From ea7b5edcfc6b796490b2f3ab3b84b53b9d29dd45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Zearing Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 17:23:40 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] expanding index. --- packages/react/src/index.ts | 1481 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--- 1 file changed, 1390 insertions(+), 91 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/react/src/index.ts b/packages/react/src/index.ts index 8a40fe0db8c639..10a242c643ce6f 100644 --- a/packages/react/src/index.ts +++ b/packages/react/src/index.ts @@ -1,100 +1,1399 @@ -export * from './ActivityItem'; -export * from './Autofill'; -export * from './Announced'; -export * from './Breadcrumb'; -export * from './Button'; -export * from './ButtonGrid'; -export * from './Calendar'; -export * from './Callout'; -export * from './Check'; -export * from './Checkbox'; -export * from './ChoiceGroup'; +/* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */ +export { ActivityItem, getActivityItemClassNames, getActivityItemStyles } from './ActivityItem'; +export type { IActivityItemClassNames, IActivityItemProps, IActivityItemStyles } from './ActivityItem'; +export { Autofill } from './Autofill'; +export type { IAutofill, IAutofillProps, IAutofillState } from './Autofill'; +export { Announced, AnnouncedBase } from './Announced'; +export type { IAnnouncedProps, IAnnouncedStyleProps, IAnnouncedStyles } from './Announced'; +export { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbBase } from './Breadcrumb'; +export type { + IBreadCrumbData, + IBreadcrumb, + IBreadcrumbData, + IBreadcrumbItem, + IBreadcrumbProps, + IBreadcrumbStyleProps, + IBreadcrumbStyles, + IDividerAsProps, +} from './Breadcrumb'; +export { + ActionButton, + BaseButton, + Button, + ButtonGlobalClassNames, + ButtonType, + CommandBarButton, + CommandButton, + CompoundButton, + DefaultButton, + ElementType, + IconButton, + MessageBarButton, + PrimaryButton, + getSplitButtonClassNames, +} from './Button'; +export type { + IBaseButtonProps, + IBaseButtonState, + IButton, + IButtonClassNames, + IButtonProps, + IButtonStyles, + ISplitButtonClassNames, +} from './Button'; +export { ButtonGrid, ButtonGridCell } from './ButtonGrid'; +export type { + IButtonGrid, + IButtonGridCellProps, + IButtonGridProps, + IButtonGridStyleProps, + IButtonGridStyles, +} from './ButtonGrid'; +export { + AnimationDirection, + Calendar, + DateRangeType, + DayOfWeek, + FirstWeekOfYear, + defaultCalendarNavigationIcons, + defaultCalendarStrings, + defaultDayPickerStrings, +} from './Calendar'; +export type { + ICalendar, + ICalendarDay, + ICalendarDayGrid, + ICalendarDayGridProps, + ICalendarDayGridStyleProps, + ICalendarDayGridStyles, + ICalendarDayProps, + ICalendarDayStyleProps, + ICalendarDayStyles, + ICalendarFormatDateCallbacks, + ICalendarIconStrings, + ICalendarMonth, + ICalendarMonthProps, + ICalendarMonthStyleProps, + ICalendarMonthStyles, + ICalendarNavigationIcons, + ICalendarPickerStyleProps, + ICalendarPickerStyles, + ICalendarProps, + ICalendarStrings, + ICalendarStyleProps, + ICalendarStyles, + ICalendarYear, + ICalendarYearHeaderProps, + ICalendarYearProps, + ICalendarYearRange, + ICalendarYearRangeToString, + ICalendarYearStrings, + ICalendarYearStyleProps, + ICalendarYearStyles, + IDateFormatting, +} from './Calendar'; +export { Callout, CalloutContent, CalloutContentBase, DirectionalHint, FocusTrapCallout } from './Callout'; +export type { + ICalloutContentStyleProps, + ICalloutContentStyles, + ICalloutProps, + IFocusTrapCalloutProps, + Target, +} from './Callout'; +export { Check, CheckBase } from './Check'; +export type { ICheckProps, ICheckStyleProps, ICheckStyles } from './Check'; +export { Checkbox, CheckboxBase } from './Checkbox'; +export type { ICheckbox, ICheckboxProps, ICheckboxStyleProps, ICheckboxStyles } from './Checkbox'; +export { ChoiceGroup, ChoiceGroupBase, ChoiceGroupOption } from './ChoiceGroup'; +export type { + IChoiceGroup, + IChoiceGroupOption, + IChoiceGroupOptionProps, + IChoiceGroupOptionStyleProps, + IChoiceGroupOptionStyles, + IChoiceGroupProps, + IChoiceGroupStyleProps, + IChoiceGroupStyles, +} from './ChoiceGroup'; // export * from './ChoiceGroupOption'; // exported by ChoiceGroup -export * from './Coachmark'; -export * from './Color'; -export * from './ColorPicker'; -export * from './ComboBox'; -export * from './CommandBar'; -export * from './ContextualMenu'; -export * from './DatePicker'; -export * from './DateTimeUtilities'; -export * from './DetailsList'; -export * from './Dialog'; -export * from './Divider'; -export * from './DocumentCard'; -export * from './DragDrop'; -export * from './Dropdown'; -export * from './ExtendedPicker'; -export * from './Fabric'; -export * from './Facepile'; -export * from './FloatingPicker'; -export * from './FocusTrapZone'; -export * from './FocusZone'; -export * from './Grid'; -export * from './GroupedList'; -export * from './HoverCard'; -export * from './Icon'; -export * from './Icons'; -export * from './Image'; -export * from './Keytips'; -export * from './Keytip'; -export * from './KeytipData'; -export * from './KeytipLayer'; -export * from './Label'; -export * from './Layer'; -export * from './Link'; -export * from './List'; -export * from './MarqueeSelection'; -export * from './MessageBar'; -export * from './Modal'; -export * from './Nav'; -export * from './OverflowSet'; -export * from './Overlay'; -export * from './Panel'; -export * from './Persona'; -export * from './PersonaCoin'; -// export * from './PersonaPresence'; (Exported as part of Persona) -export * from './Pickers'; -export * from './Pivot'; -export * from './Popup'; -export * from './Positioning'; -export * from './PositioningContainer'; -export * from './ProgressIndicator'; -export * from './Rating'; -export * from './ResizeGroup'; -export * from './ResponsiveMode'; -export * from './ScrollablePane'; -export * from './SearchBox'; -export * from './SelectableOption'; -export * from './SelectedItemsList'; -export * from './Selection'; -export * from './Separator'; -export * from './Shimmer'; -export * from './ShimmeredDetailsList'; -export * from './Slider'; -export * from './SpinButton'; -export * from './Spinner'; -export * from './Stack'; -export * from './Sticky'; -export * from './Styling'; -export * from './SwatchColorPicker'; -export * from './TeachingBubble'; -export * from './Text'; -export * from './TextField'; -export * from './ThemeGenerator'; -export * from './TimePicker'; -export * from './Toggle'; -export * from './Tooltip'; -export * from './Utilities'; -export * from './Viewport'; -export * from './WeeklyDayPicker'; -export * from './WindowProvider'; +export { COACHMARK_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, Coachmark, CoachmarkBase } from './Coachmark'; +export type { + ICoachmark, + ICoachmarkProps, + ICoachmarkStyleProps, + ICoachmarkStyles, + ICoachmarkTypes, + IEntityRect, +} from './Coachmark'; +export { + HEX_REGEX, + MAX_COLOR_ALPHA, + MAX_COLOR_HUE, + MAX_COLOR_RGB, + MAX_COLOR_RGBA, + MAX_COLOR_SATURATION, + MAX_COLOR_VALUE, + MAX_HEX_LENGTH, + MAX_RGBA_LENGTH, + MIN_HEX_LENGTH, + MIN_RGBA_LENGTH, + RGBA_REGEX, + Shade, + clamp, + correctHSV, + correctHex, + correctRGB, + cssColor, + getBackgroundShade, + getColorFromHSV, + getColorFromRGBA, + getColorFromString, + getContrastRatio, + getFullColorString, + getShade, + hsl2hsv, + hsl2rgb, + hsv2hex, + hsv2hsl, + hsv2rgb, + isDark, + isValidShade, + rgb2hex, + rgb2hsv, + updateA, + updateH, + updateRGB, + updateSV, + updateT, +} from './Color'; +export type { IColor, IHSL, IHSV, IRGB } from './Color'; +export { ColorPicker, ColorPickerBase } from './ColorPicker'; +export type { + IColorPicker, + IColorPickerProps, + IColorPickerState, + IColorPickerStrings, + IColorPickerStyleProps, + IColorPickerStyles, + IColorRectangle, + IColorRectangleProps, + IColorRectangleStyleProps, + IColorRectangleStyles, + IColorSlider, + IColorSliderProps, + IColorSliderStyleProps, + IColorSliderStyles, +} from './ColorPicker'; +export { ComboBox, VirtualizedComboBox } from './ComboBox'; +export type { + IComboBox, + IComboBoxClassNames, + IComboBoxOption, + IComboBoxOptionClassNames, + IComboBoxOptionStyles, + IComboBoxProps, + IComboBoxState, + IComboBoxStyles, + IOnRenderComboBoxLabelProps, +} from './ComboBox'; +export { CommandBar, CommandBarBase, getCommandBarStyles, getCommandButtonStyles } from './CommandBar'; +export type { + ICommandBar, + ICommandBarData, + ICommandBarItemProps, + ICommandBarProps, + ICommandBarStyleProps, + ICommandBarStyles, +} from './CommandBar'; +export { + ContextualMenu, + ContextualMenuBase, + ContextualMenuItem, + ContextualMenuItemBase, + ContextualMenuItemType, + canAnyMenuItemsCheck, + getContextualMenuItemClassNames, + getContextualMenuItemStyles, + getMenuItemStyles, + getSubmenuItems, +} from './ContextualMenu'; +export type { + IContextualMenu, + IContextualMenuClassNames, + IContextualMenuItem, + IContextualMenuItemProps, + IContextualMenuItemRenderFunctions, + IContextualMenuItemRenderProps, + IContextualMenuItemStyleProps, + IContextualMenuItemStyles, + IContextualMenuListProps, + IContextualMenuProps, + IContextualMenuRenderItem, + IContextualMenuSection, + IContextualMenuStyleProps, + IContextualMenuStyles, + IContextualMenuSubComponentStyles, + IMenuItemClassNames, + IMenuItemStyles, +} from './ContextualMenu'; +export { DatePicker, DatePickerBase, defaultDatePickerStrings } from './DatePicker'; +export type { + IDatePicker, + IDatePickerProps, + IDatePickerStrings, + IDatePickerStyleProps, + IDatePickerStyles, +} from './DatePicker'; +export { + DAYS_IN_WEEK, + MonthOfYear, + TimeConstants, + addDays, + addMonths, + addWeeks, + addYears, + compareDatePart, + compareDates, + getDatePartHashValue, + getDateRangeArray, + getEndDateOfWeek, + getMonthEnd, + getMonthStart, + getStartDateOfWeek, + getWeekNumber, + getWeekNumbersInMonth, + getYearEnd, + getYearStart, + isInDateRangeArray, + setMonth, +} from './DateTimeUtilities'; +export { + CHECK_CELL_WIDTH, + CheckboxVisibility, + CollapseAllVisibility, + ColumnActionsMode, + ColumnDragEndLocation, + ConstrainMode, + DEFAULT_CELL_STYLE_PROPS, + DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHTS, + DetailsColumn, + DetailsColumnBase, + DetailsHeader, + DetailsHeaderBase, + DetailsList, + DetailsListBase, + DetailsListLayoutMode, + DetailsRow, + DetailsRowBase, + DetailsRowCheck, + DetailsRowFields, + DetailsRowGlobalClassNames, + HEADER_HEIGHT, + SELECTION_CHANGE, + SelectAllVisibility, + Selection, + SelectionDirection, + SelectionMode, + SelectionZone, + buildColumns, + getCellStyles, + getDetailsColumnStyles, + getDetailsHeaderStyles, + getDetailsListStyles, + getDetailsRowCheckStyles, + getDetailsRowStyles, +} from './DetailsList'; +export type { + ICellStyleProps, + IColumn, + IColumnDragDropDetails, + IColumnReorderHeaderProps, + IColumnReorderOptions, + IColumnResizeDetails, + IDetailsCheckboxProps, + IDetailsColumnFieldProps, + IDetailsColumnFilterIconProps, + IDetailsColumnProps, + IDetailsColumnRenderTooltipProps, + IDetailsColumnStyleProps, + IDetailsColumnStyles, + IDetailsFooterBaseProps, + IDetailsFooterProps, + IDetailsGroupDividerProps, + IDetailsGroupRenderProps, + IDetailsHeader, + IDetailsHeaderBaseProps, + IDetailsHeaderProps, + IDetailsHeaderState, + IDetailsHeaderStyleProps, + IDetailsHeaderStyles, + IDetailsItemProps, + IDetailsList, + IDetailsListCheckboxProps, + IDetailsListProps, + IDetailsListState, + IDetailsListStyleProps, + IDetailsListStyles, + IDetailsRow, + IDetailsRowBaseProps, + IDetailsRowCheckProps, + IDetailsRowCheckStyleProps, + IDetailsRowCheckStyles, + IDetailsRowFieldsProps, + IDetailsRowProps, + IDetailsRowSelectionState, + IDetailsRowState, + IDetailsRowStyleProps, + IDetailsRowStyles, + IDragDropContext, + IDragDropEvents, + IDragDropHelper, + IDragDropOptions, + IDropHintDetails, + IGroup, + IGroupDividerProps, + IGroupRenderProps, + IGroupedList, + IGroupedListProps, + IGroupedListStyleProps, + IGroupedListStyles, + IObjectWithKey, + IOverrideColumnRenderProps, + ISelection, + ISelectionOptions, + ISelectionZone, + ISelectionZoneProps, + ISelectionZoneState, + IViewport, + IWithViewportProps, +} from './DetailsList'; +export { + Dialog, + DialogBase, + DialogContent, + DialogContentBase, + DialogFooter, + DialogFooterBase, + DialogType, +} from './Dialog'; +export type { + IDialog, + IDialogContent, + IDialogContentProps, + IDialogContentStyleProps, + IDialogContentStyles, + IDialogFooter, + IDialogFooterProps, + IDialogFooterStyleProps, + IDialogFooterStyles, + IDialogProps, + IDialogStyleProps, + IDialogStyles, +} from './Dialog'; +export { VerticalDivider } from './Divider'; +export type { + IVerticalDividerClassNames, + IVerticalDividerProps, + IVerticalDividerPropsStyles, + IVerticalDividerStyles, +} from './Divider'; +export { + DocumentCard, + DocumentCardActions, + DocumentCardActivity, + DocumentCardDetails, + DocumentCardImage, + DocumentCardLocation, + DocumentCardLogo, + DocumentCardPreview, + DocumentCardStatus, + DocumentCardTitle, + DocumentCardType, +} from './DocumentCard'; +export type { + IDocumentCard, + IDocumentCardActions, + IDocumentCardActionsProps, + IDocumentCardActionsStyleProps, + IDocumentCardActionsStyles, + IDocumentCardActivity, + IDocumentCardActivityPerson, + IDocumentCardActivityProps, + IDocumentCardActivityStyleProps, + IDocumentCardActivityStyles, + IDocumentCardContext, + IDocumentCardDetails, + IDocumentCardDetailsProps, + IDocumentCardDetailsStyleProps, + IDocumentCardDetailsStyles, + IDocumentCardImage, + IDocumentCardImageProps, + IDocumentCardImageStyleProps, + IDocumentCardImageStyles, + IDocumentCardLocation, + IDocumentCardLocationProps, + IDocumentCardLocationStyleProps, + IDocumentCardLocationStyles, + IDocumentCardLogo, + IDocumentCardLogoProps, + IDocumentCardLogoStyleProps, + IDocumentCardLogoStyles, + IDocumentCardPreview, + IDocumentCardPreviewImage, + IDocumentCardPreviewProps, + IDocumentCardPreviewStyleProps, + IDocumentCardPreviewStyles, + IDocumentCardProps, + IDocumentCardStatus, + IDocumentCardStatusProps, + IDocumentCardStatusStyleProps, + IDocumentCardStatusStyles, + IDocumentCardStyleProps, + IDocumentCardStyles, + IDocumentCardTitle, + IDocumentCardTitleProps, + IDocumentCardTitleStyleProps, + IDocumentCardTitleStyles, +} from './DocumentCard'; +export { DragDropHelper } from './DragDrop'; +export type { IDragDropEvent, IDragDropHelperParams, IDragDropTarget } from './DragDrop'; +export { Dropdown, DropdownBase, DropdownMenuItemType } from './Dropdown'; +export type { + IDropdown, + IDropdownOption, + IDropdownProps, + IDropdownStyleProps, + IDropdownStyles, + IDropdownSubComponentStyles, +} from './Dropdown'; +export { BaseExtendedPeoplePicker, BaseExtendedPicker, ExtendedPeoplePicker } from './ExtendedPicker'; +export type { + IBaseExtendedPicker, + IBaseExtendedPickerProps, + IBaseExtendedPickerState, + IExtendedPeoplePickerProps, + IPeoplePickerItemProps, +} from './ExtendedPicker'; +export { Fabric, FabricBase } from './Fabric'; +export type { IFabricProps, IFabricStyleProps, IFabricStyles } from './Fabric'; +export { Facepile, FacepileBase, OverflowButtonType } from './Facepile'; +export type { IFacepile, IFacepilePersona, IFacepileProps, IFacepileStyleProps, IFacepileStyles } from './Facepile'; +export { + BaseFloatingPeoplePicker, + BaseFloatingPicker, + FloatingPeoplePicker, + SuggestionItemType, + SuggestionsControl, + SuggestionsCore, + SuggestionsHeaderFooterItem, + SuggestionsStore, + createItem, +} from './FloatingPicker'; +export type { + IBaseFloatingPicker, + IBaseFloatingPickerProps, + IBaseFloatingPickerState, + IBaseFloatingPickerSuggestionProps, + IPeopleFloatingPickerProps, + ISuggestionsControlProps, + ISuggestionsControlState, + ISuggestionsCoreProps, + ISuggestionsHeaderFooterItemProps, + ISuggestionsHeaderFooterProps, + SuggestionsStoreOptions, +} from './FloatingPicker'; +export { FocusTrapZone } from './FocusTrapZone'; +export type { IFocusTrapZone, IFocusTrapZoneProps } from './FocusTrapZone'; +export { FocusZone, FocusZoneDirection, FocusZoneTabbableElements } from './FocusZone'; +export type { IFocusZone, IFocusZoneProps } from './FocusZone'; +export { + GetGroupCount, + GroupFooter, + GroupHeader, + GroupShowAll, + GroupSpacer, + GroupedList, + GroupedListBase, + GroupedListSection, + GroupedListV2_unstable, +} from './GroupedList'; +export type { + IGroupFooterProps, + IGroupFooterStyleProps, + IGroupFooterStyles, + IGroupHeaderCheckboxProps, + IGroupHeaderProps, + IGroupHeaderStyleProps, + IGroupHeaderStyles, + IGroupShowAllProps, + IGroupShowAllStyleProps, + IGroupShowAllStyles, + IGroupSpacerProps, + IGroupSpacerStyleProps, + IGroupSpacerStyles, + IGroupedListSectionProps, + IGroupedListSectionState, + IGroupedListState, +} from './GroupedList'; +export { + ExpandingCard, + ExpandingCardBase, + ExpandingCardMode, + HoverCard, + HoverCardBase, + HoverCardType, + OpenCardMode, + PlainCard, + PlainCardBase, +} from './HoverCard'; +export type { + IExpandingCard, + IExpandingCardProps, + IExpandingCardState, + IExpandingCardStyleProps, + IExpandingCardStyles, + IHoverCard, + IHoverCardProps, + IHoverCardState, + IHoverCardStyleProps, + IHoverCardStyles, + IPlainCard, + IPlainCardProps, + IPlainCardStyleProps, + IPlainCardStyles, +} from './HoverCard'; +export { FontIcon, Icon, IconBase, IconType, ImageIcon, getFontIcon, getIconContent } from './Icon'; +export type { + IFontIconProps, + IIconContent, + IIconProps, + IIconState, + IIconStyleProps, + IIconStyles, + IImageIconProps, +} from './Icon'; +export { initializeIcons } from './Icons'; +export type { IconNames } from './Icons'; +export { Image, ImageBase, ImageCoverStyle, ImageFit, ImageLoadState } from './Image'; +export type { IImage, IImageProps, IImageState, IImageStyleProps, IImageStyles } from './Image'; +export { + DATAKTP_ARIA_TARGET, + DATAKTP_EXECUTE_TARGET, + DATAKTP_TARGET, + KTP_ARIA_SEPARATOR, + KTP_FULL_PREFIX, + KTP_LAYER_ID, + KTP_PREFIX, + KTP_SEPARATOR, + Keytip, + KeytipData, + KeytipEvents, + KeytipLayer, + KeytipLayerBase, + KeytipManager, + buildKeytipConfigMap, + constructKeytip, + getAriaDescribedBy, + ktpTargetFromId, + ktpTargetFromSequences, + mergeOverflows, + sequencesToID, + transitionKeysAreEqual, + transitionKeysContain, + useKeytipRef, +} from './Keytips'; +export type { + IKeytipConfig, + IKeytipConfigItem, + IKeytipConfigMap, + IKeytipDataProps, + IKeytipLayer, + IKeytipLayerProps, + IKeytipLayerState, + IKeytipLayerStyleProps, + IKeytipLayerStyles, + IKeytipProps, + IKeytipStyleProps, + IKeytipStyles, + IKeytipTransitionKey, + IUniqueKeytip, + KeytipDataOptions, + KeytipTransitionModifier, +} from './Keytips'; +export { Label, LabelBase } from './Label'; +export type { ILabel, ILabelProps, ILabelStyleProps, ILabelStyles } from './Label'; +export { + Layer, + LayerBase, + LayerHost, + cleanupDefaultLayerHost, + createDefaultLayerHost, + getLayerCount, + getLayerHost, + getLayerHostSelector, + getLayerStyles, + notifyHostChanged, + registerLayer, + registerLayerHost, + setLayerHostSelector, + unregisterLayer, + unregisterLayerHost, +} from './Layer'; +export type { ILayer, ILayerHost, ILayerHostProps, ILayerProps, ILayerStyleProps, ILayerStyles } from './Layer'; +export { Link, LinkBase } from './Link'; +export type { ILink, ILinkHTMLAttributes, ILinkProps, ILinkStyleProps, ILinkStyles } from './Link'; +export { List, ScrollToMode } from './List'; +export type { + IList, + IListOnRenderRootProps, + IListOnRenderSurfaceProps, + IListProps, + IListState, + IPage, + IPageProps, + IPageSpecification, +} from './List'; +export { MarqueeSelection } from './MarqueeSelection'; +export type { + IMarqueeSelection, + IMarqueeSelectionProps, + IMarqueeSelectionStyleProps, + IMarqueeSelectionStyles, +} from './MarqueeSelection'; +export { MessageBar, MessageBarBase, MessageBarType } from './MessageBar'; +export type { IMessageBar, IMessageBarProps, IMessageBarStyleProps, IMessageBarStyles } from './MessageBar'; +export { Modal, ModalBase } from './Modal'; +export type { IAccessiblePopupProps, IDragOptions, IModal, IModalProps, IModalStyleProps, IModalStyles } from './Modal'; +export { Nav, NavBase, isRelativeUrl } from './Nav'; +export type { + INav, + INavButtonProps, + INavLink, + INavLinkGroup, + INavProps, + INavState, + INavStyleProps, + INavStyles, + IRenderGroupHeaderProps, +} from './Nav'; +export { OverflowSet, OverflowSetBase } from './OverflowSet'; +export type { + IOverflowSet, + IOverflowSetItemProps, + IOverflowSetProps, + IOverflowSetStyleProps, + IOverflowSetStyles, +} from './OverflowSet'; +export { Overlay, OverlayBase } from './Overlay'; +export type { IOverlay, IOverlayProps, IOverlayStyleProps, IOverlayStyles } from './Overlay'; +export { Panel, PanelBase, PanelType } from './Panel'; +export type { + IPanel, + IPanelHeaderRenderer, + IPanelProps, + IPanelStyleProps, + IPanelStyles, + IPanelSubComponentStyles, +} from './Panel'; +export { + Persona, + PersonaBase, + PersonaCoin, + PersonaCoinBase, + PersonaInitialsColor, + PersonaPresence, + PersonaSize, + getPersonaInitialsColor, + personaPresenceSize, + personaSize, + presenceBoolean, + sizeBoolean, + sizeToPixels, +} from './Persona'; +export type { + IPersona, + IPersonaCoinProps, + IPersonaCoinStyleProps, + IPersonaCoinStyles, + IPersonaPresenceProps, + IPersonaPresenceStyleProps, + IPersonaPresenceStyles, + IPersonaProps, + IPersonaSharedProps, + IPersonaStyleProps, + IPersonaStyles, +} from './Persona'; +export { + BasePeoplePicker, + BasePicker, + BasePickerListBelow, + CompactPeoplePicker, + CompactPeoplePickerBase, + ListPeoplePicker, + ListPeoplePickerBase, + MemberListPeoplePicker, + NormalPeoplePicker, + NormalPeoplePickerBase, + PeoplePickerItem, + PeoplePickerItemBase, + PeoplePickerItemSuggestion, + PeoplePickerItemSuggestionBase, + SuggestionActionType, + Suggestions, + SuggestionsController, + SuggestionsItem, + TagItem, + TagItemBase, + TagItemSuggestion, + TagItemSuggestionBase, + TagPicker, + TagPickerBase, + ValidationState, + createGenericItem, + getBasePickerStyles, + getPeoplePickerItemStyles, + getPeoplePickerItemSuggestionStyles, + getSuggestionsItemStyles, + getSuggestionsStyles, + getTagItemStyles, + getTagItemSuggestionStyles, +} from './Pickers'; +export type { + IBasePicker, + IBasePickerProps, + IBasePickerState, + IBasePickerStyleProps, + IBasePickerStyles, + IBasePickerSuggestionsProps, + IGenericItem, + IInputProps, + IPeoplePickerItemSelectedProps, + IPeoplePickerItemSelectedStyleProps, + IPeoplePickerItemSelectedStyles, + IPeoplePickerItemSelectedSubComponentStyles, + IPeoplePickerItemSharedProps, + IPeoplePickerItemSuggestionProps, + IPeoplePickerItemSuggestionStyleProps, + IPeoplePickerItemSuggestionStyles, + IPeoplePickerItemWithMenuProps, + IPeoplePickerProps, + IPersonaWithMenu, + IPickerAriaIds, + IPickerItem, + IPickerItemProps, + ISuggestionItemProps, + ISuggestionModel, + ISuggestions, + ISuggestionsItem, + ISuggestionsItemStyleProps, + ISuggestionsItemStyles, + ISuggestionsProps, + ISuggestionsState, + ISuggestionsStyleProps, + ISuggestionsStyles, + ISuggestionsSubComponentStyles, + ITag, + ITagItemProps, + ITagItemStyleProps, + ITagItemStyles, + ITagItemSuggestionProps, + ITagItemSuggestionStyleProps, + ITagItemSuggestionStyles, + ITagPickerProps, +} from './Pickers'; +export { Pivot, PivotBase, PivotItem, PivotLinkFormat, PivotLinkSize } from './Pivot'; +export type { + IPivot, + IPivotItemProps, + IPivotProps, + IPivotStyleProps, + IPivotStyles, + PivotLinkFormatType, + PivotLinkSizeType, +} from './Pivot'; +export { Popup } from './Popup'; +export type { IPopupProps, IPopupRestoreFocusParams } from './Popup'; +export { + Position, + RectangleEdge, + getBoundsFromTargetWindow, + getMaxHeight, + getOppositeEdge, + positionCallout, + positionCard, + positionElement, +} from './Positioning'; +export type { + ICalloutBeakPositionedInfo, + ICalloutPositionProps, + ICalloutPositionedInfo, + IElementPosition, + IElementPositionInfo, + IPoint, + IPosition, + IPositionDirectionalHintData, + IPositionProps, + IPositionedData, + IRelativePositions, + IWindowWithSegments, + Point, +} from './Positioning'; +export { PositioningContainer, useHeightOffset } from './PositioningContainer'; +export type { + IPositioningContainer, + IPositioningContainerProps, + IPositioningContainerTypes, +} from './PositioningContainer'; +export { ProgressIndicator, ProgressIndicatorBase } from './ProgressIndicator'; +export type { + IProgressIndicatorProps, + IProgressIndicatorStyleProps, + IProgressIndicatorStyles, +} from './ProgressIndicator'; +export { Rating, RatingBase, RatingSize } from './Rating'; +export type { IRating, IRatingProps, IRatingStarProps, IRatingStyleProps, IRatingStyles } from './Rating'; +export { + MeasuredContext, + ResizeGroup, + ResizeGroupBase, + ResizeGroupDirection, + getMeasurementCache, + getNextResizeGroupStateProvider, +} from './ResizeGroup'; +export type { + IResizeGroup, + IResizeGroupProps, + IResizeGroupState, + IResizeGroupStyleProps, + IResizeGroupStyles, +} from './ResizeGroup'; +export { + ResponsiveMode, + getInitialResponsiveMode, + getResponsiveMode, + initializeResponsiveMode, + setResponsiveMode, + useResponsiveMode, + withResponsiveMode, +} from './ResponsiveMode'; +export type { IWithResponsiveModeState } from './ResponsiveMode'; +export { ScrollablePane, ScrollablePaneBase, ScrollablePaneContext, ScrollbarVisibility } from './ScrollablePane'; +export type { + IScrollablePane, + IScrollablePaneContext, + IScrollablePaneProps, + IScrollablePaneState, + IScrollablePaneStyleProps, + IScrollablePaneStyles, +} from './ScrollablePane'; +export { SearchBox, SearchBoxBase } from './SearchBox'; +export type { ISearchBox, ISearchBoxProps, ISearchBoxStyleProps, ISearchBoxStyles } from './SearchBox'; +export { SelectableOptionMenuItemType, getAllSelectedOptions } from './SelectableOption'; +export type { ISelectableDroppableTextProps, ISelectableOption } from './SelectableOption'; +export { + BasePeopleSelectedItemsList, + BaseSelectedItemsList, + ExtendedSelectedItem, + SelectedPeopleList, +} from './SelectedItemsList'; +export type { + IBaseSelectedItemsList, + IBaseSelectedItemsListProps, + IBaseSelectedItemsListState, + IEditingSelectedPeopleItemProps, + IEditingSelectedPeopleItemStyles, + IEditingSelectedPeopleItemStylesProps, + IExtendedPersonaProps, + IPeoplePickerItemState, + ISelectedItemProps, + ISelectedPeopleItemProps, + ISelectedPeopleProps, +} from './SelectedItemsList'; +export { Separator, SeparatorBase } from './Separator'; +export type { ISeparator, ISeparatorProps, ISeparatorStyleProps, ISeparatorStyles } from './Separator'; +export { + Shimmer, + ShimmerBase, + ShimmerCircle, + ShimmerCircleBase, + ShimmerElementType, + ShimmerElementsDefaultHeights, + ShimmerElementsGroup, + ShimmerElementsGroupBase, + ShimmerGap, + ShimmerGapBase, + ShimmerLine, + ShimmerLineBase, +} from './Shimmer'; +export type { + ICircle, + IGap, + ILine, + IShimmerCircle, + IShimmerCircleProps, + IShimmerCircleStyleProps, + IShimmerCircleStyles, + IShimmerColors, + IShimmerElement, + IShimmerElementsGroup, + IShimmerElementsGroupProps, + IShimmerElementsGroupStyleProps, + IShimmerElementsGroupStyles, + IShimmerGap, + IShimmerGapProps, + IShimmerGapStyleProps, + IShimmerGapStyles, + IShimmerLine, + IShimmerLineProps, + IShimmerLineStyleProps, + IShimmerLineStyles, + IShimmerProps, + IShimmerStyleProps, + IShimmerStyles, +} from './Shimmer'; +export { ShimmeredDetailsList, ShimmeredDetailsListBase, getShimmeredDetailsListStyles } from './ShimmeredDetailsList'; +export type { + IShimmeredDetailsListProps, + IShimmeredDetailsListStyleProps, + IShimmeredDetailsListStyles, +} from './ShimmeredDetailsList'; +export { Slider, SliderBase } from './Slider'; +export type { ISlider, ISliderProps, ISliderStyleProps, ISliderStyles } from './Slider'; +export { KeyboardSpinDirection, SpinButton } from './SpinButton'; +export type { ISpinButton, ISpinButtonProps, ISpinButtonStyleProps, ISpinButtonStyles } from './SpinButton'; +export { Spinner, SpinnerBase, SpinnerSize, SpinnerType } from './Spinner'; +export type { ISpinner, ISpinnerProps, ISpinnerStyleProps, ISpinnerStyles, SpinnerLabelPosition } from './Spinner'; +export { Stack, StackItem } from './Stack'; +export type { + Alignment, + IStackComponent, + IStackItemComponent, + IStackItemProps, + IStackItemSlot, + IStackItemSlots, + IStackItemStyles, + IStackItemStylesReturnType, + IStackItemTokenReturnType, + IStackItemTokens, + IStackProps, + IStackSlot, + IStackSlots, + IStackStyles, + IStackStylesReturnType, + IStackTokenReturnType, + IStackTokens, +} from './Stack'; +export { Sticky, StickyPositionType } from './Sticky'; +export type { IStickyProps, IStickyState } from './Sticky'; +export { + AnimationClassNames, + AnimationStyles, + AnimationVariables, + ColorClassNames, + DefaultEffects, + DefaultFontStyles, + DefaultPalette, + EdgeChromiumHighContrastSelector, + FontClassNames, + FontSizes, + FontWeights, + HighContrastSelector, + HighContrastSelectorBlack, + HighContrastSelectorWhite, + IconFontSizes, + InjectionMode, + PulsingBeaconAnimationStyles, + ScreenWidthMaxLarge, + ScreenWidthMaxMedium, + ScreenWidthMaxSmall, + ScreenWidthMaxXLarge, + ScreenWidthMaxXXLarge, + ScreenWidthMinLarge, + ScreenWidthMinMedium, + ScreenWidthMinSmall, + ScreenWidthMinUhfMobile, + ScreenWidthMinXLarge, + ScreenWidthMinXXLarge, + ScreenWidthMinXXXLarge, + Stylesheet, + ThemeSettingName, + ZIndexes, + buildClassMap, + concatStyleSets, + concatStyleSetsWithProps, + createFontStyles, + createTheme, + focusClear, + fontFace, + getEdgeChromiumNoHighContrastAdjustSelector, + getFadedOverflowStyle, + getFocusOutlineStyle, + getFocusStyle, + getGlobalClassNames, + getHighContrastNoAdjustStyle, + getIcon, + getIconClassName, + getInputFocusStyle, + getPlaceholderStyles, + getScreenSelector, + getTheme, + getThemedContext, + hiddenContentStyle, + keyframes, + loadTheme, + mergeStyleSets, + mergeStyles, + noWrap, + normalize, + registerDefaultFontFaces, + registerIconAlias, + registerIcons, + registerOnThemeChangeCallback, + removeOnThemeChangeCallback, + setIconOptions, + unregisterIcons, +} from './Styling'; +export type { + GlobalClassNames, + IAnimationStyles, + IAnimationVariables, + ICSPSettings, + IEffects, + IFontFace, + IFontStyles, + IFontWeight, + IGetFocusStylesOptions, + IIconOptions, + IIconRecord, + IIconSubset, + IIconSubsetRecord, + IPalette, + IPartialTheme, + IProcessedStyleSet, + IRawStyle, + IScheme, + ISchemeNames, + ISemanticColors, + ISemanticTextColors, + ISpacing, + IStyle, + IStyleSet, + IStyleSheetConfig, + ITheme, +} from './Styling'; +export { + ColorPickerGridCell, + ColorPickerGridCellBase, + SwatchColorPicker, + SwatchColorPickerBase, +} from './SwatchColorPicker'; +export type { + IColorCellProps, + IColorPickerGridCellProps, + IColorPickerGridCellStyleProps, + IColorPickerGridCellStyles, + ISwatchColorPickerProps, + ISwatchColorPickerStyleProps, + ISwatchColorPickerStyles, +} from './SwatchColorPicker'; +export { TeachingBubble, TeachingBubbleBase, TeachingBubbleContent, TeachingBubbleContentBase } from './TeachingBubble'; +export type { + ITeachingBubble, + ITeachingBubbleProps, + ITeachingBubbleStyleProps, + ITeachingBubbleStyles, + ITeachingBubbleSubComponentStyles, +} from './TeachingBubble'; +export { Text, TextStyles, TextView } from './Text'; +export type { + ITextComponent, + ITextProps, + ITextSlot, + ITextSlots, + ITextStyles, + ITextStylesReturnType, + ITextTokenReturnType, + ITextTokens, +} from './Text'; +export { DEFAULT_MASK_CHAR, MaskedTextField, TextField, TextFieldBase, getTextFieldStyles } from './TextField'; +export type { + IMaskedTextField, + IMaskedTextFieldProps, + ITextField, + ITextFieldProps, + ITextFieldSnapshot, + ITextFieldState, + ITextFieldStyleProps, + ITextFieldStyles, + ITextFieldSubComponentStyles, +} from './TextField'; +export { + BaseSlots, + FabricSlots, + SemanticColorSlots, + ThemeGenerator, + themeRulesStandardCreator, +} from './ThemeGenerator'; +export type { IThemeRules, IThemeSlotRule } from './ThemeGenerator'; +export { TimePicker } from './TimePicker'; +export type { ITimePickerProps, ITimePickerStrings, ITimeRange } from './TimePicker'; +export { Toggle, ToggleBase } from './Toggle'; +export type { IToggle, IToggleProps, IToggleStyleProps, IToggleStyles } from './Toggle'; +export { Tooltip, TooltipBase, TooltipDelay, TooltipHost, TooltipHostBase, TooltipOverflowMode } from './Tooltip'; +export type { + ITooltip, + ITooltipHost, + ITooltipHostProps, + ITooltipHostState, + ITooltipHostStyleProps, + ITooltipHostStyles, + ITooltipProps, + ITooltipStyleProps, + ITooltipStyles, +} from './Tooltip'; +export { + Async, + AutoScroll, + BaseComponent, + Customizations, + Customizer, + CustomizerContext, + DATA_IS_SCROLLABLE_ATTRIBUTE, + DATA_PORTAL_ATTRIBUTE, + DelayedRender, + EventGroup, + FabricPerformance, + FocusRects, + FocusRectsContext, + FocusRectsProvider, + GlobalSettings, + IsFocusVisibleClassName, + KeyCodes, + Rectangle, + addDirectionalKeyCode, + addElementAtIndex, + allowOverscrollOnElement, + allowScrollOnElement, + anchorProperties, + appendFunction, + arraysEqual, + asAsync, + assertNever, + assign, + audioProperties, + baseElementEvents, + baseElementProperties, + buttonProperties, + calculatePrecision, + canUseDOM, + classNamesFunction, + colGroupProperties, + colProperties, + composeComponentAs, + composeRenderFunction, + createArray, + createMemoizer, + createMergedRef, + css, + customizable, + disableBodyScroll, + divProperties, + doesElementContainFocus, + elementContains, + elementContainsAttribute, + enableBodyScroll, + extendComponent, + filteredAssign, + find, + findElementRecursive, + findIndex, + findScrollableParent, + fitContentToBounds, + flatten, + focusAsync, + focusFirstChild, + formProperties, + format, + getChildren, + getDistanceBetweenPoints, + getDocument, + getElementIndexPath, + getFirstFocusable, + getFirstTabbable, + getFirstVisibleElementFromSelector, + getFocusableByIndexPath, + getId, + getInitials, + getLanguage, + getLastFocusable, + getLastTabbable, + getNativeElementProps, + getNativeProps, + getNextElement, + getParent, + getPreviousElement, + getPropsWithDefaults, + getRTL, + getRTLSafeKeyCode, + getRect, + getResourceUrl, + getScrollbarWidth, + getVirtualParent, + getWindow, + hasHorizontalOverflow, + hasOverflow, + hasVerticalOverflow, + hoistMethods, + hoistStatics, + htmlElementProperties, + iframeProperties, + imageProperties, + imgProperties, + initializeComponentRef, + initializeFocusRects, + inputProperties, + isControlled, + isDirectionalKeyCode, + isElementFocusSubZone, + isElementFocusZone, + isElementTabbable, + isElementVisible, + isElementVisibleAndNotHidden, + isIE11, + isIOS, + isMac, + isVirtualElement, + labelProperties, + liProperties, + mapEnumByName, + memoize, + memoizeFunction, + merge, + mergeAriaAttributeValues, + mergeCustomizations, + mergeScopedSettings, + mergeSettings, + modalize, + nullRender, + olProperties, + omit, + on, + optionProperties, + portalContainsElement, + precisionRound, + raiseClick, + removeDirectionalKeyCode, + removeIndex, + replaceElement, + resetControlledWarnings, + resetIds, + resetMemoizations, + safeRequestAnimationFrame, + safeSetTimeout, + selectProperties, + setBaseUrl, + setFocusVisibility, + setLanguage, + setMemoizeWeakMap, + setPortalAttribute, + setRTL, + setSSR, + setVirtualParent, + setWarningCallback, + shallowCompare, + shouldWrapFocus, + styled, + tableProperties, + tdProperties, + textAreaProperties, + thProperties, + toMatrix, + trProperties, + unhoistMethods, + useCustomizationSettings, + useFocusRects, + values, + videoProperties, + warn, + warnConditionallyRequiredProps, + warnControlledUsage, + warnDeprecations, + warnMutuallyExclusive, +} from './Utilities'; +export type { + FitMode, + IAsAsyncOptions, + IBaseProps, + ICancelable, + IChangeDescription, + IChangeEventCallback, + IClassNames, + IClassNamesFunctionOptions, + IComponentAs, + IComponentAsProps, + ICssInput, + ICustomizableProps, + ICustomizations, + ICustomizerContext, + ICustomizerProps, + IDeclaredEventsByName, + IDelayedRenderProps, + IDelayedRenderState, + IDictionary, + IDisposable, + IEventRecord, + IEventRecordList, + IEventRecordsByName, + IFitContentToBoundsOptions, + IFocusRectsContext, + IPerfData, + IPerfMeasurement, + IPerfSummary, + IPropsWithStyles, + IRectangle, + IRefObject, + IRenderComponent, + IRenderFunction, + ISelectionOptionsWithRequiredGetKey, + ISerializableObject, + ISettings, + ISettingsFunction, + ISettingsMap, + ISize, + IStyleFunction, + IStyleFunctionOrObject, + IVirtualElement, + IWarnControlledUsageParams, + Omit, + RefObject, + Settings, + SettingsFunction, + StyleFunction, +} from './Utilities'; +export { withViewport } from './Viewport'; +export type { IWithViewportState } from './Viewport'; +export { + WeeklyDayPicker, + defaultWeeklyDayPickerNavigationIcons, + defaultWeeklyDayPickerStrings, +} from './WeeklyDayPicker'; +export type { + IWeeklyDayPicker, + IWeeklyDayPickerNavigationIcons, + IWeeklyDayPickerProps, + IWeeklyDayPickerStrings, + IWeeklyDayPickerStyleProps, + IWeeklyDayPickerStyles, +} from './WeeklyDayPicker'; +export { WindowContext, WindowProvider, useDocument, useWindow } from './WindowProvider'; +export type { WindowProviderProps } from './WindowProvider'; /** * Now explicitly declaring Theme exports that are NOT already being exported from Styles. * Styles and Theme both exported the same names which causes conflicting * star exports with webpack5. See here: */ -export * from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; +export { ThemeContext, ThemeProvider, makeStyles, useTheme } from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; +export type { StylesClassMapping, ThemeProviderProps, UseStylesOptions } from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; export { CommunicationColors, DefaultSpacing, From 15bd9235a545f57d1bbddfe0c5665a65cacc4a89 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Zearing Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2022 18:07:26 -0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] change. --- ...luentui-react-10ceb504-58ea-4967-b2d3-daae2d632740.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) create mode 100644 change/@fluentui-react-10ceb504-58ea-4967-b2d3-daae2d632740.json diff --git a/change/@fluentui-react-10ceb504-58ea-4967-b2d3-daae2d632740.json b/change/@fluentui-react-10ceb504-58ea-4967-b2d3-daae2d632740.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..ca50ea42a5b6ff --- /dev/null +++ b/change/@fluentui-react-10ceb504-58ea-4967-b2d3-daae2d632740.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "type": "minor", + "comment": "This change removes top-level export * from the index.js of @fluentui/react, which was implicitly exporting duplicates of symbols. Changing to explicit exports means that the export * as the top level barrel file can't introduce duplicate names. This works around an issue identified in esbuild:", + "packageName": "@fluentui/react", + "email": "", + "dependentChangeType": "patch" +} From 1ddc42806bdeb6b5ea5ea70ce6a9c22c544c4758 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Zearing Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 09:38:53 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Replacing with inline deprecation exclusions. --- packages/react/src/index.ts | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 94 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/react/src/index.ts b/packages/react/src/index.ts index 10a242c643ce6f..85fa337109573f 100644 --- a/packages/react/src/index.ts +++ b/packages/react/src/index.ts @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -/* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */ export { ActivityItem, getActivityItemClassNames, getActivityItemStyles } from './ActivityItem'; export type { IActivityItemClassNames, IActivityItemProps, IActivityItemStyles } from './ActivityItem'; export { Autofill } from './Autofill'; @@ -7,6 +6,7 @@ export { Announced, AnnouncedBase } from './Announced'; export type { IAnnouncedProps, IAnnouncedStyleProps, IAnnouncedStyles } from './Announced'; export { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbBase } from './Breadcrumb'; export type { + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IBreadCrumbData, IBreadcrumb, IBreadcrumbData, @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ export type { export { ActionButton, BaseButton, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation Button, ButtonGlobalClassNames, ButtonType, @@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ export { FirstWeekOfYear, defaultCalendarNavigationIcons, defaultCalendarStrings, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation defaultDayPickerStrings, } from './Calendar'; export type { @@ -69,7 +71,9 @@ export type { ICalendarDayProps, ICalendarDayStyleProps, ICalendarDayStyles, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation ICalendarFormatDateCallbacks, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation ICalendarIconStrings, ICalendarMonth, ICalendarMonthProps, @@ -122,6 +126,7 @@ export type { ICoachmarkProps, ICoachmarkStyleProps, ICoachmarkStyles, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation ICoachmarkTypes, IEntityRect, } from './Coachmark'; @@ -130,6 +135,7 @@ export { MAX_COLOR_ALPHA, MAX_COLOR_HUE, MAX_COLOR_RGB, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation MAX_COLOR_RGBA, MAX_COLOR_SATURATION, MAX_COLOR_VALUE, @@ -212,6 +218,7 @@ export { ContextualMenuItemBase, ContextualMenuItemType, canAnyMenuItemsCheck, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation getContextualMenuItemClassNames, getContextualMenuItemStyles, getMenuItemStyles, @@ -219,6 +226,7 @@ export { } from './ContextualMenu'; export type { IContextualMenu, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IContextualMenuClassNames, IContextualMenuItem, IContextualMenuItemProps, @@ -233,6 +241,7 @@ export type { IContextualMenuStyleProps, IContextualMenuStyles, IContextualMenuSubComponentStyles, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IMenuItemClassNames, IMenuItemStyles, } from './ContextualMenu'; @@ -392,6 +401,7 @@ export type { } from './Dialog'; export { VerticalDivider } from './Divider'; export type { + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IVerticalDividerClassNames, IVerticalDividerProps, IVerticalDividerPropsStyles, @@ -474,7 +484,11 @@ export type { IExtendedPeoplePickerProps, IPeoplePickerItemProps, } from './ExtendedPicker'; -export { Fabric, FabricBase } from './Fabric'; +export { + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + Fabric, + FabricBase, +} from './Fabric'; export type { IFabricProps, IFabricStyleProps, IFabricStyles } from './Fabric'; export { Facepile, FacepileBase, OverflowButtonType } from './Facepile'; export type { IFacepile, IFacepilePersona, IFacepileProps, IFacepileStyleProps, IFacepileStyles } from './Facepile'; @@ -529,7 +543,9 @@ export type { IGroupShowAllStyleProps, IGroupShowAllStyles, IGroupSpacerProps, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IGroupSpacerStyleProps, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IGroupSpacerStyles, IGroupedListSectionProps, IGroupedListSectionState, @@ -562,7 +578,16 @@ export type { IPlainCardStyleProps, IPlainCardStyles, } from './HoverCard'; -export { FontIcon, Icon, IconBase, IconType, ImageIcon, getFontIcon, getIconContent } from './Icon'; +export { + FontIcon, + Icon, + IconBase, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + IconType, + ImageIcon, + getFontIcon, + getIconContent, +} from './Icon'; export type { IFontIconProps, IIconContent, @@ -573,7 +598,10 @@ export type { IImageIconProps, } from './Icon'; export { initializeIcons } from './Icons'; -export type { IconNames } from './Icons'; +export type { + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + IconNames, +} from './Icons'; export { Image, ImageBase, ImageCoverStyle, ImageFit, ImageLoadState } from './Image'; export type { IImage, IImageProps, IImageState, IImageStyleProps, IImageStyles } from './Image'; export { @@ -641,7 +669,14 @@ export { } from './Layer'; export type { ILayer, ILayerHost, ILayerHostProps, ILayerProps, ILayerStyleProps, ILayerStyles } from './Layer'; export { Link, LinkBase } from './Link'; -export type { ILink, ILinkHTMLAttributes, ILinkProps, ILinkStyleProps, ILinkStyles } from './Link'; +export type { + ILink, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + ILinkHTMLAttributes, + ILinkProps, + ILinkStyleProps, + ILinkStyles, +} from './Link'; export { List, ScrollToMode } from './List'; export type { IList, @@ -775,8 +810,10 @@ export type { IPeoplePickerItemSuggestionProps, IPeoplePickerItemSuggestionStyleProps, IPeoplePickerItemSuggestionStyles, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IPeoplePickerItemWithMenuProps, IPeoplePickerProps, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IPersonaWithMenu, IPickerAriaIds, IPickerItem, @@ -801,7 +838,15 @@ export type { ITagItemSuggestionStyles, ITagPickerProps, } from './Pickers'; -export { Pivot, PivotBase, PivotItem, PivotLinkFormat, PivotLinkSize } from './Pivot'; +export { + Pivot, + PivotBase, + PivotItem, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + PivotLinkFormat, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + PivotLinkSize, +} from './Pivot'; export type { IPivot, IPivotItemProps, @@ -829,6 +874,7 @@ export type { ICalloutPositionedInfo, IElementPosition, IElementPositionInfo, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IPoint, IPosition, IPositionDirectionalHintData, @@ -842,6 +888,7 @@ export { PositioningContainer, useHeightOffset } from './PositioningContainer'; export type { IPositioningContainer, IPositioningContainerProps, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IPositioningContainerTypes, } from './PositioningContainer'; export { ProgressIndicator, ProgressIndicatorBase } from './ProgressIndicator'; @@ -874,9 +921,13 @@ export { initializeResponsiveMode, setResponsiveMode, useResponsiveMode, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation withResponsiveMode, } from './ResponsiveMode'; -export type { IWithResponsiveModeState } from './ResponsiveMode'; +export type { + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + IWithResponsiveModeState, +} from './ResponsiveMode'; export { ScrollablePane, ScrollablePaneBase, ScrollablePaneContext, ScrollbarVisibility } from './ScrollablePane'; export type { IScrollablePane, @@ -961,7 +1012,13 @@ export { Slider, SliderBase } from './Slider'; export type { ISlider, ISliderProps, ISliderStyleProps, ISliderStyles } from './Slider'; export { KeyboardSpinDirection, SpinButton } from './SpinButton'; export type { ISpinButton, ISpinButtonProps, ISpinButtonStyleProps, ISpinButtonStyles } from './SpinButton'; -export { Spinner, SpinnerBase, SpinnerSize, SpinnerType } from './Spinner'; +export { + Spinner, + SpinnerBase, + SpinnerSize, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + SpinnerType, +} from './Spinner'; export type { ISpinner, ISpinnerProps, ISpinnerStyleProps, ISpinnerStyles, SpinnerLabelPosition } from './Spinner'; export { Stack, StackItem } from './Stack'; export type { @@ -993,6 +1050,7 @@ export { DefaultEffects, DefaultFontStyles, DefaultPalette, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation EdgeChromiumHighContrastSelector, FontClassNames, FontSizes, @@ -1025,9 +1083,11 @@ export { createTheme, focusClear, fontFace, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation getEdgeChromiumNoHighContrastAdjustSelector, getFadedOverflowStyle, getFocusOutlineStyle, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation getFocusStyle, getGlobalClassNames, getHighContrastNoAdjustStyle, @@ -1154,8 +1214,10 @@ export type { export { Async, AutoScroll, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation BaseComponent, Customizations, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation Customizer, CustomizerContext, DATA_IS_SCROLLABLE_ATTRIBUTE, @@ -1236,6 +1298,7 @@ export { getRTL, getRTLSafeKeyCode, getRect, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation getResourceUrl, getScrollbarWidth, getVirtualParent, @@ -1247,9 +1310,11 @@ export { hoistStatics, htmlElementProperties, iframeProperties, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation imageProperties, imgProperties, initializeComponentRef, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation initializeFocusRects, inputProperties, isControlled, @@ -1281,6 +1346,7 @@ export { optionProperties, portalContainsElement, precisionRound, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation raiseClick, removeDirectionalKeyCode, removeIndex, @@ -1291,12 +1357,15 @@ export { safeRequestAnimationFrame, safeSetTimeout, selectProperties, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation setBaseUrl, setFocusVisibility, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation setLanguage, setMemoizeWeakMap, setPortalAttribute, setRTL, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation setSSR, setVirtualParent, setWarningCallback, @@ -1327,6 +1396,7 @@ export type { ICancelable, IChangeDescription, IChangeEventCallback, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation IClassNames, IClassNamesFunctionOptions, IComponentAs, @@ -1364,9 +1434,12 @@ export type { IStyleFunctionOrObject, IVirtualElement, IWarnControlledUsageParams, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation Omit, RefObject, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation Settings, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation SettingsFunction, StyleFunction, } from './Utilities'; @@ -1392,8 +1465,19 @@ export type { WindowProviderProps } from './WindowProvider'; * Styles and Theme both exported the same names which causes conflicting * star exports with webpack5. See here: */ -export { ThemeContext, ThemeProvider, makeStyles, useTheme } from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; -export type { StylesClassMapping, ThemeProviderProps, UseStylesOptions } from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; +export { + ThemeContext, + ThemeProvider, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + makeStyles, + useTheme, +} from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; +export type { + StylesClassMapping, + ThemeProviderProps, + // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation + UseStylesOptions, +} from './utilities/ThemeProvider/index'; export { CommunicationColors, DefaultSpacing, From 5aa9893dc8db14ee53459cb006124fb56d54fd69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Zearing Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 09:46:22 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] setting export * to warning. --- packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js b/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js index 949646121d3692..1b95b34316cf8e 100644 --- a/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js +++ b/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js @@ -10,4 +10,13 @@ module.exports = { 'jsdoc/check-tag-names': 'off', '@griffel/no-shorthands': 'off', }, + overrides: [ + { + files: '**/src/index.{ts,tsx,js}', + rules: { + // TODO: propagate to `error` once all packages barrel files have been fixed + '@rnx-kit/no-export-all': ['warn', { expand: 'all' }], + }, + }, + ], }; From 1d1fc6cf84cce59f8f972b09613a231e2c267474 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Zearing Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2022 15:31:13 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] change. --- ...eslint-plugin-ae682cae-04ae-4e42-a4ba-cbf2525ad490.json | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) create mode 100644 change/@fluentui-eslint-plugin-ae682cae-04ae-4e42-a4ba-cbf2525ad490.json diff --git a/change/@fluentui-eslint-plugin-ae682cae-04ae-4e42-a4ba-cbf2525ad490.json b/change/@fluentui-eslint-plugin-ae682cae-04ae-4e42-a4ba-cbf2525ad490.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000000..09e995c44d88d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/change/@fluentui-eslint-plugin-ae682cae-04ae-4e42-a4ba-cbf2525ad490.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "type": "patch", + "comment": "Updating react-legacy linting to warn on export star usage.", + "packageName": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin", + "email": "", + "dependentChangeType": "patch" +} From 4474f53e2f8f9a02b3494d2c589779d203967324 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Zearing Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2022 07:14:45 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] moving rules around. --- packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/base-legacy.js | 10 +++++++++- packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js | 10 +--------- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/base-legacy.js b/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/base-legacy.js index 24b6140a3eb2ff..0759ccf8776a57 100644 --- a/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/base-legacy.js +++ b/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/base-legacy.js @@ -14,5 +14,13 @@ module.exports = { */ ...getNamingConventionRule({ prefixInterface: true }), }, - overrides: [], + overrides: [ + { + files: '**/src/index.{ts,tsx,js}', + rules: { + // TODO: propagate to `error` once all packages barrel files have been fixed + '@rnx-kit/no-export-all': ['warn', { expand: 'all' }], + }, + }, + ], }; diff --git a/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js b/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js index 1b95b34316cf8e..8d696ec41bfa1c 100644 --- a/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js +++ b/packages/eslint-plugin/src/configs/react-legacy.js @@ -10,13 +10,5 @@ module.exports = { 'jsdoc/check-tag-names': 'off', '@griffel/no-shorthands': 'off', }, - overrides: [ - { - files: '**/src/index.{ts,tsx,js}', - rules: { - // TODO: propagate to `error` once all packages barrel files have been fixed - '@rnx-kit/no-export-all': ['warn', { expand: 'all' }], - }, - }, - ], + overrides: [], };