diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json index 536391c7c23..56f024e2180 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/af-ZA.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Nuwe resepname moet uniek wees", "scrape-recipe": "Skraap resep", "scrape-recipe-description": "Voeg 'n resep by via 'n url. Voer die url van die webwerf in wat jy vir 'n resep wil skandeer, Mealie sal probeer om die resep vanaf daardie plek te skandeer en by jou versameling te voeg.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Voer oorspronklike sleutelwoorde as merkers in", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Bly in redigeer modus", "import-from-zip": "Voer vanaf zip in", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json index 402429e392b..a6d61c58861 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ar-SA.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json b/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json index 62a9e7b4a1c..46e3e57e87d 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/bg-BG.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Името на рецептата трябва да бъде уникално", "scrape-recipe": "Обхождане на рецепта", "scrape-recipe-description": "Обходи рецепта по линк. Предоставете линк за сайт, който искате да бъде обходен. Mealie ще опита да обходи рецептата от този сайт и да я добави във Вашата колекция.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Импортирай оригиналните ключови думи като тагове", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Остани в режим на редакция", "import-from-zip": "Импортирай от Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json index d537f843d58..0a6a7cdd799 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ca-ES.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Els noms de les noves receptes han de ser únics", "scrape-recipe": "Rastrejar recepta", "scrape-recipe-description": "Rastrejar recepta des de l'Url. Proporciona un Url del lloc que vols rastrejar i Mealie intentarà analitzar la recepta del lloc web i afegir-la a la teva col·lecció.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importa les paraules clau originals com a tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Segueix en el mode d'edició", "import-from-zip": "Importa des d'un ZIP", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json b/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json index 59357205a49..d6be5e35afc 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/cs-CZ.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Zůstat v režimu úprav", "import-from-zip": "Importovat ze zipu", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json b/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json index 781171e74ce..c253bb2dafe 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/da-DK.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Opskriftsnavnet er allerede i brug", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Opskrift", "scrape-recipe-description": "Hent en opskrift fra en hjemmeside. Angiv URL'en til den hjemmeside, du vil hente data fra, og Mealie vil forsøge at hente opskriften og tilføje den til din samling.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importér originale nøgleord som mærker", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Bliv i redigeringstilstand", "import-from-zip": "Importer fra zip-fil", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json b/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json index a5e6ec5c4e5..d5c8c1c8d96 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/de-DE.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Neue Rezeptnamen müssen eindeutig sein", "scrape-recipe": "Rezept einlesen", "scrape-recipe-description": "Importiere ein Rezept mit der URL. Gib die URL für die Seite an, die du importieren möchtest und Mealie wird versuchen, das Rezept von dieser Seite einzulesen und deiner Sammlung hinzuzufügen.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Hast Du viele Rezepte, die Du auf einmal einlesen willst?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Probiere den Massenimporter aus", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importiere ursprüngliche Stichwörter als Schlagwörter", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Im Bearbeitungsmodus bleiben", "import-from-zip": "Von Zip importieren", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json index 08616a317f8..d382e334a8a 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/el-GR.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json b/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json index 93b40b01b0f..920b9862c73 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/en-GB.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json b/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json index d8643a04b04..2e91de0f6e0 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/es-ES.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "El nombre de la receta debe ser único", "scrape-recipe": "Analiza receta", "scrape-recipe-description": "Importa una receta por URL. Proporcione la URL para el sitio que desea importar, y Mealie intentará importar la receta de ese sitio y añadirla a su colección.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importar palabras clave originales como etiquetas", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Permanecer en modo edición", "import-from-zip": "Importar desde zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json index 6f384d03c51..d05bf6204e8 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fi-FI.