From 8d7e6f94d95faefed9723d211905a5ce0f645f11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: BinWuMSFT <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 14:50:20 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] upgrade with diff package (#5962)
* upgrade with diff package
* resolve comments
* remove Compare-Version logic since adding build number to version is on purpose
* add unit test and resolve comments
* resolve comments 2
* avoid bumping major version by setting diff package path to env:Temp
.../Create-DiffPackage.psm1 | 151 ++++++++++++++++++
.../resources.resjson/en-US/resources.resjson | 10 ++
.../Tests/CreateDiffPkg.ps1 | 114 +++++++++++++
Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/L0.ts | 3 +
.../AppPkg/ApplicationManifest.xml | 35 ++++
.../AppPkg/Stateless1Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml | 8 +
.../AppPkg/Stateless2Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml | 8 +
Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/deploy.ps1 | 8 +-
Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.json | 21 ++-
Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.loc.json | 21 ++-
10 files changed, 374 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Create-DiffPackage.psm1
create mode 100644 Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/CreateDiffPkg.ps1
create mode 100644 Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/ApplicationManifest.xml
create mode 100644 Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless1Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml
create mode 100644 Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless2Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Create-DiffPackage.psm1 b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Create-DiffPackage.psm1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bfd0d55f1246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Create-DiffPackage.psm1
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+function Create-DiffPackage
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $ApplicationName,
+ [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $ApplicationPackagePath,
+ [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $ConnectedServiceEndpoint,
+ [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Hashtable] $ClusterConnectionParameters
+ )
+ Trace-VstsEnteringInvocation $MyInvocation
+ try {
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackage)
+ Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\ps_modules\ServiceFabricHelpers
+ Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\ps_modules\PowershellHelpers
+ $appManifestName = "ApplicationManifest.xml"
+ $localAppManifestPath = Join-Path $ApplicationPackagePath $appManifestName
+ $localAppManifestXml = [XML](Get-Content $localAppManifestPath)
+ $applicationTypeName = $localAppManifestXml.ApplicationManifest.ApplicationTypeName
+ $localAppTypeVersion = $localAppManifestXml.ApplicationManifest.ApplicationTypeVersion
+ $app = Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName $ApplicationName
+ # If $app is null, it means the application does not exist in the cluster. Diff Package is equal to Full Package. Use Full Package to do deployment
+ if (!$app -or $app.ApplicationTypeName -ne $applicationTypeName)
+ {
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist -ArgumentList @($ApplicationName, $ConnectedServiceEndpoint.Url))
+ Return
+ }
+ $clusterAppTypeVersion = $app.ApplicationTypeVersion
+ # If the ApplicationTypeVersion of the Application is not upgraded, no diff package is made because there is no need
+ if ($clusterAppTypeVersion -eq $localAppTypeVersion)
+ {
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged -ArgumentList @($ApplicationName, $clusterAppTypeVersion, $ConnectedServiceEndpoint.Url))
+ Return
+ }
+ $diffPackagePath = Join-Path $env:Temp "DiffPackage"
+ if (Test-Path -PathType Container -Path $diffPackagePath)
+ {
+ Remove-Item -Path $diffPackagePath -Recurse -Force
+ }
+ $diffPackagePath = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $diffPackagePath -Force
+ $diffPkgAppManifestPath = Join-Path $diffPackagePath $appManifestName
+ # Get the service types from the cluster
+ $serviceTypes = Get-ServiceFabricServiceType -ApplicationTypeName $applicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $clusterAppTypeVersion
+ # Pack the service manifest names into an array
