on the LED screen.", - "basic.plotLeds|param|leds": "pattern of LEDs to turn on/off", - "basic.rgb": "Converts red, green, blue channels into a RGB color", - "basic.rgb|param|blue": "value of the blue channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.rgb|param|green": "value of the green channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.rgb|param|red": "value of the red channel between 0 and 255. eg: 255", - "basic.setLedColor": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColorDal": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|brightness": "The LED brightness in percent.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|color1": "The color of the first LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|color2": "The second LED color.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|color3": "The third LED color.", - "basic.setLedColor|param|color": "The color of the LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.showAnimation": "Shows a sequence of LED screens as an animation.", - "basic.showAnimation|param|interval": "time in milliseconds between each redraw.", - "basic.showAnimation|param|leds": "pattern of LEDs to turn on/off", - "basic.showArrow": "Draws an arrow on the LED screen", - "basic.showArrow|param|direction": "the direction of the arrow", - "basic.showArrow|param|interval": "the amount of time (milliseconds) to show the icon. Default is 600.", - "basic.showCompass": "Draws needle on the screen which always points to north", - "basic.showCompass|param|interval": "the amount of time (milliseconds) to show the needle. Default is 600.", - "basic.showIcon": "Draws the selected icon on the LED screen", - "basic.showIcon|param|icon": "the predefined icon id", - "basic.showIcon|param|interval": "the amount of time (milliseconds) to block the LED Matrix for showing the icon. Default is 600.", - "basic.showLeds": "Draws an image on the LED screen.", - "basic.showLeds|param|interval": "time in milliseconds to pause after drawing.", - "basic.showLeds|param|leds": "the pattern of LED to turn on/off.", - "basic.showNumber": "Scroll a number on the screen. If the number fits on the screen (i.e. is a single digit), do not scroll.", - "basic.showNumber|param|interval": "speed of scroll; eg: 50, 100, 150, 200", - "basic.showString": "Display text on the display, one character at a time. If the string fits on the screen (i.e. is one letter), does not scroll.", - "basic.showString|param|interval": "how fast to shift characters; eg: 50, 100, 150, 200", - "basic.showString|param|text": "the text to scroll on the screen, eg: \"hi!\"", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "console": "Reading and writing data to the console output.", - "console.addListener": "Adds a listener for the log messages", - "console.inspect": "Convert any object or value to a string representation", - "console.inspect|param|maxElements": "[optional] max number values in an object to include in output", - "console.inspect|param|obj": "value to be converted to a string", - "console.log": "Write a line of text to the console output.", - "console.logValue": "Write a name:value pair as a line of text to the console output.", - "console.logValue|param|name": "name of the value stream, eg: \"x\"", - "console.logValue|param|value": "to write", - "console.log|param|value": "to send", - "console.minPriority": "Minimum priority to send messages to listeners", - "console.removeListener": "Removes a listener", - "control": "Runtime and event utilities.", - "control._hardwareVersion": "Returns the major version of the microbit", - "control.allocateEventSource": "Incrementally allocates event source identifiers.", - "control.allocateNotifyEvent": "Allocates the next user notification event", - "control.assert": "If the condition is false, display msg on serial console, and panic with code 098.", - "control.benchmark": "Runs the function and returns run time in microseconds.", - "control.createBuffer": "Create a new zero-initialized buffer.", - "control.createBufferFromUTF8": "Create a new buffer with UTF8-encoded string", - "control.createBufferFromUTF8|param|str": "the string to put in the buffer", - "control.createBuffer|param|size": "number of bytes in the buffer", - "control.deviceLongSerialNumber": "Derive a unique, consistent 64-bit serial number of this device from internal data.", - "control.deviceName": "Make a friendly name for the device based on its serial number", - "control.deviceSerialNumber": "Derive a unique, consistent serial number of this device from internal data.", - "control.dmesg": "Write a message to DMESG debugging buffer.", - "control.dmesgPerfCounters": "Dump values of profiling performance counters.", - "control.dmesgPtr": "Write a message and value (pointer) to DMESG debugging buffer.", - "control.enablePerfCounter": "Enable profiling for current function.", - "control.eventSourceId": "Returns the value of a C++ runtime constant", - "control.eventTimestamp": "Gets the timestamp of the last event executed on the bus", - "control.eventValue": "Gets the value of the last event executed on the bus", - "control.eventValueId": "Returns the value of a C++ runtime constant", - "control.gc": "Force GC and dump basic information about heap.", - "control.gcStats": "Get various statistics about the garbage collector (GC)", - "control.heapDump": "Force GC and halt waiting for debugger to do a full heap dump.", - "control.heapSnapshot": "Record a heap snapshot to debug memory leaks.", - "control.inBackground": "Schedules code that run in the background.", - "control.micros": "Gets current time in microseconds. Overflows every ~18 minutes.", - "control.millis": "Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.", - "control.onEvent": "Registers an event handler.", - "control.panic": "Display specified error code and stop the program.", - "control.profilingEnabled": "Return true if profiling is enabled in the current build.", - "control.raiseEvent": "Raises an event in the event bus.", - "control.raiseEvent|param|mode": "optional definition of how the event should be processed after construction (default is CREATE_AND_FIRE).", - "control.raiseEvent|param|src": "ID of the MicroBit Component that generated the event e.g. MICROBIT_ID_BUTTON_A.", - "control.raiseEvent|param|value": "Component specific code indicating the cause of the event.", - "control.ramSize": "Returns estimated size of memory in bytes.", - "control.reset": "Resets the Calliope mini.", - "control.runInParallel": "Run other code in the parallel.", - "control.runtimeWarning": "Display warning in the simulator.", - "control.setDebugFlags": "Set flags used when connecting an external debugger.", - "control.simmessages.onReceived": "Registers the handler for a message on a given channel", - "control.waitForEvent": "Blocks the calling thread until the specified event is raised.", - "control.waitMicros": "Blocks the current fiber for the given microseconds", - "control.waitMicros|param|micros": "number of micro-seconds to wait. eg: 4", - "convertToText": "Convert any value to text", - "convertToText|param|value": "value to be converted to text", - "forever": "Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.", - "game": "A single-LED sprite game engine", - "game.LedSprite": "A game sprite rendered as a single LED", - "game.LedSprite.blink": "Reports the ``blink`` duration of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.brightness": "Reports the ``brightness` of a sprite on the LED screen", - "game.LedSprite.change": "Changes a property of the sprite", - "game.LedSprite.changeBlinkBy": "Changes the ``blink`` duration by the given amount of millisecons", - "game.LedSprite.changeBlinkBy|param|ms": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.changeBrightnessBy": "Changes the ``y`` position by the given amount", - "game.LedSprite.changeBrightnessBy|param|value": "the value to change brightness", - "game.LedSprite.changeDirectionBy": "Changes the ``direction`` position by the given amount by turning right", - "game.LedSprite.changeDirectionBy|param|angle": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.changeXBy": "Changes the ``x`` position by the given amount", - "game.LedSprite.changeXBy|param|x": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.changeYBy": "Changes the ``y`` position by the given amount", - "game.LedSprite.changeYBy|param|y": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.change|param|property": "the name of the property to change", - "game.LedSprite.change|param|value": "amount of change, eg: 1", - "game.LedSprite.delete": "Deletes the sprite from the game engine. The sprite will no longer appear on the screen or interact with other sprites.", - "game.LedSprite.direction": "Reports the current direction of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.get": "Gets a property of the sprite", - "game.LedSprite.get|param|property": "the name of the property to change", - "game.LedSprite.goTo": "Go to this position on the screen", - "game.LedSprite.goTo|param|x": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.goTo|param|y": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce": "If touching the edge of the stage and facing towards it, then turn away.", - "game.LedSprite.isDeleted": "Reports whether the sprite has been deleted from the game engine.", - "game.LedSprite.isTouching": "Reports true if sprite has the same position as specified sprite", - "game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge": "Reports true if sprite is touching an edge", - "game.LedSprite.isTouching|param|other": "the other sprite to check overlap or touch", - "game.LedSprite.move": "Move a certain number of LEDs in the current direction", - "game.LedSprite.move|param|leds": "number of leds to move, eg: 1, -1", - "game.LedSprite.off": "Turns off the sprite (on by default)", - "game.LedSprite.on": "Turns on the sprite (on by default)", - "game.LedSprite.set": "Sets a property of the sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setBlink": "Sets the blink duration interval in millisecond.", - "game.LedSprite.setBlink|param|ms": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.setBrightness": "Set the ``brightness`` of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setBrightness|param|brightness": "the brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (on), eg: 255.", - "game.LedSprite.setDirection": "Set the direction of the current sprite, rounded to the nearest multiple of 45", - "game.LedSprite.setDirection|param|degrees": "new direction in degrees", - "game.LedSprite.setX": "Set the ``x`` position of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setX|param|x": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.setY": "Set the ``y`` position of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setY|param|y": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.set|param|property": "the name of the property to change", - "game.LedSprite.turn": "Turn the sprite", - "game.LedSprite.turnLeft": "Turn to the left (counter-clockwise)", - "game.LedSprite.turnLeft|param|degrees": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.turnRight": "Turn to the right (clockwise)", - "game.LedSprite.turnRight|param|degrees": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.turn|param|degrees": "angle in degrees to turn, eg: 45, 90, 180, 135", - "game.LedSprite.turn|param|direction": "left or right", - "game.LedSprite.x": "Reports the ``x`` position of a sprite on the LED screen", - "game.LedSprite.y": "Reports the ``y`` position of a sprite on the LED screen", - "game.addLife": "Add life points to the current life amount", - "game.addLife|param|lives": "amount of lives to add", - "game.addScore": "Adds points to the current score and shows an animation", - "game.addScore|param|points": "amount of points to change, eg: 1", - "game.createSprite": "Creates a new LED sprite pointing to the right.", - "game.createSprite|param|x": "sprite horizontal coordinate, eg: 2", - "game.createSprite|param|y": "sprite vertical coordinate, eg: 2", - "game.currentTime": "Gets the remaining time (since `start countdown`) or current time (since the device started or `start stopwatch`) in milliseconds.", - "game.gameOver": "Displays a game over animation and the score.", - "game.invalidSprite": "Gets an invalid sprite; used to initialize locals.", - "game.isGameOver": "Indicates if the game is over and displaying the game over sequence.", - "game.isPaused": "Indicates if the game rendering is paused to allow other animations", - "game.isRunning": "Indicates if the game is still running. Returns `false` if the game is over or paused.", - "game.level": "Gets the current level", - "game.levelUp": "Increments the level and display a message.", - "game.life": "Gets the current life", - "game.pause": "Pauses the game rendering engine to allow other animations", - "game.removeLife": "Remove some life", - "game.removeLife|param|life": "amount of life to remove", - "game.resume": "Resumes the game rendering engine", - "game.score": "Gets the current score", - "game.setLife": "Sets the current life value", - "game.setLife|param|value": "current life value", - "game.setScore": "Sets the current score value", - "game.setScore|param|value": "new score value.", - "game.showScore": "Displays the score on the screen.", - "game.startCountdown": "Shows an animation, then starts a game countdown timer, which causes Game Over when it reaches 0", - "game.startCountdown|param|ms": "countdown duration in milliseconds, eg: 10000", - "game.startStopwatch": "Starts a stopwatch timer. `current time` will return the elapsed time.", - "hex": "Tagged hex literal converter", - "images": "Creation, manipulation and display of LED images.", - "images.createBigImage": "Creates an image with 2 frames.", - "images.createImage": "Creates an image that fits on the LED screen.", - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.acceleration": "Get the acceleration value in milli-gravitys (when the board is laying flat with the screen up, x=0, y=0 and z=-1024)", - "input.acceleration|param|dimension": "x, y, or z dimension, eg: Dimension.X", - "input.buttonEventClick": "Returns the ID of an Click Event", - "input.buttonEventDown": "Returns the ID of an Down Event", - "input.buttonEventValue": "Returns the ID of an Button Event", - "input.buttonIsPressed": "Get the button state (pressed or not) for ``A`` and ``B``.", - "input.buttonIsPressed|param|button": "the button to query the request, eg: Button.A", - "input.calibrateCompass": "Obsolete, compass calibration is automatic.", - "input.compassHeading": "Get the current compass heading in degrees.", - "input.isCalibratedCompass": "Returns 'true' when the compass is calibrated. Otherwise returns 'false'.", - "input.isGesture": "Tests if a gesture is currently detected.", - "input.isGesture|param|gesture": "the type of gesture to detect, eg: Gesture.Shake", - "input.lightLevel": "Reads the light level applied to the LED screen in a range from ``0`` (dark) to ``255`` bright.", - "input.magneticForce": "Get the magnetic force value in ``micro-Teslas`` (``µT``). This function is not supported in the simulator.", - "input.magneticForce|param|dimension": "the x, y, or z dimension, eg: Dimension.X", - "input.onButtonEvent": "Do something when a button (A, B or both A+B) receives an event.", - "input.onButtonEvent|param|body": "code to run when event is raised", - "input.onButtonEvent|param|button": "the button", - "input.onButtonEvent|param|eventType": "event Type", - "input.onButtonPressed": "Do something when a button (A, B or both A+B) is pushed down and released again.", - "input.onButtonPressed|param|body": "code to run when event is raised", - "input.onButtonPressed|param|button": "the button that needs to be pressed", - "input.onGesture": "Do something when when a gesture is done (like shaking the Calliope mini).", - "input.onGesture|param|body": "code to run when gesture is raised", - "input.onGesture|param|gesture": "the type of gesture to track, eg: Gesture.Shake", - "input.onPinPressed": "Do something when a pin is touched and released again (while also touching the GND pin).", - "input.onPinPressed|param|body": "the code to run when the pin is pressed", - "input.onPinPressed|param|name": "the pin that needs to be pressed, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.onPinReleased": "Do something when a pin is released.", - "input.onPinReleased|param|body": "the code to run when the pin is released", - "input.onPinReleased|param|name": "the pin that needs to be released, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.onPinTouchEvent": "Do something when a pin receives an touch event (while also touching the GND pin).", - "input.onPinTouchEvent|param|body": "the code to run when event is fired on pin", - "input.onPinTouchEvent|param|name": "the pin, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.pinIsPressed": "Get the pin state (pressed or not). Requires to hold the ground to close the circuit.", - "input.pinIsPressed|param|name": "pin used to detect the touch, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.rotation": "The pitch or roll of the device, rotation along the ``x-axis`` or ``y-axis``, in degrees.", - "input.rotation|param|kind": "pitch or roll", - "input.runningTime": "Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.", - "input.runningTimeMicros": "Gets the number of microseconds elapsed since power on.", - "input.setAccelerometerRange": "Sets the accelerometer sample range in gravities.", - "input.setAccelerometerRange|param|range": "a value describe the maximum strengh of acceleration measured", - "input.soundLevel": "Reads the loudness through the microphone from 0 (silent) to 255 (loud)", - "input.temperature": "Gets the temperature in Celsius degrees (°C).", - "led": "Control of the LED screen.", - "led.barGraphToConsole": "Controls where plotbargraph prints to the console", - "led.brightness": "Get the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).", - "led.displayMode": "Gets the current display mode", - "led.enable": "Turns on or off the display", - "led.fadeIn": "Fades in the screen display.", - "led.fadeIn|param|ms": "fade time in milliseconds", - "led.fadeOut": "Fades out the screen brightness.", - "led.fadeOut|param|ms": "fade time in milliseconds", - "led.plot": "Turn on the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.plotAll": "Turns all LEDS on", - "led.plotBarGraph": "Displays a vertical bar graph based on the `value` and `high` value.\nIf `high` is 0, the chart gets adjusted automatically.", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|high": "maximum value. If 0, maximum value adjusted automatically, eg: 0", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|value": "current value to plot", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|valueToConsole": "if true, prints value to the serial port", - "led.plotBrightness": "Turn on the specified LED with specific brightness using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.plotBrightness|param|brightness": "the brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (bright), eg:255", - "led.plotBrightness|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.plotBrightness|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.plot|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.plot|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.point": "Get the on/off state of the specified LED using x, y coordinates. (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.pointBrightness": "Get the brightness state of the specified LED using x, y coordinates. (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.pointBrightness|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED", - "led.pointBrightness|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED", - "led.point|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED", - "led.point|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED", - "led.screenshot": "Takes a screenshot of the LED screen and returns an image.", - "led.setBrightness": "Set the screen brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (full bright).", - "led.setBrightness|param|value": "the brightness value, eg:255, 127, 0", - "led.setDisplayMode": "Sets the display mode between black and white and greyscale for rendering LEDs.", - "led.setDisplayMode|param|mode": "mode the display mode in which the screen operates", - "led.stopAnimation": "Cancels the current animation and clears other pending animations.", - "led.toggle": "Toggles a particular pixel", - "led.toggleAll": "Inverts the current LED display", - "led.toggle|param|x": "pixel column", - "led.toggle|param|y": "pixel row", - "led.unplot": "Turn off the specified LED using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.unplot|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED", - "led.unplot|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED", - "light.sendWS2812Buffer": "Sends a color buffer to a light strip", - "light.sendWS2812BufferWithBrightness": "Sends a color buffer to a light strip", - "light.setMode": "Sets the light mode of a pin", - "loops.everyInterval": "Repeats the code forever in the background.\nAfter each iteration, allows other codes to run for a set duration\nso that it runs on a timer", - "loops.everyInterval|param|interval": "time (in ms) to wait between each iteration of the action.", - "motors.dualMotorPowerDal": "Controls two motors attached to the board. Switches to dual-motor mode!", - "motors.motorCommandDal": "Send break, coast or sleep commands to the motor. Has no effect in dual-motor mode.", - "motors.motorPowerDal": "Turns on the motor at a certain percent of power. Switches to single motor mode!", - "motors.motorPowerDal|param|power": "%percent of power sent to the motor. Negative power goes backward. eg: 50", - "msgpack.packNumberArray": "Pack a number array into a buffer.", - "msgpack.packNumberArray|param|nums": "the numbers to be packed", - "msgpack.unpackNumberArray": "Unpacks a buffer into a number array.", - "music": "Generation of music tones.", - "music.beat": "Returns the duration of a beat in milli-seconds", - "music.beginMelody": "Use startMelody instead", - "music.builtInMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.changeTempoBy": "Change the tempo by the specified amount", - "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "The change in beats per minute to the tempo, eg: 20", - "music.getFrequencyForNote": "Converts an octave and note offset into an integer frequency.\nReturns 0 if the note is out of range.\n* @param octave The octave of the note (1 - 8)\n\n@returns A frequency in HZ or 0 if out of range", - "music.getFrequencyForNote|param|note": "The offset of the note within the octave", - "music.melodyEditor": "Create a melody with the melody editor.", - "music.noteFrequency": "Gets the frequency of a note.", - "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name", - "music.playMelody": "Play a melody from the melody editor.", - "music.playMelody|param|melody": "string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: \"E D G F B A C5 B \"", - "music.playMelody|param|tempo": "number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for", - "music.playTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0`` for the given duration.", - "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.rest": "Rests (plays nothing) for a specified time through pin ``P0``.", - "music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.ringTone": "Plays a tone through pin ``P0``.", - "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.setPlayTone": "Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies", - "music.setTempo": "Sets the tempo to the specified amount", - "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120", - "music.speakerPlayTone": "Plays a tone through ``speaker`` for the given duration.", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.startMelody": "Starts playing a melody.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", - "music.startMelody|param|melodyArray": "the melody array to play", - "music.startMelody|param|options": "melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background", - "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds and melodies currently playing.", - "music.stopMelody": "Stops the melodies", - "music.stopMelody|param|options": "which melody to stop", - "music.tempo": "Returns the tempo in beats per minute. Tempo is the speed (bpm = beats per minute) at which notes play. The larger the tempo value, the faster the notes will play.", - "parseFloat": "Convert a string to a number.", - "parseInt": "Convert a string to an integer.\n\n\nIf this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.\nAll other strings are considered decimal.", - "parseInt|param|radix": "optional A value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in text.", - "parseInt|param|text": "A string to convert into an integral number. eg: \"123\"", - "pause": "Pause for the specified time in milliseconds", - "pauseUntil": "Busy wait for a condition to be true", - "pauseUntil|param|condition": "condition to test for", - "pauseUntil|param|timeOut": "if positive, maximum duration to wait for in milliseconds", - "pause|param|ms": "how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000", - "pins": "Control currents in Pins for analog/digital signals, servos, i2c, ...", - "pins.C10": "Pin C10", - "pins.C11": "Pin C11", - "pins.C12": "Pin C12", - "pins.C16": "Pin C16", - "pins.C17": "Pin C17", - "pins.C18": "Pin C18", - "pins.C4": "Pin C4", - "pins.C5": "Pin C5", - "pins.C6": "Pin C6", - "pins.C7": "Pin C7", - "pins.C8": "Pin C8", - "pins.C9": "Pin C9", - "pins.P0": "Pin P0", - "pins.P1": "Pin P1", - "pins.P2": "Pin P2", - "pins.P3": "Pin P3", - "pins.analogPitch": "Emit a plse-width modulation (PWM) signal to the current pitch pin. Use `analog set pitch pin` to define the pitch pin.", - "pins.analogPitchVolume": "Gets the volume the pitch pin from 0..255", - "pins.analogPitch|param|frequency": "frequency to modulate in Hz.", - "pins.analogPitch|param|ms": "duration of the pitch in milli seconds.", - "pins.analogReadPin": "Read the connector value as analog, that is, as a value comprised between 0 and 1023.", - "pins.analogReadPin|param|name": "pin to write to, eg: AnalogPin.P0", - "pins.analogSetPeriod": "Configure the pulse-width modulation (PWM) period of the analog output in microseconds.