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Reseptin nimen on oltava yksilöllinen", "scrape-recipe": "Reseptin kaappain", "scrape-recipe-description": "Kaappaa resepti urlin avulla. Anna sen reseptin url-osoite, jonka haluat kaapata, ja Mealie yrittää kaapata reseptin kyseiseltä sivustolta ja lisätä sen kokoelmaasi.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Tuo alkuperäiset avainsanat tunnisteiksi", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Pysy muokkaustilassa", "import-from-zip": "Tuo zip-arkistosta", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json index fa4c80e9d7c..b0c3a7df45a 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-CA.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Les noms de nouvelles recettes doivent être uniques", "scrape-recipe": "Récupérer une recette", "scrape-recipe-description": "Récupérer une recette par URL. Fournissez l'URL de la page que vous voulez récupérer, et Mealie essaiera d'en extraire la recette pour l'ajouter à votre collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Vous avez un tas de recettes à récupérer d’un coup ?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Essayez l’importateur de masse", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer les mots-clés d'origine en tant que tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rester en mode édition", "import-from-zip": "Importer depuis un zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json index 2ec7ffadd76..808bae6121e 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/fr-FR.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Les noms de nouvelles recettes doivent être uniques", "scrape-recipe": "Récupérer une recette", "scrape-recipe-description": "Récupérer une recette par URL. Fournissez l'URL de la page que vous voulez récupérer, et Mealie essaiera d'en extraire la recette pour l'ajouter à votre collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Vous avez un tas de recettes à récupérer d’un coup ?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Essayez l’importateur de masse", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer les mots-clés d'origine en tant que tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rester en mode édition", "import-from-zip": "Importer depuis un zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json b/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json index 5fc97be316c..fa04ac5a576 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/gl-ES.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json b/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json index eba93a478a4..cef37c2b501 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/he-IL.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "שם מתכון חדש חייב להיות ייחודי", "scrape-recipe": "קריאת מתכון", "scrape-recipe-description": "קריאת מתכון בעזרת לינק. ספק את הלינק של האתר שברצונך לקרוא, ומילי תנסה לקרוא את המתכון מהאתר ולהוסיף אותו לאוסף.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "ייבא שמות מפתח מקוריות כתגיות", "stay-in-edit-mode": "השאר במצב עריכה", "import-from-zip": "ייבא מקובץ", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json index 9f7ce636bdf..02f883b6790 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/hr-HR.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Naziv novog recepta mora imati jedinstveno ime", "scrape-recipe": "Prikupi (skraperaj) recept", "scrape-recipe-description": "Prikupi (skraperaj) recept putem URL-a. Priložite URL web stranice s koje želite prikupiti recept, a Mealie će pokušati prikupiti recept s te stranice i dodati ga u vašu kolekciju.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Uvezi originalne ključne riječi kao oznake", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Ostanite u načinu uređivanja", "import-from-zip": "Uvoz iz Zip-a", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json b/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json index 018136820c5..082c150dac5 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/hu-HU.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Az új recept nevének egyedinek kell lennie", "scrape-recipe": "Recept kinyerése", "scrape-recipe-description": "Recept (adatok) kinyerése Url alapján. Adja meg a beolvasni kívánt oldal Url-címét, és Mealie megpróbálja beolvasni a receptet az adott oldalról, majd hozzáadja azt gyűjteményéhez.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Eredeti kulcsszavak importálása címkeként", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Maradjon Szerkesztés módban", "import-from-zip": "Importálás ZIP-ből", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json b/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json index 9bf888f2b69..b9f6ba71af0 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/it-IT.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "I nuovi nomi delle ricette devono essere univoci", "scrape-recipe": "Recupera Ricetta", "scrape-recipe-description": "Recupera una ricetta da url. Fornire l'url per il sito che si desidera analizzare, e Mealie cercherà di recuperare la ricetta da quel sito e aggiungerlo alla vostra raccolta.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importa parole chiave originali come tag", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rimani in modalità Modifica", "import-from-zip": "Importa da Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json index 4b497c82466..f2ec68ac5b6 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ja-JP.