title | author | institute | topic | theme | colortheme | fonttheme | mainfont | fontsize | urlcolor | linkstyle | aspectratio | titlegraphic | logo | date | section-titles | toc |
My wonderful presentation |
Alexey Gumirov |
My home office |
Pandoc how-to |
Frankfurt |
beaver |
professionalfonts |
Hack Nerd Font |
11pt |
red |
bold |
169 |
img/aleph0.png |
img/aleph0-small.png |
false |
true |
- I use default pandoc themes.
- This presentation is made with Frankfurt theme and beaver color theme.
- I like professionalfonts font scheme.
- Matrix of beamer themes: https://hartwork.org/beamer-theme-matrix/
- Font themes: http://www.deic.uab.es/~iblanes/beamer_gallery/index_by_font.html
- Nerd Fonts: https://nerdfonts.com
Normal text.
Italic text and bold text.
Strike out is supported.
This is a note.
Nested notes are not supported. And it continues.
- Line A
- Line B
New block without header.
- Line C
- Line D
Listings out of the block.
echo "Hello world!"
echo "line"
echo "Hello world!"
echo "line"
Item | Description | Q-ty |
Item A | Item A description | 2 |
Item B | Item B description | 5 |
Item C | N/A | 100 |
This is how we insert picture. Caption is produced automatically from the alt text.
![Aleph 0](img/aleph0.png)
Here are two pictures in the raw. We can also change two pictures size (height or width).
![](img/aleph0.png){height=10%}\ ![](img/aleph0.png){height=30%}
{ height=10% }\ { height=30% }
- Idea 1
- Idea 2
- genius idea A
- more genius 2
- Conclusion
::: columns
:::: column
Left column text.
Another text line.
:::: column
- Item 1.
- Item 2.
- Item 3.
::: columns
:::: {.column width=40%}
Left column text.
Another text line.
:::: {.column width=60%}
- Item 1.
- Item 2.
- Item 3.
::: columns
:::: column
Left column text.
Another text line.
:::: column
Middle column list:
- Item 1.
- Item 2.
:::: column
Right column list:
- Item 1.
- Item 2.
::: columns
:::: {.column width=30%}
Left column text.
Another text line.
:::: {.column width=40%}
Middle column list:
- Item 1.
- Item 2.
:::: {.column width=30%}
Right column list:
- Item 1.
- Item 2.
::: columns
:::: column
:::: column
Text in the right column.
List from the right column:
- Item 1.
- Item 2. ::::
::: columns
:::: column
:::: column
Item | Option |
Item 1 | Option 1 |
Item 2 | Option 2 |
- Point A
- Point B
::: columns
:::: column
- Good
- Better
- Best
:::: column
- Bad
- Worse
- Worst
- Let's go for it!
- No way we go for it!