- ambit (n): the scope or extent of something
- anodyne (adj): unlikely to offend, often deliberately so
- apophenia (n): seeing connections or patterns in random data
- apoplectic (adj): filled with rage
- atavistic (adj): characterized by reversion to something primitive or ancestral
- attenuated (adj): weakened in force or effect
- blithely (adv): happily, or in a joyous manner
- cachet (n): prestige, or the state of being respected
- capacious (adj): spacious, roomy
- chafed (v): become annoyed because of a restriction or inconvenience
- cosset (v): care for and protect in an overindulgent way
- demure (adj): reserved, modest, and shy
- denouement (n): the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot
- despotism (n): absolute power or control
- diminuendo (n, v, adj, adv): reduction of force or loudness
- disabuse (v): to rid oneself or another of error or fallacy
- doyen (n): the most respected or prominent person in given field
- epistemic (n): relating to knowledge, cognitive
- equanimity (n): calmness or composure in difficult situations
- ersatz (adj): a poor-quality imitation
- evince (v): to reveal the presence of
- expiate (v): to make amends, atone
- facile (adj): ignoring the true complexities of an issue, superficial
- functionary (n): paper-pusher, bean counter
- grist (n): useful material to support an argument
- hagiography (n): a biography which is uncritically supportive of its subject
- hirsute (adj): hairy
- impishly (adv): mischievously
- importune (v): to harass (someone) persistently for or to do something
- imprimatur (n): official approval or sanction
- inchoate (adj): just begun and so undeveloped; rudimentary
- ineluctable (adj): impossible to avoid
- inveigh against (v): to protest or criticize bitterly or vehemently
- l'esprit de l'escalier (n): thinking of the perfect retort too late
- legerdemain (n): a display of skill or adroitness, wizardry
- leitmotif (n): a dominant or recurring theme
- magisterial (adj): having or showing great authority
- martial (adj): warlike
- mensch (n): a person of integrity and honor
- métier (n): an activity in which one excels, forte
- milquetoast (adj): feeble, insipid, or bland
- monastic (adj): a simple way of living with few possessions and no people near you
- moratorium (n): a temporary suspension of activity
- oeuvre (n): the complete works of a writer, painter, or other artist
- opprobrium (n): severe criticism and blame
- polity (n): a politically organized unit
- preternatural (adj): beyond what is normal or natural
- pro forma (adv): as a matter of form or politeness
- protean (adj): easily and continuously changing
- provenance (n): the place of origin of something
- puerile (adj): childishly silly and trivial
- purgatory (n): a place or condition of suffering or expiation
- raise Cain (v): to raise trouble, raise hell
- rapacious (adj): inordinately greedy, extortionate
- referendum (n): a vote where an entire electorate is invited
- rejoinder (n): a sharp or witty reply
- reproach (n): an expression of rebuke, strong disapproval
- salient (adj): most noticeable or important
- salvific (adj): leading to salvation
- samizdat (n): clandestine copying and distribution of banned literature
- skein (n): a tangled or complicated arrangement, state, or situation
- simpatico (adj): likeable and easy to get on with
- simulacrum (n): an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute
- soi-disant (adj): self-styled, self-proclaimed
- specious (adj): superficially plausible, but actually wrong
- spurious (adj): based on false reasoning or information that is not true
- sui generis (adj): unique
- third rail (n): dangerous area of discussion, commonly used in politics
- to brook (v): to tolerate or allow
- unalloyed (adj): complete and unreserved
- unrequited (adj): (of a feeling, esp. love) not returned or rewarded
- vainglory (n): excessive vanity
- vertiginous (adj): extremely high or steep
- vivisection (n): ruthlessly sharp and detailed criticism or analysis
- waiflike (adj): apparently homeless, starving, or forsaken