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Ruby on Rails Tutorial

by Michael Hartl

Chapter 1: From zero to deploy

  • The "rails root" is the root directory for any given application, and is not the root directory for Rails itself.
  • Since gems with different version numbers sometimes conflict, it is often convenient to create separate gemsets, which are self-contained bundles of gems.
  • The app subdirectory contains all models, views, controllers, and helpers.
  • The Gemfile lists Gem requirements for an app, while Gemfile.lock is a list of gems used to ensure that all copies of the app use the same gem versions.
  • Unless you specify a version number to the gem command in a Gemfile, Bundler will automatically install the latest version, which may cause minor breakage.
  • The >= notation always performs upgrades, whereas the ~> notation only performs upgrades to minor point releases but not to major point releases.
  • After assembling the Gemfile, install the gems by running bundle install.
  • Running the rails server command, or its shortcut rails s, will run a local development web server.
  • Using git commit -a commits all modifications to existing files or files created using git mv, which don't count as new files to Git.

Chapter 2: A demo app

  • If a gem is intended for production with group: production in your Gemfile, you can skip installing it locally by running bundle install --without production.
  • To use the version of Rake corresponding to your Gemfile, run it using bundle exec, for example bundle exec rake db:migrate.
  • The POST, PUT, and DELETE methods are routed to the create, update, and destroy actions, and unlike the other actions do not render pages.
  • In a one-to-many relationship, the model on the one-side uses has_many, while the model on the many-side uses belongs_to.

Chapter 3: Mostly static pages

  • Passing the --skip-unit-test option to the rails new command will skip generating a test directory associated with the Test::Unit framework.
  • The Capybara gem allows you to simulate a user's interaction with an application using a natural English-like syntax.
  • The --without production option passed to bundle install is a remembered option, and so can be omitted on future invocations.
  • Any files in the public directly are served directly from the filesystem and don't even hit the Rails stack.
  • After using rails generate rspec:install to use generate with RSpec, passing --no-test-framework to rails generate will suppress generating default RSpec tests.
  • Web browsers are incapable of sending PUT and DELETE methods natively, but web frameworks like Rails make it seem like browsers are issuing such requests.
  • The TDD practice of writing a failing test, making it pass, and then cleaning up is called "red, green, refactor."
  • The have_selector method performs a partial match given whatever string is mapped to by :text in the given hash.
  • In embedded Ruby, <% ... %> executes the code inside, while <%= ... %> executes the code and inserts the result into the template.
  • Calling <%= yield %> in the special layout file application.html.erb inserts the content of the page into the layout; other values are passed using provide.

Chapter 4: Rails flavored Ruby

  • Functions for use in views are called helpers, and are found in the app/helpers directory.
  • The Rails console, accessed with rails console or rails c, is built on top of interactive ruby, or irb.
  • The puts method appends a newline character \n to the output, while the print method does not.
  • Single-quoted strings are truly literal, and so do not interpolate values using the #{} syntax, and do not form escape sequences.
  • Any method that returns a boolean ends with ?.
  • The nil object is the only Ruby object that is false in a boolean context, apart from false itself. Even 0 is true.
  • The include statement mixes in a module. Rails automatically mixes the ApplicationHelper into all views so its methods are available everywhere.
  • Bang methods, which end with !, mutate a value instead of returning a different value.
  • For blocks, it is typical to use curly braces only for short one-line blocks, and the do ... end syntax for anything longer.
  • It is a convention to put an extra space at the two ends of a hash literal, and spaces around each "hashrocket", or =>.
  • When using symbols as hash keys, the symbol/hashrocket combination can be replaced with the key name followed by a colon and a value.
  • The inspect method returns the string literal for an object, and the shortcut p function is equivalent to calling inspect on its argument and using puts.
  • When a hash is the last argument in a function call, its curly braces are optional.
  • While takes an initial value for the array, takes a default value for the hash.
  • The blank? method, added to the String class by Rails, returns whether a string is composed entirely of whitespace.
  • A Rails convention is to pass a hash named attributes into the initialize method, or constructor, of a class.

Chapter 5: Filling in the layout

  • The alt attribute is passed in the optional options hash to the image_tag helper, but is in fact required by the HTML standard.
  • The bootstrap-sass gem converts the LESS used by Bootstrap to the Sass language used by Rails.
  • Filenames of partials start with an underscore, but are omitted in the call to render. Shared partials are found in the app/views/layouts directory.
  • Static assets specific to the application are in app/assets; assets for libraries written by your dev team are in lib/assets; and assets from third-party vendors are in vendor/assets.
  • Filename extensions of assets specify which preprocessor engines to use; if multiple are specified, the associated preprocessors are run from right to left.
  • The asset pipeline puts all CSS in one application.css file, all Javascript in one javascripts.js file, and minimizes assets in all paths where possible.
  • The bootstrap-sass gem provides Sass equivalents of all the LESS variables for colors found in Bootstrap.
  • A named route ending with _path is just the pathname, while the one ending with _url includes the hostname and scheme.
  • It's convention to route the root of your site using root instead of match '/'.
  • Files included in the spec/support directory are automatically included by RSpec.
  • If you just run rake by itself, the default behavior is to run the full test suite.

