diff --git a/Jakefile.js b/Jakefile.js
index 8a4c67ac84bc4..1db208c73ff82 100644
--- a/Jakefile.js
+++ b/Jakefile.js
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ var typesMapOutputPath = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, 'typesMap.json');
var harnessCoreSources = [
+ "virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts",
@@ -125,7 +126,6 @@ var harnessSources = harnessCoreSources.concat([
- "cachingInServerLSHost.ts",
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ var harnessSources = harnessCoreSources.concat([
+ "tscWatchMode.ts",
@@ -157,7 +158,6 @@ var harnessSources = harnessCoreSources.concat([
- "lsHost.ts",
diff --git a/src/compiler/builder.ts b/src/compiler/builder.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..38969b85bacd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compiler/builder.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+namespace ts {
+ export interface EmitOutput {
+ outputFiles: OutputFile[];
+ emitSkipped: boolean;
+ }
+ export interface EmitOutputDetailed extends EmitOutput {
+ diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
+ sourceMaps: SourceMapData[];
+ emittedSourceFiles: SourceFile[];
+ }
+ export interface OutputFile {
+ name: string;
+ writeByteOrderMark: boolean;
+ text: string;
+ }
+ export function getFileEmitOutput(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean, isDetailed: boolean,
+ cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): EmitOutput | EmitOutputDetailed {
+ const outputFiles: OutputFile[] = [];
+ let emittedSourceFiles: SourceFile[];
+ const emitResult = program.emit(sourceFile, writeFile, cancellationToken, emitOnlyDtsFiles, customTransformers);
+ if (!isDetailed) {
+ return { outputFiles, emitSkipped: emitResult.emitSkipped };
+ }
+ return {
+ outputFiles,
+ emitSkipped: emitResult.emitSkipped,
+ diagnostics: emitResult.diagnostics,
+ sourceMaps: emitResult.sourceMaps,
+ emittedSourceFiles
+ };
+ function writeFile(fileName: string, text: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean, _onError: (message: string) => void, sourceFiles: SourceFile[]) {
+ outputFiles.push({ name: fileName, writeByteOrderMark, text });
+ if (isDetailed) {
+ emittedSourceFiles = addRange(emittedSourceFiles, sourceFiles);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* @internal */
+namespace ts {
+ export interface Builder {
+ /**
+ * Call this to feed new program
+ */
+ updateProgram(newProgram: Program): void;
+ getFilesAffectedBy(program: Program, path: Path): string[];
+ emitFile(program: Program, path: Path): EmitOutput;
+ /** Emit the changed files and clear the cache of the changed files */
+ emitChangedFiles(program: Program): EmitOutputDetailed[];
+ /** When called gets the semantic diagnostics for the program. It also caches the diagnostics and manage them */
+ getSemanticDiagnostics(program: Program, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Diagnostic[];
+ /** Called to reset the status of the builder */
+ clear(): void;
+ }
+ interface EmitHandler {
+ /**
+ * Called when sourceFile is added to the program
+ */
+ onAddSourceFile(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when sourceFile is removed from the program
+ */
+ onRemoveSourceFile(path: Path): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when sourceFile is changed
+ */
+ onUpdateSourceFile(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile): void;
+ /**
+ * Called when source file has not changed but has some of the resolutions invalidated
+ * If returned true, builder will mark the file as changed (noting that something associated with file has changed)
+ */
+ onUpdateSourceFileWithSameVersion(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile): boolean;
+ /**
+ * Gets the files affected by the script info which has updated shape from the known one
+ */
+ getFilesAffectedByUpdatedShape(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, singleFileResult: string[]): string[];
+ }
+ interface FileInfo {
+ fileName: string;
