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File metadata and controls

171 lines (110 loc) · 6.21 KB

remote_syslog Ruby daemon & sender

Lightweight Ruby daemon to tail one or more log files and transmit UDP syslog messages to a remote syslog host (centralized log aggregation).

remote_syslog generates UDP packets itself instead of depending on a system syslog daemon, so its configuration doesn't affect system-wide logging - syslog is just the transport.


  • collecting logs from servers & daemons which don't natively support syslog
  • when reconfiguring the system logger is less convenient than a purpose-built daemon (e.g., automated app deployments)
  • aggregating files not generated by daemons (e.g., package manager logs)

The library can also be used to generate one-off log messages from Ruby code.

Tested with the hosted log management service Papertrail and should work for transmitting to any syslog server.


Install the gem, which includes a binary called "remote_syslog":

$ [sudo] gem install remote_syslog

Optionally, create a log_files.yml with the log file paths to read and the host/port to log to (see examples/log_files.yml.example). These can also be specified as arguments to the remote_syslog daemon. More below.


$ remote_syslog -h
Usage:   remote_syslog [options] <path to add'l log 1> .. <path to add'l log n>

Example: remote_syslog -c configs/logs.yml -p 12345 /var/log/mysqld.log

    -c, --configfile PATH            Path to config (/etc/log_files.yml)
    -d, --dest-host HOSTNAME         Destination syslog hostname or IP (
    -p, --dest-port PORT             Destination syslog port (514)
    -D, --no-detach                  Don't daemonize and detach from the terminal
    -f, --facility FACILITY          Facility (user)
        --hostname HOST              Local hostname to send from
    -P, --pid-dir DIRECTORY          Directory to write .pid file in (/var/run/)
        --pid-file FILENAME          PID filename (<program name>.pid)
        --parse-syslog               Parse file as syslog-formatted file
    -s, --severity SEVERITY          Severity (notice)
        --strip-color                Strip color codes
        --tls                        Connect via TCP with TLS
    -h, --help                       Show this message


Daemonize, collecting from files mentioned in ./config/logs.yml as well as /var/log/mysqld.log:

$ remote_syslog -c configs/logs.yml -p 12345 /var/log/mysqld.log

Stay attached to the terminal, look for and use /etc/log_files.yml if it exists, write PID to /tmp/, and send with facility local0:

$ remote_syslog -d -f local0 -P /tmp /var/log/mysqld.log

remote_syslog will daemonize by default. A sample init file is in the gem as remote_syslog.init.d. You may be able to:

$ cp examples/remote_syslog.init.d /etc/init.d/remote_syslog

Sending messages securely

If the receiving system supports sending syslog over TCP with TLS, you can pass the --tls option when running remote_syslog:

$ remote_syslog --tls -p 1234 /var/log/mysqld.log


By default, the gem looks for a configuration in /etc/log_files.yml.

The gem comes with a sample config. Optionally:

$ cp examples/log_files.yml.example /etc/log_files.yml

log_files.yml has filenames to log from (as an array) and hostname and port to log to (as a hash). Wildcards are supported using * and standard shell globbing. Filenames given on the command line are additive to those in the config file.

Only 1 destination server is supported; the command-line argument wins.

files: [/var/log/httpd/access_log, /var/log/httpd/error_log, /var/log/mysqld.log, /var/run/mysqld/mysqld-slow.log]
  port: 12345

Optional: Parse fields from messages written by syslogd

This is not needed for most configurations.

In cases where logs from multiple programs are in the same file (for example, /var/log/messages), the log line may include text that is not part of the log message, like a timestamp, hostname, or program name. remote_syslog can parse the program, hostname, and/or message text so that the message has accurate metadata.

To do that, add an optional top-level configuration option parse_fields with the name of a predefined regex (by remote_syslog) or a regex string. To use the predefined regex for standard syslog messages, provide:

parse_fields: syslog

The syslog regex is (\w+ \d+ \S+) (\S+) ([^:]+): (.*). It parses this:

Jul 18 08:25:08 hostname programname[1234]: The log message

Or provide parse_fields: rfc3339 to parse high-precision RFC 3339 timestamps like: 2011-07-16T08:25:08.651413-07:00 hostname programname[1234]: The log message

Or provide your own regex that includes these 4 backreferences, in order: timestamp, system name, program name, message. Match and return empty strings for any empty positions where the log value should be ignored. For example, in the log:

something-meaningless The log message

You could ignore the first word, returning 3 empty values then the log message with:

parse_fields: "something-meaningless ()()()(.*)"

Per-file parsing is not supported. Run multiple instances.

Optional: Run multiple instances

Run multiple instances to support more than one message-specific file format (concurrently) or to specify distinct syslog hostnames. To do so, provide an alternative PID filename as a command-line option to additional instance(s), such as:


Reporting bugs

  1. See whether the issue has already been reported:
  2. If you don't find one, create an issue with a repro case.


Once you've made your great commits:

  1. Fork remote_syslog
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Commit the changes without changing the Rakefile or other files unrelated to your enhancement.
  4. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  5. Create a Pull Request or an Issue with a link to your branch
  6. That's it!