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93 lines (66 loc) · 4.26 KB

Developer notes

This page includes notes on how to setup project and modify codes of 'advanced-analytics-toolbox'.

Setting up project

  1. Clone 'advanced-analytics-toolbox' github project under 'C:\Users%username%\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Extensions' folder.
  2. Start command prompt, move to the cloned project directory and execute the following command to install the required node modules for development.

npm install

npm install -g gulp

Working on the development

  1. Start command prompt, move to the project directory and execute the following command.

gulp watch

  1. Make modifications on the source code under the 'src' directory. The modifications are synced to the codes under the 'build/dev' directory after performing gulp tasks such as transcompiling, minification, etc, and the modifications are reflected to the extension.

Adding a new analysis type

  1. Add an entry to analysisTypes in 'src/lib/js/analysis/analysis.js' file.

       id: 11,
       category: 1,
       name: 'Multiple regression analysis',
       file: 'regression_analysis',
       minDims: 1,
       minMeas: 2,
       sortId: 1,
       allowAddMea: true,
       setCustomButtonLabel: true,
       dimButtonLabel: ['Add dimension'],
       meaButtonLabel: ['Add measure - Response variable', 'Add measure - Predictor variable'],
       meaButtonLabelOthers: 'Add measure - Predictor variable',

The above is a sample of an entry where: * id - unique ID. * category - ID of the analysis category (define in 'analysisCategories') the analysis type belongs to. * name - Name of the analysis type. * file - File name for the analysis type * minDims - Minimum number of dimensions * minMeas - Minimum number of measures * sortId - The analysis type entries are displayed in sort order by this id among a analysis categories * allowAddMea - If set true, it is allowed to add measures by pressing [+] button * setCustomButtonLabel - If set true, the labels of add dimension and measure buttons can be customized * dimButtonLabel - Specify the custom label of add dimension button when setCustomButtonLabel is set to true * meaButtonLabel - Specify the custom label of add measure button when setCustomButtonLabel is set to true * meaButtonLabelOthers - Specify the custom label of add measure button added by [+] button when allowAddMea and setCustomButtonLabel are set to true

  1. Add a file to 'src/lib/js/analysis/' directory. File name should match to the one specified to 'file' of the analysis type definition in 'src/lib/js/analysis/analysis.js' file. (Need to add .js extension) This file should contains codes for the analysis type.

  2. Add a file to 'docs/analysis/' directory. File name should match to the one specified to 'file' of the analysis type definition in 'src/lib/js/analysis/analysis.js' file. (Need to add .md extension) This file is the help documentation for the analysis type. Related sample datasets and image files are placed under 'docs/analysis/data' and 'docs/analysis/images' respectively.

  3. When a new chart is added, its code should be placed under 'src/lib/js/chart/' directory.

Rebuilding build/dev directory

  1. You are able to clean 'build/dev' directory by executing the following command.
`gulp clean`
  1. You are able to sync all codes from 'src' to 'build/dev' directory by executing the following command.

Changing the release version

  1. Update the 'version' in the following files:
  • package.json
  • src/advanced-analytics-toolbox.qext

Creating a zip file for a new release

  1. Start command prompt, move to the project directory and execute the following command.
`gulp release`
  1. You will be able to find 'advanced-analytics-toolbox-[version].zip' file under 'build/release' directory.

Adding a tag to a commit for a new release (on GuiHub Desktop)

  1. On the 'History' tab, select a commit and copy SHA checksum.
  2. Select [Repository] > [Open command prompt] from the menu.
  3. Execute the following command
`git tag -a [tag name] -m "message" [SHA checksum]`

ex) git tag -a v.1.0.0 -m "v1.0.0" ace6b3e
  1. List tags
`git tag`
  1. Push tag to origin
`git push origin [tag name]`