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Maintainer Guidelines

Pascal Christoph edited this page Jul 19, 2024 · 13 revisions


It's good habit to use semantic versioning in release numbers A.B.C, i.e. increase A when it's a major release breaking backward compatibility; increase B when it got new features; increase C indicating bug fixes. A suffix like rcN (where N is a number) indicates a release candidate (rc).

Making a release(-candidate)

  1. Remove -SNAPSHOT version suffix in build.gradle. Bump version of metafacture.
  2. git add build.gradle; git commit. Message "Publish $VERSION from master branch")
  3. git tag -s $VERSION. Message Release $VERSION.
  4. Create runner distribution: ./gradlew distZip
  5. Only for publishing release candidates (?! Oherwise a "Received status code 409 from server: Conflict" appears):: git switch publish && git merge --ff-only master && git push origin publish && git switch master
  6. Increment version number, append -SNAPSHOT version suffix in build.gradle, commit ("Move version to A.B.C+1-SNAPSHOT after A.B.C release") and push to master
  7. Push tags: git push --tags origin master
  8. Only for a full release: create release from tag, attach runner distribution

Update flux-commands

Download the latest runner: . Unzip the downloaded metafix-runner distribution. Run the runner in the proper directory without arguments:./metafix-runner/build/distributions/metafix-runner-1.0.0/bin/metafix-runner (note that the links will only generated if the git repo metafacture-documentation is checked out and the file linksAndExamples.tsv is accessible via ../linksAndExamples.tsv).
Modify the generated output (i.e. the header) and commit it to

Inform customers

Update: blog; mail; mastodon