\nIf this pin is not configured as an analog output (using `analog write pin`), the operation has no effect.", - "pins.analogSetPeriod|param|micros": "period in micro seconds. eg:20000", - "pins.analogSetPeriod|param|name": "analog pin to set period to, eg: AnalogPin.P0", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin": "Set the pin used when using analog pitch or music.", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin|param|name": "pin to modulate pitch from", - "pins.analogSetPitchVolume": "Sets the volume on the pitch pin", - "pins.analogSetPitchVolume|param|volume": "the intensity of the sound from 0..255", - "pins.analogWritePin": "Set the connector value as analog. Value must be comprised between 0 and 1023.", - "pins.analogWritePin|param|name": "pin name to write to, eg: AnalogPin.P0", - "pins.analogWritePin|param|value": "value to write to the pin between ``0`` and ``1023``. eg:1023,0", - "pins.createBuffer": "Create a new zero-initialized buffer.", - "pins.createBuffer|param|size": "number of bytes in the buffer", - "pins.digitalReadPin": "Read the specified pin or connector as either 0 or 1", - "pins.digitalReadPin|param|name": "pin to read from, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.digitalWritePin": "Set a pin or connector value to either 0 or 1.", - "pins.digitalWritePin|param|name": "pin to write to, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.digitalWritePin|param|value": "value to set on the pin, 1 eg,0", - "pins.i2cReadBuffer": "Read `size` bytes from a 7-bit I2C `address`.", - "pins.i2cReadNumber": "Read one number from 7-bit I2C address.", - "pins.i2cWriteBuffer": "Write bytes to a 7-bit I2C `address`.", - "pins.i2cWriteNumber": "Write one number to a 7-bit I2C address.", - "pins.map": "Map a number from one range to another. That is, a value of ``from low`` would get mapped to ``to low``, a value of ``from high`` to ``to high``, values in-between to values in-between, etc.", - "pins.map|param|fromHigh": "the upper bound of the value's current range, eg: 1023", - "pins.map|param|fromLow": "the lower bound of the value's current range", - "pins.map|param|toHigh": "the upper bound of the value's target range, eg: 4", - "pins.map|param|toLow": "the lower bound of the value's target range", - "pins.map|param|value": "value to map in ranges", - "pins.onPulsed": "Configure the pin as a digital input and generate an event when the pin is pulsed either high or low.", - "pins.onPulsed|param|name": "digital pin to register to, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.onPulsed|param|pulse": "the value of the pulse, eg: PulseValue.High", - "pins.pulseDuration": "Get the duration of the last pulse in microseconds. This function should be called from a ``onPulsed`` handler.", - "pins.pulseIn": "Return the duration of a pulse at a pin in microseconds.", - "pins.pulseIn|param|name": "the pin which measures the pulse, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.pulseIn|param|value": "the value of the pulse, eg: PulseValue.High", - "pins.pushButton": "Mounts a push button on the given pin", - "pins.servoSetContinuous": "Specifies that a continuous servo is connected.", - "pins.servoSetPulse": "Configure the IO pin as an analog/pwm output and set a pulse width. The period is 20 ms period and the pulse width is set based on the value given in **microseconds** or `1/1000` milliseconds.", - "pins.servoSetPulse|param|micros": "pulse duration in micro seconds, eg:1500", - "pins.servoSetPulse|param|name": "pin name", - "pins.servoWritePin": "Write a value to the servo, controlling the shaft accordingly. On a standard servo, this will set the angle of the shaft (in degrees), moving the shaft to that orientation. On a continuous rotation servo, this will set the speed of the servo (with ``0`` being full-speed in one direction, ``180`` being full speed in the other, and a value near ``90`` being no movement).", - "pins.servoWritePin|param|name": "pin to write to, eg: AnalogPin.P0", - "pins.servoWritePin|param|value": "angle or rotation speed, eg:180,90,0", - "pins.setAudioPin": "Set the pin used when producing sounds and melodies. Default is P0.", - "pins.setAudioPinEnabled": "Sets whether or not audio will be output using a pin on the edge\nconnector.", - "pins.setAudioPin|param|name": "pin to modulate pitch from", - "pins.setEvents": "Configure the events emitted by this pin. Events can be subscribed to\nusing ``control.onEvent()``.", - "pins.setEvents|param|name": "pin to set the event mode on, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.setEvents|param|type": "the type of events for this pin to emit, eg: PinEventType.Edge", - "pins.setMatrixWidth": "Set the matrix width for Neopixel strip (already assigned to a pin).\nShould be used in conjunction with `set matrix width` from Neopixel package.", - "pins.setPull": "Configure the pull directiion of of a pin.", - "pins.setPull|param|name": "pin to set the pull mode on, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.setPull|param|pull": "one of the mbed pull configurations, eg: PinPullMode.PullUp", - "pins.spiFormat": "Set the SPI bits and mode", - "pins.spiFormat|param|bits": "the number of bits, eg: 8", - "pins.spiFormat|param|mode": "the mode, eg: 3", - "pins.spiFrequency": "Set the SPI frequency", - "pins.spiFrequency|param|frequency": "the clock frequency, eg: 1000000", - "pins.spiPins": "Set the MOSI, MISO, SCK pins used by the SPI connection", - "pins.spiTransfer": "Write to and read from the SPI slave at the same time", - "pins.spiTransfer|param|command": "Data to be sent to the SPI slave (can be null)", - "pins.spiTransfer|param|response": "Data received from the SPI slave (can be null)", - "pins.spiWrite": "Write to the SPI slave and return the response", - "pins.spiWrite|param|value": "Data to be sent to the SPI slave", - "randint": "Returns a pseudorandom number between min and max included.\nIf both numbers are integral, the result is integral.", - "randint|param|max": "the upper inclusive bound, eg: 10", - "randint|param|min": "the lower inclusive bound, eg: 0", - "serial": "Reading and writing data over a serial connection.", - "serial.NEW_LINE": "The string used to mark a new line, default is \\r\\n", - "serial.delimiters": "Return the corresponding delimiter string", - "serial.onDataReceived": "Register an event to be fired when one of the delimiter is matched.", - "serial.onDataReceived|param|delimiters": "the characters to match received characters against.", - "serial.readBuffer": "Read multiple characters from the receive buffer. \nIf length is positive, pauses until enough characters are present.", - "serial.readBuffer|param|length": "default buffer length", - "serial.readLine": "Read a line of text from the serial port.", - "serial.readString": "Read the buffered received data as a string", - "serial.readUntil": "Read a line of text from the serial port and return the buffer when the delimiter is met.", - "serial.readUntil|param|delimiter": "text delimiter that separates each text chunk", - "serial.redirect": "Set the serial input and output to use pins instead of the USB connection.", - "serial.redirectToUSB": "Direct the serial input and output to use the USB connection.", - "serial.redirect|param|rate": "the new baud rate. eg: 115200", - "serial.redirect|param|rx": "the new reception pin, eg: SerialPin.P1", - "serial.redirect|param|tx": "the new transmission pin, eg: SerialPin.P0", - "serial.setBaudRate": "Set the baud rate of the serial port", - "serial.setRxBufferSize": "Sets the size of the RX buffer in bytes", - "serial.setRxBufferSize|param|size": "length of the rx buffer in bytes, eg: 32", - "serial.setTxBufferSize": "Sets the size of the TX buffer in bytes", - "serial.setTxBufferSize|param|size": "length of the tx buffer in bytes, eg: 32", - "serial.setWriteLinePadding": "Sets the padding length for lines sent with \"write line\".", - "serial.setWriteLinePadding|param|length": "the number of bytes alignment, eg: 0", - "serial.writeBuffer": "Send a buffer through serial connection", - "serial.writeDmesg": "Send DMESG debug buffer over serial.", - "serial.writeLine": "Print a line of text to the serial port", - "serial.writeNumber": "Print a numeric value to the serial port", - "serial.writeNumbers": "Print an array of numeric values as CSV to the serial port", - "serial.writeString": "Send a piece of text through the serial connection.", - "serial.writeValue": "Write a name:value pair as a line to the serial port.", - "serial.writeValue|param|name": "name of the value stream, eg: x", - "serial.writeValue|param|value": "to write" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 97aca9833..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/core-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,527 +0,0 @@ -{ - "AcceleratorRange.EightG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 8 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.EightG|block": "8g", - "AcceleratorRange.FourG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 4 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.FourG|block": "4g", - "AcceleratorRange.OneG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 1 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.OneG|block": "1g", - "AcceleratorRange.TwoG": "The accelerator measures forces up to 2 gravity", - "AcceleratorRange.TwoG|block": "2g", - "AnalogPin.A0_SCL|block": "C19 (A0 SCL)", - "AnalogPin.A0_SDA|block": "C20 (A0 SDA)", - "AnalogPin.A1_RX|block": "A1 RX", - "AnalogPin.A1_TX|block": "A1 TX", - "AnalogPin.C11|block": "C11 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C12|block": "C12 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C13|block": "C13 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C14|block": "C14 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C15|block": "C15 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C16|block": "C16 (A1 RX)", - "AnalogPin.C17|block": "C17 (A1 TX, write only)", - "AnalogPin.C5|block": "C5 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C6|block": "C6 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C7|block": "C7 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C8|block": "C8 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.C9|block": "C9 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.M0_DIR|block": "M0 Direction (write only)", - "AnalogPin.M0_SPEED|block": "M0 Speed (write only)", - "AnalogPin.M1_DIR|block": "M1 Direction (write only)", - "AnalogPin.M1_SPEED|block": "M1 Speed (write only)", - "AnalogPin.M_MODE|block": "Motor Mode (write only)", - "AnalogPin.P3|block": "P3 (write only)", - "AnalogPin.RGB|block": "RGB (write only)", - "Array._pickRandom|block": "get random value from %list", - "Array._popStatement|block": "remove last value from %list", - "Array._removeAtStatement|block": "%list| remove value at %index", - "Array._shiftStatement|block": "remove first value from %list", - "Array._unshiftStatement|block": "%list| insert %value| at beginning", - "Array.indexOf|block": "%list| find index of %value", - "Array.insertAt|block": "%list| insert at %index| value %value", - "Array.length|block": "length of %VALUE", - "Array.pop|block": "get and remove last value from %list", - "Array.push|block": "%list| add value %value| to end", - "Array.removeAt|block": "%list| get and remove value at %index", - "Array.reverse|block": "reverse %list", - "Array.shift|block": "get and remove first value from %list", - "Array.unshift|block": "%list| insert %value| at beginning", - "Array|block": "Array", - "ArrowNames.East|block": "East", - "ArrowNames.NorthEast|block": "North East", - "ArrowNames.NorthWest|block": "North West", - "ArrowNames.North|block": "North", - "ArrowNames.SouthEast|block": "South East", - "ArrowNames.SouthWest|block": "South West", - "ArrowNames.South|block": "South", - "ArrowNames.West|block": "West", - "BaudRate.BaudRate115200|block": "115200", - "BaudRate.BaudRate1200|block": "1200", - "BaudRate.BaudRate14400|block": "14400", - "BaudRate.BaudRate19200|block": "19200", - "BaudRate.BaudRate2400|block": "2400", - "BaudRate.BaudRate28800|block": "28800", - "BaudRate.BaudRate31250|block": "31250", - "BaudRate.BaudRate38400|block": "38400", - "BaudRate.BaudRate4800|block": "4800", - "BaudRate.BaudRate57600|block": "57600", - "BaudRate.BaudRate9600|block": "9600", - "BeatFraction.Breve|block": "4", - "BeatFraction.Double|block": "2", - "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", - "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", - "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", - "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", - "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", - "Buffer|block": "Buffer", - "Button.AB|block": "A+B", - "ButtonEvent.Click|block": "clicked", - "ButtonEvent.Down|block": "pressed down", - "ButtonEvent.Hold|block": "hold", - "ButtonEvent.LongClick|block": "long clicked", - "ButtonEvent.Up|block": "released up", - "Colors.Blue|block": "blue", - "Colors.Green|block": "green", - "Colors.Indigo|block": "indigo", - "Colors.Off|block": "off", - "Colors.Orange|block": "orange", - "Colors.Purple|block": "purple", - "Colors.Red|block": "red", - "Colors.Violet|block": "violet", - "Colors.White|block": "white", - "Colors.Yellow|block": "yellow", - "Delimiters.CarriageReturn|block": "carriage return (\r)", - "Delimiters.Colon|block": ":", - "Delimiters.Comma|block": ",", - "Delimiters.Dollar|block": "$", - "Delimiters.Fullstop|block": ".", - "Delimiters.Hash|block": "#", - "Delimiters.NewLine|block": "new line (\n)", - "Delimiters.Pipe|block": "|", - "Delimiters.SemiColon|block": ";", - "Delimiters.Space|block": "space", - "Delimiters.Tab|block": "tab (\t)", - "DigitalPin.A0_SCL|block": "C19 (A0 SCL)", - "DigitalPin.A0_SDA|block": "C20 (A0 SDA)", - "DigitalPin.A1_RX|block": "A1 RX", - "DigitalPin.A1_TX|block": "A1 TX", - "DigitalPin.C16|block": "C16 (A1 RX)", - "DigitalPin.C17|block": "C17 (A1 TX)", - "Dimension.Strength|block": "strength", - "Dimension.X|block": "x", - "Dimension.Y|block": "y", - "Dimension.Z|block": "z", - "Direction.Left|block": "left", - "Direction.Right|block": "right", - "DisplayMode.BlackAndWhite|block": "black and white", - "DisplayMode.Greyscale|block": "greyscale", - "EventCreationMode.CreateAndFire": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and its event handlers are immediately fired (not suitable for use in interrupts!).", - "EventCreationMode.CreateOnly": "MicroBitEvent is initialised, and no further processing takes place.", - "Gesture.EightG": "Raised when a 8G shock is detected", - "Gesture.EightG|block": "8g", - "Gesture.FreeFall": "Raised when the board is falling!", - "Gesture.FreeFall|block": "free fall", - "Gesture.LogoDown": "Raised when the logo is downward and the screen is vertical", - "Gesture.LogoDown|block": "logo down", - "Gesture.LogoUp": "Raised when the logo is upward and the screen is vertical", - "Gesture.LogoUp|block": "logo up", - "Gesture.ScreenDown": "Raised when the screen is pointing down and the board is horizontal", - "Gesture.ScreenDown|block": "screen down", - "Gesture.ScreenUp": "Raised when the screen is pointing up and the board is horizontal", - "Gesture.ScreenUp|block": "screen up", - "Gesture.Shake": "Raised when shaken", - "Gesture.Shake|block": "shake", - "Gesture.SixG": "Raised when a 6G shock is detected", - "Gesture.SixG|block": "6g", - "Gesture.ThreeG": "Raised when a 3G shock is detected", - "Gesture.ThreeG|block": "3g", - "Gesture.TiltLeft": "Raised when the screen is pointing left", - "Gesture.TiltLeft|block": "tilt left", - "Gesture.TiltRight": "Raised when the screen is pointing right", - "Gesture.TiltRight|block": "tilt right", - "IconNames.Angry|block": "angry", - "IconNames.ArrowEast|block": "arrow East", - "IconNames.ArrowNorthEast|block": "arrow north east", - "IconNames.ArrowNorthWest|block": "arrow north west", - "IconNames.ArrowNorth|block": "arrow north", - "IconNames.ArrowSouthEast|block": "arrow south east", - "IconNames.ArrowSouthWest|block": "arrow south west", - "IconNames.ArrowSouth|block": "arrow south", - "IconNames.ArrowWest|block": "arrow west", - "IconNames.Asleep|block": "asleep", - "IconNames.Butterfly|block": "butterfly", - "IconNames.Chessboard|block": "chess board", - "IconNames.Confused|block": "confused", - "IconNames.Cow|block": "cow", - "IconNames.Diamond|block": "diamond", - "IconNames.Duck|block": "duck", - "IconNames.EighthNote|block": "eighth note", - "IconNames.EigthNote|block": "eigth note", - "IconNames.Fabulous|block": "fabulous", - "IconNames.Ghost|block": "ghost", - "IconNames.Giraffe|block": "giraffe", - "IconNames.Happy|block": "happy", - "IconNames.Heart|block": "heart", - "IconNames.House|block": "house", - "IconNames.LeftTriangle|block": "left triangle", - "IconNames.Meh|block": "meh", - "IconNames.No|block": "no", - "IconNames.Pitchfork|block": "pitchfork", - "IconNames.QuarterNote|block": "quarter note", - "IconNames.Rabbit|block": "rabbit", - "IconNames.Rollerskate|block": "roller skate", - "IconNames.Sad|block": "sad", - "IconNames.Scissors|block": "scissors", - "IconNames.Silly|block": "silly", - "IconNames.Skull|block": "skull", - "IconNames.SmallDiamond|block": "small diamond", - "IconNames.SmallHeart|block": "small heart", - "IconNames.SmallSquare|block": "small square", - "IconNames.Snake|block": "snake", - "IconNames.Square|block": "square", - "IconNames.StickFigure|block": "stick figure", - "IconNames.Surprised|block": "surprised", - "IconNames.Sword|block": "sword", - "IconNames.TShirt|block": "t-shirt", - "IconNames.Target|block": "target", - "IconNames.Tortoise|block": "tortoise", - "IconNames.Triangle|block": "triangle", - "IconNames.Umbrella|block": "umbrella", - "IconNames.Yes|block": "yes", - "Image.scrollImage|block": "scroll image %sprite(myImage)|with offset %frameoffset|and interval (ms) %delay", - "Image.showImage|block": "show image %sprite(myImage)|at offset %offset ||and interval (ms) %interval", - "JSON|block": "JSON", - "LedSpriteProperty.Blink|block": "blink", - "LedSpriteProperty.Brightness|block": "brightness", - "LedSpriteProperty.Direction|block": "direction", - "LedSpriteProperty.X|block": "x", - "LedSpriteProperty.Y|block": "y", - "Math.constrain|block": "constrain %value|between %low|and %high", - "Math.map|block": "map %value|from low %fromLow|high %fromHigh|to low %toLow|high %toHigh", - "Math.randomBoolean|block": "pick random true or false", - "Math.randomRange|block": "pick random %min|to %limit", - "Math|block": "Math", - "Melodies.BaDing|block": "ba ding", - "Melodies.Baddy|block": "baddy", - "Melodies.Birthday|block": "birthday", - "Melodies.Blues|block": "blues", - "Melodies.Chase|block": "chase", - "Melodies.Dadadadum|block": "dadadum", - "Melodies.Entertainer|block": "entertainer", - "Melodies.Funeral|block": "funeral", - "Melodies.Funk|block": "funk", - "Melodies.JumpDown|block": "jump down", - "Melodies.JumpUp|block": "jump up", - "Melodies.Nyan|block": "nyan", - "Melodies.Ode|block": "ode", - "Melodies.PowerDown|block": "power down", - "Melodies.PowerUp|block": "power up", - "Melodies.Prelude|block": "prelude", - "Melodies.Punchline|block": "punchline", - "Melodies.Ringtone|block": "ringtone", - "Melodies.Wawawawaa|block": "wawawawaa", - "Melodies.Wedding|block": "wedding", - "MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground|block": "forever in background", - "MelodyOptions.Forever|block": "forever", - "MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground|block": "once in background", - "MelodyOptions.Once|block": "once", - "MelodyStopOptions.All|block": "all", - "MelodyStopOptions.Background|block": "background", - "MelodyStopOptions.Foreground|block": "foreground", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.ADown|block": "A down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.AUp|block": "A up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.BDown|block": "B down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.BUp|block": "B up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.CDown|block": "C down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.CUp|block": "C up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.DDown|block": "D down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.DUp|block": "D up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._1Down|block": "1 down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._1Up|block": "1 up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._2Down|block": "2 down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._2Up|block": "2 up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._3Down|block": "3 down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._3Up|block": "3 up", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._4Down|block": "4 down", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._4Up|block": "4 up", - "Motor.M0_M1|block": "M0 & M1", - "Motor.M0|block": "M0", - "Motor.M1|block": "M1", - "MotorCommand.Break|block": "break", - "MotorCommand.Coast|block": "coast", - "MotorCommand.Sleep|block": "sleep", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded|block": "background melody ended", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed|block": "background melody note played", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused|block": "background melody paused", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated|block": "background melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed|block": "background melody resumed", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted|block": "background melody started", - "MusicEvent.MelodyEnded|block": "melody ended", - "MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed|block": "melody note played", - "MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated|block": "melody repeated", - "MusicEvent.MelodyStarted|block": "melody started", - "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", - "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", - "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", - "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", - "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", - "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", - "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", - "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", - "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", - "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", - "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", - "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", - "Number|block": "Number", - "Object|block": "Object", - "PinEvent.Fall|block": "fall", - "PinEvent.PulseHigh|block": "pulse high", - "PinEvent.PulseLow|block": "pulse low", - "PinEvent.Rise|block": "rise", - "PinEventType.Edge|block": "edge", - "PinEventType.None|block": "none", - "PinEventType.Pulse|block": "pulse", - "PinEventType.Touch|block": "touch", - "PinPullMode.PullDown|block": "down", - "PinPullMode.PullNone|block": "none", - "PinPullMode.PullUp|block": "up", - "PulseValue.High|block": "high", - "PulseValue.Low|block": "low", - "Rotation.Pitch|block": "pitch", - "Rotation.Roll|block": "roll", - "String.charAt|block": "char from %this=text|at %pos", - "String.compare|block": "compare %this=text| to %that", - "String.fromCharCode|block": "text from char code %code", - "String.includes|block": "%this=text|includes %searchValue", - "String.indexOf|block": "%this=text|find index of %searchValue", - "String.isEmpty|block": "%this=text| is empty", - "String.length|block": "length of %VALUE", - "String.split|block": "split %this=text|at %separator", - "String.substr|block": "substring of %this=text|from %start|of length %length", - "String|block": "String", - "_py|block": "_py", - "basic.clearScreen|block": "clear screen", - "basic.color|block": "%c", - "basic.forever|block": "forever", - "basic.pause|block": "pause (ms) %pause", - "basic.rgb|block": "red %red|green %green|blue %blue", - "basic.setLedColor|block": "set LED to %color=colorNumberPicker", - "basic.showArrow|block": "show arrow %i=device_arrow", - "basic.showCompass|block": "show compass needle for $interval|ms", - "basic.showIcon|block": "show icon %i || for %interval ms", - "basic.showLeds|block": "show leds", - "basic.showNumber|block": "show|number %number || in an interval of %interval ms", - "basic.showString|block": "show|string %text || in an interval of %interval ms", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff|block": "turn built-in LED off", - "basic|block": "basic", - "console|block": "console", - "control.deviceName|block": "device name", - "control.deviceSerialNumber|block": "device serial number", - "control.eventSourceId|block": "%id", - "control.eventTimestamp|block": "event timestamp", - "control.eventValueId|block": "%id", - "control.eventValue|block": "event value", - "control.inBackground|block": "run in background", - "control.millis|block": "millis (ms)", - "control.onEvent|block": "on event|from %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", - "control.raiseEvent|block": "raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", - "control.reset|block": "reset", - "control.waitForEvent|block": "wait for event|from %src|with value %value", - "control.waitMicros|block": "wait (µs)%micros", - "control|block": "control", - "convertToText|block": "convert $value=math_number to text", - "game.LedSprite.change|block": "%sprite|change %property|by %value", - "game.LedSprite.delete|block": "delete %this(sprite)", - "game.LedSprite.get|block": "%sprite|%property", - "game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce|block": "%sprite|if on edge, bounce", - "game.LedSprite.isDeleted|block": "is %sprite|deleted", - "game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge|block": "is %sprite|touching edge", - "game.LedSprite.isTouching|block": "is %sprite|touching %other", - "game.LedSprite.move|block": "%sprite|move by %leds", - "game.LedSprite.set|block": "%sprite|set %property|to %value", - "game.LedSprite.turn|block": "%sprite|turn %direction|by (°) %degrees", - "game.addLife|block": "add life %lives", - "game.addScore|block": "change score by|%points", - "game.createSprite|block": "create sprite at|x: %x|y: %y", - "game.gameOver|block": "game over", - "game.isGameOver|block": "is game over", - "game.isPaused|block": "is paused", - "game.isRunning|block": "is running", - "game.pause|block": "pause", - "game.removeLife|block": "remove life %life", - "game.resume|block": "resume", - "game.score|block": "score", - "game.setLife|block": "set life %value", - "game.setScore|block": "set score %points", - "game.startCountdown|block": "start countdown|(ms) %duration", - "game|block": "game", - "images.arrowImage|block": "arrow image %i", - "images.arrowNumber|block": "%arrow", - "images.createBigImage|block": "create big image", - "images.createImage|block": "create image", - "images.iconImage|block": "icon image %i", - "images|block": "images", - "input.acceleration|block": "acceleration (mg)|%NAME", - "input.buttonEventClick|block": "clicked", - "input.buttonEventDown|block": "pressed down", - "input.buttonEventValue|block": "%id", - "input.buttonIsPressed|block": "button|%NAME|is pressed", - "input.calibrateCompass|block": "calibrate compass", - "input.compassHeading|block": "compass heading (°)", - "input.isCalibratedCompass|block": "is compass calibrated", - "input.isGesture|block": "is %gesture gesture", - "input.lightLevel|block": "light level", - "input.magneticForce|block": "magnetic force (µT)|%NAME", - "input.onButtonEvent|block": "on button %NAME| %eventType", - "input.onButtonPressed|block": "on button|%NAME|pressed", - "input.onGesture|block": "on |%NAME", - "input.onPinPressed|block": "on pin %name|pressed", - "input.onPinReleased|block": "on pin %NAME|released", - "input.onPinTouchEvent|block": "on pin %name| %eventType", - "input.pinIsPressed|block": "pin %NAME|is pressed", - "input.rotation|block": "rotation (°)|%NAME", - "input.runningTimeMicros|block": "running time (micros)", - "input.runningTime|block": "running time (ms)", - "input.setAccelerometerRange|block": "set accelerometer|range %range", - "input.soundLevel|block": "sound level", - "input.temperature|block": "temperature (°C)", - "input|block": "input", - "led.brightness|block": "brightness", - "led.enable|block": "led enable %on", - "led.plotBarGraph|block": "plot bar graph of $value up to $high|| serial write $valueToConsole", - "led.plotBrightness|block": "plot|x %x|y %y|brightness %brightness", - "led.plot|block": "plot|x %x|y %y", - "led.pointBrightness|block": "point|x %x|y %y brightness", - "led.point|block": "point|x %x|y %y", - "led.setBrightness|block": "set brightness %value", - "led.setDisplayMode|block": "set display mode $mode", - "led.stopAnimation|block": "stop animation", - "led.toggle|block": "toggle|x %x|y %y", - "led.unplot|block": "unplot|x %x|y %y", - "led|block": "led", - "light|block": "light", - "loops.everyInterval|block": "every $interval ms", - "loops|block": "loops", - "motors|block": "motors", - "msgpack|block": "msgpack", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|beat", - "music.builtInMelody|block": "%melody", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "change tempo by (bpm)|%value", - "music.melodyEditor|block": "$melody", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%name", - "music.playMelody|block": "play melody $melody at tempo $tempo|(bpm)", - "music.playTone|block": "play|tone %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "rest for |%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "ring tone (Hz)|%note=device_note", - "music.setTempo|block": "set tempo to (bpm)|%value", - "music.startMelody|block": "start melody %melody=device_builtin_melody| repeating %options", - "music.stopAllSounds|block": "stop all sounds", - "music.stopMelody|block": "stop melody $options", - "music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)", - "music|block": "music", - "parseFloat|block": "parse to number %text", - "parseInt|block": "parse to integer %text", - "pins.analogPitchVolume|block": "analog pitch volume", - "pins.analogPitch|block": "analog pitch %frequency|for (ms) %ms", - "pins.analogReadPin|block": "analog read|pin %name", - "pins.analogSetPeriod|block": "analog set period|pin %pin|to (µs)%micros", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin|block": "analog set pitch pin %name", - "pins.analogSetPitchVolume|block": "analog set pitch volume $volume", - "pins.analogWritePin|block": "analog write|pin %name|to %value", - "pins.digitalReadPin|block": "digital read|pin %name", - "pins.digitalWritePin|block": "digital write|pin %name|to %value", - "pins.i2cReadNumber|block": "i2c read number|at address %address|of format %format|repeated %repeat", - "pins.i2cWriteNumber|block": "i2c write number|at address %address|with value %value|of format %format|repeated %repeat", - "pins.map|block": "map %value|from low %fromLow|from high %fromHigh|to low %toLow|to high %toHigh", - "pins.onPulsed|block": "on|pin %pin|pulsed %pulse", - "pins.pulseDuration|block": "pulse duration (µs)", - "pins.pulseIn|block": "pulse in (µs)|pin %name|pulsed %value", - "pins.servoSetPulse|block": "servo set pulse|pin %value|to (µs) %micros", - "pins.servoWritePin|block": "servo write|pin %name|to %value", - "pins.setAudioPinEnabled|block": "set audio pin enabled $enabled", - "pins.setAudioPin|block": "set audio pin $name", - "pins.setEvents|block": "set pin %pin|to emit %type|events", - "pins.setMatrixWidth|block": "neopixel matrix width|pin %pin %width", - "pins.setPull|block": "set pull|pin %pin|to %pull", - "pins.spiFormat|block": "spi format|bits %bits|mode %mode", - "pins.spiFrequency|block": "spi frequency %frequency", - "pins.spiPins|block": "spi set pins|MOSI %mosi|MISO %miso|SCK %sck", - "pins.spiWrite|block": "spi write %value", - "pins|block": "pins", - "randint|block": "pick random %min|to %limit", - "serial.delimiters|block": "%del", - "serial.onDataReceived|block": "serial|on data received %delimiters=serial_delimiter_conv", - "serial.readBuffer|block": "serial|read buffer %length", - "serial.readLine|block": "serial|read line", - "serial.readString|block": "serial|read string", - "serial.readUntil|block": "serial|read until %delimiter=serial_delimiter_conv", - "serial.redirectToUSB|block": "serial|redirect to USB", - "serial.redirect|block": "serial|redirect to|TX %tx|RX %rx|at baud rate %rate", - "serial.setBaudRate|block": "serial|set baud rate %rate", - "serial.setRxBufferSize|block": "serial set rx buffer size to $size", - "serial.setTxBufferSize|block": "serial set tx buffer size to $size", - "serial.setWriteLinePadding|block": "serial set write line padding to $length", - "serial.writeBuffer|block": "serial|write buffer %buffer=serial_readbuffer", - "serial.writeLine|block": "serial|write line %text", - "serial.writeNumbers|block": "serial|write numbers %values", - "serial.writeNumber|block": "serial|write number %value", - "serial.writeString|block": "serial|write string %text", - "serial.writeValue|block": "serial|write value %name|= %value", - "serial|block": "serial", - "{id:category}AnalogInPin": "AnalogInPin", - "{id:category}AnalogOutPin": "AnalogOutPin", - "{id:category}Array": "Array", - "{id:category}Arrays": "Arrays", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basic", - "{id:category}Boolean": "Boolean", - "{id:category}Buffer": "Buffer", - "{id:category}Console": "Console", - "{id:category}Control": "Control", - "{id:category}DigitalInOutPin": "DigitalInOutPin", - "{id:category}Fx": "Fx", - "{id:category}Fx8": "Fx8", - "{id:category}Game": "Game", - "{id:category}Helpers": "Helpers", - "{id:category}Image": "Image", - "{id:category}Images": "Images", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:category}JSON": "JSON", - "{id:category}Led": "Led", - "{id:category}Light": "Light", - "{id:category}Loops": "Loops", - "{id:category}Math": "Math", - "{id:category}MicrobitPin": "MicrobitPin", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motors", - "{id:category}Msgpack": "Msgpack", - "{id:category}Music": "Music", - "{id:category}Number": "Number", - "{id:category}Object": "Object", - "{id:category}Pins": "Pins", - "{id:category}PwmOnlyPin": "PwmOnlyPin", - "{id:category}Serial": "Serial", - "{id:category}String": "String", - "{id:category}Text": "Text", - "{id:category}_py": "_py", - "{id:group}Analog": "Analog", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Configuration", - "{id:group}Control": "Control", - "{id:group}Digital": "Digital", - "{id:group}Events": "Events", - "{id:group}LED matrix": "LED matrix", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melody", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Melody Advanced", - "{id:group}Modify": "Modify", - "{id:group}Operations": "Operations", - "{id:group}Pitch": "Pitch", - "{id:group}Pulse": "Pulse", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED", - "{id:group}Read": "Read", - "{id:group}Sensors": "Sensors", - "{id:group}Servo": "Servo", - "{id:group}Silence": "Silence", - "{id:group}Sound": "Sound", - "{id:group}States": "States", - "{id:group}System": "System", - "{id:group}Tempo": "Tempo", - "{id:group}Tone": "Tone", - "{id:group}i2c": "i2c", - "{id:group}spi": "spi" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/de/core-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/de/core-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index cbd9a5a68..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/de/core-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,699 +0,0 @@ -{ - "AcceleratorRange.EightG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 8g", - "AcceleratorRange.FourG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 4g", - "AcceleratorRange.OneG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 1g", - "AcceleratorRange.TwoG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 2g", - "Array": "Hinzufügen, Entfernen und Ersetzen von Elementen in Listen.", - "Array._pickRandom": "Gibt einen zufälligen Wert aus dem Array zurück", - "Array._popStatement": "Entferne das letzte Element eines Arrays und gib es aus.", - "Array._removeAtStatement": "Entferne das Element an einer bestimmten Position.", - "Array._shiftStatement": "Entferne das erste Element aus einem Array und gib es aus. Durch diese Methode wird die Array-Länge verändert.", - "Array._unshiftStatement": "Füge ein Element am Anfang eines Arrays hinzu und gib die neue Länge des Arrays aus.", - "Array.concat": "Verknüpft die Werte mit einem anderen Array.", - "Array.concat|param|arr": "Das andere Array, mit dem es verbunden ist", - "Array.every": "Testet, ob alle Elemente in dem Array den von der bereitgestellten Funktion implementierten Test bestehen.", - "Array.every|param|callbackfn": "Eine Funktion, die bis zu zwei Argumente akzeptiert. Die every-Methode ruft für jedes Element in dem Array die callbackfn-Funktion einmal auf.", - "Array.fill": "Füllt alle Elemente eines Arrays von einem Start-index bis zu einem End-Index mit einem festen Wert. Der End-Index ist nicht enthalten.", - "Array.filter": "Gib die Elemente eines Arrays aus, die die in einer Rückruffunktion angegebene Bedingung erfüllen.", - "Array.filter|param|callbackfn": "Eine Funktion, die bis zu zwei Argumente akzeptiert. Die Filtermethode ruft für jedes Element im Array die callbackfn-Funktion einmal auf.", - "Array.find": "Gibt den Wert des ersten Elements im Array zurück, das die angegebene Testfunktion erfüllt. Andernfalls wird nicht definiert zurückgegeben.", - "Array.forEach": "Rufe für jedes Element eines Arrays eine definierte Rückruffunktion auf.", - "Array.forEach|param|callbackfn": "Eine Funktion, die bis zu zwei Argumente akzeptiert. Die forEach-Methode ruft für jedes Element in dem Array die callbackfn-Funktion einmal auf.", - "Array.get": "Rufe den Wert an einer bestimmten Position ab", - "Array.get|param|index": "die Position in der Liste des Elementes, beginnend bei Null, z.B.: 0", - "Array.indexOf": "Gib die Position des ersten Vorkommens eines Wertes in einem Array aus.", - "Array.indexOf|param|fromIndex": "Die Array-Position, bei der mit der Suche begonnen werden soll. Wenn fromIndex ausgelassen wird, beginnt die Suche bei Position 0.", - "Array.indexOf|param|item": "Der in einem Array zu lokalisierende Wert.", - "Array.insertAt": "Füge den Wert an einer bestimmten Position ein, erhöht die Länge um 1", - "Array.insertAt|param|index": "die Position in der Liste, beginnend bei Null, bei der der Wert eingefügt werden soll, z.B.: 0", - "Array.isArray": "Überprüfe ob ein bestimmtes Objekt ein Array ist.", - "Array.join": "verknüpft alle Elemente eines Arrays zu einer Zeichenfolge und gibt diese zurück.", - "Array.join|param|sep": "Das Zeichenfolgentrennzeichen", - "Array.length": "Rufe die Array-Länge ab oder lege sie fest. Diese Zahl ist um eins höher als die Position des letzten Elementes des Arrays.", - "Array.map": "Ruft eine definierte Rückruffunktion bei jedem Element eines Arrays ab und gibt ein Array mit den Ergebnissen aus.", - "Array.map|param|callbackfn": "Eine Funktion, die bis zu zwei Argumente akzeptiert. Die map-Methode ruft für jedes Element im Array die callbackfn-Funktion einmal auf.", - "Array.pop": "Entferne das letzte Element eines Arrays und gib es aus.", - "Array.push": "Füge ein neues Element an ein Array an.", - "Array.reduce": "Rufe die angegebene Rückruffunktion für alle Elemente in einem Array auf. Der Rückgabewert der Rückruffunktion ist das kumulierte Ergebnis, es wird als Argument im nächsten Aufruf der Rückruffunktion bereitgestellt.", - "Array.reduce|param|callbackfn": "Eine Funktion, die bis zu drei Argumente akzeptiert. Die Reduziermethode ruft für jedes Element im Array die callbackfn-Funktion einmal auf.", - "Array.reduce|param|initialValue": "Anfangswert für Kumulierungsbeginn. Der erste Aufruf der callbackfn-Funktion hat diesen Wert als Argument statt eines Array-Wertes.", - "Array.removeAt": "Entferne das Element an einer bestimmten Position.", - "Array.removeElement": "Entferne das erste Vorkommen eines Elementes. Gibt wahr aus, wenn es entfernt wurde.", - "Array.reverse": "Kehrt die Elemente in einem Array um. Das erste Array-Element wird zum letzten, das letzte Array-Element wird zum ersten.", - "Array.set": "Speichere einen Wert an einer bestimmten Position", - "Array.set|param|index": "die Position in der Liste, beginnend bei Null, bei der der Wert gespeichert werden soll, z.B.: 0", - "Array.set|param|value": "der einzufügende Wert, z.B.: 0", - "Array.shift": "Entferne das erste Element aus einem Array und gib es aus. Durch diese Methode wird die Array-Länge verändert.", - "Array.slice": "Gib einen Abschnitt eines Arrays aus.", - "Array.slice|param|end": "Das Ende des angegebenen Abschnitts des Arrays, z.B.: 0", - "Array.slice|param|start": "Der Anfang des angegebenen Abschnitts des Arrays, z.B.: 0", - "Array.some": "Testet, ob wenigstens ein Element in dem Array den von der bereitgestellten Funktion implementierten Test besteht.", - "Array.some|param|callbackfn": "Eine Funktion, die bis zu zwei Argumente akzeptiert. Die some-Methode ruft für jedes Element in dem Array die callbackfn-Funktion einmal auf.", - "Array.sort": "Sortiere die Elemente eines Arrays und gib das Array aus. Die Sortierung ist nicht zwangsläufig unveränderlich.", - "Array.splice": "Entferne Elemente aus einem Array.", - "Array.splice|param|deleteCount": "Die Anzahl der zu entfernenden Elemente, z.B.: 0", - "Array.splice|param|start": "Die Position im Array, beginnend bei Null, bei der mit dem Entfernen von Elementen begonnen werden soll z.B.: 0", - "Array.unshift": "Füge ein Element am Anfang eines Arrays hinzu und gib die neue Länge des Arrays aus.", - "Array@type": "Hinzufügen, Entfernen und Ersetzen von Elementen in Listen.", - "Boolean.toString": "Gibt eine Zeichenfolgendarstellung eines Elementes aus.", - "Buffer.chunked": "Zwischenspeicher in Teile aufteilen, die nicht größer als angegeben sind", - "Buffer.concat": "Gibt die Verkettung des aktuellen Puffers und des angegebenen Puffers zurückn\nVerkettet alle Puffer in der Liste", - "Buffer.create": "Reserviert einen neuen Puffer.", - "Buffer.create|param|size": "Anzahl der Bytes im Zwischenspeicher", - "Buffer.equals": "Gibt true zurück, wenn dieser und der andere Zwischenspeiche dieselben Daten enthalten", - "Buffer.fill": "Fülle (ein Fragment) des Zwischenspeichers mit vorgegebenem Wert.", - "Buffer.fromArray": "Erstelle einen neuen Puffer der mit Bytes aus dem angegebenen Array initialisiert wird.", - "Buffer.fromArray|param|bytes": "Daten mit denen initialisiert werden soll", - "Buffer.fromBase64": "Create a new buffer, decoding a Base64 string", - "Buffer.fromHex": "Erstelle einen neuen Puffer indem ein Hex-String decodiert wird", - "Buffer.fromUTF8": "Erstelle einen neuen Puffers mit UTF8-codierter Zeichenfolge", - "Buffer.fromUTF8|param|str": "die Zeichenfolge, die in den Puffer eingefügt werden soll", - "Buffer.getNumber": "Lies eine Zahl im angegebenen Format vom Zwischenspeicher.", - "Buffer.getUint8": "Liest ein vorzeichenloses Byte von einem bestimmten Speicherort", - "Buffer.hash": "Berechne k-Bit FNV-1 nicht-kryptographischen Hash des Puffers.", - "Buffer.indexOf": "Gibt die Position eines Puffers im aktuellen Puffer zurück", - "Buffer.isReadOnly": "Gibt false zurück, wenn der Puffer geschrieben werden kann.", - "Buffer.length": "Gibt false zurück, wenn der Puffer geschrieben werden kann.", - "Buffer.packAt": "Schreibt Zahlen entsprechend dem Format in den Zwischenspeicher", - "Buffer.rotate": "Drehe den Zwischenspeicher auf der Stelle nach links.n\n\n\nstart. z.B.: -1", - "Buffer.rotate|param|length": "Anzahl der Elemente im Zwischenspeicher. Falls negativ wird die Länge als Zwischenspeicherlänge minus Start festgelegt.", - "Buffer.rotate|param|offset": "Anzahl der zu verschiebenden Bytes; nutze negativen Wert zum Verschieben nach rechts", - "Buffer.rotate|param|start": "starte Offset im Zwischenspeicher. Standardeinstellung ist 0.", - "Buffer.setNumber": "Schreibe eine Zahl im angegebenen Format in den Zwischenspeicher.", - "Buffer.setUint8": "Schreibt ein vorzeichenloses Byte an einen bestimmten Ort", - "Buffer.shift": "Zwischenspeicher nach links verschieben, ohne Füllzeichen.\n\n\n\nstart. z.B.: -1", - "Buffer.shift|param|length": "Anzahl der Elemente im Zwischenspeicher. Falls negativ wird die Länge als Zwischenspeicherlänge minus Start festgelegt.", - "Buffer.shift|param|offset": "Anzahl der zu verschiebenden Bytes; nutze negativen Wert zum Verschieben nach rechts", - "Buffer.shift|param|start": "starte Offset im Zwischenspeicher. Standardeinstellung ist 0.", - "Buffer.sizeOfNumberFormat": "Ruft die Bytegröße im spezifierten Nummernformat ab.", - "Buffer.slice": "Gib eine Kopie eines Fragmentes eines Zwischenspeichers aus.", - "Buffer.toArray": "Inhalt des Zwischenspichers als Array im angegebenen Format lesen", - "Buffer.toBase64": "Convert buffer to ASCII base64 encoding.", - "Buffer.toHex": "Konvertiert einen Puffer in seine hexadezimale Darstellung.", - "Buffer.toString": "Konvertiert einen Puffer in einen String mit UTF8-Codierung", - "Buffer.unpack": "Liest Zahlen aus dem Puffer entsprechend dem Format", - "Buffer.write": "Schreib die Inhalte von `src` bei`dstOffset` in den aktuellen Zwischenspeicher.", - "Colors": "Bekannte Farben", - "EventCreationMode": "So wird ein Ereignis erstellt.", - "EventCreationMode.CreateAndFire": "Calliope mini-Event wurde initialisiert, seine Event-Handler werden unverzüglich ausgeführt (nicht geeignet für die Nutzung bei Unterbrechungen!).", - "EventCreationMode.CreateOnly": "Calliope mini-Event wurde initialisiert, es wird keine weitere Verarbeitung vorgenommen.", - "Gesture.EightG": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn ein Stoß mit 8g erkannt wird", - "Gesture.FreeFall": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Board fällt!", - "Gesture.LogoDown": "Raised when the logo is downward and the screen is vertical", - "Gesture.LogoUp": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Logo nach oben zeigt und das Display vertikal ist.", - "Gesture.ScreenDown": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Display nach unten zeigt und das Board horizontal ist", - "Gesture.ScreenUp": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Display nach oben zeigt und das Board horizontal ist", - "Gesture.Shake": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Board geschüttelt wird", - "Gesture.SixG": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn 6G Beschleuningung gemessen wird", - "Gesture.ThreeG": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn 3G Beschleuningung gemessen wird", - "Gesture.TiltLeft": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn LED-Matrix nach links zeigt", - "Gesture.TiltRight": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn LED-Matrix nach rechts zeigt", - "Image.clear": "Schaltet alle Pixel aus.", - "Image.height": "Ruft die Höhe in Reihen ab (immer 5)", - "Image.pixel": "Rufe den Pixelzustand bei Position ``(x,y)``ab", - "Image.pixelBrightness": "Ruft die Pixelhelligkeit ([0..255]) an einer bestimmten Position ab", - "Image.pixel|param|x": "Pixelspalte", - "Image.pixel|param|y": "Pixelzeile", - "Image.plotFrame": "Zeichnet den Frame der ``Position`` des Bildes auf dem Bildschirm.", - "Image.plotFrame|param|xOffset": "Spaltenposition für den Anzeigenbeginn des Bildes", - "Image.plotImage": "Zeichnet das Bild in einer angegebenen Spalte auf dem Bildschirm", - "Image.scrollImage": "Scrollt ein Bild.", - "Image.scrollImage|param|frameOffset": "x Offset für die Bewegung bei jedem Animationsschritt, z. B. 1, 2, 5", - "Image.scrollImage|param|interval": "Zeit zwischen jedem Animationsschritt in Millisekunden, z.B. 200", - "Image.setPixel": "Lege den Pixelzustand bei Position ``(x,y)`` fest", - "Image.setPixelBrightness": "Legt eine bestimmte Pixelhelligkeit an einer bestimmten Position fest", - "Image.setPixel|param|value": "Pixelstatus", - "Image.setPixel|param|x": "Pixelspalte", - "Image.setPixel|param|y": "Pixelzeile", - "Image.showFrame": "Zeigt einen bestimmten Frame eines Bildstreifens..", - "Image.showFrame|param|frame": "Bildrahmen zum Anzeigen", - "Image.showImage": "Zeigt einen Frame des Bildes bei Offset ``x offset``.", - "Image.showImage|param|interval": "Zeit in Millisekunden, die nach der Zeichnung gewartet wird", - "Image.showImage|param|xOffset": "Spaltenposition für den Anzeigenbeginn des Bildes", - "Image.width": "Ruft die Breite in Spalten ab", - "Infinity": "Konstante für die positive Unendlichkeit.", - "JSON.parse": "Konvertiert eine JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Zeichenkette in ein Objekt.", - "JSON.stringify": "Konvertiert einen JavaScript-Wert in einen JavaScript-Objekt-Notation (JSON) String.", - "JSON.stringify|param|indent": "Fügt dem JSON-Text Einrückung, Leerzeichen und Zeilenumbrüche hinzu, um ihn einfacher lesen zu können.", - "JSON.stringify|param|replacer": "Nicht unterstützt; Null verwenden.", - "JSON.stringify|param|value": "Ein JavaScript-Wert, in der Regel ein Objekt oder Array, das konvertiert werden soll.", - "Math": "Komplexere Operationen mit Zahlen.", - "Math.abs": "Gibt den absoluten Wert einer Zahl aus (den Wert unabhängig davon, ob er positiv oder negativ ist).\nDer absolute Wert von -5 ist zum Beispiel der gleiche wie der von 5.", - "Math.abs|param|x": "Ein numerischer Ausdruck, für den der absolute Wert benötigt wird.", - "Math.acos": "Gibt den Arkuskosinus (im Bogenmaß) einer Zahl aus", - "Math.acos|param|x": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.asin": "Gibt den Arkussinus (im Bogenmaß) einer Zahl aus", - "Math.asin|param|x": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.atan": "Gibt den Arkustangens (im Bogenmaß) einer Zahl aus", - "Math.atan2": "Gibt den Arkustangens des Quotienten eines der Argumente aus.", - "Math.atan2|param|x": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.atan2|param|y": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.atan|param|x": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.ceil": "Gibt die kleinste Zahl größer als oder gleich des numerischen Argumentes aus.", - "Math.ceil|param|x": "Ein numerischer Ausdruck.", - "Math.constrain": "Beschränkt eine Zahl auf einen Bereich", - "Math.cos": "Gibt den Kosinus einer Zahl aus.", - "Math.cos|param|x": "Ein Winkel im Bogenmaß", - "Math.exp": "Gibt ``e^x`` aus.", - "Math.exp|param|x": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.floor": "Gibt die größte Zahl kleiner als oder gleich des numerischen Argumentes aus.", - "Math.floor|param|x": "Ein numerischer Ausdruck.", - "Math.icos": "Gibt den Kosinus des Eingabewinkels zurück. Das ist eine 8-Bit Annäherung.", - "Math.icos|param|theta": "Eingangswinkel von 0-255", - "Math.idiv": "Gibt den Wert einer 32-Bit-Ganzzahl (mit Vorzeichen) bei der Division zweier Zahlen aus.", - "Math.idiv|param|x": "Die erste Zahl", - "Math.idiv|param|y": "Die zweite Zahl", - "Math.imul": "Gibt den Wert einer 32-Bit-Ganzzahl (mit Vorzeichen) bei der Multiplikation zweier Zahlen aus.", - "Math.imul|param|x": "Die erste Zahl", - "Math.imul|param|y": "Die zweite Zahl", - "Math.isin": "Gibt den Sinus des Eingabewinkels zurück. Das ist eine 8-Bit Annäherung.", - "Math.isin|param|theta": "Eingangswinkel von 0-255", - "Math.log": "Gibt den natürlichen Logarithmus (Basis e) einer Zahl aus.", - "Math.log|param|x": "Eine Zahl", - "Math.map": "Re-maps a number from one range to another. That is, a value of ``from low`` would get mapped to ``to low``, a value of ``from high`` to ``to high``, values in-between to values in-between, etc.", - "Math.map|param|fromHigh": "the upper bound of the value's current range, eg: 1023", - "Math.map|param|fromLow": "the lower bound of the value's current range", - "Math.map|param|toHigh": "the upper bound of the value's target range, eg: 4", - "Math.map|param|toLow": "the lower bound of the value's target range", - "Math.map|param|value": "value to map in ranges", - "Math.max": "Gibt den größeren von zwei vorhandenen numerischen Ausdrücken aus.", - "Math.min": "Gibt den niedrigeren von zwei vorhandenen numerischen Ausdrücken aus.", - "Math.pow": "Gibt den Wert eines grundlegenden Ausdrucks bis zu einer bestimmten Stärke aus.", - "Math.pow|param|x": "Der Basiswert des Ausdrucks.", - "Math.pow|param|y": "Der exponentielle Wert des Ausdrucks.", - "Math.random": "Gibt eine pseudozufüllige Zahl zwischen 0 und `max`aus.", - "Math.randomBoolean": "Erzeugt zufällig einen \"wahr\" oder \"falsch\"-Wert, wie bei einem Münzwurf.", - "Math.randomRange": "Gibt eine pseudozufällige Zahl zwischen einschl. Minimum und Maximum aus.