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Diagnosing variables

Thomas Nipen edited this page Jun 18, 2020 · 15 revisions


Gridpp can diagnose a number of humidity variables based on other variables. There are several humidity variables: dewpoint temperature, relative humidity, and wetbulb temperature. These can be diagnosed from each other in combination with temperature (and pressure for wetbulb).

value = gridpp.dewpoint(278.15, 0.9)


Gridpp can diagnose a number of wind variables based on other variables. This is implemented as a calibrator. Wind can be represented by speed and direction or by x and y components, which must exist.

x = 10 y = 5 wind_speed = gridpp.wind_speed(x, y)

## Aviation

Gridpp can compute QNH from surface pressure and altitude.

import gridpp
pressure = 90000  # pa
altitude = 1000   # m
qnh = gridpp.qnh(pressure, altitude)
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