diff --git a/build/document-extractor.ts b/build/document-extractor.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e19377597bcd..000000000000
--- a/build/document-extractor.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,833 +0,0 @@
-import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
-import { packageBCD } from "./resolve-bcd";
-import * as bcd from "@mdn/browser-compat-data/types";
-import {
- BCDSection,
- Doc,
- ProseSection,
- Section,
- SpecificationsSection,
-} from "../libs/types";
-import specs from "browser-specs";
-import web from "../kumascript/src/api/web";
-interface SimpleSupportStatementWithReleaseDate
- extends bcd.SimpleSupportStatement {
- release_date?: string;
-type SectionsAndFlaws = [Section[], string[]];
-/** Extract and mutate the $ if it as a "Quick_links" section.
- * But only if it exists.
- *
- * If you had this:
- *
- * const $ = cheerio.load(`
- *
- * Headline
- *
- * `)
- * const sidebar = extractSidebar($);
- * console.log(sidebar);
- * // 'Stuff
- * console.log($.html());
- * // 'Headline\n
- *
- * ...give or take some whitespace.
- */
-export function extractSidebar($: cheerio.CheerioAPI, doc: Partial) {
- const search = $("#Quick_links");
- if (!search.length) {
- doc.sidebarHTML = "";
- return;
- }
- // Open menu and highlight current page.
- search.find(`a[href='${doc.mdn_url}']`).each((_i, el) => {
- $(el).parents("details").prop("open", true);
- $(el).attr("aria-current", "page");
- // Highlight, unless it already is highlighted (e.g. heading).
- if ($(el).find("em,strong").length === 0) {
- $(el).parent().wrapInner("");
- }
- });
- doc.sidebarHTML = search.html();
- search.remove();
-export function extractSections($: cheerio.CheerioAPI): [Section[], string[]] {
- const flaws: string[] = [];
- const sections: Section[] = [];
- const section = cheerio
- .load("", {
- // decodeEntities: false
- })("div")
- .eq(0);
- const body = $("body")[0] as cheerio.ParentNode;
- const iterable = [...(body.childNodes as cheerio.Element[])];
- let c = 0;
- iterable.forEach((child) => {
- if (
- (child as cheerio.Element).tagName === "h2" ||
- (child as cheerio.Element).tagName === "h3"
- ) {
- if (c) {
- const [subSections, subFlaws] = addSections(section.clone());
- sections.push(...subSections);
- flaws.push(...subFlaws);
- section.empty();
- }
- c = 0;
- }
- // We *could* wrap this in something like `if (child.tagName) {`
- // which would exclude any node that isn't a tag, such as comments.
- // That might make the DOM nodes more compact and memory efficient.
- c++;
- section.append(child);
- });
- if (c) {
- // last straggler
- const [subSections, subFlaws] = addSections(section);
- sections.push(...subSections);
- flaws.push(...subFlaws);
- }
- // Check for and mutate possible duplicated IDs.
- // If a HTML document has...:
- //
- // Check these examples
- // ...
- // Examples
- //
- // then this can cause various problems. For example, the anchor links
- // won't work. The Table of Contents won't be able to do a loop with unique
- // `key={section.id}` values.
- // The reason we need to loop through to get a list of all existing IDs
- // first is because we might have this:
- //
- // Foo X
- // Foo Y
- // Foo Z
- //
- // So when you encounter `Foo Y
` you'll know that you
- // can't suggest it to be `Foo Y
` because that ID
- // is taken by another one, later.
- const allIDs = new Set(
- sections
- .map((section) => section.value.id)
- .filter(Boolean)
- .map((id) => id.toLowerCase())
- );
- const seenIDs = new Set();
- for (const section of sections) {
- const originalID = section.value.id;
- if (!originalID) {
- // Not all sections have an ID. For example, prose sections that don't
- // start with a .
- // Since we're primarily concerned about *uniqueness* here, let's just
- // skip worrying about these.
- continue;
- }
- // We normalize all IDs to lowercase so that `id="Foo"` === `id="foo"`.
- const id = originalID.toLowerCase();
- if (seenIDs.has(id)) {
- // That's bad! We have to come up with a new ID but it can't be one
- // that's used by another other section.