\nWenn beide Zahlen Ganzzahlen sind, ist auch das Ergebnis eine Ganzzahl.", - "Math.randomRange|param|max": "die obere Grenze, einschließlich dieser Zahl, z.B.: 10", - "Math.randomRange|param|min": "die untere Grenze, einschließlich dieser Zahl, z. B.: 10", - "Math.round": "Gibt einen gegebenen numerischen Ausdruck auf die nächste Zahl gerundet aus.", - "Math.roundWithPrecision": "Rundet ``x`` auf eine Zahl mit der angegebenen Anzahl von ``Stellen``", - "Math.roundWithPrecision|param|digits": "die Anzahl der resultierenden Ziffern", - "Math.roundWithPrecision|param|x": "die zu rundende Zahl", - "Math.round|param|x": "Der Wert, der auf die nächste Zahl gerundet werden soll.", - "Math.sign": "Gibt das Vorzeichen von x aus und zeigt an, ob dieses positiv, negativ oder null ist.", - "Math.sign|param|x": "Der numerische Ausdruck, der getestet werden soll", - "Math.sin": "Gibt den Sinus einer Zahl aus.", - "Math.sin|param|x": "Ein Winkel im Bogenmaß", - "Math.sqrt": "Gibt die Quadratwurzel einer Zahl aus.", - "Math.sqrt|param|x": "Ein numerischer Ausdruck.", - "Math.tan": "Gibt den Tangens einer Zahl aus.", - "Math.tan|param|x": "Ein Winkel im Bogenmaß", - "Math.trunc": "Gibt die Zahl mit abgeschnittenem Dezimalteil aus.", - "Math.trunc|param|x": "Ein numerischer Ausdruck.", - "NaN": "Konstante, die eine Nicht-Zahl darstellt.", - "Number.isNaN": "Überprüft, ob ein Wert vom Typ Zahl ist oder nicht.", - "Number.toString": "Gib eine Zeichenfolgendarstellung einer Zahl aus.", - "Object.keys": "Gibt die Feldnamen in einem Objekt zurück.", - "String": "Kombinieren, trennen und suchen von Text-Zeichenfolgen.", - "String.charAt": "Gibt den Buchstaben beim angegebenen Index aus.", - "String.charAt|param|index": "Der null-basierte index des gewünschten Zeichens.", - "String.charCodeAt": "Gibt den Unicode-Wert des Zeichens am vorgegebenen Ort aus.", - "String.charCodeAt|param|index": "Der null-basierte Index des gewünschten Zeichens. Wenn kein Zeichen am angegeben Index vorhanden ist, wird NaN ausgegeben.", - "String.compare": "Bestimmt die relative Reihenfolge zweier Strings (in ASCII).", - "String.compare|param|that": "Zeichenfolge, die mit der Zielzeichenfolge verglichen werden soll", - "String.concat": "Gibt eine Zeichenfolge aus, die die Verkettung von zwei oder mehr Zeichenfolgen ist.", - "String.concat|param|other": "Die Zeichenfolge, die an das Ende einer Zeichenfolge angehängt werden soll.", - "String.fromCharCode": "Erstelle Sie eine Zeichenfolge aus dem angegebenen ASCII-Zeichencode.", - "String.includes": "Bestimmt, ob eine Zeichenkette die Zeichen einer bestimmten Zeichenkette enthält.", - "String.includes|param|searchValue": "der zu findende Text", - "String.includes|param|start": "optionaler Startindex für die Suche", - "String.indexOf": "Gibt die Position des ersten Vorkommens eines Werts in einer Zeichenkette zurück.", - "String.indexOf|param|searchValue": "der zu findende Text", - "String.indexOf|param|start": "optionaler Startindex für die Suche", - "String.isEmpty": "Gibt einen Wert aus, der anzeigt, ob die Zeichenfolge leer ist", - "String.length": "Gibt die Länge einer Zeichenfolge aus.", - "String.replace": "Gib die aktuelle Zeichenkette mit dem ersten Auftreten von toReplace zurück,\nmit dem zu ersetzenden Inhalt gefüllt \n\n\n oder eine Funktion die eine Teil-Zeichenfolge akzeptiert und den zu ersetzenden Inhalt zurückgibt.", - "String.replaceAll": "Gibt die aktuelle Zeichenkette zurück, bei der jedes Auftreten von toReplace\ndurch den Ersetzer oder einer Funktion ersetzt wird, \n\n\ndie die Zeichenkette akzeptiert und den Ersetzungsstring zurückgibt.", - "String.replaceAll|param|replacer": "entweder die Zeichenfolge, die toReplace in der aktuellen Zeichenfolge ersetzt,", - "String.replaceAll|param|toReplace": "der Teilstring der in der aktuellen Zeichenkette ersetzt werden soll", - "String.replace|param|replacer": "either the string that replaces toReplace in the current string,", - "String.replace|param|toReplace": "the substring to replace in the current string", - "String.slice": "Return a substring of the current string.", - "String.slice|param|end": "one-past-last character index", - "String.slice|param|start": "first character index; can be negative from counting from the end, eg:0", - "String.split": "Splits the string according to the separators", - "String.split|param|separator": "@param limit", - "String.substr": "Gibt eine Teilzeichenfolge der aktuellen Zeichenfolge aus.", - "String.substr|param|length": "Anzahl der zu extrahierenden Zeichen", - "String.substr|param|start": "Erster Zeichenindex, kann beim zählen vom Ende negativ sein, zum Beispiel: 0", - "String.toUpperCase": "Converts the string to upper case characters.", - "String.toLowerCase": "Konvertiert die Zeichenfolge in Kleinbuchstaben.", - "String.trim": "Gibt eine Zeichenkette aus deraktuellen Zeichenkette zurück, welche die Leerzeichen von beiden Enden entfernt hat", - "String@type": "Kombinieren, trennen und suchen von Text-Zeichenfolgen.", - "StringMap": "Ein Wörterbuch von String-Schlüsseln zu String-Werten", - "_py.range": "Gibt eine Folge von Zahlen bis zum aber ohne das Limits zurück\n\nWenn mehr als ein Argument übergeben wird, wird dieses Argument stattdessen für den ersten Wert im Bereich verwendet", - "_py.range|param|first": "Der Wert, der die vorherige Sequenz abschließt. Dieser Wert wird nicht im Ergebnis angezeigt.", - "_py.range|param|step": "Der Wert, der für jeden Schritt im Bereich erhöht oder verringert werden soll. Muss eine ganze Zahl ohne Null sein", - "_py.range|param|stop": "Der Wert, der die vorherige Sequenz abschließt. Dieser Wert wird nicht im Ergebnis angezeigt", - "_py.slice": "Gibt einen Abschnitt eines Arrays gemäß Pythons erweiterter Slice Syntax zurück", - "_py.stringSlice": "Gibt einen Abschnitt einer Zeichenkette gemäß Pythons erweiterter Slice Syntax zurück", - "basic": "Bietet Zugriff auf grundlegende mini-Funktionalität.", - "basic.clearScreen": "Schalte alle LEDs aus", - "basic.color": "Konvertiert den Farbnamen in eine Nummer", - "basic.forever": "Wiederholt immer wieder den Code im Hintergrund. Bei jeder Iteration ist es möglich, anderen Code auszuführen.", - "basic.pause": "Pausiere für die angegebene Zeit in Millisekunden", - "basic.pause|param|ms": "wie lange pausieren, z.B.: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000", - "basic.plotLeds": "Zeichnet ein Bild auf der LED-Matrix.", - "basic.plotLeds|param|leds": "Muster der LEDs, die ein-/ und ausgeschaltet werden", - "basic.rgb": "Konvertiert Rot-, Grün- und Blau-Kanäle in eine RGB-Farbe", - "basic.rgb|param|blue": "Blauwert zwischen 0 und 255, z.B. 255", - "basic.rgb|param|green": "Grünwert zwischen 0 und 255, z.B. 255", - "basic.rgb|param|red": "Rotwert zwischen 0 und 255, z.B. 255", - "basic.setLedColor": "Legt die Farbe der eingebauten LED fest. Setze auf 0, um diese abzuschalten.", - "basic.setLedColorDal": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal": "Sets the color on the built-in RGB LED. Set to 0 to turn off.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|brightness": "The LED brightness in percent.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|color1": "The color of the first LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|color2": "The second LED color.", - "basic.setLedColorsCodal|param|color3": "The third LED color.", - "basic.setLedColor|param|color": "The color of the LED in RGB format (e.g., 0xFF0000 for red).", - "basic.showAnimation": "Zeigt eine Abfolge von LED-Anzeigen als Animation.", - "basic.showAnimation|param|interval": "Zeit in Millisekunden zwischen jedem Neuzeichnen", - "basic.showAnimation|param|leds": "Muster der LEDs, die ein-/ und ausgeschaltet werden", - "basic.showArrow": "Zeigt einen Pfeil auf der LED-Matrix an", - "basic.showArrow|param|direction": "die Richtung des Pfeils", - "basic.showArrow|param|interval": "die Zeitspanne (in Millisekunden), in der das Symbol angezeigt wird. Die Standardeinstellung ist 600.", - "basic.showCompass": "Zeichnet eine Nadel, die immer nach Norden zeigt", - "basic.showCompass|param|interval": "die Zeitspanne (in Millisekunden), in der die Nadel angezeigt wird. Die Standardeinstellung ist 600.", - "basic.showIcon": "Zeichnet das ausgewählte Symbol auf der LED-Matrix", - "basic.showIcon|param|icon": "die vordefinierte Matrix-ID", - "basic.showIcon|param|interval": "die Zeitspanne (in Millisekunden), in der die LED-Matrix angezeigt wird. Die Standardeinstellung ist 600.", - "basic.showLeds": "Zeichnet ein Bild auf der LED-Matrix.", - "basic.showLeds|param|interval": "Zeit in Millisekunden, die nach der Zeichnung gewartet wird", - "basic.showLeds|param|leds": "Muster der LEDs, die ein- und ausgeschaltet werden", - "basic.showNumber": "Zeige eine Nummer auf dem Display. Wenn die Nummer auf das Display passt (es sich also um eine einstellige Zahl handelt), scrolle nicht weiter.", - "basic.showNumber|param|interval": "Scroll-Geschwindigkeit; z.B. 150, 100, 200,-100", - "basic.showString": "Zeige Text auf der LED-Matrix an, Buchstabe für Buchstabe. Wenn die Zeichenfolge auf die LED-Matrix passt (also wenn es sich um einen einzelnen Buchstaben handelt), scrolle nicht weiter.", - "basic.showString|param|interval": "Wie schnell die Zeichen geändert werden; z.B. 150, 100, 200,-100", - "basic.showString|param|text": "Text auf LED-Matrix dargestellt werden soll, z.B.: \"Hi!\"", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff": "Legt die Farbe der eingebauten RGB-LED fest. Setze auf 0, um diese abzuschalten.", - "console": "Lesen und Schreiben von Daten in die Konsolenausgabe.", - "console.addListener": "Fügt einen Listener für die Log-Nachrichten hinzu", - "console.inspect": "Konvertiert ein beliebigen Objekts oder Wert in einen String", - "console.inspect|param|maxElements": "[optional] max. Zahlenwerte in einem Objekt, das in die Ausgabe eingeschlossen werden soll", - "console.inspect|param|obj": "value to be converted to a string", - "console.log": "Write a line of text to the console output.", - "console.logValue": "Write a name:value pair as a line of text to the console output.", - "console.logValue|param|name": "name of the value stream, eg: \"x\"", - "console.logValue|param|value": "to write", - "console.log|param|value": "to send", - "console.minPriority": "Minimum priority to send messages to listeners", - "console.removeListener": "Removes a listener", - "control": "Laufzeit- und Event-Dienstprogramme.", - "control._hardwareVersion": "Returns the major version of the microbit", - "control.allocateEventSource": "Incrementally allocates event source identifiers.", - "control.allocateNotifyEvent": "Allocates the next user notification event", - "control.assert": "Wenn die Bedingung falsch ist, zeige eine Nachricht auf der seriellen Konsole und gebe Panic-Code 098 aus", - "control.benchmark": "Runs the function and returns run time in microseconds.", - "control.createBuffer": "Create a new zero-initialized buffer.", - "control.createBufferFromUTF8": "Create a new buffer with UTF8-encoded string", - "control.createBufferFromUTF8|param|str": "the string to put in the buffer", - "control.createBuffer|param|size": "number of bytes in the buffer", - "control.deviceLongSerialNumber": "Derive a unique, consistent 64-bit serial number of this device from internal data.", - "control.deviceName": "Erzeugt einen Namen für das Gerät, basierend auf der Seriennummer", - "control.deviceSerialNumber": "Derive a unique, consistent serial number of this device from internal data.", - "control.dmesg": "Write a message to DMESG debugging buffer.", - "control.dmesgPerfCounters": "Dump values of profiling performance counters.", - "control.dmesgPtr": "Write a message and value (pointer) to DMESG debugging buffer.", - "control.enablePerfCounter": "Enable profiling for current function.", - "control.eventSourceId": "Gibt den Wert einer C++-Laufzeitkonstanten aus", - "control.eventTimestamp": "Holt den Zeitstempel des letzten Events auf dem Bus", - "control.eventValue": "Holt den Wert des letzten ausgeführten Events auf dem Bus", - "control.eventValueId": "Gibt den Wert einer C++-Laufzeitkonstanten aus", - "control.gc": "Force GC and dump basic information about heap.", - "control.gcStats": "Get various statistics about the garbage collector (GC)", - "control.heapDump": "Force GC and halt waiting for debugger to do a full heap dump.", - "control.heapSnapshot": "Record a heap snapshot to debug memory leaks.", - "control.inBackground": "Plant Code, der im Hintergrund wiedergegeben wird.", - "control.micros": "Gets current time in microseconds. Overflows every ~18 minutes.", - "control.millis": "Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.", - "control.onEvent": "Startet ein Event auf dem Event-Bus.", - "control.panic": "Zeigt einen spezifizierten Fehlercode und hält das Programm an.", - "control.profilingEnabled": "Return true if profiling is enabled in the current build.", - "control.raiseEvent": "Startet ein Event auf dem Event-Bus.", - "control.raiseEvent|param|mode": "optionale Definition davon, wie ein Event nach dem Erstellen ausgeführt wird (Standard ist \"CREATE_AND_FIRE).", - "control.raiseEvent|param|src": "ID der Calliope mini-Komponente, die das Event generiert hat, zum Beispiel CALLIOPE_ID_BUTTON_A.", - "control.raiseEvent|param|value": "Komponentenspezifischer Code, der den Grund des Events angibt.", - "control.ramSize": "Returns estimated size of memory in bytes.", - "control.reset": "Setzt den Calliope mini zurück.", - "control.runInParallel": "Run other code in the parallel.", - "control.runtimeWarning": "Zeige Warnmeldung im Simulator.", - "control.setDebugFlags": "Set flags used when connecting an external debugger.", - "control.simmessages.onReceived": "Registers the handler for a message on a given channel", - "control.waitForEvent": "Blocks the calling thread until the specified event is raised.", - "control.waitMicros": "Sperrt die aktuelle Leitung für die Dauer der angegebenen Mikrosekunden", - "control.waitMicros|param|micros": "Anzahl der Mikrosekunden, die gewartet werden soll, z.B.: 4", - "convertToText": "Convert any value to text", - "convertToText|param|value": "value to be converted to text", - "forever": "Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.", - "game": "Eine Einzel-LED-Sprite-Spielumgebung", - "game.LedSprite": "Ein Spiel-Sprite, der als einzelne LED gerendert wird", - "game.LedSprite.blink": "Meldet die ``Blink``-Dauer eines Sprites", - "game.LedSprite.brightness": "Meldet die ``Helligkeit`` eines Sprites auf dem LED-Bildschirm", - "game.LedSprite.change": "Ändert eine Eigenschaft des Sprites", - "game.LedSprite.changeBlinkBy": "Ändert die ``Blink``-Dauer um die angegebene Anzahl an Millisekunden", - "game.LedSprite.changeBlinkBy|param|ms": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.changeBrightnessBy": "Ändert die ``Y``-Position um die angegebene Anzahl", - "game.LedSprite.changeBrightnessBy|param|value": "der Wert zum Ändern der Helligkeit", - "game.LedSprite.changeDirectionBy": "Ändert die Position der ``Richtung`` um die angegebene Anzahl durch Drehen nach rechts", - "game.LedSprite.changeDirectionBy|param|angle": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.changeXBy": "Ändert die ``X``-Position um die angegebene Anzahl", - "game.LedSprite.changeXBy|param|x": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.changeYBy": "Ändert die ``Y``-Position um die angegebene Anzahl", - "game.LedSprite.changeYBy|param|y": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.change|param|property": "der Name der Eigenschaft zum Ändern", - "game.LedSprite.change|param|value": "Anzahl der Veränderung, z. B.: 1", - "game.LedSprite.delete": "Löscht den Sprite aus der Spielumgebung. Der Sprite erscheint nicht mehr auf dem Bildschirm und interagiert nicht mehr mit anderen Sprites.", - "game.LedSprite.direction": "Meldet die aktuelle Richtung eines Sprites", - "game.LedSprite.get": "Ruft eine Eigenschaft des Sprites ab", - "game.LedSprite.get|param|property": "der Name der Eigenschaft zum Ändern", - "game.LedSprite.goTo": "Gehe zu dieser Position auf dem Bildschirm", - "game.LedSprite.goTo|param|x": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.goTo|param|y": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce": "Wenn der Bildschirmrand berührt wird und die Sichtrichtung geradeaus ist, wegdrehen.", - "game.LedSprite.isDeleted": "Meldet, ob der Sprite aus der Spiele-Engine gelöscht wurde.", - "game.LedSprite.isTouching": "Meldet wahr, wenn der Sprite dieselbe Position hat wie der angegebene Sprite", - "game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge": "Meldet wahr, wenn der Sprite einen Rand berührt", - "game.LedSprite.isTouching|param|other": "der andere Sprite, um Überlagerung oder Berührung zu überprüfen", - "game.LedSprite.move": "Bewege eine bestimmte Anzahl von LEDs in die aktuelle Richtung", - "game.LedSprite.move|param|leds": "Anzahl der zu bewegenden LEDs, z. B.: 1, -1", - "game.LedSprite.off": "Schaltet den Sprite aus (bei Standardeinstellung ein)", - "game.LedSprite.on": "Turns on the sprite (on by default)", - "game.LedSprite.set": "Sets a property of the sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setBlink": "Sets the blink duration interval in millisecond.", - "game.LedSprite.setBlink|param|ms": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.setBrightness": "Set the ``brightness`` of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setBrightness|param|brightness": "the brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (on), eg: 255.", - "game.LedSprite.setDirection": "Set the direction of the current sprite, rounded to the nearest multiple of 45", - "game.LedSprite.setDirection|param|degrees": "new direction in degrees", - "game.LedSprite.setX": "Set the ``x`` position of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setX|param|x": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.setY": "Set the ``y`` position of a sprite", - "game.LedSprite.setY|param|y": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.set|param|property": "the name of the property to change", - "game.LedSprite.turn": "Turn the sprite", - "game.LedSprite.turnLeft": "Turn to the left (counter-clockwise)", - "game.LedSprite.turnLeft|param|degrees": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.turnRight": "Turn to the right (clockwise)", - "game.LedSprite.turnRight|param|degrees": "TODO", - "game.LedSprite.turn|param|degrees": "angle in degrees to turn, eg: 45, 90, 180, 135", - "game.LedSprite.turn|param|direction": "left or right", - "game.LedSprite.x": "Reports the ``x`` position of a sprite on the LED screen", - "game.LedSprite.y": "Reports the ``y`` position of a sprite on the LED screen", - "game.addLife": "Fügt Leben zum aktuellen Spielstand hinzu", - "game.addLife|param|lives": "amount of lives to add", - "game.addScore": "Fügt zum aktuellen Spielstand Punkte hinzu", - "game.addScore|param|points": "Anzahl von zu verändernden Punkten, z.B.: 1", - "game.createSprite": "Erzeugt einen neuen LED-Sprite, der nach rechts zeigt.", - "game.createSprite|param|x": "horizontale Koordinate des Sprites, z.B. 2", - "game.createSprite|param|y": "vertikale Koordinate des Sprites, z.B. 2", - "game.currentTime": "Ruft die verbliebene Zeit (seit `starte Countdown`) oder die aktuelle Zeit (seit das Gerät gestartet wurde oder eine Stoppuhr aktiviert wurde) an.", - "game.gameOver": "Gibt über eine Animation ein Spiel wieder.", - "game.invalidSprite": "Ruft einen invaliden Sprite ab; wird genutzt, um Locale zu initialisieren.", - "game.isGameOver": "Zeigt an, ob das Spil die \"Game Over\"-Sequenz angezeigt hat.", - "game.isPaused": "Indicates if the game rendering is paused to allow other animations", - "game.isRunning": "Holt einen Wert, der anzeigt, ob das Spiel noch läuft. Gibt `falsch`aus, wenn das Spiel zu Ende ist.", - "game.level": "Ruft das aktuelle Level ab", - "game.levelUp": "Erhöht das Level und zeigt eine Nachricht an.", - "game.life": "Ruft das aktuelle Leben ab", - "game.pause": "Pauses the game rendering engine to allow other animations", - "game.removeLife": "Entfernt ein Leben", - "game.removeLife|param|life": "amount of life to remove", - "game.resume": "Resumes the game rendering engine", - "game.score": "Ruft den aktuellen Punktestand ab", - "game.setLife": "Setzt den aktuellen Wert der Leben", - "game.setLife|param|value": "current life value", - "game.setScore": "Setzt den aktuellen Wert des Spielstands", - "game.setScore|param|value": "new score value.", - "game.showScore": "Zeigt den Spielstand auf dem Display.", - "game.startCountdown": "Startet einen Spiel-Countdown", - "game.startCountdown|param|ms": "Countdown-Dauer in Millisekunden, z.B.: 10000", - "game.startStopwatch": "Startet eine Stoppuhr.`aktuelle Zeit`gibt die vergangene Zeit an.", - "hex": "Tagged hex literal converter", - "images": "Erstellung, Bearbeitung und Anzeige von LED-Bildern.", - "images.createBigImage": "Erstellt ein Bild mit zwei Einzelbildern.", - "images.createImage": "Erstellt ein Bild, das auf den LED-Bildschirm passt.", - "input": "Ereignisse und Daten der Sensoren", - "input.acceleration": "Holt den Beschleunigungswert in Milli-Erdanziehung (wenn das Board flach mit dem Display nach oben liegt, X = 0, y = 0 und Z =-1024)", - "input.acceleration|param|dimension": "x, y, or z dimension, eg: Dimension.X", - "input.buttonEventClick": "Returns the ID of an Click Event", - "input.buttonEventDown": "Returns the ID of an Down Event", - "input.buttonEventValue": "Returns the ID of an Button Event", - "input.buttonIsPressed": "Get the button state (pressed or not) for ``A`` and ``B``.", - "input.buttonIsPressed|param|button": "the button to query the request, eg: Button.A", - "input.calibrateCompass": "Veraltet, Kompasskalibrierung erfolgt automatisch.", - "input.compassHeading": "Holt die aktuelle Kompassrichtung in Grad.", - "input.isCalibratedCompass": "Returns 'true' when the compass is calibrated. Otherwise returns 'false'.", - "input.isGesture": "Tests if a gesture is currently detected.", - "input.isGesture|param|gesture": "the type of gesture to detect, eg: Gesture.Shake", - "input.lightLevel": "Liest die Lichtintensität auf dem LED-Bildschirm im Bereich von ``0`` (dunkel) und `` 255`` (hell).", - "input.magneticForce": "Ruft den Wert der Magnetkraft in ``Mikro-Tesla`` (``µT``) ab. Diese Funktion wird im Simulator nicht unterstützt.", - "input.magneticForce|param|dimension": "the x, y, or z dimension, eg: Dimension.X", - "input.onButtonEvent": "Do something when a button (A, B or both A+B) receives an event.", - "input.onButtonEvent|param|body": "code to run when event is raised", - "input.onButtonEvent|param|button": "the button", - "input.onButtonEvent|param|eventType": "event Type", - "input.onButtonPressed": "Tue etwas, wenn eine Taste (``A``, ``B`` oder ``A + B``) gedrückt wird", - "input.onButtonPressed|param|body": "code to run when event is raised", - "input.onButtonPressed|param|button": "the button that needs to be pressed", - "input.onGesture": "Mache etwas, wenn eine Geste gemacht wird (wie den mini zu schütteln).", - "input.onGesture|param|body": "code to run when gesture is raised", - "input.onGesture|param|gesture": "the type of gesture to track, eg: Gesture.Shake", - "input.onPinPressed": "Mache etwas, wenn eine Pin gehalten wird.", - "input.onPinPressed|param|body": "Code, der ausführt wird, wenn ein Pin gehalten wird", - "input.onPinPressed|param|name": "the pin that needs to be pressed, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.onPinReleased": "Mache etwas, wenn der Pin losgelassen wird.", - "input.onPinReleased|param|body": "Code, der ausgeführt werden soll, wenn der Pin losgelassen wird", - "input.onPinReleased|param|name": "the pin that needs to be released, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.onPinTouchEvent": "Do something when a pin receives an touch event (while also touching the GND pin).", - "input.onPinTouchEvent|param|body": "the code to run when event is fired on pin", - "input.onPinTouchEvent|param|name": "the pin, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.pinIsPressed": "Ruft den Pin-Zustand (gehalten oder nicht) ab. Die Erdung muss gehalten werden, um den Stromkreis zu schließen.", - "input.pinIsPressed|param|name": "pin used to detect the touch, eg: TouchPin.P0", - "input.rotation": "Die Neigung und Drehung des mini Drehung auf ``X-Achse``oder ``Y-Achse``, in Grad.", - "input.rotation|param|kind": "pitch or roll", - "input.runningTime": "Ruft die Anzahl der Millisekunden auf, die seit dem Einschalten vergangen sind.", - "input.runningTimeMicros": "Gets the number of microseconds elapsed since power on.", - "input.setAccelerometerRange": "Legt die Stichprobenbereich des Beschleunigungssensors in Schwerkraft fest.", - "input.setAccelerometerRange|param|range": "Ein Wert, der die maximale Stärke der gemessenen Beschleunigung beschreibt", - "input.soundLevel": "gets the level of loudness from 0 (silent) to 255 (loud)", - "input.temperature": "Ruft die aktuelle Temperatur in Grad Celsius (°C) ab.", - "led": "Steuerung des LED-Bildschirms.", - "led.barGraphToConsole": "Controls where plotbargraph prints to the console", - "led.brightness": "Ruft die Helligkeit des Bildschirms ab, von 0 (aus) bis 255 (volle Helligkeit).", - "led.displayMode": "Gets the current display mode", - "led.enable": "Schaltet das Display an und aus", - "led.fadeIn": "Blendet die Bildschirmanzeige ein.", - "led.fadeIn|param|ms": "fade time in milleseconds", - "led.fadeOut": "Blendet die Bildschirmhelligkeit aus.", - "led.fadeOut|param|ms": "fade time in milliseconds", - "led.plot": "Schalte die angegebene LED mit Hilfe von X- und Y-Koordinaten ein (X ist horizontal, Y ist vertikal). (0,0) ist die obere linke Ecke.", - "led.plotAll": "Schaltet alle LEDs an", - "led.plotBarGraph": "Zeigt ein vertikales Balkendiagramm an, basierend auf dem `Wert`und dem `Hoch`-Wert. Wenn `Hoch`0 ist, wird das Diagramm automatisch angepasst.", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|high": "maximalen Wert. Wenn dieser 0 ist, wird der Maximalwert automatisch angepasst, z.B.: 0", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|value": "aktueller Wert zum Darstellen", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|valueToConsole": "if true, prints value to the serial port", - "led.plotBrightness": "Turn on the specified LED with specific brightness using x, y coordinates (x is horizontal, y is vertical). (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.plotBrightness|param|brightness": "the brightness from 0 (off) to 255 (bright), eg:255", - "led.plotBrightness|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.plotBrightness|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.plot|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.plot|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED starting at 0", - "led.point": "Ruft den An/Aus-Status einer vorgegebenen LED mittels X-/Y-Koordinaten ab. (0,0) ist oben links.", - "led.pointBrightness": "Get the brightness state of the specified LED using x, y coordinates. (0,0) is upper left.", - "led.pointBrightness|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED", - "led.pointBrightness|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED", - "led.point|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED", - "led.point|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED", - "led.screenshot": "Macht einen Screenshot vom LED-Bildschirm und gibt ein Bild aus.", - "led.setBrightness": "Lege die Helligkeit des Bildschirms fest, von 0 (aus) bis 255 (volle Helligkeit).", - "led.setBrightness|param|value": "Helligkeitswert, z.B.: 255, 127, 0", - "led.setDisplayMode": "Legt den Anzeigemodus von Wiedergabe-LEDs zwischen Schwarz und Weiß und Graustufen fest.", - "led.setDisplayMode|param|mode": "TODO", - "led.stopAnimation": "Bricht die aktuelle Animation ab und löscht andere ausstehende Animationen.", - "led.toggle": "Schaltet ein bestimmtes Pixel ein", - "led.toggleAll": "Invertiert die aktuelle LED-Anzeige", - "led.toggle|param|x": "pixel column", - "led.toggle|param|y": "pixel row", - "led.unplot": "Schalte die angegebene LED mit x-und y-Koordinaten ab (X ist horizontal, y ist vertikal). (0,0) ist oben links.", - "led.unplot|param|x": "the horizontal coordinate of the LED", - "led.unplot|param|y": "the vertical coordinate of the LED", - "light.sendWS2812Buffer": "Sends a color buffer to a light strip", - "light.sendWS2812BufferWithBrightness": "Sends a color buffer to a light strip", - "light.setMode": "Sets the light mode of a pin", - "loops.everyInterval": "Repeats the code forever in the background.