Zig examples ⬆
Directory sdl-examples\ contains Zig code examples using SDL, a cross-platform library providing low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware.
☛ Read the document "Introduction to SDL 2.0" for a quick overview od the SDL library,
Example ▴
This project depends on version 2 of the SDL library; it has the following directory structure :
> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | 00download.txt | build.bat | build.sh | build.zig | Makefile \---src \---main \---zig main.zig
Command build.bat
-verbose clean run
generates and executes the Zig program target\hello.exe
> build -verbose clean run Delete directory "target" Delete directory ".zig-cache" Compile 1 Zig source file to directory "target" Copy SDL2 dynamic library to directory "target" Execute Zig program "build\hello.exe"
Example ▴
This project depends on version 3 of the SDL library; it has the following directory structure :
> tree /f /a . | findstr /v /b [A-Z] | 00download.txt | build.bat | build.sh | build.zig | Makefile \---src \---main \---zig main.zig
Command build.bat
-verbose clean run
generates and executes the Zig program build\hello.exe
> build -verbose clean run Delete directory "target" Delete directory ".zig-cache" Compile 1 Zig source file to directory "target" Copy SDL3 dynamic library to directory "target" Execute Zig program "target\hello.exe"