This section contains raw ideas to be incorporated in the scenarios enumerated above
The consumer is actively engaged with a skill in an adaptive dialog, the skill uses adaptive dialogs, and the skill wants to send a proactive message.
The consumer is actively engaged with a different skill in an adaptive dialog, the skill uses adaptive dialogs, and the skill wants to send a proactive message.
The consumer is not engaged with a skill, the skill uses adaptive dialogs, and the skill wants to send a proactive message.
The consumer is not engaged with a skill, the skill uses adaptive dialogs, and the skill wants to call
in order to send a new proactive message.
The consumer engages with a skill in a group conversation.
The consumer engages with a skill in a group conversation. And the skill starts a DM conversation with one of the users
Using those examples, we can extrapolate a template for creating a realistic test scenario:
The consumer is in
, the skill is insomeVariableState
, and the skill wants toperformSomeAction