This page includes notes on how to setup project and modify codes of 'advanced-analytics-toolbox'.
- Clone 'advanced-analytics-toolbox' github project under 'C:\Users%username%\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Extensions' folder.
- Start command prompt, move to the cloned project directory and execute the following command to install the required node modules for development.
npm install
npm install -g gulp
- Start command prompt, move to the project directory and execute the following command.
gulp watch
- Make modifications on the source code under the 'src' directory. The modifications are synced to the codes under the 'build/dev' directory after performing gulp tasks such as transcompiling, minification, etc, and the modifications are reflected to the extension.
Add an entry to analysisTypes in 'src/lib/js/analysis/analysis.js' file.
{ id: 11, category: 1, name: 'Multiple regression analysis', file: 'regression_analysis', minDims: 1, minMeas: 2, sortId: 1, allowAddMea: true, setCustomButtonLabel: true, dimButtonLabel: ['Add dimension'], meaButtonLabel: ['Add measure - Response variable', 'Add measure - Predictor variable'], meaButtonLabelOthers: 'Add measure - Predictor variable', },
The above is a sample of an entry where: * id - unique ID. * category - ID of the analysis category (define in 'analysisCategories') the analysis type belongs to. * name - Name of the analysis type. * file - File name for the analysis type * minDims - Minimum number of dimensions * minMeas - Minimum number of measures * sortId - The analysis type entries are displayed in sort order by this id among a analysis categories * allowAddMea - If set true, it is allowed to add measures by pressing [+] button * setCustomButtonLabel - If set true, the labels of add dimension and measure buttons can be customized * dimButtonLabel - Specify the custom label of add dimension button when setCustomButtonLabel is set to true * meaButtonLabel - Specify the custom label of add measure button when setCustomButtonLabel is set to true * meaButtonLabelOthers - Specify the custom label of add measure button added by [+] button when allowAddMea and setCustomButtonLabel are set to true
Add a file to 'src/lib/js/analysis/' directory. File name should match to the one specified to 'file' of the analysis type definition in 'src/lib/js/analysis/analysis.js' file. (Need to add .js extension) This file should contains codes for the analysis type.
Add a file to 'docs/analysis/' directory. File name should match to the one specified to 'file' of the analysis type definition in 'src/lib/js/analysis/analysis.js' file. (Need to add .md extension) This file is the help documentation for the analysis type. Related sample datasets and image files are placed under 'docs/analysis/data' and 'docs/analysis/images' respectively.
When a new chart is added, its code should be placed under 'src/lib/js/chart/' directory.
- You are able to clean 'build/dev' directory by executing the following command.
`gulp clean`
- You are able to sync all codes from 'src' to 'build/dev' directory by executing the following command.
- Update the 'version' in the following files:
- package.json
- src/advanced-analytics-toolbox.qext
- Start command prompt, move to the project directory and execute the following command.
`gulp release`
- You will be able to find 'advanced-analytics-toolbox-[version].zip' file under 'build/release' directory.
- On the 'History' tab, select a commit and copy SHA checksum.
- Select [Repository] > [Open command prompt] from the menu.
- Execute the following command
`git tag -a [tag name] -m "message" [SHA checksum]`
ex) git tag -a v.1.0.0 -m "v1.0.0" ace6b3e
- List tags
`git tag`
- Push tag to origin
`git push origin [tag name]`