- let increment = 2;
- let newID = `${originalID}_${increment}`;
- while (
- seenIDs.has(newID.toLowerCase()) ||
- allIDs.has(newID.toLowerCase())
- ) {
- increment++;
- newID = `${originalID}_${increment}`;
- }
- section.value.id = newID;
- seenIDs.add(newID.toLowerCase());
- flaws.push(
- `'${originalID}' is not a unique ID in this HTML (temporarily changed to ${section.value.id})`
- );
- } else {
- seenIDs.add(id);
- }
- }
- return [sections, flaws];
-/** Return an array of new sections to be added to the complete document.
- *
- * Generally, this function is called with a cheerio (`$`) section that
- * has HTML in it. The task is to structure that a little bit.
- * If the HTML inside the '$' is:
- *
- * Foo
- *
Bla bla
- *
- *
- * then, the expected output is to return:
- *
- * [{
- * type: "prose",
- * id: "foo",
- * title: "Foo"
- * content: "Bla bla
- * }]
- *
- * The reason it's always returning an array is because of special
- * sections. A special section is one where we try to transform it
- * first. For example BCD tables. If the input is this:
- *
- * Browser Compat
- * ...
- *
- * Then, extract the ID, get the structured data and eventually return this:
- *
- * [{
- * type: "browser_compatibility",
- * value: {
- * query: "foo.bar.thing",
- * id: "browser_compat",
- * title: "Browser Compat",
- * data: {....}
- * }]
- *
- * Another example is for the specification section. If the input is this:
- *
- * Specifications
- * ...
- *
- * Then, extract the data-bcd-query and return this:
- *
- * [{
- * type: "specifications",
- * value: {
- * query: "foo.bar.thing",
- * id: "specifications",
- * title: "Specifications",
- * specifications: {....}
- * }]
- */
-function addSections($: cheerio.Cheerio): SectionsAndFlaws {
- const flaws: string[] = [];
- const countPotentialSpecialDivs = $.find("div.bc-data, div.bc-specs").length;
- if (countPotentialSpecialDivs) {
- /** If there's exactly 1 special table the only section to add is something
- * like this:
- * {
- * "type": "browser_compatibility",
- * "value": {
- * "title": "Browser compatibility",
- * "id": "browser_compatibility",
- * "query": "html.elements.video",
- * "data": {....}
- * }
- *
- * Where the 'title' and 'id' values comes from the tag (if available).
- *
- * However, if there are **multiple special tables**,
- * it needs to return something like this:
- *
- * [{
- * "type": "prose",
- * "value": {
- * "id": "browser_compatibility",
- * "title": "Browser compatibility"
- * "content": "Possible stuff before the table"
- * },
- * {
- * "type": "browser_compatibility",
- * "value": {
- * "query": "html.elements.video",
- * "data": {....
- * },
- * {
- * "type": "prose",
- * "value": {
- * "content": "Any other stuff before table maybe"
- * },
- */
- if (countPotentialSpecialDivs > 1) {
- const subSections: Section[] = [];
- const section = cheerio
- .load("
", {
- // decodeEntities: false
- })("div")
- .eq(0);
- // Loop over each and every "root element" in the node and keep piling
- // them up in a buffer, until you encounter a `div.bc-data` or `div.bc-specs` then
- // add that to the stack, clear and repeat.
- const div = $[0] as cheerio.ParentNode;
- const iterable = [...(div.childNodes as cheerio.Element[])];
- let c = 0;
- let countSpecialDivsFound = 0;
- iterable.forEach((child) => {
- if (
- child.tagName === "div" &&
- child.attribs &&
- child.attribs.class &&
- (child.attribs.class.includes("bc-data") ||
- child.attribs.class.includes("bc-specs"))
- ) {
- countSpecialDivsFound++;
- if (c) {
- const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = _addSectionProse(
- section.clone()
- );
- subSections.push(...proseSections);
- flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
- section.empty();
- c = 0; // reset the counter
- }
- section.append(child);
- // XXX That `_addSingleSpecialSection(section.clone())` might return a
- // and empty array and that means it failed and we should
- // bail.
- subSections.push(..._addSingleSpecialSection(section.clone()));
- section.empty();
- } else {
- section.append(child);
- c++;
- }
- });
- if (c) {
- const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = _addSectionProse(section.clone());
- subSections.push(...proseSections);
- flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
- }
- if (countSpecialDivsFound !== countPotentialSpecialDivs) {
- const leftoverCount = countPotentialSpecialDivs - countSpecialDivsFound;
- const explanation = `${leftoverCount} 'div.bc-data' or 'div.bc-specs' element${
- leftoverCount > 1 ? "s" : ""
- } found but deeply nested.`;
- flaws.push(explanation);
- }
- return [subSections, flaws];
- }
- const specialSections = _addSingleSpecialSection($);
- // The _addSingleSpecialSection() function will have sucked up the or
- // and the `div.bc-data` or `div.bc-specs` to turn it into a special section.