+ $clusterServiceManifestNames = $serviceTypes.ServiceManifestName
+ # If $clusterServiceManifestNames is null, it means no service types are registered. Diff Package is equal to Full Package. Use Full Package to do deployment
+ if (!$clusterServiceManifestNames)
+ {
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning -ArgumentList @($ApplicationName, $ConnectedServiceEndpoint.Url))
+ Return
+ }
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge -ArgumentList @($localAppManifestPath, $diffPkgAppManifestPath))
+ Copy-Item $localAppManifestPath $diffPkgAppManifestPath -Force
+ # Get the service manifests from the cluster
+ $clusterServiceManifestByName = @{}
+ foreach ($clusterServiceManifestName in $clusterServiceManifestNames)
+ {
+ $clusterServiceManifestContent = Get-ServiceFabricServiceManifest -ApplicationTypeName $applicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $clusterAppTypeVersion -ServiceManifestName $clusterServiceManifestName
+ $clusterServiceManifestByName[$clusterServiceManifestName] = [XML]$clusterServiceManifestContent
+ }
+ foreach ($serviceManifestImport in $localAppManifestXml.ApplicationManifest.ServiceManifestImport)
+ {
+ # Open the service manifest associated with the current ServiceManifestImport element of the local ApplicationManifest
+ $serviceManifestName = "ServiceManifest.xml"
+ $localServiceManifestName = $serviceManifestImport.ServiceManifestRef.ServiceManifestName
+ $localServiceManifestVersion = $serviceManifestImport.ServiceManifestRef.ServiceManifestVersion
+ $localServicePkgPath = Join-Path $ApplicationPackagePath $localServiceManifestName
+ $localServiceManifestPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($localServicePkgPath, $serviceManifestName)
+ $localServiceManifest = ([XML](Get-Content $localServiceManifestPath)).ServiceManifest
+ $diffServicePkgPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($diffPackagePath, $localServiceManifestName)
+ $clusterServiceManifest = $clusterServiceManifestByName[$localServiceManifestName].ServiceManifest
+ # If there's no matching manifest from the cluster it means this is a newly added service that doesn't exist yet on the cluster.
+ if (!$clusterServiceManifest)
+ {
+ # Copy this service and all the children
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist -ArgumentList @($localServiceManifestName, $ApplicationName, $ConnectedServiceEndpoint.Url))
+ Copy-Item $localServicePkgPath $diffServicePkgPath -Recurse
+ continue
+ }
+ # If the Version of the Service is not changed, don't include the service in the diff package
+ if ($clusterServiceManifest.Version -eq $localServiceManifestVersion)
+ {
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged -ArgumentList @($localServiceManifestName, $ApplicationName, $clusterServiceManifest.Version, $ConnectedServiceEndpoint.Url))
+ continue
+ }
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackageForService -ArgumentList @($localServiceManifestName, $clusterServiceManifest.Version, $localServiceManifestVersion))
+ Copy-DiffPackage -clusterPackages $clusterServiceManifest.CodePackage -localPackages $localServiceManifest.CodePackage -localParentPkgPath $localServicePkgPath -diffParentPkgPath $diffServicePkgPath
+ Copy-DiffPackage -clusterPackages $clusterServiceManifest.ConfigPackage -localPackages $localServiceManifest.ConfigPackage -localParentPkgPath $localServicePkgPath -diffParentPkgPath $diffServicePkgPath
+ Copy-DiffPackage -clusterPackages $clusterServiceManifest.DataPackage -localPackages $localServiceManifest.DataPackage -localParentPkgPath $localServicePkgPath -diffParentPkgPath $diffServicePkgPath
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge -ArgumentList @($localServiceManifestPath, (Join-Path $diffServicePkgPath $serviceManifestName)))
+ Copy-Item $localServiceManifestPath (Join-Path $diffServicePkgPath $serviceManifestName) -Force
+ }
+ Return $diffPackagePath
+ } finally {
+ Trace-VstsLeavingInvocation $MyInvocation
+ }
+function Copy-DiffPackage
+ param (
+ [array] $clusterPackages,
+ [array] $localPackages,
+ [string] $localParentPkgPath,
+ [string] $diffParentPkgPath
+ )
+ $clusterPackagesByName = @{}
+ foreach ($clusterPackage in $clusterPackages)
+ {
+ $clusterPackagesByName[$clusterPackage.Name] = $clusterPackage
+ }
+ foreach ($localPackage in $localPackages)
+ {
+ $clusterPackage = $clusterPackagesByName[$localPackage.Name]