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json index 95032b9ea77..5c199a87236 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ko-KR.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json b/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json index 9652b10fa26..e3c71a88c8e 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/lt-LT.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Naujo recepto pavadinimas turi būti unikalus", "scrape-recipe": "Nuskaityti receptą", "scrape-recipe-description": "Nuskaityti receptą iš URL nuorodos. Pateikite recepto nuorodą, ir Mealie pabandys paimti recepto informaciją iš šios svetainės ir patalpinti ją jūsų kolekcijoje.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Įkelti pradinius raktažodžius kaip žymas", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Toliau redaguoti", "import-from-zip": "Įkelti iš .ZIP archyvo", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json b/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json index 2f2822166ec..f0ff652afeb 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/lv-LV.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json b/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json index d4437966efd..4fd0c0de430 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/nl-NL.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Nieuwe receptnamen moeten uniek zijn", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape recept", "scrape-recipe-description": "Voeg een recept toe via een url. Geef de url op van de site welke je wil scannen voor een recept., en Mealie zal proberen het recept vanaf die plek te scannen en aan je collectie toe te voegen.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Heb je veel recepten die je in 1 keer wil importeren?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Probeer de bulk importer uit", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importeer oorspronkelijke trefwoorden als tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Blijf in bewerkingsmodus", "import-from-zip": "Importeren uit zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json b/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json index 707fd197750..55643c70b1f 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/no-NO.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Navn på oppskrift må være unike", "scrape-recipe": "Skrap oppskrift", "scrape-recipe-description": "Skrap en oppskrift ved bruk av nettadresse. Oppgi nettadressen til nettstedet du vil skrape, så vil Mealie forsøke å skrape oppskriften fra den siden og legge den til i samlingen din.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importer originale søkeord som emneord", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Forbli i redigeringsmodus", "import-from-zip": "Importer fra zip-fil", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json b/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json index 0b1abfa02c8..1e77bffa286 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/pl-PL.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Nazwa przepisu musi być unikalna", "scrape-recipe": "Scrapuj Przepis", "scrape-recipe-description": "Wczytaj przepis przez URL. Podaj adres URL witryny z przepisem, który chcesz wczytać, a Mealie spróbuje wyodrębnić przepis z tej strony i dodać go do kolekcji.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importuj oryginalne słowa kluczowe jako tagi", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Pozostań w trybie edycji", "import-from-zip": "Importuj z pliku Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json index d14087f3db6..787c48b9ece 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-BR.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Novos nomes de receitas devem ser únicos", "scrape-recipe": "Extrair receita do site", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape uma receita por url. Forneça o Url para o site que você deseja scrape, e Mealie tentará raspar a receita desse site e adicioná-la à sua coleção.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importar palavras-chave originais como marcadores", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Permanecer no modo de edição", "import-from-zip": "Importar do .zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json index 45d8626941f..0011ba328ca 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/pt-PT.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Os nomes de receitas devem ser únicos", "scrape-recipe": "Obter receita da Web (Scrape)", "scrape-recipe-description": "Fazer scrape a receita por URL. Indique o URL da página a que quer fazer scrape e o Mealie tentará obter a receita dessa página e adicioná-la à sua coleção.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Tem muitas receitas para processar em simultâneo?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Experimente o importador em massa", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importar palavras-chave originais como etiquetas", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Permanecer no modo de edição", "import-from-zip": "Importar de Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json index 442e22f342a..db48e129111 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ro-RO.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Numele rețetei trebuie să fie unic", "scrape-recipe": "Importare rețetă", "scrape-recipe-description": "Importa o rețetă prin url. Oferiți url-ul pentru site-ul pe care doriți să îl importați, și Mealie va încerca să importe rețeta de pe acel site și să o adauge la colecția ta.