- // First remove that, then put whatever HTML is left as a prose
- // section underneath.
- $.find("div.bc-data, h2, h3").remove();
- $.find("div.bc-specs, h2, h3").remove();
- const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = _addSectionProse($);
- specialSections.push(...proseSections);
- flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
- if (specialSections.length) {
- return [specialSections, flaws];
- }
- }
- // all else, leave as is
- const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = _addSectionProse($);
- flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
- return [proseSections, flaws];
-function _addSingleSpecialSection(
- $: cheerio.Cheerio
-): Section[] {
- let id: string | null = null;
- let title: string | null = null;
- let isH3 = false;
- const h2s = $.find("h2");
- if (h2s.length === 1) {
- id = h2s.attr("id");
- title = h2s.text();
- } else {
- const h3s = $.find("h3");
- if (h3s.length === 1) {
- id = h3s.attr("id");
- title = h3s.text();
- isH3 = true;
- }
- }
- let dataQuery = "";
- let hasMultipleQueries = false;
- let specURLsString = "";
- let specialSectionType: string | null = null;
- if ($.find("div.bc-data").length) {
- specialSectionType = "browser_compatibility";
- const elem = $.find("div.bc-data");
- // Macro adds "data-query", but some translated-content still uses "id".
- dataQuery = (elem.attr("data-query") || elem.attr("id")) ?? "";
- hasMultipleQueries = elem.attr("data-multiple") === "true";
- } else if ($.find("div.bc-specs").length) {
- specialSectionType = "specifications";
- dataQuery = $.find("div.bc-specs").attr("data-bcd-query") ?? "";
- specURLsString = $.find("div.bc-specs").attr("data-spec-urls") ?? "";
- }
- // Some old legacy documents haven't been re-rendered yet, since it
- // was added, so the `div.bc-data` tag doesn't have a `id="bcd:..."`
- // or `data-bcd="..."` attribute. If that's the case, bail and fall
- // back on a regular prose section :(
- if (!dataQuery && specURLsString === "") {
- // I wish there was a good place to log this!
- return _addSectionProse($)[0];
- }
- const query = dataQuery.replace(/^bcd:/, "");
- const { browsers, data }: { browsers: bcd.Browsers; data: bcd.Identifier } =
- packageBCD(query);
- if (specialSectionType === "browser_compatibility") {
- if (data === undefined) {
- return [
- {
- type: specialSectionType,
- value: {
- title,
- id,
- isH3,
- data: null,
- query,
- browsers: null,
- },
- },
- ];
- }
- return _buildSpecialBCDSection();
- } else if (specialSectionType === "specifications") {
- if (query === undefined && specURLsString === "") {
- return [
- {
- type: specialSectionType,
- value: {
- title,
- id,
- isH3,
- query,
- specifications: [],
- },
- },
- ];
- }
- return _buildSpecialSpecSection();
- }
- throw new Error(`Unrecognized special section type '${specialSectionType}'`);
- function _buildSpecialBCDSection(): [BCDSection] {
- // First extract a map of all release data, keyed by (normalized) browser
- // name and the versions.
- // You'll have a map that looks like this:
- //
- // 'chrome_android': {
- // '28': {
- // release_date: '2012-06-01',
- // release_notes: '...',
- // ...
- //
- // The reason we extract this to a locally scoped map, is so we can
- // use it to augment the `__compat` blocks for the latest version
- // when (if known) it was added.
