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Functions Table

Nilesh Ghodekar edited this page Jan 15, 2016 · 18 revisions

WAL Function Listing in Alphabetical Order

Function Syntax Description
Addint Add(value:int, value:int) Adds two numbers.
Afterbool After(value:datetime, comparison:datetime) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first date is later than the second.
Andbool And(condition:bool, condition:bool) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not both conditions are true.
Beforebool Before(value:datetime, comparison:datetime) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first date is earlier than the second.
BitAndint BitAnd(mask:int, value:flag) Applies a bitmask on a flag to 0.
BitNotint BitNot(value:flag) Inverses each bit.
BitOrint BitOr(mask:int, value:flag) Applies a bitmask on a flag to 1.
Concatenatestring Concatenate(string1:string, string2:string, ....) Concatenates two or more strings.
ConcatenateMultivaluedStringstring ConcatenateMultivaluedString(values:List<string>, delimiter:string) Concatenates the values in a multi-valued string.
Containsbool Contains(values:List<object>, value:object) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the value exists in the list of values. Comparisons for strings are performed without case sensitivity.
ConvertFromBase64bin ConvertFromBase64(base64string:string) Converts a base64 string to a byte array.
ConvertSIDToStringstring ConvertSidToString(sid:bin) Converts a byte array containing a security identifier to a string.
ConvertStringToGUID / ConvertToGUIDbin ConvertStringToGuid(value:string) Converts the string representation of a GUID to a binary representation of the GUID.
ConvertToBase64base64string ConvertToBase64(input:bin) Converts a byte array to a base64 encoded string.
ConvertToBooleanbool ConvertToBoolean(value:string) / bool ConvertToBoolean(value:integer) Converts a string or a number to a boolean value.
ConvertToNumberint ConvertToNumber(value:string) / int ConvertToNumber(value:boolean) Converts a string or a boolean value to a number.
ConvertToStringstring ConvertToString(value:integer) / string ConvertToString(value:boolean) Converts a value to its string representation.
ConvertToUniqueIdentifierobject ConvertToUniqueIdentifier(guid(s):[list or object]) Converts all supplied GUIDs to unique identifiers so they can be used in native FIM activities such as the Approval activity.
Countint Count(values:[list or object]) Returns the number of entries in a list. If an object is passed (single string or resource ID, for example), the count will be 1. If a null value is supplied, the count will be 0.
CRLFstring CRLF() Generates a Carriage Return/Line Feed.
DateTimeAddDateTime? DateTimeAdd(date:datetime, timespan:string) / DateTime? DateTimeAdd(date:datetime, timespan:timespan) Adds (or Subtracts) a timespan to/from the supplied date/time.
DateTimeFormatstring DateTimeFormat(date:datetime, format:string) Formats the value of the first DateTime parameter in the format specified in the second string parameter.
DateTimeFromFileTimeUTCDateTime? DateTimeFromFileTimeUtc(long:filetime) Converts the specified Windows file time to an equivalent UTC time.
DateTimeNowDateTime DateTimeNow() Returns the current date/time in UTC.
DateTimeSubtractTimeSpan? DateTimeSubtract(date:DateTimeEndDate, date:DatetimeStartDate) Returns the timespan between the two dates.
DateTimeToFileTimeUTCint? DateTimeToFileTimeUtc(date:DateTime) Converts a date in the Windows file time format.
Eqbool Eq(value:object, value:object, [boolean:CompareCase]) Determines the equivalence between two objects or values and returns true if they are equal.
EscapeDNComponentstring EscapeDNComponent(dnComponent:string) Escapes the DN component of a distinguished name specified in LDAP format.
EvaluateExpressionobject EvaluateExpression(expression:string) Evaluates the specified expression. The caller activity must read the all lookups used in the expression separately.
Firstobject First(values:[list or object]) Returns the first value in a list.
GenerateRandomPasswordstring GenerateRandomPassword(length:int) Generates an alphanumeric password of the specified length.
GreaterThanbool GreaterThan(value:int, comparison:int) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is greater than the second.
IIFobject IIF(condition:bool, trueReturn:object, falseReturn:object) Returns the second or third parameter based on the evaluation of the condition specified as first parameter.
InsertValuesList<object> InsertValues(value(s):[list or object]) Inserts the specified values in the target list. Typically used inconjuction with the Update Resources / Create Resource activity to specify that a value or list of values should be inserted into a multivalued target attribute.
IsPresentbool IsPresent(value:object) Returns false if the supplied value is null. Returns true if it is not.
Lastobject Last(values:[list or object]) Returns the last value in a list.
Leftstring Left(value:string, length:int) Returns the leading substring of specified length. If the specified length is greater than the input string, the entire input string is returned.
LeftPadstring LeftPad(value:string, length:int, padding:char) Returns a new string that is equivalent to string specified in the first input parameter, but right-aligned and padded on the left with as many padding characters as needed to create the specified length.
Lengthint Length(value:string) Returns the length of the string.
