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Semantic Segmentation and Network Transfer

This directory has all the code for both the semantic segmentation and network transfer experiments. No additional dependencies are needed


To run these experiments, you will first need to download the Stanford 2D-3D-S dataset and/or the SYNTHIA and OmniSYNTHIA datasets.

Information for downloading the Stanford dataset can be found here

For SYNTHIA training, you need to download the SYNTHIA-SEQS-01(02,04,05,06)-SUMMER packages from the SYNTHIA VIDEO SEQUENCES subset. These can be downloaded here. OmniSYNTHIA is derived from this same subset. Code to generate OmniSYNTHIA images from the downloaded SYNTHIA data can be found by contacting the authors of Orientation-aware Semantic Segmentation on Icosahedron Spheres. I will do my best to port their MATLAB code to Python and push it to this repo, but it may be a little while until then (see this issue).

Running this code

These experiments are designed to be run using the provided bash files with associated config files. Both DataParallel and DistributedDataParallel options are provided. We highly recommend the distributed versions, as they are much faster both both training and evaluation.

Evaluating a model

Models are provided via this Google Drive directory.

To run evaluation, use the command:

bash run_{dist_} <path/to/config.yaml>

Training a model

To retrain a model according to the paper, simply specify one of the provided config files in the training command:

bash run_{dist_} <path/to/config.yaml>

It will automatically use all GPUs. To visualize training, start a visdom server in a screen or tmux environment before running the train script and set the appropriate flags in the config file.

Config Files

Baseline config files for all experiments are located in the configs/train and configs/eval directories.

Below is a table associating each config with an experiment from the updated arXiv version of paper. Here's some quick shorthand to understand:

  • d###: Trained on camera-normalized perspective images with a square dimension of ### pixels (e.g. d128)
  • b#: Base level of the tangent images used (e.g. b1)
  • s#: Input resolution level of spherical images in terms of icosahedral level (e.g. s10)

For any Stanford dataset experiment, the provided configs are preset to Fold 1 of the dataset. You will need to change the configs manually to run other folds.

Stanford Semantic Segmentation Experiments

ID Config File Experiment
T0 semseg-s5.yaml Train on (s5, b0) Stanford tangent images
T1 semseg-s7.yaml Train on (s7, b0) Stanford tangent images
T2 semseg-s10.yaml Train on (s10, b1) Stanford tangent images
ID Config File Experiment
E0 semseg-s5.yaml Evaluate the model trained by T0
E1 semseg-s7.yaml Evaluate the model trained by T1
E2 semseg-s10.yaml Evaluate the model trained by T2

Stanford 2D-3D-S Transfer Experiments

ID Config File Experiment
T3 transfer-stanford-data-train.yaml Train on d128 Stanford perspective images
T4 transfer-stanford-data-finetune.yaml Fine-tune the d128 network for 10 more epochs on d128 Stanford perspective images
T5 transfer-stanford-pano-finetune.yaml Fine-tune the d128 network for 10 epochs on (s8, b1) Stanford tangent images
ID Config File Experiment
E3 transfer-stanford-data.yaml Evaluate a model trained by T3 or T4
E4 transfer-stanford-pano.yaml Evaluate a model trained by T3 or T5

(Omni)SYNTHIA Transfer Experiments

ID Config File Experiment
T6 transfer-synthia-data-dim32-train.yaml Train on d32 SYNTHIA perspective images
T7 transfer-synthia-data-dim64-train.yaml Train on d64 SYNTHIA perspective images
T8 transfer-synthia-data-dim128-train.yaml Train on d128 SYNTHIA perspective images
T9 transfer-synthia-s6-finetune.yaml Fine-tune on (s6, b1) OmniSYNTHIA tangent images (initialize with model trained by T6)
T10 transfer-synthia-s7-finetune.yaml Fine-tune on (s7, b1) OmniSYNTHIA tangent images (initialize with model trained by T7)
T11 transfer-synthia-s8-finetune.yaml Fine-tune on (s8, b1) OmniSYNTHIA tangent images (initialize with model trained by T8)
ID Config File Experiment
E5 transfer-synthia-s6.yaml Evaluate a model trained by T6 or T9
E5 transfer-synthia-s7.yaml Evaluate a model trained by T7 or T10
E6 transfer-synthia-s8.yaml Evaluate a model trained by T8 or T11

Config Options

All config file options are defined and documented in ss/