- const browserReleaseData = new Map();
- for (const [name, browser] of Object.entries(browsers)) {
- const releaseData = new Map();
- for (const [version, data] of Object.entries(browser.releases || [])) {
- if (data) {
- releaseData.set(version, data);
- }
- }
- browserReleaseData.set(name, releaseData);
- }
- for (const block of _extractCompatBlocks(data)) {
- for (const [browser, originalInfo] of Object.entries(block.support)) {
- // `originalInfo` here will be one of the following:
- // - a single simple_support_statement:
- // { version_added: 42 }
- // - an array of simple_support_statements:
- // [ { version_added: 42 }, { prefix: '-moz', version_added: 35 } ]
- //
- // Standardize the first version to an array of one, so we don't have
- // to deal with two different forms below
- const infos: SimpleSupportStatementWithReleaseDate[] = Array.isArray(
- originalInfo
- )
- ? originalInfo
- : [originalInfo];
- for (const infoEntry of infos) {
- const added =
- typeof infoEntry.version_added === "string" &&
- infoEntry.version_added.startsWith("≤")
- ? infoEntry.version_added.slice(1)
- : infoEntry.version_added;
- if (browserReleaseData.has(browser)) {
- if (browserReleaseData.get(browser).has(added)) {
- infoEntry.release_date = browserReleaseData
- .get(browser)
- .get(added).release_date;
- }
- }
- }
- infos.sort((a, b) =>
- _compareVersions(_getFirstVersion(b), _getFirstVersion(a))
- );
- block.support[browser] = infos;
- }
- }
- if (hasMultipleQueries) {
- title = query;
- id = query;
- isH3 = true;
- }
- return [
- {
- type: "browser_compatibility",
- value: {
- title,
- id,
- isH3,
- data,
- query,
- browsers,
- },
- },
- ];
- }
- function _getFirstVersion(support: bcd.SimpleSupportStatement): string {
- if (typeof support.version_added === "string") {
- return support.version_added;
- } else if (typeof support.version_removed === "string") {
- return support.version_removed;
- } else {
- return "0";
- }
- }
- function _compareVersions(a: string, b: string) {
- const x = _splitVersion(a);
- const y = _splitVersion(b);
- return _compareNumberArray(x, y);
- }
- function _compareNumberArray(a: number[], b: number[]): number {
- while (a.length || b.length) {
- const x = a.shift() || 0;
- const y = b.shift() || 0;
- if (x !== y) {
- return x - y;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function _splitVersion(version: string): number[] {
- if (version.startsWith("≤")) {
- version = version.slice(1);
- }
- return version.split(".").map(Number);
- }
- /**
- * Recursively extracts `__compat` objects from the `feature` and from all
- * nested features at any depth.
- *
- * @param {bcd.Identifier} feature The feature.
- * @returns {bcd.CompatStatement[]} The array of `__compat` objects.
- */
- function _extractCompatBlocks(
- feature: bcd.Identifier
- ): bcd.CompatStatement[] {
- const blocks: bcd.CompatStatement[] = [];
- for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(feature)) {
- if (key === "__compat") {
- blocks.push(value as bcd.CompatStatement);
- } else if (typeof value === "object") {
- blocks.push(..._extractCompatBlocks(value as bcd.Identifier));
- }
- }
- return blocks;
- }
- function _buildSpecialSpecSection(): [SpecificationsSection] {
- // Collect spec URLs from a BCD feature, a 'spec-urls' value, or both;
- // For a BCD feature, it can either be a string or an array of strings.
- let specURLs: string[] = [];
- function getSpecURLs(data: bcd.Identifier) {
- // If we’re processing data for just one feature, then the 'data'
- // variable will have a __compat key. So we get the one spec_url
- // value from that, and move on.
- //
- // The value may have data for subfeatures too — each subfeature with
- // its own __compat key that may have a spec_url — but in that case,
- // for the purposes of the Specifications section, we don’t want to
- // recurse through all the subfeatures to get those spec_url values;
- // instead we only want the spec_url from the top-level __compat key.
- if (data && data.__compat) {
- const compat = data.__compat;
- if (compat.spec_url) {
- if (Array.isArray(compat.spec_url)) {
- specURLs.push(...compat.spec_url);
- } else {
- specURLs.push(compat.spec_url);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // If we get here, we’re processing data for two or more features
- // and the 'data' variable will contain multiple blocks (objects)
- // — one for each feature.
- if (!data) {
- return;
- }
- for (const block of Object.values(data)) {
- if (!block) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!("__compat" in block)) {
- // Some features — e.g., css.properties.justify-content — have
- // no compat data themselves but have subfeatures with compat
- // data. So we recurse through the nested property values until
- // we either do or don’t find any subfeatures with spec URLs.
- // Otherwise, if we’re processing multiple top-level features
- // (that is, from a browser-compat value which is an array),
- // we’d end up entirely missing the data for this feature.
- getSpecURLs(block as bcd.Identifier);
- } else {
- // If we get here, we’ve got a __compat key, and we can extract
- // any spec URLs its value may contain.