LessThanbool LessThan(value:int, comparison:int) Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the first integer is less than the second.
LowerCasestring LowerCase(value:string) Converts all characters in a string to the lower case based on current culture.
LTrimstring LTrim(value:string,[trimChars:string]) Removes leading white spaces or specified characters from a string.
Midstring Mid(value:string, start:int, length:int) Returns a specified number of characters from a specified position in a string.
NormalizeStringstring NormalizeString(value:string, [substitutions:string]) Normalizes the first string, first by replacing the character substitutions specified in the second string and then removing all diacritics using the .NET string normalization function.
Notbool Not(condition:bool) Flips the Boolean value of the supplied condition.
Nullvoid Null() Returns a null value. Typically used in Update Resources activity with the "Allow Null" checkbox to clear the value of an attribute.
Orbool Or(condition:bool, condition:bool) Returns a Boolean value indicating if either condition is true.
ParametersContainbool ParametersContain(requestparameters:List<RequestParameter>, attribute:string) When supplied the request parameters for a request (for example, [//Request/RequestParameter]) and an attribute name, returns a Boolean value indicating if the attribute was modified by the request.
ParametersListList<string> ParametersList(requestparameters:List<RequestParameter>) Returns the list of attribute names in the request parameters of an arbitrary request.
ParametersTablestring ParametersTable(requestparameters:List<RequestParameter>) Returns a table of attribute name, modification type and modified values in the request parameters of an arbitrary request
ParameterValueobject ParameterValue(requestparameters:List<RequestParameter>, attribute:string) Returns the value of a request parameter of an arbitrary request. When the request is for an update of a multi-valued attribute, ParameterValueAdded() and ParameterValueRemoved() must be used.
ParameterValueAddedobject ParameterValueAdded(requestparameters:List<RequestParameter>, attribute:string) Returns the added values of a multi-valued request parameter of an arbitrary request.
ParameterValueRemovedobject ParameterValueRemoved(requestparameters:List<RequestParameter>, attribute:string) Returns the removed values of a multi-valued request parameter of an arbitrary request.
ProperCasestring ProperCase(input:string) Converts the first character of each space-delimited word in a string to upper case and all other characters are converted to lower case.
RandomNumint RandomNum(start:int, end:int) Returns a random number within the specified interval.
RegexMatchbool RegexMatch(input:string, pattern:string) Returns a Boolean value indicating if the string matches the regex pattern.
RegexReplacestring RegexReplace(input:string, pattern:string, with:string) Replaces the Regex pattern with the specified string.
RemoveDuplicatesList<string> RemoveDuplicates(input:list of string) Removes duplicate values from a list of items.
RemoveValuesList<object> RemoveValues(value(s):[list or object]) Inserts the specified values in the target list. Typically used inconjuction with the Update Resources / Create Resource activity to specify that a value or list of values should be removed from a multivalued target attribute.
ReplaceStringstring ReplaceString(input:string, replace:string, with:string) Replaces all occurrences of a string to another string.
Rightstring Right(input:string, length:int) Returns a trailing substring of specified length. If the specified length is greater than the input string, the entire input string is returned.
RightPadstring RightPad(input:string, length:int, padding:char) Returns a new string that is equivalent to string specified in the first input parameter, but left-aligned and padded on the right with as many padding characters as needed to create the specified length.
RTrimstring RTrim(input:string, [trimChars:string]) Removes trailing white spaces or specified characters from a string.
SortListobject SortList(values:[list or object]) Sorts the specified List.
SplitStringList<string> SplitString(input:string, separator:string, [count:integer]) Splits the string into substring delimited by the specified separator.
Subtractint Subtract(value:int, value:int) Subtracts the second integer value from the first.
TitleCasestring TitleCase(input:string) Converts the specified string to title case (except for words that are entirely in uppercase, which are considered to be acronyms).
Trimstring Trim(input:string, [trimChars:string]) Removes leading and trailing white spaces or specified characters from a string.
UpperCasestring UpperCase(input:string) Converts all characters in a string to the upper case based on current culture.
ValueByIndexobject ValueByIndex(values:[list or object], index:int) Returns the value which exists at the specified index.
ValueTypestring ValueType(value:object) Returns the type of the supplied input object
Wordstring Word(input:string, index:int, delimiter:char) Returns a word contained within a string, based on parameters describing the delimiter character to use and the word index to return.
WrapXPathFilterstring WrapXPathFilter(filter:string) Wraps the supplied XPath filter in the necessary XML to prepare for use in a criteria-based group or set definition.
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