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Functions Table

Nilesh Ghodekar edited this page Jan 6, 2016 · 18 revisions

WAL Function Listing in Alphabetical Order

Function Description
Add Adds two numbers.
After Returns Boolean value indicating whether the first date is later than the second.
And Returns Boolean value indicating whether or not both conditions are true.
Before Returns Boolean value indicating whether the first date is earlier than the second.
BitAnd Applies a bitmask on a flag to 0.
BitNot Inverses each bit.
BitOr Applies a bitmask on a flag to 1.
Concatenate Concatenates two or more strings.
ConcatenateMultivaluedString Used to generate a string which represents multiple string values.
Contains Returns Boolean value indicating whether the value exists in the list of values. String comparisons will be performed without case sensitivity.
ConvertFromBase64 Converts a base64 string to a byte array
ConvertSIDToString Converts a byte array containing a security identifier to a string.
[ConvertStringToGUID / ConvertToGUID][ConvertStringToGUIDFunction] Converts the string representation of a GUID to a binary representation of the GUID.
ConvertToBase64 Converts a byte array to a base64 encoded string.
ConvertToBoolean Converts a string or a number to a boolean value.
ConvertToNumber Converts a string or a boolean value to a number.
ConvertToString Convert a value to its string representation.
ConvertToUniqueIdentifier Converts all supplied guids to a unique identifiers so they can be used in native FIM activities such as the Approval activity.
Count Returns the number of entries in a list. If an object is passed (single string or resource ID, for example), the count will be 1. If a null value is supplied, the count will be 0.
CRLF Generates a Carriage Return/Line Feed.
DateTimeAdd This function can be used to add/subtract a timespan to/from the supplied date/time.
DateTimeFormat Formats the value of the first DateTime parameter in the format specified in the second string parameter.
DateTimeFromFileTimeUTC Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent UTC time.
DateTimeNow Returns the current date/time in UTC.
DateTimeSubtract Converts a date in the Windows file time format.
DateTimeToFileTimeUTC Gets the timespan between the two dates.
Eq Determines the equivalence between two objects or values and returns true if they are equal.
EscapeDNComponent Escape the DN component of a distinguished name specified in LDAP format.
EvaluateExpression Evaluate the specified expression. The caller activity must read the all lookups used in the expression separately.
First Returns the first value in a list.
GenerateRandomPassword Generates an alphanumeric password of the specified length.
GreaterThan Returns Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is greater than the second.
IIF Return the second or third parameter based on the evaluation of the condition specified as first parameter.
InsertValues Used with the Update Resources activity to specify that a value or list of values should be inserted into a multivalued target attribute.
IsPresent Returns false if the supplied value is null. Returns true if it is not.
Last Returns the last value in a list.
Left Returns he leading substring of specified length. If the specified length is greater than the input string, the entire input string is returned.
LeftPad Returns a new string that is equivalent to string specified in the first input parameter, but right-aligned and padded on the left with as many padding characters as needed to create the specified length.
Length Returns the length of the string.
LessThan Returns Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is less than the second.
LowerCase Converts all characters in a string to the lower case based on current culture.
LTrim remove leading white spaces or specified characters from a string.
Mid Returns a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string.
NormalizeString Normalizes the first string, first by replacing the character substitutions specified in the second string and then removing all diacritics using the .NET string normalization function.
Not Flips the Boolean value of the supplied condition.
Null Returns a null value. You can use this function in Update Resources with the "Allow Null" checkbox to clear the value of an attribute.
Or Returns Boolean value indicating if either condition is true.
ParametersList When supplied the request parameters for a request (for example, [//Request/RequestParameter]) and an attribute name, returns a Boolean value indicating if the attribute was modified by the request.
ParametersContain Returns the list of attribute names in the request parameters of an arbitrary request
ParametersTable Returns a table of attribute name, modification type and modified values in the request parameters of an arbitrary request
ParameterValue Returns the value of a request parameter of an arbitrary request. When the request is for an update of a multi-valued attribute, ParameterValueAdded() and ParameterValueRemoved() must be used.
ParameterValueAdded Returns the added values of a multi-valued request parameter of an arbitrary request.
ParameterValueRemoved Returns the removed values of a multi-valued request parameter of an arbitrary request.
ProperCase Converts the first character of each space-delimited word in a string to upper case and all other characters are converted to lower case.
RandomNum Sorts the specified List.
RegexMatch Splits the string into substring delimited by the specified separator.
RegexReplace Subtracts the second integer value from the first.
RemoveDuplicates Returns a random number within a specified interval.
RemoveValues Returns a Boolean value indicating if the string matches the regex pattern.
ReplaceString Replaces the regex patter with the specified string.
Right Removes duplicate values from a list of items.
RightPad Used with the Update Resources activity to specify that a value or list of values should be removed from a multivalued target attribute.
RTrim Replaces all occurrences of a string to another string.
SortList Returns a trailing substring of specified length. If the specified length is greater than the input string, the entire input string is returned.
SplitString Returns a new string that is equivalent to string specified in the first input parameter, but left-aligned and padded on the right with as many padding characters as needed to create the specified length.
Subtract Removes trailing white spaces or specified characters from a string.
TitleCase Converts the specified string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms).
Trim Removes leading and trailing white spaces or specified characters from a string.
UpperCase Converts all characters in a string to the upper case based on current culture.
ValueByIndex Returns the value which exists at the specified index.
ValueType Returns the type of the supplied input object
Word Returns a word contained within a string, based on parameters describing the delimiters to use and the word number to return.
WrapXPathFilter Wraps the supplied XPath filter in the necessary XML to prepare for use in a criteria-based group or set definition.
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