CMV is a community-supported open source mapping framework. CMV works with the Esri JavaScript API, ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Online and more.
This JavaScript web app can be easily configured or used as a boilerplate/starting point for basic viewers. It also demonstrates best practices for modular design and OOP via classes in JS using dojo's great declare system.
![screen shot 2014-08-20 at 9 59 48 pm](./img/screenshot.png =400x)
Check out the demo site to get a taste for some of the capabilities you can use in your own applications.
CMV comes with many "core" widgets including:
- Base Maps
- Bookmarks
- Directions
- Draw
- Editor
- Find
- Geocoder
- Growler
- Help
- Home Button
- Identify
- Layer Control (Table of Contents)
- Legend
- Locate Button (Geolocation)
- MapInfo
- Measurement
- Overview Map
- Scalebar
- StreetView
- Map Right click menu with various widget functions.
- Highly configurable UI, right or left sidebars with widgets in both, top and bottom regions for other content.
Read more about the core widgets. In addition, there is a growing number of widgets contributed by the CMV developer community.