\nAfter each iteration, allows other codes to run for a set duration\nso that it runs on a timer", - "loops.everyInterval|param|interval": "time (in ms) to wait between each iteration of the action.", - "motors": "Blöcke, die genutzt werden, um Onboard-Motoren zu steuern", - "motors.dualMotorPower": "Steuert zwei an das Board angeschlossene Motoren. Schaltet auf Dual-Motor-Modus um!", - "motors.motorCommand": "Schicke Anhalten, Ausrollen oder Anhalten-Befehle an den Motor. Hat im Dual-Motor-Modus keinen Effekt.", - "motors.motorPower": "Schaltet den Motor bei einer bestimmten Prozentzahl der Kraft an. Schaltet um auf den Single-Motor-Modus!", - "motors.motorPower|param|power": "%percent der Kraft, die an den Motor geschickt wird. Negative Werte laufen rückwärts, z.B. 50", - "msgpack.packNumberArray": "Pack a number array into a buffer.", - "msgpack.packNumberArray|param|nums": "the numbers to be packed", - "msgpack.unpackNumberArray": "Unpacks a buffer into a number array.", - "music": "Generierung von Musik", - "music.beat": "Gibt die Dauer eines Taktes in Milli-Sekunden aus", - "music.beginMelody": "Use startMelody instead", - "music.builtInMelody": "Gets the melody array of a built-in melody.", - "music.changeTempoBy": "Ändere die Geschwindigkeit um den angegebenen Betrag", - "music.changeTempoBy|param|bpm": "Die Änderung in Schlägen pro Minute auf das Tempo, z.B.: 20", - "music.getFrequencyForNote": "Converts an octave and note offset into an integer frequency.\nReturns 0 if the note is out of range.\n* @param octave The octave of the note (1 - 8)\n\n@returns A frequency in HZ or 0 if out of range", - "music.getFrequencyForNote|param|note": "The offset of the note within the octave", - "music.melodyEditor": "Create a melody with the melody editor.", - "music.noteFrequency": "Ruft die Frequenz einer Note ab.", - "music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name", - "music.playMelody": "Play a melody from the melody editor.", - "music.playMelody|param|melody": "- string of up to eight notes [C D E F G A B C5] or rests [-] separated by spaces, which will be played one at a time, ex: \"E D G F B A C5 B \"", - "music.playMelody|param|tempo": "- number in beats per minute (bpm), dictating how long each note will play for", - "music.playTone": "Spielt einen Ton für den angegebenen Zeitraum auf dem Lautsprecher ab.", - "music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C", - "music.playTone|param|ms": "Tondauer in Millisekunden (ms)", - "music.rest": "Ruht (spielt nichts) für eine bestimmte Zeit auf Pin ``P0``.", - "music.rest|param|ms": "Restdauer in Millisekunden (ms)", - "music.ringTone": "Spielt einen Ton durch den Lautsprecher ab.", - "music.ringTone|param|frequency": "Tonhöhe des abzuspielenden Tones in Hertz (Hz)", - "music.setPlayTone": "Sets a custom playTone function for playing melodies", - "music.setTempo": "Legt die Geschwindigkeit auf den angegebenen Wert fest.", - "music.setTempo|param|bpm": "Die neue Geschwindigkeit in Schlägen pro Minute, z.B.: 120", - "music.speakerPlayTone": "Plays a tone through ``speaker`` for the given duration.", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)", - "music.speakerPlayTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)", - "music.startMelody": "Starts playing a melody.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]", - "music.startMelody|param|melodyArray": "the melody array to play", - "music.startMelody|param|options": "melody options, once / forever, in the foreground / background", - "music.stopAllSounds": "Stop all sounds and melodies currently playing.", - "music.stopMelody": "Stops the melodies", - "music.stopMelody|param|options": "which melody to stop", - "music.tempo": "Gibt die Geschwindigkeit in Schlägen pro Minute aus. Die Geschwindigkeit ist Schnelligkeit (Bpm = Beats pro Minute), in der Töne abgespielt werden. Je größer der Wert, desto schneller werden die Töne abgespielt.", - "parseFloat": "Convert a string to a number.", - "parseInt": "Convert a string to an integer.\n\n\nIf this argument is not supplied, strings with a prefix of '0x' are considered hexadecimal.\nAll other strings are considered decimal.", - "parseInt|param|radix": "optional A value between 2 and 36 that specifies the base of the number in text.", - "parseInt|param|text": "A string to convert into an integral number. eg: \"123\"", - "pause": "Pause for the specified time in milliseconds", - "pauseUntil": "Busy wait for a condition to be true", - "pauseUntil|param|condition": "condition to test for", - "pauseUntil|param|timeOut": "if positive, maximum duration to wait for in milliseconds", - "pause|param|ms": "how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000", - "pins": "Steuere die Stromstärke über die Pins für analoge/digitale Signale, Servos, I2C,...", - "pins.C10": "Pin C10", - "pins.C11": "Pin C11", - "pins.C12": "Pin C12", - "pins.C16": "Pin C16", - "pins.C17": "Pin C17", - "pins.C18": "Pin C18", - "pins.C4": "Pin C4", - "pins.C5": "Pin C5", - "pins.C6": "Pin C6", - "pins.C7": "Pin C7", - "pins.C8": "Pin C8", - "pins.C9": "Pin C9", - "pins.P0": "Pin P0", - "pins.P1": "Pin P1", - "pins.P2": "Pin P2", - "pins.P3": "Pin P3", - "pins.analogPitch": "Gibt ein Pulsweiten Modulation (PWM)-Signal über den aktuellen Pitch-Pin. Benutze `analog set pitch pin`, um den Pitch-Pin festzulegen.", - "pins.analogPitchVolume": "Gets the volume the pitch pin from 0..255", - "pins.analogPitch|param|frequency": "frequency to modulate in Hz.", - "pins.analogPitch|param|ms": "duration of the pitch in milli seconds.", - "pins.analogReadPin": "Lese den Anschlusswert als Analog aus, d. h. als einen Wert zwischen 0 und 1023.", - "pins.analogReadPin|param|name": "pin to write to, eg: AnalogPin.P1", - "pins.analogSetPeriod": "Stellt die Pulsweite Modulation (PWM) des Analogausganges auf den angegebenen Wert in ** Mikrosekunden ** oder `1/1000` Millisekunden ein.\nWenn dieser Pin nicht als einen Analogausgang (mit `analog write pin`) konfiguriert ist, hat der Vorgang keine Auswirkungen.", - "pins.analogSetPeriod|param|micros": "Zeit in Mikrosekunden. z.B.: 20000", - "pins.analogSetPeriod|param|name": "analog pin to set period to, eg: AnalogPin.P1", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin": "Set the pin used when using analog pitch or music.", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin|param|name": "pin to modulate pitch from", - "pins.analogSetPitchVolume": "Sets the volume on the pitch pin", - "pins.analogSetPitchVolume|param|volume": "the intensity of the sound from 0..255", - "pins.analogWritePin": "Legt den Wert des Verbinders auf analog fest. Der Wert muss zwischen 0 und 1023 liegen.", - "pins.analogWritePin|param|name": "pin name to write to, eg: AnalogPin.P1", - "pins.analogWritePin|param|value": "Wert, der auf den Pin geschrieben werden soll, zwischen ``0`` und ``1023`` z.B.: 1023,0", - "pins.createBuffer": "Erstellt einen Null-initialisierten Zwischenspeicher.", - "pins.createBuffer|param|size": "Anzahl der Bytes im Zwischenspeicher", - "pins.digitalReadPin": "Lese den angegebene Pin oder Verbinder als 0 oder 1", - "pins.digitalReadPin|param|name": "pin to read from, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.digitalWritePin": "Setzt einen Pin- oder Verbinder-Wert auf 0 oder 1.", - "pins.digitalWritePin|param|name": "pin to write to, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.digitalWritePin|param|value": "Wert, der auf dem Pin 1 gesetzt werden soll, z.B. 0", - "pins.i2cReadBuffer": "Lese `Größe`bytes aus einer 7-bit I2C-Adresse.", - "pins.i2cReadNumber": "Lese eine Nummer aus einer 7-bit I2C-Adresse.", - "pins.i2cWriteBuffer": "Schreibt Bytes in eine 7-bit I2C-Adresse.", - "pins.i2cWriteNumber": "Schreibe eine Nummer in eine 7-bit I2C-Adresse.", - "pins.map": "Definiert eine Nummer von einer Auswahl zu einer anderen um. Ein Wert ``von niedrig``wird so auf ``zu niedrig``umgeändert, ein Wert ``von hoch`` zu ``zu hoch`` etc.", - "pins.map|param|fromHigh": "die obere Grenze des aktuellen Wertebereichs, z.B.: 1023", - "pins.map|param|fromLow": "die untere Grenze des aktuellen Wertebereichs", - "pins.map|param|toHigh": "die Obergrenze des Wertezielbereichs, z.B.: 4", - "pins.map|param|toLow": "die Untergrenze des Wertezielbereichs", - "pins.map|param|value": "Wert in Bereichen zuordnen", - "pins.onPulsed": "Stellt diesen Pin als einen Digitaleingang ein und generiert Ereignisse, deren Zeitstempel die Dauer darstellt, in der der Pin entweder ``hoch``oder ``niedrig``war.", - "pins.onPulsed|param|name": "digital pin to register to, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.onPulsed|param|pulse": "the value of the pulse, eg: PulseValue.High", - "pins.pulseDuration": "Ruft die Dauer des letzten Impulses in Mikrosendungen ab. Diese Funktion soll von einem `onPulsed`-Handler aufgerufen werden.", - "pins.pulseIn": "Gibt die Dauer eines Pulses in Mikrosekunden an", - "pins.pulseIn|param|name": "der Pin, der den Puls misst", - "pins.pulseIn|param|value": "der Wert des Pulses (Standard hoch)", - "pins.pushButton": "Mounts a push button on the given pin", - "pins.servoSetContinuous": "Specifies that a continuous servo is connected.", - "pins.servoSetPulse": "Konfiguriert diesen IO-Pin als einen analogen/PWM-Ausgang, stellt den Zeitraum auf 20 ms ein und setzt die Pulsweite fest, basieren auf dem angegeben Wert **Mikrosekunden** oder `1/1000`Millisekunden.", - "pins.servoSetPulse|param|micros": "Impulsdauer in Mikrosekunden, z.B.: 1500", - "pins.servoSetPulse|param|name": "PIN-Name", - "pins.servoWritePin": "Schreibt einen Wert in den Servo, der die Welle entsprechend kontroliert. Auf einem Standard-Servo wird so der Winkel der Welle (in Grad) eingestellt, sodass sich die Welle entsprechend anpasst. Auf einem kontinuierlich drehenden Servo wird dadurch die Geschwindigkeit des Servos festgelegt, wobei ``0``die volle Geschwindigkeit in eine Richtung darstellt, ``180``die volle Geschwindigkeit in die andere, und ein Wert von ``90`` einen Stillstand erzeugt.", - "pins.servoWritePin|param|name": "pin to write to, eg: AnalogPin.P1", - "pins.servoWritePin|param|value": "Winkel oder Rotationsbeschleunigung, z.B.: 180,90,0", - "pins.setAudioPin": "Set the pin used when producing sounds and melodies. Default is P0.", - "pins.setAudioPinEnabled": "Sets whether or not audio will be output using a pin on the edge\nconnector.", - "pins.setAudioPin|param|name": "pin to modulate pitch from", - "pins.setEvents": "Configure the events emitted by this pin. Events can be subscribed to\nusing ``control.onEvent()``.", - "pins.setEvents|param|name": "pin to set the event mode on, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.setEvents|param|type": "the type of events for this pin to emit, eg: PinEventType.Edge", - "pins.setMatrixWidth": "Set the matrix width for Neopixel strip (already assigned to a pin).\nShould be used in conjunction with `set matrix width` from Neopixel package.", - "pins.setPull": "Stellt die Anziehungskraft des Pins ein.", - "pins.setPull|param|name": "pin to set the pull mode on, eg: DigitalPin.P0", - "pins.setPull|param|pull": "one of the mbed pull configurations, eg: PinPullMode.PullUp", - "pins.spiFormat": "Set the SPI bits and mode", - "pins.spiFormat|param|bits": "the number of bits, eg: 8", - "pins.spiFormat|param|mode": "the mode, eg: 3", - "pins.spiFrequency": "Set the SPI frequency", - "pins.spiFrequency|param|frequency": "the clock frequency, eg: 1000000", - "pins.spiPins": "Set the MOSI, MISO, SCK pins used by the SPI connection", - "pins.spiTransfer": "Write to and read from the SPI slave at the same time", - "pins.spiTransfer|param|command": "Data to be sent to the SPI slave (can be null)", - "pins.spiTransfer|param|response": "Data received from the SPI slave (can be null)", - "pins.spiWrite": "Schreibe in den SPI-Slave und gebe die Antwort aus", - "pins.spiWrite|param|value": "Daten, die an den SPI-Slave geschickt werden sollen", - "randint": "Returns a pseudorandom number between min and max included.\nIf both numbers are integral, the result is integral.", - "randint|param|max": "the upper inclusive bound, eg: 10", - "randint|param|min": "the lower inclusive bound, eg: 0", - "serial": "Lesen und Schreiben von Daten über eine serielle Verbindung.", - "serial.NEW_LINE": "The string used to mark a new line, default is \\r\\n", - "serial.delimiters": "Gibt die mit dem Begrenzer korrespondierende Zeichenfolge aus.", - "serial.onDataReceived": "Register an event to be fired when one of the delimiter is matched.", - "serial.onDataReceived|param|delimiters": "the characters to match received characters against.", - "serial.readBuffer": "Read multiple characters from the receive buffer. \nIf length is positive, pauses until enough characters are present.", - "serial.readBuffer|param|length": "default buffer length", - "serial.readLine": "Liest eine Textzeile aus der seriellen Schnittstelle.", - "serial.readString": "Read the buffered received data as a string", - "serial.readUntil": "Liest aus eine Textzeile aus dem seriellen Anschluss und gibt den Puffer aus, wenn die Begrenzung erreicht wurde.", - "serial.readUntil|param|delimiter": "Text-Begrenzung, die die Textblöcke voneinander trennt", - "serial.redirect": "Konfiguriert dynamisch die serielle Instanz, damit sie andere Pins als USBTX und USBRX benutzt.", - "serial.redirectToUSB": "Direct the serial input and output to use the USB connection.", - "serial.redirect|param|rate": "the new baud rate. eg: 115200", - "serial.redirect|param|rx": "the new reception pin, eg: SerialPin.P1", - "serial.redirect|param|tx": "the new transmission pin, eg: SerialPin.P0", - "serial.setBaudRate": "Set the baud rate of the serial port", - "serial.setRxBufferSize": "Sets the size of the RX buffer in bytes", - "serial.setRxBufferSize|param|size": "length of the rx buffer in bytes, eg: 32", - "serial.setTxBufferSize": "Sets the size of the TX buffer in bytes", - "serial.setTxBufferSize|param|size": "length of the tx buffer in bytes, eg: 32", - "serial.setWriteLinePadding": "Sets the padding length for lines sent with \"write line\".", - "serial.setWriteLinePadding|param|length": "the number of bytes alignment, eg: 0", - "serial.writeBuffer": "Send a buffer through serial connection", - "serial.writeDmesg": "Send DMESG debug buffer over serial.", - "serial.writeLine": "Gibt eine Zeile des Textes an die serielle", - "serial.writeNumber": "Gibt einen numerischen Wert an die serielle", - "serial.writeNumbers": "Print an array of numeric values as CSV to the serial port", - "serial.writeString": "Sendet ein Stück Text über serielle Verbindung.", - "serial.writeValue": "Schreibt ein ``Namen: Wert`` Wertepaar auf die serielle Schnittstelle.", - "serial.writeValue|param|name": "Name des Wertestreams, z.B.: x", - "serial.writeValue|param|value": "Schreiben" -} diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/de/core-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/de/core-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 166906f55..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/de/core-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,527 +0,0 @@ -{ - "AcceleratorRange.EightG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 8g", - "AcceleratorRange.EightG|block": "8g", - "AcceleratorRange.FourG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 4g", - "AcceleratorRange.FourG|block": "4g", - "AcceleratorRange.OneG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 1g", - "AcceleratorRange.OneG|block": "1g", - "AcceleratorRange.TwoG": "Der Bewegungssensor misst Kräfte bis 2g", - "AcceleratorRange.TwoG|block": "2g", - "AnalogPin.A0_SCL|block": "C19 (A0 SCL)", - "AnalogPin.A0_SDA|block": "C20 (A0 SDA)", - "AnalogPin.A1_RX|block": "A1 RX", - "AnalogPin.A1_TX|block": "A1 TX", - "AnalogPin.C11|block": "C11 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C12|block": "C12 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C13|block": "C13 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C14|block": "C14 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C15|block": "C15 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C16|block": "C16 (A1 RX)", - "AnalogPin.C17|block": "C17 (A1 TX, nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C5|block": "C5 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C6|block": "C6 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C7|block": "C7 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C8|block": "C8 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.C9|block": "C9 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.M0_DIR|block": "M0 Direction (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.M0_SPEED|block": "M0 Geschwindigkeit (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.M1_DIR|block": "M1 Richtung (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.M1_SPEED|block": "M1 Geschwindigkeit (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.M_MODE|block": "Motor Modus (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.P3|block": "P3 (nur schreiben)", - "AnalogPin.RGB|block": "RGB (nur schreiben)", - "Array._pickRandom|block": "erhalte zufälligen Wert von %list", - "Array._popStatement|block": "entferne letzten Wert von %list", - "Array._removeAtStatement|block": "%list| entferne Werte bei %index", - "Array._shiftStatement|block": "entferne letzten Werten von %list", - "Array._unshiftStatement|block": "%list| füge %value| am Anfang hinzu", - "Array.indexOf|block": "%list| finde Position von %value", - "Array.insertAt|block": "%list| füge ein bei %index| Wert %value", - "Array.length|block": "Array-Länge %VALUE", - "Array.pop|block": "rufe den letzten Wert ab und lösche ihn von %list", - "Array.push|block": "%list| füge Wert %value| am Ende hinzu", - "Array.removeAt|block": "%list| entferne Wert bei %index", - "Array.reverse|block": "kehre %list um", - "Array.shift|block": "rufe den ersten Wert ab und lösche ihn von %list", - "Array.unshift|block": "%list| füge %value| am Anfang hinzu", - "Array|block": "Array", - "ArrowNames.East|block": "Osten", - "ArrowNames.NorthEast|block": "Nordost", - "ArrowNames.NorthWest|block": "Nordwest", - "ArrowNames.North|block": "Norden", - "ArrowNames.SouthEast|block": "Südosten", - "ArrowNames.SouthWest|block": "Südwesten", - "ArrowNames.South|block": "Süden", - "ArrowNames.West|block": "Westen", - "BaudRate.BaudRate115200|block": "115200", - "BaudRate.BaudRate1200|block": "1200", - "BaudRate.BaudRate14400|block": "14400", - "BaudRate.BaudRate19200|block": "19200", - "BaudRate.BaudRate2400|block": "2400", - "BaudRate.BaudRate28800|block": "28800", - "BaudRate.BaudRate31250|block": "31250", - "BaudRate.BaudRate38400|block": "38400", - "BaudRate.BaudRate4800|block": "4800", - "BaudRate.BaudRate57600|block": "57600", - "BaudRate.BaudRate9600|block": "9600", - "BeatFraction.Breve|block": "4", - "BeatFraction.Double|block": "2", - "BeatFraction.Eighth|block": "1/8", - "BeatFraction.Half|block": "1/2", - "BeatFraction.Quarter|block": "1/4", - "BeatFraction.Sixteenth|block": "1/16", - "BeatFraction.Whole|block": "1", - "Buffer|block": "Buffer", - "Button.AB|block": "A+B", - "ButtonEvent.Click|block": "geklickt", - "ButtonEvent.Down|block": "gedrückt", - "ButtonEvent.Hold|block": "gehalten", - "ButtonEvent.LongClick|block": "lange geklickt", - "ButtonEvent.Up|block": "losgelassen", - "Colors.Blue|block": "Blau", - "Colors.Green|block": "Grün", - "Colors.Indigo|block": "Indigo", - "Colors.Off|block": "aus", - "Colors.Orange|block": "Orange", - "Colors.Purple|block": "Violett", - "Colors.Red|block": "Rot", - "Colors.Violet|block": "Veilchenblau", - "Colors.White|block": "Weiß", - "Colors.Yellow|block": "Gelb", - "Delimiters.CarriageReturn|block": "Zeilenumschaltung (\r)", - "Delimiters.Colon|block": ":", - "Delimiters.Comma|block": ",", - "Delimiters.Dollar|block": "$", - "Delimiters.Fullstop|block": ".", - "Delimiters.Hash|block": "#", - "Delimiters.NewLine|block": "Neue Zeile (\n)", - "Delimiters.Pipe|block": "|", - "Delimiters.SemiColon|block": ";", - "Delimiters.Space|block": "Leertaste", - "Delimiters.Tab|block": "Tabulator (\t)", - "DigitalPin.A0_SCL|block": "C19 (A0 SCL)", - "DigitalPin.A0_SDA|block": "C20 (A0 SDA)", - "DigitalPin.A1_RX|block": "A1 RX", - "DigitalPin.A1_TX|block": "A1 TX", - "DigitalPin.C16|block": "C16 (A1 RX)", - "DigitalPin.C17|block": "C17 (A1 TX)", - "Dimension.Strength|block": "Stärke", - "Dimension.X|block": "x", - "Dimension.Y|block": "y", - "Dimension.Z|block": "z", - "Direction.Left|block": "links", - "Direction.Right|block": "rechts", - "DisplayMode.BackAndWhite|block": "Schwarz-Weiß", - "DisplayMode.Greyscale|block": "Graustufen", - "EventCreationMode.CreateAndFire": "Calliope mini Event wurde initialisiert, die Event-Handler werden unverzüglich ausgeführt (nicht geeignet für die Nutzung bei Unterbrechungen!).", - "EventCreationMode.CreateOnly": "Calliope mini Event wurde initialisiert, es wird keine weitere Verarbeitung vorgenommen.", - "Gesture.EightG": "Wird ausgelöst, wenn eine 8G-Bewegung erkannt wird", - "Gesture.EightG|block": "8g", - "Gesture.FreeFall": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn der Calliope mini fällt!", - "Gesture.FreeFall|block": "freier Fall", - "Gesture.LogoDown": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Logo nach unten zeigt und das Display vertikal ist.", - "Gesture.LogoDown|block": "Logo nach unten", - "Gesture.LogoUp": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das Logo nach oben zeigt und das Display vertikal ist.", - "Gesture.LogoUp|block": "Logo oben", - "Gesture.ScreenDown": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das LED-Matrix nach oben zeigt und das Board horizontal ist.", - "Gesture.ScreenDown|block": "LED-Matrix nach unten", - "Gesture.ScreenUp": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das LED-Matrix nach unten zeigt und das Board horizontal ist.", - "Gesture.ScreenUp|block": "LED-Matrix nach oben", - "Gesture.Shake": "Wird erhöht, wenn geschüttelt", - "Gesture.Shake|block": "geschüttelt", - "Gesture.SixG": "Wird ausgeführt, ein 6g starker Stoß erkannt wird", - "Gesture.SixG|block": "6g", - "Gesture.ThreeG": "Wird ausgeführt, ein 3g starker Stoß erkannt wird", - "Gesture.ThreeG|block": "3g", - "Gesture.TiltLeft": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das LED-Matrix nach links zeigt", - "Gesture.TiltLeft|block": "nach links neigen", - "Gesture.TiltRight": "Wird ausgeführt, wenn das LED-Matrix nach rechts zeigt", - "Gesture.TiltRight|block": "nach rechts neigen", - "IconNames.Angry|block": "böse", - "IconNames.ArrowEast|block": "Pfeil Osten", - "IconNames.ArrowNorthEast|block": "Pfeil Nordost", - "IconNames.ArrowNorthWest|block": "Pfeil Nordwest", - "IconNames.ArrowNorth|block": "Pfeil Norden", - "IconNames.ArrowSouthEast|block": "Pfeil Südost", - "IconNames.ArrowSouthWest|block": "Pfeil Südwest", - "IconNames.ArrowSouth|block": "Pfeil Süden", - "IconNames.ArrowWest|block": "Pfeil Westen", - "IconNames.Asleep|block": "Schlafen", - "IconNames.Butterfly|block": "Schmetterling", - "IconNames.Chessboard|block": "Schachbrett", - "IconNames.Confused|block": "durcheinander", - "IconNames.Cow|block": "Kuh", - "IconNames.Diamond|block": "Diament", - "IconNames.Duck|block": "Ente", - "IconNames.EigthNote|block": "Achtelnote", - "IconNames.EigthNote|block": "Achtelnote", - "IconNames.Fabulous|block": "großartig", - "IconNames.Ghost|block": "Geist", - "IconNames.Giraffe|block": "Giraffe", - "IconNames.Happy|block": "glücklich", - "IconNames.Heart|block": "Herz", - "IconNames.House|block": "Haus", - "IconNames.LeftTriangle|block": "Dreieck links", - "IconNames.Meh|block": "meh", - "IconNames.No|block": "nein", - "IconNames.Pitchfork|block": "Heugabel", - "IconNames.QuarterNote|block": "Viertelnote", - "IconNames.Rabbit|block": "Hase", - "IconNames.Rollerskate|block": "Rollschuh", - "IconNames.Sad|block": "traurig", - "IconNames.Scissors|block": "Schere", - "IconNames.Silly|block": "albern", - "IconNames.Skull|block": "Schädel", - "IconNames.SmallDiamond|block": "kleiner Diamand", - "IconNames.SmallHeart|block": "kleines Herz", - "IconNames.SmallSquare|block": "kleiens Quadrat", - "IconNames.Snake|block": "Schlange", - "IconNames.Square|block": "Quadrat", - "IconNames.StickFigure|block": "Strichmännchen", - "IconNames.Surprised|block": "überrascht", - "IconNames.Sword|block": "Schwert", - "IconNames.TShirt|block": "T-Shirt", - "IconNames.Target|block": "Ziel", - "IconNames.Tortoise|block": "Schildkröte", - "IconNames.Triangle|block": "triangle", - "IconNames.Umbrella|block": "Dreieck", - "IconNames.Yes|block": "Ja", - "Image.scrollImage|block": "scrolle Bild %sprite(myImage)|mit Versatz %frameoffset|und Intervall (ms) %delay", - "Image.showImage|block": "zeige Bild %sprite(myImage)|mit Versatz %offset ||und Intervall (ms) %interval", - "JSON|block": "JSON", - "LedSpriteProperty.Blink|block": "blinken", - "LedSpriteProperty.Brightness|block": "Helligkeit", - "LedSpriteProperty.Direction|block": "Richtung", - "LedSpriteProperty.X|block": "x", - "LedSpriteProperty.Y|block": "y", - "Math.constrain|block": "begrenze %value|zwischen %low|und %high", - "Math.map|block": "verteile %value|von niedrig %fromLow|high %fromHigh|zu hoch %toLow|high %toHigh", - "Math.randomBoolean|block": "wähle zufälligen Wahr- oder Falsch-Wert", - "Math.randomRange|block": "wähle eine zufällige Zahl zwischen %min|und %limit", - "Math|block": "Mathematik", - "Melodies.BaDing|block": "ba ding", - "Melodies.Baddy|block": "baddy", - "Melodies.Birthday|block": "Geburtstag", - "Melodies.Blues|block": "Blues", - "Melodies.Chase|block": "chase", - "Melodies.Dadadadum|block": "dadadum", - "Melodies.Entertainer|block": "Unterhalter", - "Melodies.Funeral|block": "Beerdigung", - "Melodies.Funk|block": "funk", - "Melodies.JumpDown|block": "jump down", - "Melodies.JumpUp|block": "jump up", - "Melodies.Nyan|block": "nyan", - "Melodies.Ode|block": "ode", - "Melodies.PowerDown|block": "power down", - "Melodies.PowerUp|block": "power