If you're already familiar with the command line, or you are comfortable setting up a new pi SD card, and following a script, here's the quick install guide!
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# Expand your partition to fill your SD card
# Make sure you're booting into the console
sudo raspi-config
sudo update-rc.d lightdm disable
# Install Node.js
sudo apt-get install git htop rng-tools
wget http://node-arm.herokuapp.com/node_latest_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
echo "Enabling hardware random number generator"
sudo modprobe bcm2708-rng
echo "add bcm2708-rng to /etc/modules"
echo "Now you have /dev/hwrng !"
# Install DFU-Util
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
wget http://dfu-util.gnumonks.org/releases/dfu-util-0.7.tar.gz
tar xvf dfu-util-0.7.tar.gz
cd dfu-util-0.7
sudo make install
# Install the Spark-CLI
sudo npm install -g spark-cli
# Setup a project folder
sudo mkdir /spark
sudo chown pi /spark
sudo chgrp pi /spark
cd /spark
git clone https://github.com/spark/spark-server.git
cd spark-server/js
npm install
node main.js