- const compat = block.__compat;
- if (compat && compat.spec_url) {
- if (Array.isArray(compat.spec_url)) {
- specURLs.push(...compat.spec_url);
- } else {
- specURLs.push(compat.spec_url);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (query) {
- for (const feature of query.split(",").map((id) => id.trim())) {
- const { data } = packageBCD(feature);
- // If 'data' is non-null, we have data for one or more BCD features
- // that we can extract spec URLs from.
- getSpecURLs(data);
- }
- }
- if (specURLsString !== "") {
- // If specURLsString is non-empty, then it has the string contents
- // of the document’s 'spec-urls' frontmatter key: one or more URLs.
- specURLs.push(...specURLsString.split(",").map((url) => url.trim()));
- }
- // Eliminate any duplicate spec URLs
- specURLs = [...new Set(specURLs)];
- // Use BCD specURLs to look up more specification data
- // from the browser-specs package
- const specifications = specURLs
- .map((specURL) => {
- const spec = specs.find(
- (spec) =>
- specURL.startsWith(spec.url) ||
- specURL.startsWith(spec.nightly.url) ||
- spec.nightly.alternateUrls.some((s) => specURL.startsWith(s)) ||
- // When grabbing series nightly, make sure we're grabbing the latest spec version
- (spec.shortname === spec.series.currentSpecification &&
- specURL.startsWith(spec.series.nightlyUrl))
- );
- const specificationsData = {
- bcdSpecificationURL: specURL,
- title: "Unknown specification",
- };
- if (spec) {
- specificationsData.title = spec.title;
- } else {
- const specList = web.getJSONData("SpecData");
- const titleFromSpecData = Object.keys(specList).find(
- (key) => specList[key]["url"] === specURL.split("#")[0]
- );
- if (titleFromSpecData) {
- specificationsData.title = titleFromSpecData;
- }
- }
- return specificationsData;
- })
- .filter(Boolean);
- return [
- {
- type: "specifications",
- value: {
- title,
- id,
- isH3,
- specifications,
- query,
- },
- },
- ];
- }
-function _addSectionProse(
- $: cheerio.Cheerio
-): SectionsAndFlaws {
- let id: string | null = null;
- let title: string | null = null;
- let titleAsText = "";
- let isH3 = false;
- const flaws: string[] = [];
- // The way this works...
- // Given a section of HTML, try to extract a id, title,
- let h2found = false;
- const h2s = $.find("h2");
- h2s.each((i) => {
- const h2 = h2s.eq(i);
- if (i) {
- // Excess!
- flaws.push(
- `Excess tag that is NOT at root-level (id='${h2.attr(
- "id"
- )}', text='${h2.text()}')`
- );
- } else {
- // First element
- id = h2.attr("id") ?? "";
- title = h2.html() ?? "";
- titleAsText = h2.text();
- h2.remove();
- }
- h2found = true;
- });
- // If there was no , look through all the s.
- if (!h2found) {
- const h3s = $.find("h3");
- h3s.each((i) => {
- const h3 = h3s.eq(i);
- if (i) {
- // Excess!
- flaws.push(
- `Excess tag that is NOT at root-level (id='${h3.attr(
- "id"
- )}', text='${h3.text()}')`
- );
- } else {
- id = h3.attr("id") ?? "";
- title = h3.html() ?? "";
- titleAsText = h3.text();
- if (id && title) {
- isH3 = true;
- h3.remove();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (id) {
- // Remove trailing underscores (https://github.com/mdn/yari/issues/5492).
- id = id.replace(/_+$/g, "");
- }
- const value: ProseSection["value"] = {
- id,
- title,
- isH3,
- content: $.html()?.trim(),
- };
- // Only include it if it's useful. It's an optional property and it's
- // potentially a waste of space to include it if it's not different.
- if (titleAsText && titleAsText !== title) {
- value["titleAsText"] = titleAsText;
- }
- const sections: ProseSection[] = [];
- if (value.content || value.title) {
- sections.push({
- type: "prose",
- value,
- });
- }
- return [sections, flaws];
- * Given an array of sections, return a plain text
- * string of a summary. No HTML or Kumascript allowed.
- */
-export function extractSummary(sections: Section[]): string {
- let summary = ""; // default and fallback is an empty string.