+ # If cluster package exists and the version is the same to the local package version, do not add the local package to Diff Package
+ if ($clusterPackage.Version -eq $localPackage.Version)
+ {
+ continue
+ }
+ $localPkgPath = Join-Path $localParentPkgPath $localPackage.Name
+ $diffPkgPath = Join-Path $diffParentPkgPath $localPackage.Name
+ Write-Host (Get-VstsLocString -Key DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge -ArgumentList @($localPkgPath, $diffPkgPath))
+ # Copy the package on this level to diff package which is considered to be Leaf
+ Copy-Item $localPkgPath $diffPkgPath -Recurse
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Strings/resources.resjson/en-US/resources.resjson b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Strings/resources.resjson/en-US/resources.resjson
index eeab22d488ab..ea8c641bb740 100644
--- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Strings/resources.resjson/en-US/resources.resjson
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Strings/resources.resjson/en-US/resources.resjson
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
"": "Path to the application parameters file. [Variables]( and wildcards can be used in the path. If specified, this will override the value in the publish profile.",
"loc.input.label.compressPackage": "Compress Package",
"": "Indicates whether the application package should be compressed before copying to the image store. If enabled, this will override the value in the publish profile.",
+ "loc.input.label.useDiffPackage": "Use Diff Package",
+ "": "Upgrade by using a diff package that contains only the updated application files, the updated application manifest, and the service manifest files.",
"loc.input.label.copyPackageTimeoutSec": "CopyPackageTimeoutSec",
"": "Timeout in seconds for copying application package to image store. If specified, this will override the value in the publish profile.",
"loc.input.label.registerPackageTimeoutSec": "RegisterPackageTimeoutSec",
@@ -60,6 +62,14 @@
"": "Password for the Docker registry. If the password is not encrypted, it is recommended that you use a custom release definition secret variable to store it.",
"loc.input.label.passwordEncrypted": "Password Encrypted",
"": "It is recommended to encrypt your password using [Invoke-ServiceFabricEncryptText]( If you do not, and a certificate matching the Server Certificate Thumbprint in the Cluster Connection is installed on the build agent, it will be used to encrypt the password; otherwise an error will occur.",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist": "The application {0} to be upgraded by using diff package does not exist in the cluster {1}. Applying full application packge to do the deployment now...",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged": "The application {0} to be upgraded by using diff package has the same version {1} running in the cluster {2}. Skip upgrading it.",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge": "Copying {0} from full application package to {1} in diff package...",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackage": "Trying to create diff package...",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackageForService": "Creating diff package for service: {0}, clusterServiceManifest.Version: {1}, localServiceManifest.Version: {2}",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning": "No services of application {0} are running in the cluster {1}. Applying full application packge to do the deployment now...",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist": "The service {0} of application {1} to be upgraded by using diff package does not exist in the cluster {2}. Copying it to diff package now...",
+ "loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged": "The service {0} of application {1} to be upgraded by using diff package has the same version {2} running in the cluster {3}. Skip upgrading it.",
"loc.messages.ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound": "Found more than one item with search pattern {0}. There can be only one.",
"loc.messages.ItemSearchNoFilesFound": "No items were found with search pattern {0}.",
"loc.messages.SearchingForPath": "Searching for path: {0}",
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/CreateDiffPkg.ps1 b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/CreateDiffPkg.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f877144a3c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/CreateDiffPkg.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\Tests\lib\Initialize-Test.ps1