up", - "Melodies.Prelude|block": "prelude", - "Melodies.Punchline|block": "punchline", - "Melodies.Ringtone|block": "Klingelton", - "Melodies.Wawawawaa|block": "wawawawaa", - "Melodies.Wedding|block": "Hochzeit", - "MelodyOptions.ForeverInBackground|block": "dauerhaft im Hintergrund", - "MelodyOptions.Forever|block": "dauerhaft", - "MelodyOptions.OnceInBackground|block": "einmal im Hintergrund", - "MelodyOptions.Once|block": "einmal", - "MelodyStopOptions.All|block": "alle", - "MelodyStopOptions.Background|block": "Hintergrund", - "MelodyStopOptions.Foreground|block": "Vordergrund", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.ADown|block": "A runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.AUp|block": "A hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.BDown|block": "B runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.BUp|block": "B hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.CDown|block": "C runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.CUp|block": "C hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.DDown|block": "D runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo.DUp|block": "D hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._1Down|block": "1 runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._1Up|block": "1 hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._2Down|block": "2 runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._2Up|block": "2 hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._3Down|block": "3 runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._3Up|block": "3 hoch", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._4Down|block": "4 runter", - "MesDpadButtonInfo._4Up|block": "4 hoch", - "Motor.M0_M1|block": "M0 & M1", - "Motor.M0|block": "M0", - "Motor.M1|block": "M1", - "MotorCommand.Break|block": "Pause", - "MotorCommand.Coast|block": "auslaufen", - "MotorCommand.Sleep|block": "schlafen", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyEnded|block": "Hintergrundmelodie beendet", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyNotePlayed|block": "Hintergrundmelodie Note gespielt", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyPaused|block": "Hintergrundmelodie angehalten", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyRepeated|block": "Hintergrundmelodie wiederholt", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyResumed|block": "Hintergrundmelodie fortgesetzt", - "MusicEvent.BackgroundMelodyStarted|block": "Hintergrundmelodie gestartet", - "MusicEvent.MelodyEnded|block": "Melodie beendet", - "MusicEvent.MelodyNotePlayed|block": "Melodie Note gespielt", - "MusicEvent.MelodyRepeated|block": "Melodie wiederholt", - "MusicEvent.MelodyStarted|block": "Melodie gestartet", - "Note.CSharp3|block": "C#3", - "Note.CSharp4|block": "C#4", - "Note.CSharp5|block": "C#5", - "Note.CSharp|block": "C#", - "Note.FSharp3|block": "F#3", - "Note.FSharp4|block": "F#4", - "Note.FSharp5|block": "F#5", - "Note.FSharp|block": "F#", - "Note.GSharp3|block": "G#3", - "Note.GSharp4|block": "G#4", - "Note.GSharp5|block": "G#5", - "Note.GSharp|block": "G#", - "Number|block": "Nummer", - "Object|block": "Objekt", - "PinEvent.Fall|block": "Fall", - "PinEvent.PulseHigh|block": "Puls hoch", - "PinEvent.PulseLow|block": "Puls runter", - "PinEvent.Rise|block": "aufsteigend", - "PinEventType.Edge|block": "Kante", - "PinEventType.None|block": "keine", - "PinEventType.Pulse|block": "Puls", - "PinEventType.Touch|block": "berührung", - "PinPullMode.PullDown|block": "nach unten", - "PinPullMode.PullNone|block": "keine", - "PinPullMode.PullUp|block": "nach oben", - "PulseValue.High|block": "hoch", - "PulseValue.Low|block": "runter", - "Rotation.Pitch|block": "Winkel", - "Rotation.Roll|block": "rollen", - "String.charAt|block": "Zeichen an Position %pos aus|%this", - "String.compare|block": "vergleiche %this| mit %that", - "String.fromCharCode|block": "Text aus ASCII-Code %code", - "String.includes|block": "%this=text|beinhaltet %searchValue", - "String.indexOf|block": "%this=text|finde index von %searchValue", - "String.isEmpty|block": "%this| ist leer", - "String.length|block": "Länge von %VALUE", - "String.split|block": "split %this=text|at %separator", - "String.substr|block": "extrahiere aus %this|beginnend mit %start|%length Zeichen", - "String|block": "Zeichenfolge", - "_py|block": "_py", - "basic.clearScreen|block": "Bildschirminhalt löschen", - "basic.color|block": "%c", - "basic.forever|block": "dauerhaft", - "basic.pause|block": "pausiere (ms) %pause", - "basic.rgb|block": "Rot %red|Grün %green|Blau %blue", - "basic.setLedColor|block": "setze LED-Farbe auf %color=color_id", - "basic.showArrow|block": "zeige Pfeil %i=device_arrow", - "basic.showCompass|block": "zeige Kompassnadel $interval|ms", - "basic.showIcon|block": "zeige Symbol %i || für %interval ms", - "basic.showLeds|block": "zeige LEDs", - "basic.showNumber|block": "zeige|Nummer %number || in einem intervall von %intervall ms", - "basic.showString|block": "zeige|Zeichenfolge %text || in einem intervall von %intervall ms", - "basic.turnRgbLedOff|block": "schalte RGB-LED aus", - "basic|block": "Grundlagen", - "console|block": "Konsole", - "control.deviceName|block": "Gerätename", - "control.deviceSerialNumber|block": "Seriennnummer", - "control.eventSourceId|block": "%id", - "control.eventTimestamp|block": "Ereigniszeitstempel", - "control.eventValueId|block": "%id", - "control.eventValue|block": "Ereigniswert", - "control.inBackground|block": "im Hintergrund ausführen", - "control.millis|block": "millis (ms)", - "control.onEvent|block": "wenn Ereignis|von Quelle %src=control_event_source_id|mit Wert %value=control_event_value_id", - "control.raiseEvent|block": "Ereignis auslösen|von Quelle %src=control_event_source_id|mit Wert %value=control_event_value_id", - "control.reset|block": "zurücksetzen", - "control.waitForEvent|block": "warte auf Ereignis|von %src|mit Wert %value", - "control.waitMicros|block": "Warte (µs)%micros", - "control|block": "Steuerung", - "convertToText|block": "wandle $value=math_number um in Text", - "game.LedSprite.change|block": "%sprite|ändere %property|um %value", - "game.LedSprite.delete|block": "lösche %this(sprite)", - "game.LedSprite.get|block": "%sprite|%property", - "game.LedSprite.ifOnEdgeBounce|block": "%sprite|pralle vom Rand ab", - "game.LedSprite.isDeleted|block": "lösche %sprite", - "game.LedSprite.isTouchingEdge|block": "%sprite|berührt den Rand", - "game.LedSprite.isTouching|block": "%sprite|berührt %other", - "game.LedSprite.move|block": "%sprite|bewegen um %leds", - "game.LedSprite.set|block": "%sprite|setze %property|auf %value", - "game.LedSprite.turn|block": "%sprite|drehe %direction|um (°) %degrees", - "game.addLife|block": "%lives|Leben hinzufügen", - "game.addScore|block": "Ändere Spielstand um|%points", - "game.createSprite|block": "erzeuge Sprite an Position|x: %x|y:%y", - "game.gameOver|block": "Spiel beendet", - "game.isGameOver|block": "Spiel ist beendet", - "game.isPaused|block": "ist pausiert", - "game.isRunning|block": "läuft", - "game.pause|block": "Pause", - "game.removeLife|block": "%life|leben abziehen", - "game.resume|block": "weiter", - "game.score|block": "Spielstand", - "game.setLife|block": "setze Anzahl Leben auf %value", - "game.setScore|block": "setze Punktzahl auf %points", - "game.startCountdown|block": "Countdown| starten (ms) %duration", - "game|block": "Spiel", - "images.arrowImage|block": "Pfeil Bild %i", - "images.arrowNumber|block": "%arrow", - "images.createBigImage|block": "erstelle großes Bild", - "images.createImage|block": "erstelle Bild", - "images.iconImage|block": "Symbol %i", - "images|block": "Bilder", - "input.acceleration|block": "Beschleunigung (mg) |%NAME", - "input.buttonEventClick|block": "geklickt", - "input.buttonEventDown|block": "gedrückt", - "input.buttonEventValue|block": "%id", - "input.buttonIsPressed|block": "Button|%NAME|ist gedrückt", - "input.calibrateCompass|block": "Kompass kalibrieren", - "input.compassHeading|block": "Kompassausrichtung (°)", - "input.isCalibratedCompass|block": "wurde der Kompass kalibriert", - "input.isGesture|block": "Bewegung %gesture", - "input.lightLevel|block": "Lichtstärke", - "input.magneticForce|block": "Magnetkraft (µT) |%NAME", - "input.onButtonEvent|block": "wenn Knopf|%NAME|%eventType", - "input.onButtonPressed|block": "wenn Knopf|%NAME|gedrückt", - "input.onGesture|block": "wenn |%NAME", - "input.onPinPressed|block": "wenn Pin %NAME|gedrückt", - "input.onPinReleased|block": "wenn Pin %NAME|losgelassen", - "input.onPinTouchEvent|block": "wenn Pin %name| %eventType", - "input.pinIsPressed|block": "Pin %NAME|ist gedrückt", - "input.rotation|block": "Rotation (°)|%NAME", - "input.runningTimeMicros|block": "Laufzeit (micros)", - "input.runningTime|block": "Laufzeit (ms)", - "input.setAccelerometerRange|block": "setze Bewegungsmesser auf|%range", - "input.soundLevel|block": "Lautstärke", - "input.temperature|block": "Temperatur (°C)", - "input|block": "Eingabe", - "led.brightness|block": "Helligkeit", - "led.enable|block": "LED-Matrix aktivieren %on", - "led.plotBarGraph|block": "zeichne Balkendiagramm von %value|bis %high", - "led.plotBrightness|block": "Zeichne|x %x|y %y|Helligkeit %brightness", - "led.plot|block": "Zeichne|x %x|y %y", - "led.pointBrightness|block": "Punkt|x %x|y %y Helligkeit", - "led.point|block": "Punkt|x %x|y %y", - "led.setBrightness|block": "setze Helligkeit auf %value", - "led.setDisplayMode|block": "LED-Matrix aktivieren $mode", - "led.stopAnimation|block": "halte Animation an", - "led.toggle|block": "schalte zwischen|x %x|y %y", - "led.unplot|block": "schalte Pixel|x %x|y %y aus", - "led|block": "LED", - "light|block": "Lichtstärke", - "loops.everyInterval|block": "alle $interval ms", - "loops|block": "loops", - "motors|block": "Motoren", - "msgpack|block": "msgpack", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|Takt", - "music.builtInMelody|block": "%melody", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "ändere die Geschwindigkeit (bpm)|%value", - "music.melodyEditor|block": "$melody", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%note", - "music.playMelody|block": "spiele Melodie $melody im Tempo $tempo|(bpm)", - "music.playTone|block": "spiele|Note %note=device_note|für %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "pausiere (ms)|%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "Klingelton (Hz) |%note = Device_note", - "music.setTempo|block": "ändere Geschwindigkeit auf (bpm)|%value", - "music.startMelody|block": "starte Melodie %melody=device_builtin_melody| wiederhole %options", - "music.stopAllSounds|block": "alle Töne ausschalten", - "music.stopMelody|block": "halte Melodie $options|an", - "music.tempo|block": "Geschwindkeit (bpm)", - "music|block": "Musik", - "parseFloat|block": "wandle %text|in eine Zahl", - "parseInt|block": "wandle %text|in eine Zahl", - "pins.analogPitchVolume|block": "analoge Tonlautstärke einstellen", - "pins.analogPitch|block": "analoge Tonhöhe %frequency|für (ms) %ms", - "pins.analogReadPin|block": "lese analoge Werte von|Pin %name", - "pins.analogSetPeriod|block": "setze Zeitraum für analogen|Pin %pin|auf (µs)%micros", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin|block": "analogen Tonausgabepin setzen auf Pin %name", - "pins.analogSetPitchVolume|block": "analoge Tonlautstärke einstellen $volume", - "pins.analogWritePin|block": "schreibe analogen|Pin %name|auf %value", - "pins.digitalReadPin|block": "lese digitale Werte von|Pin %name", - "pins.digitalWritePin|block": "schreibe digitalen Wert von|pin %name|auf %value", - "pins.i2cReadNumber|block": "lese Nummer aus I2C|auf Adresse %address|im Format %format=i2c_sizeof", - "pins.i2cWriteNumber|block": "schreibe Nummer aus I2C|auf Adresse %address|mit Wert %value|im Format %format=i2c_sizeof", - "pins.map|block": "verteile %value|von niedrig %fromLow|von hoch %fromHigh| bis niedrig %toLow|bis hoch %toHigh", - "pins.onPulsed|block": "wenn|Pin %pin|gepulst %pulse", - "pins.pulseDuration|block": "Impulsdauer (µs)", - "pins.pulseIn|block": "Impuls in (µs)|Pin %name|mit %value", - "pins.servoSetPulse|block": "setze den Puls von Servo an|Pin %value|auf (µs) %micros", - "pins.servoWritePin|block": "schreibe Servo an|Pin %name|auf %value", - "pins.setAudioPinEnabled|block": "set audio pin enabled $enabled", - "pins.setAudioPin|block": "setze Audiopin $name", - "pins.setEvents|block": "Stelle Pin %pin ein|zum Ausgeben von %type|-Ereignissen", - "pins.setMatrixWidth|block": "Neopixel Matrixbreite |Pin %pin %width", - "pins.setPull|block": "setze Anziehungskraft von|Pin %pin|auf %pull", - "pins.spiFormat|block": "SPI-Format|Bits %bits|Modus %mode", - "pins.spiFrequency|block": "SPI-Frequenz %frequency", - "pins.spiPins|block": "SPI Pins einstellen|MOSI %mosi|MISO %miso|SCK %sck", - "pins.spiWrite|block": "schreibe %value in SPI", - "pins|block": "Pins", - "randint|block": "wähle eine zufällige Zahl von %min|bis %limit", - "serial.delimiters|block": "%del", - "serial.onDataReceived|block": "seriell|wenn Daten empfangen %delimiters=serial_delimiter_conv", - "serial.readBuffer|block": "seriell|lesen bis %length", - "serial.readLine|block": "seriell|Zeile lesen", - "serial.readString|block": "seriell|Zeichenfolge lesen", - "serial.readUntil|block": "seriell|lese bis %delimiter=serial_delimiter_conv", - "serial.redirectToUSB|block": "seriell|auf USB umleiten", - "serial.redirect|block": "seriell|umleiten auf|TX %tx|RX %rx|mit Baudrate %rate", - "serial.setBaudRate|block": "seriell|setze Baudrate auf %rate", - "serial.setRxBufferSize|block": "setze serielle Puffergröße für RX auf $size", - "serial.setTxBufferSize|block": "setze serielle Puffergröße für TX auf $size", - "serial.setWriteLinePadding|block": "setze serielle Zeilenauffüllung auf $length", - "serial.writeBuffer|block": "seriell|setze Puffergröße auf %buffer=serial_readbuffer", - "serial.writeLine|block": "seriell|%text|als Zeile ausgeben", - "serial.writeNumbers|block": "seriell|%values|als Zahlen ausgeben", - "serial.writeNumber|block": "seriell|Zahl ausgeben %value", - "serial.writeString|block": "seriell|Text ausgeben %text", - "serial.writeValue|block": "seriell|Wertepaar ausgeben %name| und %value", - "serial|block": "Konsole", - "{id:category}AnalogInPin": "AnalogInPin", - "{id:category}AnalogOutPin": "AnalogOutPin", - "{id:category}Array": "Array", - "{id:category}Arrays": "Arrays", - "{id:category}Basic": "Grundlagen", - "{id:category}Boolean": "Boolean", - "{id:category}Buffer": "Buffer", - "{id:category}Console": "Konsole", - "{id:category}Control": "Steuerung", - "{id:category}DigitalInOutPin": "DigitalInOutPin", - "{id:category}Fx": "Fx", - "{id:category}Fx8": "Fx8", - "{id:category}Game": "Spiel", - "{id:category}Helpers": "Helfer", - "{id:category}Image": "Image", - "{id:category}Images": "Bilder", - "{id:category}Input": "Eingabe", - "{id:category}JSON": "JSON", - "{id:category}Led": "LED", - "{id:category}Light": "Light", - "{id:category}Loops": "Schleifen", - "{id:category}Math": "Mathematik", - "{id:category}MicrobitPin": "MicrobitPin", - "{id:category}Motors": "Motoren", - "{id:category}Msgpack": "Msgpack", - "{id:category}Music": "Musik", - "{id:category}Number": "Number", - "{id:category}Object": "Object", - "{id:category}Pins": "Pins", - "{id:category}PwmOnlyPin": "PwmOnlyPin", - "{id:category}Serial": "Konsole", - "{id:category}String": "Zeichenfolge", - "{id:category}Text": "Text", - "{id:category}_py": "_py", - "{id:group}Analog": "Analog", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Konfiguration", - "{id:group}Control": "Control", - "{id:group}Digital": "Digital", - "{id:group}Events": "Ereignis", - "{id:group}LED matrix": "LED-Matrix", - "{id:group}Melody": "Melodie", - "{id:group}Melody Advanced": "Fortgeschrittene Melodien", - "{id:group}Modify": "Modify", - "{id:group}Operations": "Operationen", - "{id:group}Pitch": "Pitch", - "{id:group}Pulse": "Pulse", - "{id:group}RGB LED": "RGB LED", - "{id:group}Read": "Lesen", - "{id:group}Sensors": "Sensoren", - "{id:group}Servo": "Servo", - "{id:group}Silence": "Stille", - "{id:group}Sound": "Sound", - "{id:group}States": "Status", - "{id:group}System": "System", - "{id:group}Tempo": "Geschwindigkeit", - "{id:group}Tone": "Ton", - "{id:group}i2c": "i2c", - "{id:group}spi": "spi" -} diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/fr/core-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/fr/core-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 27e273e85..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/fr/core-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Math.randomBoolean": "Génère une valeur « true » ou « false » au hasard, comme si vous lanciez une pièce de monnaie.", - "String.fromCharCode": "Construit une chaîne à partir du code ASCII d'un caractère donné.", - "basic": "Permet d’accéder aux fonctionnalités de base de la micro:bit.", - "basic.clearScreen": "Éteindre toutes les LEDs", - "basic.forever": "Répète le code indéfiniment en tâche de fond. A chaque itération, permet aux autres codes de s’exécuter.", - "basic.pause": "Pause pendant la durée indiquée en millisecondes", - "basic.pause|param|ms": "combien de temps dure une pause, par ex. : 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000", - "basic.plotLeds": "Dessine une image sur l’écran de LEDs.", - "basic.plotLeds|param|leds": "motif de LEDs à allumer/éteindre", - "basic.showAnimation": "Montre une séquence de motifs LED comme une animation.", - "basic.showAnimation|param|interval": "temps en millisecondes entre chaque rafraîchissement", - "basic.showAnimation|param|leds": "motif de LEDs à allumer/éteindre", - "basic.showLeds": "Dessine une image sur l’écran de LEDs.", - "basic.showLeds|param|interval": "temps de pause en millisecondes après avoir dessiné", - "basic.showLeds|param|leds": "le motif de LED à allumer/éteindre", - "basic.showNumber": "Fait défiler un nombre à l'écran. Si le nombre rentre dans l'écran (i.e. un seul chiffre), ne défile pas.", - "basic.showNumber|param|interval": "vitesse de défilement ; par ex : 150, 100, 200, -100", - "basic.showString": "Afficher du texte à l’écran, un caractère à la fois. Si la chaîne rentre sur l’écran (c'est-à-dire une seule lettre), ne défile pas.", - "basic.showString|param|interval": "à quelle vitesse se déplacent les caractères ; par ex. : 150, 100, 200, -100", - "basic.showString|param|text": "le texte à faire défiler sur l’écran, par exemple : « Bonjour ! »", - "control.inBackground": "Planifie le code qui s’exécute en arrière-plan.", - "control.reset": "Réinitialise le micro:bit de BBC.", - "control.waitMicros|param|micros": "nombre de microsecondes à attendre. par ex. : 4", - "game": "Un moteur de jeu avec une unique LED", - "game.addLife|param|lives": "TODO", - "game.addScore": "Ajoute des points au score actuel", - "game.addScore|param|points": "nombre de points à changer, par ex. : 1", - "game.gameOver": "Affiche un animation de fin de jeu.", - "game.removeLife|param|life": "TODO", - "game.score": "Obtient le score actuel", - "game.setLife|param|value": "TODO", - "game.setScore": "Définit la valeur du score actuel", - "game.setScore|param|value": "TODO", - "game.startCountdown": "Démarre un compte à rebours de jeu", - "game.startCountdown|param|ms": "durée du compte à rebours en millisecondes, par ex. : 10000", - "images": "Création, manipulation et affichage d’images LED.", - "images.createBigImage": "Crée une image à partir de 2 images.", - "images.createImage": "Crée une image qui s’adapte aux dimensions de l’écran LED.", - "input": "Événements et des données provenant de capteurs", - "input.acceleration|param|dimension": "TODO", - "input.calibrate": "Obsolète, le calibrage de la boussole est automatique.", - "input.compassHeading": "Obtient la direction actuelle du compas en degrés.", - "input.magneticForce|param|dimension": "TODO", - "input.onButtonPressed|param|body": "TODO", - "input.onButtonPressed|param|button": "TODO", - "input.onGesture|param|body": "TODO", - "input.onLogoDown|param|body": "TODO", - "input.onLogoUp|param|body": "TODO", - "input.onPinPressed": "Faire quelque chose lorsque vous appuyez sur une broche.", - "input.onPinPressed|param|body": "code à exécuter lorsque la broche est enfoncée", - "input.onPinPressed|param|name": "la broche qui doit être pressée", - "input.onPinReleased": "Faire quelque chose quand une broche est relâchée.", - "input.onPinReleased|param|body": "le code à exécuter lorsque la broche est relâchée", - "input.onPinReleased|param|name": "la broche qui doit être relâchée", - "input.onScreenDown|param|body": "TODO", - "input.onScreenUp|param|body": "TODO", - "input.onShake|param|body": "TODO", - "input.pinIsPressed|param|name": "broche utilisée pour détecter le contact", - "input.rotation|param|kind": "TODO", - "input.temperature": "Obtient la température en degrés Celsius (°C).", - "led": "Contrôle de l’écran LED.", - "led.enable": "Active ou désactive l’affichage", - "led.fadeIn|param|ms": "TODO", - "led.fadeOut|param|ms": "TODO", - "led.plotAll": "Allume toutes les LEDS", - "led.plotBarGraph|param|value": "valeur actuelle à tracer", - "led.plot|param|x": "TODO", - "led.plot|param|y": "TODO", - "led.point|param|x": "TODO", - "led.point|param|y": "TODO", - "led.setBrightness|param|value": "valeur de la luminosité, par ex. : 255, 127, 0", - "led.toggle|param|x": "TODO", - "led.toggle|param|y": "TODO", - "led.unplot|param|x": "TODO", - "led.unplot|param|y": "TODO", - "music.rest": "Repose (joue rien) pendant une durée spécifiée via broche '' P0''.", - "pins.analogPitch|param|frequency": "TODO", - "pins.analogPitch|param|ms": "TODO", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin|param|name": "TODO" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/fr/core-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/fr/core-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 212f31cbc..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/fr/core-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,88 +0,0 @@ -{ - "LedSpriteProperty.Brightness|block": "luminosité", - "Math.randomBoolean|block": "choisir au hasard vrai ou faux", - "Math|block": "Maths", - "String.fromCharCode|block": "texte du code de charactère %code", - "String|block": "Texte", - "basic.clearScreen|block": "effacer l’écran", - "basic.forever|block": "toujours", - "basic.pause|block": "pause (ms) %pause", - "basic.showLeds|block": "montrer LEDs", - "basic.showNumber|block": "montrer|nombre %number", - "basic.showString|block": "afficher|texte %text", - "basic|block": "base", - "control.inBackground|block": "exécuter en arrière-plan", - "control.reset|block": "remise à zéro", - "control.waitMicros|block": "attendre (µs) %micros", - "control|block": "contrôle", - "game.addScore|block": "changer le score par|%points", - "game.gameOver|block": "fin du jeu", - "game.score|block": "score", - "game.startCountdown|block": "commencer compte à rebours|(ms) %duration", - "game|block": "jeu", - "images.createBigImage|block": "créer grande image", - "images.createImage|block": "créer image", - "images|block": "images", - "input.acceleration|block": "accélération (mg) |%NAME", - "input.buttonIsPressed|block": "button|%NAME|est pressé", - "input.compassHeading|block": "direction de la boussole (°)", - "input.lightLevel|block": "niveau d’intensité lumineuse", - "input.magneticForce|block": "force magnétique (µT) |%NAME", - "input.onButtonPressed|block": "lorsque le button|%NAME|est pressé", - "input.onGesture|block": "lorsque|%NAME", - "input.onPinPressed|block": "lorsque le pin %NAME|est pressé", - "input.onPinReleased|block": "lorsque la broche %NAME|est lachée", - "input.pinIsPressed|block": "broche %NAME| est pressée", - "input.rotation|block": "rotation (°)|%NAME", - "input.runningTime|block": "temps d’exécution (ms)", - "input.setAccelerometerRange|block": "spécifier|la gamme de l'acceleromètre %range", - "input.temperature|block": "température (° C)", - "input|block": "entrées", - "led.brightness|block": "luminosité", - "led.plotBarGraph|block": "tracer le graphe de %valeur|à %high", - "led.plot|block": "allumer|x %x|y %y", - "led.point|block": "allumée à|x %x|y %y", - "led.setBrightness|block": "spécifier la luminosité %value", - "led.stopAnimation|block": "arrêter l’animation", - "led.toggle|block": "activer/désactiver|x %x|y %y", - "led.unplot|block": "éteindre|x %x|y %y", - "led|block": "LED", - "music.beat|block": "%fraction|de mesure", - "music.changeTempoBy|block": "changer le tempo par (bpm) | %value", - "music.noteFrequency|block": "%note", - "music.playTone|block": "jouer|ton %note=device_note|pendant %duration=device_beat", - "music.rest|block": "repos (ms) |%duration=device_beat", - "music.ringTone|block": "buzz (Hz)|%note=device_note", - "music.setTempo|block": "régler le tempo à (bpm)|%valeur", - "music.tempo|block": "tempo (bpm)", - "music|block": "musique", - "pins.analogReadPin|block": "lire|la broche analogique %name", - "pins.digitalReadPin|block": "lire en numérique|broche %name", - "pins.digitalWritePin|block": "écrire en numérique|la broche %name|à %value", - "pins.i2cReadNumber|block": "i2c lire nombre|à l’adresse %address|de format %format=i2c_sizeof", - "pins.i2cWriteNumber|block": "i2c écrire nombre|à l’adresse %address|avec value %value|de format %format=i2c_sizeof", - "pins.onPulsed|block": "lorsque|la broche %pin|est pulsée %pulse", - "pins.pulseDuration|block": "durée de l’impulsion (µs)", - "pins.servoWritePin|block": "servo écrire|broche %name|à %value", - "pins.spiWrite|block": "spi écrire %value", - "pins|block": "broches", - "serial.readLine|block": "série|lire ligne", - "serial.readUntil|block": "série|lire jusque %delimiter=serial_delimiter_conv", - "serial.redirect|block": "série|rediriger vers|TX %tx|RX %rx|au débit en baudes %rate", - "serial.writeLine|block": "série|écrire ligne %text", - "serial.writeNumber|block": "série|écrire nombre %value", - "serial.writeString|block": "série|écrire texte %text", - "serial.writeValue|block": "série|écrire valeur %name|= %valeur", - "serial|block": "Communication Série", - "{id:category}Basic": "Basique", - "{id:category}Control": "Contrôle", - "{id:category}Game": "Jeu", - "{id:category}Images": "Images", - "{id:category}Input": "Entrées", - "{id:category}Led": "LED", - "{id:category}Math": "Maths", - "{id:category}Music": "Musique", - "{id:category}Pins": "Broches", - "{id:category}Serial": "Communication Série", - "{id:category}String": "Texte" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/ja/core-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/ja/core-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index a32c7fe40..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/ja/core-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Math.randomBoolean":"硬貨を弾くことのようなちょうど 'true' または 'false' の値をランダムに生成します。", - "String.fromCharCode":"指定された ASCII 文字コードから文字列を確認します。", - "basic":"基本的なマイクロ: ビット機能へのアクセスを提供します。", - "basic.clearScreen":"すべての Led をオフにします。", - "basic.forever":"永遠にバック グラウンドでコードを繰り返します。