+ version: string;
+ signature: string;
+ }
+ export function createBuilder(
+ getCanonicalFileName: (fileName: string) => string,
+ getEmitOutput: (program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean, isDetailed: boolean) => EmitOutput | EmitOutputDetailed,
+ computeHash: (data: string) => string,
+ shouldEmitFile: (sourceFile: SourceFile) => boolean
+ ): Builder {
+ let isModuleEmit: boolean | undefined;
+ const fileInfos = createMap();
+ const semanticDiagnosticsPerFile = createMap>();
+ /** The map has key by source file's path that has been changed */
+ const changedFileNames = createMap();
+ let emitHandler: EmitHandler;
+ return {
+ updateProgram,
+ getFilesAffectedBy,
+ emitFile,
+ emitChangedFiles,
+ getSemanticDiagnostics,
+ clear
+ };
+ function createProgramGraph(program: Program) {
+ const currentIsModuleEmit = program.getCompilerOptions().module !== ModuleKind.None;
+ if (isModuleEmit !== currentIsModuleEmit) {
+ isModuleEmit = currentIsModuleEmit;
+ emitHandler = isModuleEmit ? getModuleEmitHandler() : getNonModuleEmitHandler();
+ fileInfos.clear();
+ semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.clear();
+ }
+ mutateMap(
+ fileInfos,
+ arrayToMap(program.getSourceFiles(), sourceFile => sourceFile.path),
+ {
+ // Add new file info
+ createNewValue: (_path, sourceFile) => addNewFileInfo(program, sourceFile),
+ // Remove existing file info
+ onDeleteValue: removeExistingFileInfo,
+ // We will update in place instead of deleting existing value and adding new one
+ onExistingValue: (existingInfo, sourceFile) => updateExistingFileInfo(program, existingInfo, sourceFile)
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ function registerChangedFile(path: Path, fileName: string) {
+ changedFileNames.set(path, fileName);
+ // All changed files need to re-evaluate its semantic diagnostics
+ semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.delete(path);
+ }
+ function addNewFileInfo(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile): FileInfo {
+ registerChangedFile(sourceFile.path, sourceFile.fileName);
+ emitHandler.onAddSourceFile(program, sourceFile);
+ return { fileName: sourceFile.fileName, version: sourceFile.version, signature: undefined };
+ }
+ function removeExistingFileInfo(existingFileInfo: FileInfo, path: Path) {
+ registerChangedFile(path, existingFileInfo.fileName);
+ emitHandler.onRemoveSourceFile(path);
+ }
+ function updateExistingFileInfo(program: Program, existingInfo: FileInfo, sourceFile: SourceFile) {
+ if (existingInfo.version !== sourceFile.version) {
+ registerChangedFile(sourceFile.path, sourceFile.fileName);
+ existingInfo.version = sourceFile.version;
+ emitHandler.onUpdateSourceFile(program, sourceFile);
+ }
+ else if (program.hasInvalidatedResolution(sourceFile.path) &&
+ emitHandler.onUpdateSourceFileWithSameVersion(program, sourceFile)) {
+ registerChangedFile(sourceFile.path, sourceFile.fileName);
+ }
+ }
+ function ensureProgramGraph(program: Program) {
+ if (!emitHandler) {
+ createProgramGraph(program);
+ }
+ }
+ function updateProgram(newProgram: Program) {
+ if (emitHandler) {
+ createProgramGraph(newProgram);
+ }
+ }
+ function getFilesAffectedBy(program: Program, path: Path): string[] {
+ ensureProgramGraph(program);
+ const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(path);
+ const singleFileResult = sourceFile && shouldEmitFile(sourceFile) ? [sourceFile.fileName] : [];
+ const info = fileInfos.get(path);
+ if (!info || !updateShapeSignature(program, sourceFile, info)) {
+ return singleFileResult;
+ }
+ Debug.assert(!!sourceFile);
+ return emitHandler.getFilesAffectedByUpdatedShape(program, sourceFile, singleFileResult);
+ }
+ function emitFile(program: Program, path: Path) {
+ ensureProgramGraph(program);
+ if (!fileInfos.has(path)) {
+ return { outputFiles: [], emitSkipped: true };
+ }
+ return getEmitOutput(program, program.getSourceFileByPath(path), /*emitOnlyDtsFiles*/ false, /*isDetailed*/ false);
+ }
+ function enumerateChangedFilesSet(
+ program: Program,