+$publishProfilePath = "$PSScriptRoot\data\NoAuthPublishProfile.xml"
+$applicationPackagePath = "$PSScriptRoot\data\DiffPkgAssets\AppPkg"
+$diffPackagePath = $env:TEMP + "\DiffPackage"
+$serviceConnectionName = "random connection name"
+$serviceFabricSdkModulePath = "$PSScriptRoot\data\ServiceFabricSDK.ps1"
+$appName = "AppName"
+$overwriteBehavior = "SameAppTypeAndVersion"
+$applicationTypeName = "TestType"
+$applicationTypeVersion = "1.0.0"
+$appManifestPath = "$PSScriptRoot\data\DiffPkgAssets\AppPkg\ApplicationManifest.xml"
+$appManifestDiffPath = $diffPackagePath + "\ApplicationManifest.xml"
+$serviceManifestPath1 = "$PSScriptRoot\data\DiffPkgAssets\AppPkg\Stateless1Pkg\ServiceManifest.xml"
+$serviceManifestDiffPath1 = $diffPackagePath + "\Stateless1Pkg\ServiceManifest.xml"
+$codePkg1 = "$PSScriptRoot\data\DiffPkgAssets\AppPkg\Stateless1Pkg\Code"
+$codeDiffPkg1 = $diffPackagePath + "\Stateless1Pkg\Code"
+$serviceManifestPath2 = "$PSScriptRoot\data\DiffPkgAssets\AppPkg\Stateless2Pkg\ServiceManifest.xml"
+$serviceManifestDiffPath2 = $diffPackagePath + "\Stateless2Pkg\ServiceManifest.xml"
+$codePkg2 = "$PSScriptRoot\data\DiffPkgAssets\AppPkg\Stateless2Pkg\Code"
+$codeDiffPkg2 = $diffPackagePath + "\Stateless2Pkg\Code"
+# Setup input arguments
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { $publishProfilePath } -- -Name publishProfilePath
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { $applicationPackagePath } -- -Name applicationPackagePath -Require
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { $serviceConnectionName } -- -Name serviceConnectionName -Require
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { "false" } -- -Name compressPackage
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { $overwriteBehavior } -- -Name overwriteBehavior
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { "false" } -- -Name skipUpgradeSameTypeAndVersion
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { "false" } -- -Name skipPackageValidation
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { "false" } -- -Name unregisterUnusedVersions
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { "false" } -- -Name configureDockerSettings
+Register-Mock Get-VstsInput { $true } -- -Name useDiffPackage
+# Setup file resolution
+Register-Mock Find-VstsFiles { $publishProfilePath } -- -LegacyPattern $publishProfilePath
+Register-Mock Find-VstsFiles { $applicationPackagePath } -- -LegacyPattern $applicationPackagePath -IncludeDirectories
+Register-Mock Assert-VstsPath
+Register-Mock Test-Path { $true } -- "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Service Fabric SDK"
+# Setup mock VSTS service endpoint
+$vstsEndpoint = @{
+ "Auth" = @{
+ "Scheme" = "None"
+ }
+Register-Mock Get-VstsEndpoint { $vstsEndpoint } -- -Name $serviceConnectionName -Require
+# Setup mock for connection to cluster
+Register-Mock Connect-ServiceFabricCluster { $null } -- -ConnectionEndpoint "test"
+# Setup mock registry settings
+$regKeyObj = @{
+ "FabricSDKPSModulePath" = $serviceFabricSdkModulePath
+Register-Mock Get-ItemProperty { $regKeyObj } -- -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Service Fabric SDK" -Name FabricSDKPSModulePath
+Register-Mock Get-ApplicationNameFromApplicationParameterFile { $appName } -- "$PSScriptRoot\data\ApplicationParameters.xml"
+$app = @{
+ "ApplicationTypeName" = $applicationTypeName;
+ "ApplicationTypeVersion" = $applicationTypeVersion
+Register-Mock Get-ServiceFabricApplication { $app } -- -ApplicationName $appName
+$publishArgs = @("-ApplicationParameterFilePath:", "$PSScriptRoot\data\ApplicationParameters.xml", "-OverwriteBehavior:", $overwriteBehavior, "-ApplicationPackagePath:", $diffPackagePath, "-ErrorAction:", "Stop", "-Action:", "RegisterAndCreate")
+Register-Mock Publish-NewServiceFabricApplication -Arguments $publishArgs
+$serviceType1 = @{
+ "ServiceManifestName" = "Stateless1Pkg"
+$serviceType2 = @{
+ "ServiceManifestName" = "Stateless2Pkg"
+$serviceTypes = @($serviceType1, $serviceType2)
+$serviceManifest1 = '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+$serviceManifest2 = '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+ '' +
+Register-Mock Get-ServiceFabricServiceType {$serviceTypes} -- -ApplicationTypeName $applicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $applicationTypeVersion
