1. Run python build.py
2. Run ./lab
3. Controls:
w = toggle wireframe
1 = toggle shaders
2 = toggle objects
- Name and partners name(At most teams of 3 folks total)
- Team member 1: Mike Molisani
- How many hours did it take you to complete this final project?
- Initial implementation: 18 hours
- Tweaks and improvements: 12 hours
- Did you collaborate or share ideas with any other students/TAs/Professors?
- Bounced improvement ideas off of Mike (Prof. Shah) but no code sharing
- Did you use any external resources?
- https://roystan.net/articles/grass-shader.html This Unity tutorial was muy inspiration but I do not have Unity installed and there was no code provided so overall, I had to do a lot more learning than expected.
- http://web.engr.oregonstate.edu/~mjb/cs519/Handouts/tessellation.1pp.pdf - This was a critical slide deck in helping me understand setup of the shadeers we ahd not used before (Tessellation and Geometry)
- http://in2gpu.com/2014/07/12/tessellation-tutorial-opengl-4-3/ - Another very helpful tessellation shader guide for OpenGL
- https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki - The spec and wiki were often times the only tools available for understanding some parts. I found it very helfpul when passing in triangles that had to be converted to points then converted into different triangles. All tutorials did not cover this specific case so the spec helped.
- (Optional) What was the most interesting part of the Final Assignment? How could the instructor improve the final project?
- I feel like I really got to push myself on this assignment. It was overall a great experience and great ideas were provided to leverage as starting points.