+ onChangedFile: (fileName: string, path: Path) => void,
+ onAffectedFile: (fileName: string, sourceFile: SourceFile) => void
+ ) {
+ changedFileNames.forEach((fileName, path) => {
+ onChangedFile(fileName, path as Path);
+ const affectedFiles = getFilesAffectedBy(program, path as Path);
+ for (const file of affectedFiles) {
+ onAffectedFile(file, program.getSourceFile(file));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function enumerateChangedFilesEmitOutput(
+ program: Program,
+ emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean,
+ onChangedFile: (fileName: string, path: Path) => void,
+ onEmitOutput: (emitOutput: EmitOutputDetailed, sourceFile: SourceFile) => void
+ ) {
+ const seenFiles = createMap();
+ enumerateChangedFilesSet(program, onChangedFile, (fileName, sourceFile) => {
+ if (!seenFiles.has(fileName)) {
+ seenFiles.set(fileName, sourceFile);
+ if (sourceFile) {
+ // Any affected file shouldnt have the cached diagnostics
+ semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.delete(sourceFile.path);
+ const emitOutput = getEmitOutput(program, sourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles, /*isDetailed*/ true) as EmitOutputDetailed;
+ onEmitOutput(emitOutput, sourceFile);
+ // mark all the emitted source files as seen
+ if (emitOutput.emittedSourceFiles) {
+ for (const file of emitOutput.emittedSourceFiles) {
+ seenFiles.set(file.fileName, file);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function emitChangedFiles(program: Program): EmitOutputDetailed[] {
+ ensureProgramGraph(program);
+ const result: EmitOutputDetailed[] = [];
+ enumerateChangedFilesEmitOutput(program, /*emitOnlyDtsFiles*/ false,
+ /*onChangedFile*/ noop, emitOutput => result.push(emitOutput));
+ changedFileNames.clear();
+ return result;
+ }
+ function getSemanticDiagnostics(program: Program, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): Diagnostic[] {
+ ensureProgramGraph(program);
+ // Ensure that changed files have cleared their respective
+ enumerateChangedFilesSet(program, /*onChangedFile*/ noop, (_affectedFileName, sourceFile) => {
+ if (sourceFile) {
+ semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.delete(sourceFile.path);
+ }
+ });
+ let diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
+ for (const sourceFile of program.getSourceFiles()) {
+ const path = sourceFile.path;
+ const cachedDiagnostics = semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.get(path);
+ // Report the semantic diagnostics from the cache if we already have those diagnostics present
+ if (cachedDiagnostics) {
+ diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, cachedDiagnostics);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Diagnostics werent cached, get them from program, and cache the result
+ const cachedDiagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics(sourceFile, cancellationToken);
+ semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.set(path, cachedDiagnostics);
+ diagnostics = addRange(diagnostics, cachedDiagnostics);
+ }
+ }
+ return diagnostics || emptyArray;
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ isModuleEmit = undefined;
+ emitHandler = undefined;
+ fileInfos.clear();
+ semanticDiagnosticsPerFile.clear();
+ changedFileNames.clear();
+ }
+ /**
+ * For script files that contains only ambient external modules, although they are not actually external module files,
+ * they can only be consumed via importing elements from them. Regular script files cannot consume them. Therefore,
+ * there are no point to rebuild all script files if these special files have changed. However, if any statement
+ * in the file is not ambient external module, we treat it as a regular script file.
+ */
+ function containsOnlyAmbientModules(sourceFile: SourceFile) {
+ for (const statement of sourceFile.statements) {
+ if (!isModuleWithStringLiteralName(statement)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return {boolean} indicates if the shape signature has changed since last update.