+Register-Mock Get-ServiceFabricServiceManifest {$serviceManifest1} -- -ApplicationTypeName $applicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $applicationTypeVersion -ServiceManifestName "Stateless1Pkg"
+Register-Mock Get-ServiceFabricServiceManifest {$serviceManifest2} -- -ApplicationTypeName $applicationTypeName -ApplicationTypeVersion $applicationTypeVersion -ServiceManifestName "Stateless2Pkg"
+Register-Mock Copy-Item {} $appManifestPath $appManifestDiffPath -Force
+Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\Create-DiffPackage.psm1"
+# Act
+. $PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\Tasks\ServiceFabricDeploy\ps_modules\ServiceFabricHelpers\Connect-ServiceFabricClusterFromServiceEndpoint.ps1
+@( & $PSScriptRoot/../../../Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/deploy.ps1 )
+# Assert
+Assert-WasCalled Copy-Item $appManifestPath $appManifestDiffPath -Force
+Assert-WasCalled Copy-Item $serviceManifestPath1 $serviceManifestDiffPath1 -Force -Times 0
+Assert-WasCalled Copy-Item $serviceManifestPath2 $serviceManifestDiffPath2 -Force
+Assert-WasCalled Copy-Item $codePkg1 $codeDiffPkg1 -Recurse -Times 0
+Assert-WasCalled Copy-Item $codePkg2 $codeDiffPkg2 -Recurse
+Assert-WasCalled Publish-NewServiceFabricApplication -Arguments $publishArgs
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/L0.ts b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/L0.ts
index fe613b4d13dc..57cacd3bdb04 100644
--- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/L0.ts
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/L0.ts
@@ -42,5 +42,8 @@ describe('ServiceFabricDeploy Suite', function () {
it('Certificate deploy with Docker support', (done) => {, 'CertDeployWithDocker.ps1'), done);
+ it('Deploy with diff pkg', (done) => {
+, 'CreateDiffPkg.ps1'), done);
+ })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/ApplicationManifest.xml b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/ApplicationManifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1cef9ea5a5cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/ApplicationManifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless1Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless1Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f3d048d966ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless1Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless2Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless2Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ed86f5289a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/Tests/data/DiffPkgAssets/AppPkg/Stateless2Pkg/ServiceManifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/deploy.ps1 b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/deploy.ps1
index 22bf509facff..7cbdc3acecff 100644
--- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/deploy.ps1
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/deploy.ps1
@@ -99,8 +99,14 @@ try {
$applicationName = Get-ApplicationNameFromApplicationParameterFile $applicationParameterFile
$app = Get-ServiceFabricApplication -ApplicationName $applicationName
+ $useDiffPackage = Get-VstsInput -Name useDiffPackage
+ if ($useDiffPackage)
+ {
+ Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\Create-DiffPackage.psm1"
+ $diffPackagePath = Create-DiffPackage -ApplicationName $applicationName -ApplicationPackagePath $applicationPackagePath -ConnectedServiceEndpoint $connectedServiceEndpoint -ClusterConnectionParameters $clusterConnectionParameters
+ }
$publishParameters = @{
- 'ApplicationPackagePath' = $applicationPackagePath
+ 'ApplicationPackagePath' = if (!$diffPackagePath) {$applicationPackagePath} else {[string]$diffPackagePath}
'ApplicationParameterFilePath' = $applicationParameterFile
'ErrorAction' = "Stop"
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.json
index 390c2a13d58f..0652e0260232 100644
--- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.json
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.json
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
- "Minor": 4,
- "Patch": 7
+ "Minor": 5,
+ "Patch": 0
"demands": [
@@ -83,6 +83,15 @@
"groupname": "advanced",
"helpMarkDown": "Indicates whether the application package should be compressed before copying to the image store. If enabled, this will override the value in the publish profile."