各イテレーションを実行するその他のコードを使用できます。", - "basic.pause":"ミリ秒で指定された時間一時停止します。", - "basic.plotLeds":"LED 画面にイメージを描画します。", - "basic.showAnimation":"アニメーションとして LED スクリーンのシーケンスを示しています。", - "basic.showLeds":"LED 画面にイメージを描画します。", - "basic.showNumber":"画面上の数字をスクロールします。数が画面上に収まる場合 (つまりは 1 桁)、スクロールしません。", - "basic.showString":"一度に 1 つの文字の表示のテキストを表示します。文字列が画面上に収まる場合 (すなわち、1 つの文字)、スクロールしません。", - "control":"ランタイムおよびイベント ユーティリティ。", - "control.inBackground":"スケジュールは、バック グラウンドで実行されるコードします。", - "control.reset":"BBC のマイクロ: ビットをリセットします。", - "game":"単一 LED スプライト ゲーム エンジン", - "game.addScore":"現在のスコアにポイントを追加します。", - "game.gameOver":"ゲーム アニメーションを表示します。", - "game.score":"現在のスコアを取得します。", - "game.setScore":"現在のスコアの値を設定します", - "game.startCountdown":"ゲームのカウント ダウン タイマーを開始します。", - "images":"作成、操作および LED の画像を表示します。", - "images.createBigImage":"2 フレームを持つイメージを作成します。", - "images.createImage":"LED 画面に合ったイメージを作成します。", - "input":"イベントやセンサーからのデータ", - "input.acceleration":"ミリ gravitys の加速度値を取得 (ボードを敷設するときフラット スクリーンを x = 0、y = 0、z = 1024年)", - "input.buttonIsPressed":"'、' と 'B' のボタンの状態 (押されてかどうか) を取得します。", - "input.calibrate":"時代遅れ、コンパス キャリブレーションは自動です。", - "input.compassHeading":"度で、現在のコンパス コンパス針路を取得します。", - "input.lightLevel":"'0 ' (暗い)「255」明るいから適用範囲内の LED スクリーン光レベルを読み取ります。", - "input.magneticForce":"「マイクロ ・ テスラ」(μ '' T '') の磁気力の値を取得します。シミュレータでは、この関数はサポートされていません。", - "input.onButtonPressed":"'、'、' B '(両方の' A + B ') ボタンが押されたときに何か", - "input.onGesture":"画面を向いているときに実行するコードをアタッチします。", - "input.onLogoDown":"ロゴは下方向とボードが垂直方向に実行されるコードをアタッチします。", - "input.onLogoUp":"ロゴは上方向きとボードが垂直方向に実行されるコードをアタッチします。", - "input.onPinPressed":"(「P0 '' や '' P1 '' 両方 '' P2 '') ピンが押されたときに何かを行います。", - "input.onScreenDown":"画面が直面しているときに実行するコードをアタッチします。", - "input.onScreenUp":"画面を向いているときに実行するコードをアタッチします。", - "input.onShake":"デバイスを振るときに実行するコードをアタッチします。", - "input.pinIsPressed":"(押すか) ピンの状態を取得します。回路を閉じるために地面を保持する必要があります。", - "input.rotation":"度の 'x ' に沿って回転デバイスのピッチです。", - "input.runningTime":"電源から経過したミリ秒数を取得します。", - "input.setAccelerometerRange":"吊り下げた状態で加速度計のサンプル範囲を設定します。", - "input.temperature":"摂氏温度を取得度 (° C)。", - "led":"LED 画面を制御します。", - "led.brightness":"画面の明るさから得る 0 (オフ) 255 (完全明るい)。", - "led.fadeIn":"画面がフェードインします。", - "led.fadeOut":"画面の明るさをフェードアウトします。", - "led.plot":"オンに指定した LED を使用して x 座標と y 座標 (x は横方向、y は縦方向)。(0, 0) は左上。", - "led.plotAll":"すべての LED が点灯します。", - "led.plotBarGraph":"'値' と '高' の値に基づく垂直棒グラフを表示します。\n場合は '高' は 0、グラフを自動的に調整を取得します。", - "led.point":"使用して指定された LED のオン\/オフ状態を取得 x 座標と y 座標。(0, 0) は左上。", - "led.screenshot":"LED 画面のスクリーン ショットを取り、画像を返します。", - "led.setBrightness":"画面の明るさ 0 (オフ) に設定 255 (完全明るい)。", - "led.setDisplayMode":"黒と白とグレースケールの Led を表示するための表示モードを設定します。", - "led.stopAnimation":"現在のアニメーションをキャンセルし、保留中のアニメーション他をクリアします。", - "led.toggle":"特定のピクセルを切り替えます", - "led.toggleAll":"現在の LED ディスプレイを反転します", - "led.unplot":"指定した LED を使用してオフに x 座標と y 座標 (x は横方向、y は縦方向)。(0, 0) は左上。", - "music":"ピン「P0 '' を介して音楽の音の生成。", - "music.beat":"ビートのデュレーションをミリ秒単位で返します", - "music.changeTempoBy":"指定した量によってテンポを変更します。", - "music.noteFrequency":"ノートの頻度を取得します。", - "music.playTone":"指定された期間のピン 'P0' を通じて調子を果たしています。", - "music.rest":"かかっている (何も果たしている) ピン 'P0' により指定した時刻に。", - "music.ringTone":"ピン「P0 '' から音をを再生します。", - "music.setTempo":"テンポを一定に設定します", - "music.tempo":"1 分あたりのビートのテンポを返します。速度はテンポ (bpm = 1 分あたりのビート) ノートを遊んで。テンポの値が大きいほど、高速のノートが再生されます。", - "pins":"アナログ\/デジタル信号、サーボ、i2c、ピンで電流を制御します。", - "pins.analogPitch":"現在のピッチ端子にパルス幅変調 (PWM) 信号を出力します。'アナログ設定ピッチ pin' を使用して、ピッチのピンを定義します。", - "pins.analogReadPin":"つまり、0 から 1023年の間から成る値としてアナログ、としてコネクタ値を読み取る。", - "pins.analogSetPeriod":"アナログで与えられた値に出力のパルス幅変調 (PWM) を構成 * * マイクロ秒 * * または '' 1\/1000年ミリ秒。\nこのピンはアナログ出力 ('アナログ書き込みピン' を使用) として構成されていない場合、操作には影響がありません。", - "pins.analogSetPitchPin":"'ピン-> アナログ ピッチ' を使用するときに使用される pin を設定します。", - "pins.analogWritePin":"アナログ コネクタの値を設定します。値は、0 から 1023年の間で構成する必要があります。", - "pins.digitalReadPin":"0 または 1 のいずれかとして指定した pin またはコネクタを読む", - "pins.digitalWritePin":"0 または 1 のいずれかにピンまたはコネクタの値を設定します。", - "pins.i2cReadNumber":"7 ビット I2C アドレスから 1 つの番号を読み取る。", - "pins.i2cWriteNumber":"7 ビット I2C アドレスに 1 つの番号を書きます。", - "pins.map":"1 つの範囲から別の数字を再マップします。つまり、'から低 'の値 'に高'、値、中間などに中間値方' に ''から高' の値マッピングでしょう。", - "pins.onPulsed":"デジタル入力にこの pin を構成し、タイムスタンプがこのピンは '高' または '低' 期間のイベントを生成します。", - "pins.pulseDuration":"マイクロ秒で最後のパルスの期間を取得します。この関数は、' onPulsed ' ハンドラーから呼び出す必要があります。", - "pins.servoSetPulse":"アナログ\/pwm 出力としてこの IO ピンを構成します、20 ms にする期間を構成し、それは与えられる値に基づいて、パルス幅を設定します * * マイクロ秒 * * または '' 1\/1000年ミリ秒です。", - "pins.servoWritePin":"それに応じてシャフトを制御するサーボに値を書き込みます。標準サーボの軸をその方向に移動 (単位は度)、シャフトの角度に設定されます。連続回転サーボに、これは (' 0 ' 1 つの方向、「180」に満ちているフルスピード速度の他、と '' 90」の動きではないことに近い値であること) とサーボ スピードを設定します。", - "pins.setPull":"このピンのプルを構成します。", - "serial":"シリアル接続を介してデータを読み書きします。", - "serial.readLine":"シリアル ポートからテキスト行を読み取ります。", - "serial.redirect":"USBTX と USBRX 以外のピンを使用するシリアルのインスタンスの動的な設定。", - "serial.writeLine":"連続するテキストの行を印刷します。", - "serial.writeNumber":"連続する数値値を出力します。", - "serial.writeString":"シリアル接続を使用してテキストの一部を送信します。", - "serial.writeValue":"書き込み、「名前: 値」ペアのシリアル ライン。" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/core/_locales/sv-SE/core-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/core/_locales/sv-SE/core-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index b8b165797..000000000 --- a/libs/core/_locales/sv-SE/core-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{ - "Math.abs": "Returnerar absolutbeloppet av ett tal (värdet utan hänsyn till huruvida det är positivt eller negativt). \nTill exempel är absolutbeloppet av -5 detsamma som absolutbeloppet av 5.", - "Math.max": "Returnerar det större av två givna numeriska uttryck.", - "Math.min": "Returnerar det mindre av två givna numeriska uttryck." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/datalogger/_locales/datalogger-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/datalogger/_locales/datalogger-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 603395f1f..000000000 --- a/libs/datalogger/_locales/datalogger-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -{ - "datalogger": "Log data to flash storage", - "datalogger.createCV": "A column and value to log to flash storage\n\n\n@returns A new value that can be stored in flash storage using log data", - "datalogger.createCV|param|column": "the column to set", - "datalogger.createCV|param|value": "the value to set.", - "datalogger.deleteLog": "Delete all existing logs, including column headers. By default this only marks the log as\noverwriteable / deletable in the future.", - "datalogger.deleteLog|param|deleteType": "optional set whether a deletion will be fast or full", - "datalogger.includeTimestamp": "Set the format for timestamps", - "datalogger.includeTimestamp|param|format": "Format in which to show the timestamp. Setting FlashLogTimeStampFormat.None will disable the timestamp.", - "datalogger.log": "Log data to flash storage", - "datalogger.logData": "Log data to flash storage", - "datalogger.logData|param|data": "Array of data to be logged to flash storage", - "datalogger.log|param|data1": "First column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data10": "[optional] tenth column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data2": "[optional] second column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data3": "[optional] third column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data4": "[optional] fourth column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data5": "[optional] fifth column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data6": "[optional] sixth column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data7": "[optional] seventh column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data8": "[optional] eighth column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.log|param|data9": "[optional] ninth column and value to be logged", - "datalogger.mirrorToSerial": "Set whether data is mirrored to serial or not.", - "datalogger.mirrorToSerial|param|on": "if true, data that is logged will be mirrored to serial", - "datalogger.onLogFull": "Register an event to run when no more data can be logged.", - "datalogger.onLogFull|param|handler": "code to run when the log is full and no more data can be stored.", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles": "Set the columns for future data logging", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col1": "Title for first column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col10": "Title for tenth column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col2": "Title for second column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col3": "Title for third column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col4": "Title for fourth column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col5": "Title for fifth column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col6": "Title for sixth column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col7": "Title for seventh column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col8": "Title for eighth column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|param|col9": "Title for ninth column to be added", - "datalogger.setColumns": "Set the columns for future data logging", - "datalogger.setColumns|param|cols": "Array of the columns that will be logged." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/datalogger/_locales/datalogger-strings.json b/libs/datalogger/_locales/datalogger-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index a2d208fcb..000000000 --- a/libs/datalogger/_locales/datalogger-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -{ - "datalogger.DeleteType.Fast|block": "fast", - "datalogger.DeleteType.Full|block": "full", - "datalogger._columnField|block": "$column", - "datalogger.createCV|block": "column $column value $value", - "datalogger.deleteLog|block": "delete log||$deleteType", - "datalogger.includeTimestamp|block": "set timestamp $format", - "datalogger.logData|block": "log data array $data", - "datalogger.log|block": "log data $data1||$data2 $data3 $data4 $data5 $data6 $data7 $data8 $data9 $data10", - "datalogger.mirrorToSerial|block": "mirror data to serial $on", - "datalogger.onLogFull|block": "on log full", - "datalogger.setColumnTitles|block": "set columns $col1||$col2 $col3 $col4 $col5 $col6 $col7 $col8 $col9 $col10", - "datalogger.setColumns|block": "set columns $cols", - "datalogger|block": "Data Logger", - "{id:category}Datalogger": "Datalogger" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/devices/_locales/devices-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/devices/_locales/devices-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index e99e1a7dc..000000000 --- a/libs/devices/_locales/devices-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{ - "devices": "Control a phone with the Calliope mini via Bluetooth.", - "devices.onGamepadButton": "Register code to run when the Calliope mini receives a command from the paired gamepad.", - "devices.onGamepadButton|param|body": "code to run when button is pressed", - "devices.onGamepadButton|param|name": "button name", - "devices.onNotified": "Registers code to run when the device notifies about a particular event.", - "devices.onNotified|param|body": "code handler when event is triggered", - "devices.onNotified|param|event": "event description", - "devices.onSignalStrengthChanged": "Registers code to run when the device notifies about a change of signal strength.", - "devices.onSignalStrengthChanged|param|body": "Code run when the signal strength changes.", - "devices.raiseAlertTo": "Sends an ``alert`` command to the parent device.", - "devices.raiseAlertTo|param|event": "event description", - "devices.signalStrength": "Returns the last signal strength reported by the paired device.", - "devices.tellCameraTo": "Sends a ``camera`` command to the parent device.", - "devices.tellCameraTo|param|event": "event description", - "devices.tellRemoteControlTo": "Sends a ``remote control`` command to the parent device.", - "devices.tellRemoteControlTo|param|event": "event description" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json b/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9888c18d7..000000000 --- a/libs/devices/_locales/devices-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -{ - "MesAlertEvent.DisplayToast|block": "display toast", - "MesAlertEvent.FindMyPhone|block": "find my phone", - "MesAlertEvent.PlayRingtone|block": "play ring tone", - "MesAlertEvent.PlaySound|block": "play sound", - "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm2|block": "ring alarm 2", - "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm3|block": "ring alarm 3", - "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm4|block": "ring alarm 4", - "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm5|block": "ring alarm 5", - "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm6|block": "ring alarm 6", - "MesAlertEvent.RingAlarm|block": "ring alarm", - "MesAlertEvent.Vibrate|block": "vibrate", - "MesCameraEvent.LaunchPhotoMode|block": "launch photo mode", - "MesCameraEvent.LaunchVideoMode|block": "launch video mode", - "MesCameraEvent.StartVideoCapture|block": "start video capture", - "MesCameraEvent.StopPhotoMode|block": "stop photo mode", - "MesCameraEvent.StopVideoCapture|block": "stop video capture", - "MesCameraEvent.StopVideoMode|block": "stop video mode", - "MesCameraEvent.TakePhoto|block": "take photo", - "MesCameraEvent.ToggleFrontRear|block": "toggle front-rear", - "MesDeviceInfo.DisplayOff|block": "display off", - "MesDeviceInfo.DisplayOn|block": "display on", - "MesDeviceInfo.IncomingCall|block": "incoming call", - "MesDeviceInfo.IncomingMessage|block": "incoming message", - "MesDeviceInfo.OrientationLandscape|block": "orientation landscape", - "MesDeviceInfo.OrientationPortrait|block": "orientation portrait", - "MesDeviceInfo.Shaken|block": "shaken", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.forward|block": "forward", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.nextTrack|block": "next track", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.pause|block": "pause", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.play|block": "play", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.previousTrack|block": "previous track", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.rewind|block": "rewind", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.stop|block": "stop", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.volumeDown|block": "volume down", - "MesRemoteControlEvent.volumeUp|block": "volume up", - "devices.onGamepadButton|block": "on gamepad button|%NAME", - "devices.onNotified|block": "on notified|%event", - "devices.onSignalStrengthChanged|block": "on signal strength changed", - "devices.raiseAlertTo|block": "raise alert to|%property", - "devices.signalStrength|block": "signal strength", - "devices.tellCameraTo|block": "tell camera to|%property", - "devices.tellRemoteControlTo|block": "tell remote control to|%property", - "devices|block": "devices", - "{id:category}Devices": "Devices" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/flashlog/_locales/flashlog-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/flashlog/_locales/flashlog-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 24239ee59..000000000 --- a/libs/flashlog/_locales/flashlog-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{ - "flashlog": "Storing structured data in flash.", - "flashlog.beginRow": "Creates a new row in the log, ready to be populated by logData()", - "flashlog.clear": "Resets all data stored in persistent storage.", - "flashlog.endRow": "Complete a row in the log, and pushes to persistent storage.", - "flashlog.logData": "Populates the current row with the given key/value pair.", - "flashlog.logString": "Inject the given row into the log as text, ignoring key/value pairs.", - "flashlog.setSerialMirroring": "Defines if data logging should also be streamed over the serial port.\n* @param enable True to enable serial port streaming, false to disable.", - "flashlog.setTimeStamp": "Determines the format of the timestamp data to be added (if any).\nIf requested, time stamps will be automatically added to each row of data\nas an integer value rounded down to the unit specified.\n* @param format The format of timestamp to use." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/flashlog/_locales/flashlog-strings.json b/libs/flashlog/_locales/flashlog-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 86cfab0ab..000000000 --- a/libs/flashlog/_locales/flashlog-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{ - "FlashLogTimeStampFormat.Days|block": "days", - "FlashLogTimeStampFormat.Hours|block": "hours", - "FlashLogTimeStampFormat.Milliseconds|block": "milliseconds", - "FlashLogTimeStampFormat.Minutes|block": "minutes", - "FlashLogTimeStampFormat.None|block": "none", - "FlashLogTimeStampFormat.Seconds|block": "seconds", - "flashlog|block": "flashlog", - "{id:category}Flashlog": "Flashlog" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/funk/_locales/Funk-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/funk/_locales/Funk-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3431037c1..000000000 --- a/libs/funk/_locales/Funk-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -{ - "radio": "Communicate data using radio packets", - "radio.Packet.receivedBuffer": "The buffer payload if a buffer was sent in this packet\nor the empty buffer", - "radio.Packet.receivedNumber": "The number payload if a number was sent in this packet (via ``sendNumber()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor 0 if this packet did not contain a number.", - "radio.Packet.receivedString": "The string payload if a string was sent in this packet (via ``sendString()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor the empty string if this packet did not contain a string.", - "radio.Packet.serial": "The serial number of the sender of the packet or 0 if the sender did not sent their serial number.", - "radio.Packet.signal": "The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the packet.", - "radio.Packet.time": "The system time of the sender of the packet at the time the packet was sent.", - "radio._packetProperty": "Gets a packet property.", - "radio._packetProperty|param|type": "the packet property type, eg: PacketProperty.time", - "radio.off": "Disables the radio for use as a multipoint sender/receiver.\nDisabling radio will help conserve battery power when it is not in use.", - "radio.on": "Initialises the radio for use as a multipoint sender/receiver\nOnly useful when the radio.off() is used beforehand.", - "radio.onDataPacketReceived": "Deprecated. Use onDataReceived() instead\nRegisters code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the\nreceived packet from the radio queue.", - "radio.onDataReceived": "Used internally by the library.", - "radio.onReceivedBuffer": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer.", - "radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedBuffer instead.", - "radio.onReceivedNumber": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number.", - "radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedNumber instead.", - "radio.onReceivedString": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string.", - "radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedString instead.", - "radio.onReceivedValue": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair.", - "radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedValue instead.", - "radio.raiseEvent": "Sends an event over radio to neigboring devices", - "radio.readRawPacket": "Internal use only. Takes the next packet from the radio queue and returns its contents + RSSI in a Buffer.\n@returns NULL if no packet available", - "radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number\npayload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.", - "radio.receiveString": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string\npayload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedBuffer": "Returns the buffer payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedNumber": "Returns the number payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if that packet did not\ncontain a number.", - "radio.receivedPacket": "Returns properties of the last radio packet received.", - "radio.receivedPacket|param|type": "the type of property to retrieve from the last packet", - "radio.receivedSerial": "Returns the serial number of the sender micro:bit from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if\nthat packet did not send a serial number.", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength": "Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc). Not supported in simulator.", - "radio.receivedString": "Returns the string payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedTime": "Returns the system time of the sender micro:bit at the moment when it sent the\nlast packet taken from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``,\n``receiveString``, etc).", - "radio.sendBuffer": "Broadcasts a buffer (up to 19 bytes long) along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendNumber": "Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendRawPacket": "Internal use only. Sends a raw packet through the radio (assumes RSSI appened to packet)", - "radio.sendString": "Broadcasts a string along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendValue": "Broadcasts a name / value pair along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group. The name can\ninclude no more than 8 characters.", - "radio.sendValue|param|name": "the field name (max 8 characters), eg: \"name\"", - "radio.sendValue|param|value": "the numeric value", - "radio.setFrequencyBand": "Change the transmission and reception band of the radio to the given channel", - "radio.setFrequencyBand|param|band": "a frequency band in the range 0 - 83. Each step is 1MHz wide, based at 2400MHz.", - "radio.setGroup": "Sets the group id for radio communications. A micro:bit can only listen to one group ID at any time.", - "radio.setGroup|param|id": "the group id between ``0`` and ``255``, eg: 1", - "radio.setTransmitPower": "Change the output power level of the transmitter to the given value.", - "radio.setTransmitPower|param|power": "a value in the range 0..7, where 0 is the lowest power and 7 is the highest. eg: 7", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber": "Set the radio to transmit the serial number in each message.", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|param|transmit": "value indicating if the serial number is transmitted, eg: true", - "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial": "Writes the last received packet to serial as JSON. This should be called\nwithin an ``onDataPacketReceived`` callback.", - "radio.writeValueToSerial": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and and writes it to serial\nas JSON." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/funk/_locales/Funk-strings.json b/libs/funk/_locales/Funk-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index ffad58b5c..000000000 --- a/libs/funk/_locales/Funk-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -{ - "RadioPacketProperty.SerialNumber|block": "serial number", - "RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength|block": "signal strength", - "RadioPacketProperty.Time|block": "time", - "radio._packetProperty|block": "%note", - "radio.onDataPacketReceived|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onDataReceived|block": "radio on data received", - "radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedBuffer|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedNumber|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedString|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedValue|block": "on radio received", - "radio.raiseEvent|block": "radio raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", - "radio.receiveNumber|block": "radio receive number", - "radio.receiveString|block": "radio receive string", - "radio.receivedPacket|block": "received packet %type=radio_packet_property", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength|block": "radio received signal strength", - "radio.sendNumber|block": "radio send number %value", - "radio.sendString|block": "radio send string %msg", - "radio.sendValue|block": "radio send|value %name|= %value", - "radio.setFrequencyBand|block": "radio set frequency band %band", - "radio.setGroup|block": "radio set group %ID", - "radio.setTransmitPower|block": "radio set transmit power %power", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|block": "radio set transmit serial number %transmit", - "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial|block": "radio write received packet to serial", - "radio.writeValueToSerial|block": "radio write value to serial", - "radio|block": "radio", - "{id:category}Radio": "Radio", - "{id:group}Group": "Group", - "{id:group}Receive": "Receive", - "{id:group}Send": "Send" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/funk/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/funk/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3431037c1..000000000 --- a/libs/funk/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -{ - "radio": "Communicate data using radio packets", - "radio.Packet.receivedBuffer": "The buffer payload if a buffer was sent in this packet\nor the empty buffer", - "radio.Packet.receivedNumber": "The number payload if a number was sent in this packet (via ``sendNumber()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor 0 if this packet did not contain a number.", - "radio.Packet.receivedString": "The string payload if a string was sent in this packet (via ``sendString()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor the empty string if this packet did not contain a string.", - "radio.Packet.serial": "The serial number of the sender of the packet or 0 if the sender did not sent their serial number.", - "radio.Packet.signal": "The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the packet.", - "radio.Packet.time": "The system time of the sender of the packet at the time the packet was sent.", - "radio._packetProperty": "Gets a packet property.", - "radio._packetProperty|param|type": "the packet property type, eg: PacketProperty.time", - "radio.off": "Disables the radio for use as a multipoint sender/receiver.