+ */
+ function updateShapeSignature(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, info: FileInfo) {
+ const prevSignature = info.signature;
+ let latestSignature: string;
+ if (sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) {
+ latestSignature = computeHash(sourceFile.text);
+ info.signature = latestSignature;
+ }
+ else {
+ const emitOutput = getEmitOutput(program, sourceFile, /*emitOnlyDtsFiles*/ true, /*isDetailed*/ false);
+ if (emitOutput.outputFiles && emitOutput.outputFiles.length > 0) {
+ latestSignature = computeHash(emitOutput.outputFiles[0].text);
+ info.signature = latestSignature;
+ }
+ else {
+ latestSignature = prevSignature;
+ }
+ }
+ return !prevSignature || latestSignature !== prevSignature;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the referenced files for a file from the program with values for the keys as referenced file's path to be true
+ */
+ function getReferencedFiles(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile): Map | undefined {
+ let referencedFiles: Map | undefined;
+ // We need to use a set here since the code can contain the same import twice,
+ // but that will only be one dependency.
+ // To avoid invernal conversion, the key of the referencedFiles map must be of type Path
+ if (sourceFile.imports && sourceFile.imports.length > 0) {
+ const checker: TypeChecker = program.getTypeChecker();
+ for (const importName of sourceFile.imports) {
+ const symbol = checker.getSymbolAtLocation(importName);
+ if (symbol && symbol.declarations && symbol.declarations[0]) {
+ const declarationSourceFile = getSourceFileOfNode(symbol.declarations[0]);
+ if (declarationSourceFile) {
+ addReferencedFile(declarationSourceFile.path);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const sourceFileDirectory = getDirectoryPath(sourceFile.path);
+ // Handle triple slash references
+ if (sourceFile.referencedFiles && sourceFile.referencedFiles.length > 0) {
+ for (const referencedFile of sourceFile.referencedFiles) {
+ const referencedPath = toPath(referencedFile.fileName, sourceFileDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
+ addReferencedFile(referencedPath);
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle type reference directives
+ if (sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames) {
+ sourceFile.resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames.forEach((resolvedTypeReferenceDirective) => {
+ if (!resolvedTypeReferenceDirective) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const fileName = resolvedTypeReferenceDirective.resolvedFileName;
+ const typeFilePath = toPath(fileName, sourceFileDirectory, getCanonicalFileName);
+ addReferencedFile(typeFilePath);
+ });
+ }
+ return referencedFiles;
+ function addReferencedFile(referencedPath: Path) {
+ if (!referencedFiles) {
+ referencedFiles = createMap();
+ }
+ referencedFiles.set(referencedPath, true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets all the emittable files from the program
+ */
+ function getAllEmittableFiles(program: Program) {
+ const defaultLibraryFileName = getDefaultLibFileName(program.getCompilerOptions());
+ const sourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles();
+ const result: string[] = [];
+ for (const sourceFile of sourceFiles) {
+ if (getBaseFileName(sourceFile.fileName) !== defaultLibraryFileName && shouldEmitFile(sourceFile)) {
+ result.push(sourceFile.fileName);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function getNonModuleEmitHandler(): EmitHandler {
+ return {
+ onAddSourceFile: noop,
+ onRemoveSourceFile: noop,
+ onUpdateSourceFile: noop,
+ onUpdateSourceFileWithSameVersion: returnFalse,
+ getFilesAffectedByUpdatedShape
+ };
+ function getFilesAffectedByUpdatedShape(program: Program, _sourceFile: SourceFile, singleFileResult: string[]): string[] {
+ const options = program.getCompilerOptions();
+ // If `--out` or `--outFile` is specified, any new emit will result in re-emitting the entire project,
+ // so returning the file itself is good enough.
+ if (options && (options.out || options.outFile)) {
+ return singleFileResult;
+ }
+ return getAllEmittableFiles(program);
+ }
+ }
+ function getModuleEmitHandler(): EmitHandler {
+ const references = createMap