EEGLAB toolboox for computing frontal asymmetries with GUI
This book/study is a result of the research funded by the project Nr. LO1611 with a financial support from the MEYS under the NPU I program.
Michael Tesar
National Institute of Mental Health in Prague
[email protected]
2016 Ceske Budejovice
Open-source software under GPL-2 licence.
More to read at my blog or youtube
Toolbox runs in MATLAB's EEGLAB software, which you can download here:
About adding the path into MATLAB for installing EEGLAB more here
Download plugin from source here at GitHub. Unzip the latest version and copy it into your EEGLAB plugin folder. If you have already added a path into EEGLAB you are ready to go and Frontal Alpha Asymmetry Toolbox should work. If not please add your matlab into your path.
If you install plugin from EEGLAB official repository you have to correct installed data. For some reason plugin is placed into folder FAA1.0/faa which is wrong. To get this working you have to place all two .m files into FAA_v1.0 folder as described at picture below.
For FAA toolbox you have to have segmented data into same epochs. Each epoch type have to be in separate file and then you can compute average FAA idex for it. Then you will save it for futher analysis.
It would need a bit help. So feel free to contribute (tweak the code and push it into the repository - this project is open source). Or you can simple write an email and I will be in touch with you.