Main interface of PlayNetwork server. This class handles clients connection and communication.
NetworkEntity is a pc.ScriptType, which is attached to a pc.ScriptComponent of an pc.Entity that needs to be synchronised between server and clients. It has unique ID, optional owner and list of properties to be synchronised. For convenience, pc.Entity has additional property: entity.networkEntity
A Room represents own pc.Application context, with a list of joined Users.
Interface with a list of server Rooms and an interface to create new rooms.
User interface which is created for each individual connection and inter-connections to a PlayNetwork.
Interface of all Users currently connected to a server. As well as for handling new user authentication.
Main interface to connect to a server and interact with networked data.
Helper class to interpolate values between states. It has mechanics to smoothen unreliable intervals of state and can interpolate simple values such as number
, as well as complex: pc.Vec2, pc.Vec3, pc.Vec4, pc.Quat, pc.Color.
Interface that allows to save hierarchy data to a server.
NetworkEntity is a pc.ScriptType, which is attached to a pc.ScriptComponent of an pc.Entity that needs to be synchronised between server and clients. It has unique ID, optional owner and list of properties to be synchronised. For convenience, pc.Entity has additional property: entity.networkEntity
Room to which User has joined.
User object that is created for each User we know, including ourself.