- Check old enums with space like "Horizontal left" to maintain backward compatibility
- Update API to 5.9.0
- Packages update
- Fixed tests with measureUnits
- Fixed eslint errors
- Update powerbi packages, API to 5.7.0
- Migrate from tslint to eslint
- Use new formatting model API
- Split d3 into submodules to reduce dependencies size
- Add keyboard navigation support
- Add settings to sync axis
- Packages update
- Webpack integration
- Azure Pipelines integration
- API 2.5.0
- updated powerbi-visuals-utils, powerbi-visuals-tools 3.x.x
- d3 v5
- Fixed visual's fail on data with empty category field
- Implements high contrast mode
- API 1.13.0
- Added localization for all supported languages
- UPD: moment library has been updated to 2.22.0
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-tools has been updated to 1.11.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: API has been updated to 1.11.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-utils-interactivityutils has been updated to 3.1.0 to support Bookmarks
- UPD: powerbi-visuals-utils-testutils has been updated to "1.2.0" to support Bookmarks
- Fixed bug when not 0 minimum value calculated as 0
- Added check for null objects toString call
- Added new formatting options for tooltips custom names
- Added negative minimum values support
- Fixed Measure Units rendering
- Added new formatting option for Category labels "Maximum width" to adjust label width for horizontal oriented bullets.
- Horizontal oriented bullets now renders closer to each other when axis is off.
- Fixed axis tick labels overlapping.
- Visual is updated to API 1.7.0
- Bars' values respect selection of other visuals now.