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William Blum edited this page Jul 6, 2016 · 4 revisions

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This modules provides improved Json serialization over the default formatting used by Newtonsoft's Json.Net. The generated Json is more compact and maps more closely to the corresponding value definition in F#. For example the value [Some 5; None; Some 6] gets serialized to just

val it : string = "[ 5, null, 6 ]"

instead of the rather verbose

(* Default Json.Net serialization *)
val it : string = "[
        "Case": "Some",
        "Fields": [ 5 ]
        "Case": "Some",
        "Fields": [ 6 ]

For more details see Module FSharpLu.Json


This modules offers F#-like strongly-typed logging helpers for the System.Diagnostics logging functions. For instance instead of calling System.Diagnostics.TraceInformation and providing untyped formatting parameters ala C# you can write instead: "Command '%s' with arguments %A exited with code: %d" command arguments exitCode

Another useful helper is Trace.failwith which behaves like F#'s failwith operator except that it also trace the error message using System.Diagnostics.TraceError before throwin an exception. Example:

if succeeds then
   Trace.failwith "Something went wrong. Error message: %s" errorMessage


This module provides a general purpose strongly-typed logging class for use in situations where global trace logging is not desirable. This can be used for instance in a multi-agent/multi-threaded setting where each agent needs to log information to a separate output channel without interfering with each other and without requiring synchronizing access to a global logger entity. It lets you instantiate logging objects of type Logger<'a,'s> where 'a is the type of messages being logged and 's is the type of the internal state maintained by the logger. You only need to provide a custom Action to be performed when a message is being logged and the Logger types provides all the strongly-typed logging helpers for you.


Provides a set of common option type manipulation functions, including the Maybe monad.


Provides access to application (app.config) and website (web.config) configuration file.

let MySetting = Microsoft.FSharpLu.Configuration.getConfigValue "MySettingName"


Helpers for System.Diagnostics. For instance the startProcessAsync function allow you to start a system process within an async block and asynchronoulsy wait for it to terminate:

open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Diagnostics
async {
    let! exitCode = Process.startProcessAsync
    return exitCode = 0

FSharpLu.Async and FSharpLu.Async.Synchronization

Defines combinators and operators to work with asynchronous workflows. The Compete operator for instance allows you to start multiple asynchronous operations simultaneously and return as soon as one of them completes:

  let waitForNetworkOrCache = 
            async {
                let! networkResponse = AsyncReadFromNetwork()
                return networkResponse
            async {
                let! cache = AsyncReadFromCache()
                return cache

The Synchronization sub-module implements classic thread synchronization objects like critical section, semaphore and events for use use with asynchronous computation.

open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Async
open Microsoft.FSharpLu.Async.Synchronization

let myTokenPool = new Async.Pool(10)
async { "Acquiring token from the pool without timeout..."
    let! token = myTokenPool.AcquireAsync None "Token acquired."
    return token


File manipulation utilities.


Text parsing utilities.


Security related utilities.


String manipulation functions.


Active patterns used to handle .Net aggregated exceptions in F#.


Augments Seq module with additional sequence operators; provide F# helpers to operat on the IDictionary type.

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