+ {
+ "name": "useDiffPackage",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "label": "Use Diff Package",
+ "defaultValue": "true",
+ "required": false,
+ "groupname": "advanced",
+ "helpMarkDown": "Upgrade by using a diff package that contains only the updated application files, the updated application manifest, and the service manifest files."
+ },
"name": "copyPackageTimeoutSec",
"type": "string",
@@ -384,6 +393,14 @@
"messages": {
+ "DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist": "The application {0} to be upgraded by using diff package does not exist in the cluster {1}. Applying full application packge to do the deployment now...",
+ "DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged": "The application {0} to be upgraded by using diff package has the same version {1} running in the cluster {2}. Skip upgrading it.",
+ "DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge": "Copying {0} from full application package to {1} in diff package...",
+ "DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackage": "Trying to create diff package...",
+ "DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackageForService": "Creating diff package for service: {0}, clusterServiceManifest.Version: {1}, localServiceManifest.Version: {2}",
+ "DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning": "No services of application {0} are running in the cluster {1}. Applying full application packge to do the deployment now...",
+ "DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist": "The service {0} of application {1} to be upgraded by using diff package does not exist in the cluster {2}. Copying it to diff package now...",
+ "DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged": "The service {0} of application {1} to be upgraded by using diff package has the same version {2} running in the cluster {3}. Skip upgrading it.",
"ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound": "Found more than one item with search pattern {0}. There can be only one.",
"ItemSearchNoFilesFound": "No items were found with search pattern {0}.",
"SearchingForPath": "Searching for path: {0}",
diff --git a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.loc.json b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.loc.json
index b08a808637cc..2c84f153b10c 100644
--- a/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.loc.json
+++ b/Tasks/ServiceFabricDeploy/task.loc.json
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
"version": {
"Major": 1,
- "Minor": 4,
- "Patch": 7
+ "Minor": 5,
+ "Patch": 0
"demands": [
@@ -83,6 +83,15 @@
"groupname": "advanced",
"helpMarkDown": ""
+ {
+ "name": "useDiffPackage",
+ "type": "boolean",
+ "label": "ms-resource:loc.input.label.useDiffPackage",
+ "defaultValue": "true",
+ "required": false,
+ "groupname": "advanced",
+ "helpMarkDown": ""
+ },
"name": "copyPackageTimeoutSec",
"type": "string",
@@ -388,6 +397,14 @@
"messages": {
+ "DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationDoesNotExist",
+ "DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ApplicationIsNotChanged",
+ "DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CopyingToDiffPackge",
+ "DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackage": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackage",
+ "DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackageForService": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_CreatingDiffPackageForService",
+ "DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_NoServicesRunning",
+ "DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceDoesNotExist",
+ "DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged": "ms-resource:loc.messages.DIFFPKG_ServiceIsNotChanged",
"ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound": "ms-resource:loc.messages.ItemSearchMoreThanOneFound",
"ItemSearchNoFilesFound": "ms-resource:loc.messages.ItemSearchNoFilesFound",
"SearchingForPath": "ms-resource:loc.messages.SearchingForPath",