{ $"John" } } },
+ Gender = AdministrativeGender.Male,
+ BirthDate = "1974-12-21",
+ Text = new Narrative($"{DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o")}
+ };
+ var firstPatientResponse = await _client.PostAsync("Patient", patient.ToJson(), cancellationToken);
+ Assert.True(firstPatientResponse.Response.IsSuccessStatusCode, "First patient ingestion did not complete as expected.");
+ string patientId = firstPatientResponse.Resource.ToResourceElement().ToPoco().Id;
+ Bundle bundle = new Bundle() { Type = BundleType.Batch };
+ // 2 - Create a query on top of _history endpoint.
+ EntryComponent entryComponent = new EntryComponent()
+ {
+ Resource = null,
+ Request = new RequestComponent()
+ {
+ Method = HTTPVerb.GET,
+ Url = $"Patient/{patientId}/_history",
+ },
+ };
+ bundle.Entry.Add(entryComponent);
+ // 3 - Create a query on top of _history/version endpoint.
+ entryComponent = new EntryComponent()
+ {
+ Resource = null,
+ Request = new RequestComponent()
+ {
+ Method = HTTPVerb.GET,
+ Url = $"Patient/{patientId}/_history/1",
+ },
+ };
+ bundle.Entry.Add(entryComponent);
+ FhirResponse bundleResponse = await _client.PostBundleAsync(bundle, new Client.FhirBundleOptions(), cancellationToken);
+ Assert.True(bundleResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK, "Bundle ingestion did not complete as expected.");
+ // 4 - Validate the response of _history endpoint.
+ EntryComponent firstEntry = bundleResponse.Resource.Entry.First();
+ Assert.True(firstEntry.Response.Status == "200", $"The HTTP status code for the _history query is '{firstEntry.Response.Status}'.");
+ Assert.True(firstEntry.Resource is Bundle, "The resource returned by the _history query is not a Bundle.");
+ Assert.True(((Bundle)firstEntry.Resource).Entry.First().Resource.Id == patientId, "The resource returned by the _history query is not the original Patient.");
+ // 5 - Validate the response of _history/version endpoint.
+ EntryComponent secondEntry = bundleResponse.Resource.Entry.Last();
+ Assert.True(secondEntry.Response.Status == "200", $"The HTTP status code for the _history/version query is '{secondEntry.Response.Status}'.");
+ Assert.True(secondEntry.Resource is Patient, "The resource returned by the _history/version query is not a Patient.");
+ Assert.True(secondEntry.Resource.Id == patientId, "The resource returned by the _history/version query is not the original Patient.");
+ }
[Trait(Traits.Priority, Priority.One)]
public async Task WhenProcessingMultipleBundlesWithTheSameResource_AndIncreasingTheExpectedVersionInParallel_ThenUpdateTheResourcesAsExpected()