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importă cuvintele cheie originale ca tag-uri", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Rămâi în modul Editare", "import-from-zip": "Importă din zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json b/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json index e08d93a313a..35540be5676 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/ru-RU.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Название рецепта должно быть уникальным", "scrape-recipe": "Отсканировать рецепт", "scrape-recipe-description": "Отсканировать рецепт по ссылке. Предоставьте ссылку на страницу, которую вы хотите отсканировать, и Mealie попытается вырезать рецепт с этого сайта и добавить его в свою коллекцию.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Импортировать исходные ключевые слова как теги", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Остаться в режиме редактирования", "import-from-zip": "Импорт из архива", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json index b1a241a6aab..81b9f0fbaf1 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sk-SK.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Názvy nových receptov musia byť jedinečné", "scrape-recipe": "Scrapovať recept", "scrape-recipe-description": "Stiahne recept zo zadaného url odkazu. Zadajte url stránky, z ktorej chcete stiahnuť recept, a Mealie sa pokúsi recept stiahnuť a vložiť do vašej zbierky.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importuj pôvodné kľúčové slová ako tagy", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Zostať v režime editovania", "import-from-zip": "Importovať zo Zip-súboru", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json index ae9a793a277..c3b5c80c7f3 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sl-SI.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json index 773c7f46aa0..6aee1b20a79 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sr-SP.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Увези оригиналне кључне речи као ознаке", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Увези из Zip архиве", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json b/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json index 9201e134f8a..b2580673156 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/sv-SE.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Nya receptnamn måste vara unika", "scrape-recipe": "Skrapa Recept", "scrape-recipe-description": "Hämta ett recept med webbadress. Ange URL:en för webbplatsen du vill hämta, och Mealie kommer att försöka hämta receptet från den webbplatsen och lägga till det i din samling.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Importera ursprungliga sökord som taggar", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stanna kvar i redigeringsläge", "import-from-zip": "Importera från zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json b/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json index c9a104dddfd..7805c51b463 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/tr-TR.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Zip'ten içeri aktar", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json b/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json index 6ed7f22757b..b57ba772d96 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/uk-UA.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "Назви нового рецепту має бути унікальна", "scrape-recipe": "Розпізнати рецепт", "scrape-recipe-description": "Розпізнати рецепт за посиланням. Вкажіть посилання на рецепт який ви хочете розпізнати й Mealie спробує розпізнати його і додати в вашу колекцію.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Багато рецептів, які ви хочете розпізнати відразу?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Спробуйте масовий розпізнавач", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Імпортувати оригінальні ключові слова як теги", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Залишитися в режимі редактора", "import-from-zip": "Імпортувати з Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json b/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json index 40c68a9e822..8d8ec2fd20a 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/vi-VN.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json index 24f7fba21fc..f6c9212ad89 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-CN.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "新食谱名必须唯一", "scrape-recipe": "刮削食谱", "scrape-recipe-description": "通过URL刮削食谱。提供你想要刮削网址的URL,Mealie会尝试从该网址刮削食谱并添加到你的收藏中。", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "导入原始关键字作为标签", "stay-in-edit-mode": "留在编辑模式", "import-from-zip": "从Zip压缩包导入", diff --git a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json index 6b7bea3ed9e..7000882d4cf 100644 --- a/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json +++ b/frontend/lang/messages/zh-TW.json @@ -533,6 +533,8 @@ "new-recipe-names-must-be-unique": "New recipe names must be unique", "scrape-recipe": "Scrape Recipe", "scrape-recipe-description": "Scrape a recipe by url. Provide the url for the site you want to scrape, and Mealie will attempt to scrape the recipe from that site and add it to your collection.", + "scrape-recipe-have-a-lot-of-recipes": "Have a lot of recipes you want to scrape at once?", + "scrape-recipe-suggest-bulk-importer": "Try out the bulk importer", "import-original-keywords-as-tags": "Import original keywords as tags", "stay-in-edit-mode": "Stay in Edit mode", "import-from-zip": "Import from Zip",