Chapter 6: Modeling users

  • In contrast to the plural convention for controller names, model names are singular, although the underlying table name is in the plural form.
  • For an irreversible database migration like removing a database column, you must define separate self.up and self.down methods in place of the change method.
  • The annotate gem precedes each model definition with a comment containing its field names and types.
  • By default all model attributes are accessible, but attr_accessible ensures that only the provided attributes are accessible to outside users.
  • Starting rails console with the --sandbox flag rolls back any changes on exit.
  • The create method combines the new and save actions into one.
  • The update_attribute method combines both the update and save actions into one, but can only modify those attributes defined as accessible using attr_accessible.
  • The db:test:prepare Rake task ensures that the data model from the development database db/development.sqlite3 is reflected in the test database db/test.sqlite3.
  • In RSpec, whenever an object responds to a boolean method foo?, there is a corresponding test method called be_foo.
  • Constants in Ruby have a name that starts with a capital letter.
  • Using validates: uniqueness is a query-then-write approach subject to race conditions; to properly enforce uniqueness, use an index at the the database level.
  • Not all database adapters use case-insensitive indices, and so you must use a database callback to lowercase a string before writing it.
  • When using rails generate migration, to automatically create a migration for table tablename, end the migration name with _to_tabename.
  • If the password confirmation field is nil, Rails doesn't run the confirmation validation, although this can never happen on the web, and only through the console.
  • The let method in RSpec memoizes its value, and so the value is remembered from one invocation to the next.
  • Given a password_digest column in the database, the has_secure_password method provides a secure way to create and authenticate new users.

Chapter 7: Sign up

  • The console command accepts the environment as an argument, server through the --environment flag, and db:migrate through the RAILS_ENV variable.
  • To speed up your tests, redefine the BCrypt cost factor in config/environments/test.rb from its secure default value to its fast minimum value.
  • Methods defined in any helper file are automatically available in any view, but strive for organization and convenience.
  • To reset the database, use the db:reset Rake task. This may need to be followed with the db:test:prepare Rake task before testing.
  • The count method on every Active Record class and the change method in RSpec can be used to verify that validations stopped a write from succeeding.
  • Passing -e and a string to RSpec runs just the tests whose description strings match the given string.
  • To display an empty form using form_for, simply create an empty Active Record object in the corresponding controller.
  • Partials expected to be used in views across multiple controllers should be placed in the app/views/shared directory.
  • The any? method is the opposite of empty?, returning true if an array is not empty, and false if it is.
  • The pluralize method in ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper is backed by a powerful inflector that can pluralize almost any word.
  • The redirect_to method can construct a RESTful URL from any Active Record object passed as a parameter.
  • The flash variable is like a special hash whose values disappear upon visiting a second page or upon reloading.
  • Embedded Ruby will automatically convert symbols into strings before inserting them into the template.
  • To change the names of fields with missing values in error messages, edit the corresponding attribute in config/locales/en.yml.
  • The content_tag helper method can improve readability wherever ERb is used to compute HTML attributes inside quotes.

Chapter 8: Sign in, sign out

  • Modeling sessions as a RESTful resource, signing in is a POST request to the create action, and signing out is a DELETE request to the destroy action.
  • Passing the only option to resources in config/routes.rb restricts the RESTful routes generated.
  • If you cannot provide a suitable model for form_for, you can pass the name of the resource and the corresponding URI as parameters.
  • Display error messages on rendered pages using because its contents disappear upon an additional request; when using redirects, use flash.
  • By default, helpers are available in views, but you must use include to make them available in controllers.
  • Values stored in the session object are stored in a cookie that expires upon the browser closing.
  • The its method of RSpec applies the subsequent test to the given attribute rather than the subject of the test.
  • Inside private methods called by a model's before_save method, column names that are written to must be preceded by self.
  • The permanent method of cookies is a shortcut for setting the optional expires date of a value to 20 years in the future, or 20.years.from_now.utc.
  • The ||= operator can be used to assign a value to a variable if it is currently undefined.
  • Passing validate: false to save skips the validations for the model, which is useful in rails console.
  • File spec/support/utilities.rb can contain not just helper methods but custom matchers (like have_selector or have_link) using RSpec::Matchers.define.