\nDisabling radio will help conserve battery power when it is not in use.", - "radio.on": "Initialises the radio for use as a multipoint sender/receiver\nOnly useful when the radio.off() is used beforehand.", - "radio.onDataPacketReceived": "Deprecated. Use onDataReceived() instead\nRegisters code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the\nreceived packet from the radio queue.", - "radio.onDataReceived": "Used internally by the library.", - "radio.onReceivedBuffer": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer.", - "radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedBuffer instead.", - "radio.onReceivedNumber": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number.", - "radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedNumber instead.", - "radio.onReceivedString": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string.", - "radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedString instead.", - "radio.onReceivedValue": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair.", - "radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedValue instead.", - "radio.raiseEvent": "Sends an event over radio to neigboring devices", - "radio.readRawPacket": "Internal use only. Takes the next packet from the radio queue and returns its contents + RSSI in a Buffer.\n@returns NULL if no packet available", - "radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number\npayload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.", - "radio.receiveString": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string\npayload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedBuffer": "Returns the buffer payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedNumber": "Returns the number payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if that packet did not\ncontain a number.", - "radio.receivedPacket": "Returns properties of the last radio packet received.", - "radio.receivedPacket|param|type": "the type of property to retrieve from the last packet", - "radio.receivedSerial": "Returns the serial number of the sender micro:bit from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if\nthat packet did not send a serial number.", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength": "Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc). Not supported in simulator.", - "radio.receivedString": "Returns the string payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedTime": "Returns the system time of the sender micro:bit at the moment when it sent the\nlast packet taken from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``,\n``receiveString``, etc).", - "radio.sendBuffer": "Broadcasts a buffer (up to 19 bytes long) along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendNumber": "Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendRawPacket": "Internal use only. Sends a raw packet through the radio (assumes RSSI appened to packet)", - "radio.sendString": "Broadcasts a string along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendValue": "Broadcasts a name / value pair along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group. The name can\ninclude no more than 8 characters.", - "radio.sendValue|param|name": "the field name (max 8 characters), eg: \"name\"", - "radio.sendValue|param|value": "the numeric value", - "radio.setFrequencyBand": "Change the transmission and reception band of the radio to the given channel", - "radio.setFrequencyBand|param|band": "a frequency band in the range 0 - 83. Each step is 1MHz wide, based at 2400MHz.", - "radio.setGroup": "Sets the group id for radio communications. A micro:bit can only listen to one group ID at any time.", - "radio.setGroup|param|id": "the group id between ``0`` and ``255``, eg: 1", - "radio.setTransmitPower": "Change the output power level of the transmitter to the given value.", - "radio.setTransmitPower|param|power": "a value in the range 0..7, where 0 is the lowest power and 7 is the highest. eg: 7", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber": "Set the radio to transmit the serial number in each message.", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|param|transmit": "value indicating if the serial number is transmitted, eg: true", - "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial": "Writes the last received packet to serial as JSON. This should be called\nwithin an ``onDataPacketReceived`` callback.", - "radio.writeValueToSerial": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and and writes it to serial\nas JSON." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/funk/_locales/radio-strings.json b/libs/funk/_locales/radio-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index ffad58b5c..000000000 --- a/libs/funk/_locales/radio-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -{ - "RadioPacketProperty.SerialNumber|block": "serial number", - "RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength|block": "signal strength", - "RadioPacketProperty.Time|block": "time", - "radio._packetProperty|block": "%note", - "radio.onDataPacketReceived|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onDataReceived|block": "radio on data received", - "radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedBuffer|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedNumber|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedString|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedValue|block": "on radio received", - "radio.raiseEvent|block": "radio raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", - "radio.receiveNumber|block": "radio receive number", - "radio.receiveString|block": "radio receive string", - "radio.receivedPacket|block": "received packet %type=radio_packet_property", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength|block": "radio received signal strength", - "radio.sendNumber|block": "radio send number %value", - "radio.sendString|block": "radio send string %msg", - "radio.sendValue|block": "radio send|value %name|= %value", - "radio.setFrequencyBand|block": "radio set frequency band %band", - "radio.setGroup|block": "radio set group %ID", - "radio.setTransmitPower|block": "radio set transmit power %power", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|block": "radio set transmit serial number %transmit", - "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial|block": "radio write received packet to serial", - "radio.writeValueToSerial|block": "radio write value to serial", - "radio|block": "radio", - "{id:category}Radio": "Radio", - "{id:group}Group": "Group", - "{id:group}Receive": "Receive", - "{id:group}Send": "Send" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/microphone/_locales/microphone-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/microphone/_locales/microphone-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 51fd4aacd..000000000 --- a/libs/microphone/_locales/microphone-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{ - "input": "Events and data from sensors", - "input.onSound": "Registers an event that runs when a sound is detected", - "input.setSoundThreshold": "Sets the threshold for a sound type." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/microphone/_locales/microphone-strings.json b/libs/microphone/_locales/microphone-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 0eee52421..000000000 --- a/libs/microphone/_locales/microphone-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{ - "DetectedSound.Loud|block": "loud", - "DetectedSound.Quiet|block": "quiet", - "SoundThreshold.Loud|block": "loud", - "SoundThreshold.Quiet|block": "quiet", - "input.onSound|block": "on %sound sound", - "input.setSoundThreshold|block": "set %sound sound threshold to %value", - "input|block": "input", - "{id:category}Input": "Input", - "{id:group}Sound": "Sound" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/motor/_locales/calliope-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/motor/_locales/calliope-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/motor/_locales/calliope-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/motor/_locales/calliope-strings.json b/libs/motor/_locales/calliope-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/motor/_locales/calliope-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/One-Time-Pairing-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/One-Time-Pairing-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/One-Time-Pairing-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/One-Time-Pairing-strings.json b/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/One-Time-Pairing-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/One-Time-Pairing-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/bluetooth-no-pairing-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/bluetooth-no-pairing-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/bluetooth-no-pairing-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/bluetooth-no-pairing-strings.json b/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/bluetooth-no-pairing-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/one-time-pairing/_locales/bluetooth-no-pairing-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/radio-broadcast/_locales/radio-broadcast-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/radio-broadcast/_locales/radio-broadcast-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 70202ac80..000000000 --- a/libs/radio-broadcast/_locales/radio-broadcast-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{ - "radio": "Communicate data using radio packets", - "radio.onReceivedMessage": "Registers code to run for a particular message", - "radio.onReceivedMessage|param|msg": "@param handler ", - "radio.sendMessage": "Broadcasts a message over radio" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/radio-broadcast/_locales/radio-broadcast-strings.json b/libs/radio-broadcast/_locales/radio-broadcast-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 6eb2af155..000000000 --- a/libs/radio-broadcast/_locales/radio-broadcast-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -{ - "radio.onReceivedMessage|block": "on radio $msg received", - "radio.sendMessage|block": "radio send $msg", - "radio|block": "radio", - "{id:category}Radio": "Radio", - "{id:group}Broadcast": "Broadcast" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3431037c1..000000000 --- a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,52 +0,0 @@ -{ - "radio": "Communicate data using radio packets", - "radio.Packet.receivedBuffer": "The buffer payload if a buffer was sent in this packet\nor the empty buffer", - "radio.Packet.receivedNumber": "The number payload if a number was sent in this packet (via ``sendNumber()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor 0 if this packet did not contain a number.", - "radio.Packet.receivedString": "The string payload if a string was sent in this packet (via ``sendString()`` or ``sendValue()``)\nor the empty string if this packet did not contain a string.", - "radio.Packet.serial": "The serial number of the sender of the packet or 0 if the sender did not sent their serial number.", - "radio.Packet.signal": "The received signal strength indicator (RSSI) of the packet.", - "radio.Packet.time": "The system time of the sender of the packet at the time the packet was sent.", - "radio._packetProperty": "Gets a packet property.", - "radio._packetProperty|param|type": "the packet property type, eg: PacketProperty.time", - "radio.off": "Disables the radio for use as a multipoint sender/receiver.\nDisabling radio will help conserve battery power when it is not in use.", - "radio.on": "Initialises the radio for use as a multipoint sender/receiver\nOnly useful when the radio.off() is used beforehand.", - "radio.onDataPacketReceived": "Deprecated. Use onDataReceived() instead\nRegisters code to run when the radio receives a packet. Also takes the\nreceived packet from the radio queue.", - "radio.onDataReceived": "Used internally by the library.", - "radio.onReceivedBuffer": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer.", - "radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a buffer. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedBuffer instead.", - "radio.onReceivedNumber": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number.", - "radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a number. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedNumber instead.", - "radio.onReceivedString": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string.", - "radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a string. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedString instead.", - "radio.onReceivedValue": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair.", - "radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated": "Registers code to run when the radio receives a key value pair. Deprecated, use\nonReceivedValue instead.", - "radio.raiseEvent": "Sends an event over radio to neigboring devices", - "radio.readRawPacket": "Internal use only. Takes the next packet from the radio queue and returns its contents + RSSI in a Buffer.\n@returns NULL if no packet available", - "radio.receiveNumber": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's number\npayload or 0 if the packet did not contain a number.", - "radio.receiveString": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and returns the packet's string\npayload or the empty string if the packet did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedBuffer": "Returns the buffer payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedNumber": "Returns the number payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if that packet did not\ncontain a number.", - "radio.receivedPacket": "Returns properties of the last radio packet received.", - "radio.receivedPacket|param|type": "the type of property to retrieve from the last packet", - "radio.receivedSerial": "Returns the serial number of the sender micro:bit from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or 0 if\nthat packet did not send a serial number.", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength": "Gets the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) from the last packet taken\nfrom the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc). Not supported in simulator.", - "radio.receivedString": "Returns the string payload from the last packet taken from the radio queue\n(via ``receiveNumber``, ``receiveString``, etc) or the empty string if that\npacket did not contain a string.", - "radio.receivedTime": "Returns the system time of the sender micro:bit at the moment when it sent the\nlast packet taken from the radio queue (via ``receiveNumber``,\n``receiveString``, etc).", - "radio.sendBuffer": "Broadcasts a buffer (up to 19 bytes long) along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendNumber": "Broadcasts a number over radio to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendRawPacket": "Internal use only. Sends a raw packet through the radio (assumes RSSI appened to packet)", - "radio.sendString": "Broadcasts a string along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group.", - "radio.sendValue": "Broadcasts a name / value pair along with the device serial number\nand running time to any connected micro:bit in the group. The name can\ninclude no more than 8 characters.", - "radio.sendValue|param|name": "the field name (max 8 characters), eg: \"name\"", - "radio.sendValue|param|value": "the numeric value", - "radio.setFrequencyBand": "Change the transmission and reception band of the radio to the given channel", - "radio.setFrequencyBand|param|band": "a frequency band in the range 0 - 83. Each step is 1MHz wide, based at 2400MHz.", - "radio.setGroup": "Sets the group id for radio communications. A micro:bit can only listen to one group ID at any time.", - "radio.setGroup|param|id": "the group id between ``0`` and ``255``, eg: 1", - "radio.setTransmitPower": "Change the output power level of the transmitter to the given value.", - "radio.setTransmitPower|param|power": "a value in the range 0..7, where 0 is the lowest power and 7 is the highest. eg: 7", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber": "Set the radio to transmit the serial number in each message.", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|param|transmit": "value indicating if the serial number is transmitted, eg: true", - "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial": "Writes the last received packet to serial as JSON. This should be called\nwithin an ``onDataPacketReceived`` callback.", - "radio.writeValueToSerial": "Reads the next packet from the radio queue and and writes it to serial\nas JSON." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json b/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index ffad58b5c..000000000 --- a/libs/radio/_locales/radio-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -{ - "RadioPacketProperty.SerialNumber|block": "serial number", - "RadioPacketProperty.SignalStrength|block": "signal strength", - "RadioPacketProperty.Time|block": "time", - "radio._packetProperty|block": "%note", - "radio.onDataPacketReceived|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onDataReceived|block": "radio on data received", - "radio.onReceivedBufferDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedBuffer|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedNumberDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedNumber|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedStringDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedString|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedValueDeprecated|block": "on radio received", - "radio.onReceivedValue|block": "on radio received", - "radio.raiseEvent|block": "radio raise event|from source %src=control_event_source_id|with value %value=control_event_value_id", - "radio.receiveNumber|block": "radio receive number", - "radio.receiveString|block": "radio receive string", - "radio.receivedPacket|block": "received packet %type=radio_packet_property", - "radio.receivedSignalStrength|block": "radio received signal strength", - "radio.sendNumber|block": "radio send number %value", - "radio.sendString|block": "radio send string %msg", - "radio.sendValue|block": "radio send|value %name|= %value", - "radio.setFrequencyBand|block": "radio set frequency band %band", - "radio.setGroup|block": "radio set group %ID", - "radio.setTransmitPower|block": "radio set transmit power %power", - "radio.setTransmitSerialNumber|block": "radio set transmit serial number %transmit", - "radio.writeReceivedPacketToSerial|block": "radio write received packet to serial", - "radio.writeValueToSerial|block": "radio write value to serial", - "radio|block": "radio", - "{id:category}Radio": "Radio", - "{id:group}Group": "Group", - "{id:group}Receive": "Receive", - "{id:group}Send": "Send" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/servo/_locales/servo-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/servo/_locales/servo-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index fbd92f4a1..000000000 --- a/libs/servo/_locales/servo-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{ - "servos.Servo.maxAngle": "Gets the maximum angle for the servo", - "servos.Servo.minAngle": "Gets the minimum angle for the servo", - "servos.Servo.run": "Set the throttle on a continuous servo", - "servos.Servo.run|param|speed": "the throttle of the motor from -100% to 100%", - "servos.Servo.setAngle": "Set the servo angle", - "servos.Servo.setPulse": "Set the pulse width to the servo in microseconds", - "servos.Servo.setPulse|param|micros": "the width of the pulse in microseconds", - "servos.Servo.setRange": "Set the possible rotation range angles for the servo between 0 and 180", - "servos.Servo.setRange|param|maxAngle": "the maximum angle from 90 to 180", - "servos.Servo.setRange|param|minAngle": "the minimum angle from 0 to 90", - "servos.Servo.setStopOnNeutral": "Set a servo stop mode so it will stop when the rotation angle is in the neutral position, 90 degrees.", - "servos.Servo.stop": "Stop sending commands to the servo so that its rotation will stop at the current position." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/servo/_locales/servo-strings.json b/libs/servo/_locales/servo-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 64322007f..000000000 --- a/libs/servo/_locales/servo-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -{ - "servos.C10|block": "servo C10", - "servos.C11|block": "servo C11", - "servos.C12|block": "servo C12", - "servos.C13|block": "servo C13", - "servos.C14|block": "servo C14", - "servos.C15|block": "servo C15", - "servos.C16|block": "servo C16 (A1 RX)", - "servos.C17|block": "servo C17 (A1 TX)", - "servos.C4|block": "servo C4", - "servos.C5|block": "servo C5", - "servos.C6|block": "servo C6", - "servos.C7|block": "servo C7", - "servos.C8|block": "servo C8", - "servos.C9|block": "servo C9", - "servos.P0|block": "servo P0", - "servos.P1|block": "servo P0", - "servos.P2|block": "servo P2", - "servos.P3|block": "servo P3", - "servos.Servo.run|block": "continuous %servo run at %speed=speedPicker \\%", - "servos.Servo.setAngle|block": "set %servo angle to %degrees=protractorPicker °", - "servos.Servo.setPulse|block": "set %servo pulse to %micros μs", - "servos.Servo.setRange|block": "set %servo range from %minAngle to %maxAngle", - "servos.Servo.setStopOnNeutral|block": "set %servo stop on neutral %enabled", - "servos.Servo.stop|block": "stop %servo", - "{id:category}Servos": "Servos", - "{id:group}Configuration": "Configuration", - "{id:group}Continuous": "Continuous", - "{id:group}Positional": "Positional" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/settings/_locales/settings-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/settings/_locales/settings-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 890353772..000000000 --- a/libs/settings/_locales/settings-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{ - "settings.clear": "Delete all non-system settings.", - "settings.deviceSecrets": "Secrets shared by any program on the device", - "settings.exists": "Check if a named setting exists.", - "settings.list": "Return a list of settings starting with a given prefix.", - "settings.programSecrets": "Program secrets", - "settings.readBuffer": "Read named setting as a buffer. Returns undefined when setting not found.", - "settings.readJSON": "Read named setting as a JSON object.", - "settings.readNumber": "Read named setting as a number.", - "settings.readNumberArray": "Read named setting as a number.", - "settings.readString": "Read named setting as a string.", - "settings.remove": "Remove named setting.", - "settings.writeBuffer": "Set named setting to a given buffer.", - "settings.writeJSON": "Set named settings to a given JSON object.", - "settings.writeNumber": "Set named settings to a given number.", - "settings.writeNumberArray": "Set named settings to a given array of numbers.", - "settings.writeString": "Set named settings to a given string." -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/settings/_locales/settings-strings.json b/libs/settings/_locales/settings-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 3ae879c5b..000000000 --- a/libs/settings/_locales/settings-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{ - "settings.deviceSecrets|block": "device secrets", - "settings.programSecrets|block": "program secrets", - "settings|block": "settings", - "{id:category}Settings": "Settings" -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/V1-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/V1-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/V1-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/V1-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/V1-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/V1-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/core-mini-v1-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/core-mini-v1-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/core-mini-v1-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/core-mini-v1-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/core-mini-v1-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/core-mini-v1-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-1-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/mini-1-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-1-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-1-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/mini-1-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-1-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-v1-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/mini-v1-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-v1-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-v1-strings.json b/libs/v1/_locales/mini-v1-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v1/_locales/mini-v1-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/V2-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/V2-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/V2-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/V2-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/V2-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/V2-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/core-mini-v2-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/core-mini-v2-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/core-mini-v2-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/core-mini-v2-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/core-mini-v2-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/core-mini-v2-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-2-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/mini-2-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-2-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-2-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/mini-2-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-2-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-v2-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/mini-v2-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-v2-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-v2-strings.json b/libs/v2/_locales/mini-v2-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v2/_locales/mini-v2-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v3/_locales/v3-jsdoc-strings.json b/libs/v3/_locales/v3-jsdoc-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v3/_locales/v3-jsdoc-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/libs/v3/_locales/v3-strings.json b/libs/v3/_locales/v3-strings.json deleted file mode 100644 index 9e26dfeeb..000000000 --- a/libs/v3/_locales/v3-strings.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{} \ No newline at end of file