- function extractFirstGoodParagraph($): string {
- const seoSummary = $("span.seoSummary, .summary");
- if (seoSummary.length && seoSummary.text()) {
- return seoSummary.text();
- }
- let summary = "";
- $("p").each((i, p) => {
- // The `.each()` can only take a callback, so we need a solution
- // to exit early once we've found the first working summary.
- if (summary) return; // it already been found!
- const text = $(p).text().trim();
- // Avoid those whose paragraph is just a failing KS macro
- if (text && !text.includes("Redirect") && !text.startsWith("{{")) {
- summary = text;
- }
- });
- return summary;
- }
- // If the sections contains a "Summary" one, use that, otherwise
- // use the first prose one.
- const summarySections = sections.filter(
- (section: Section): section is ProseSection =>
- section.type === "prose" && section.value.title === "Summary"
- );
- if (summarySections.length) {
- const $ = cheerio.load(summarySections[0].value.content ?? "");
- summary = extractFirstGoodParagraph($);
- } else {
- for (const section of sections) {
- if (
- section.type !== "prose" ||
- !section.value ||
- !section.value.content
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- const $ = cheerio.load(section.value.content);
- // Remove non-p tags that we should not be looking inside.
- $("div.notecard, div.note, div.blockIndicator").remove();
- summary = extractFirstGoodParagraph($);
- if (summary) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return summary;
diff --git a/build/extract-bcd.ts b/build/extract-bcd.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a1adccdf953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/extract-bcd.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import * as bcd from "@mdn/browser-compat-data/types";
+import { packageBCD } from "./resolve-bcd";
+interface SimpleSupportStatementWithReleaseDate
+ extends bcd.SimpleSupportStatement {
+ release_date?: string;
+export function extractBCD(query: string): {
+ browsers: bcd.Browsers | null;
+ data: bcd.Identifier | null;
+} {
+ const { browsers, data }: { browsers: bcd.Browsers; data: bcd.Identifier } =
+ packageBCD(query);
+ if (data === undefined) {
+ return { browsers: null, data: null };
+ }
+ // First extract a map of all release data, keyed by (normalized) browser
+ // name and the versions.
+ // You'll have a map that looks like this:
+ //
+ // 'chrome_android': {
+ // '28': {
+ // release_date: '2012-06-01',
+ // release_notes: '...',
+ // ...
+ //
+ // The reason we extract this to a locally scoped map, is so we can
+ // use it to augment the `__compat` blocks for the latest version
+ // when (if known) it was added.
+ const browserReleaseData = new Map();
+ for (const [name, browser] of Object.entries(browsers)) {
+ const releaseData = new Map();
+ for (const [version, data] of Object.entries(browser.releases || [])) {
+ if (data) {
+ releaseData.set(version, data);
+ }
+ }
+ browserReleaseData.set(name, releaseData);
+ }
+ for (const block of _extractCompatBlocks(data)) {
+ for (const [browser, originalInfo] of Object.entries(block.support)) {
+ // `originalInfo` here will be one of the following:
+ // - a single simple_support_statement:
+ // { version_added: 42 }
+ // - an array of simple_support_statements:
+ // [ { version_added: 42 }, { prefix: '-moz', version_added: 35 } ]
+ //
+ // Standardize the first version to an array of one, so we don't have
+ // to deal with two different forms below
+ const infos: SimpleSupportStatementWithReleaseDate[] = Array.isArray(
+ originalInfo
+ )
+ ? originalInfo
+ : [originalInfo];
+ for (const infoEntry of infos) {
+ const added =
+ typeof infoEntry.version_added === "string" &&
+ infoEntry.version_added.startsWith("≤")
+ ? infoEntry.version_added.slice(1)
+ : infoEntry.version_added;
+ if (browserReleaseData.has(browser)) {
+ if (browserReleaseData.get(browser).has(added)) {
+ infoEntry.release_date = browserReleaseData
+ .get(browser)
+ .get(added).release_date;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ infos.sort((a, b) =>
+ _compareVersions(_getFirstVersion(b), _getFirstVersion(a))
+ );
+ block.support[browser] = infos;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ data,
+ browsers,
+ };
+function _getFirstVersion(support: bcd.SimpleSupportStatement): string {
+ if (typeof support.version_added === "string") {
+ return support.version_added;
+ } else if (typeof support.version_removed === "string") {
+ return support.version_removed;
+ } else {
+ return "0";
+ }
+function _compareVersions(a: string, b: string) {
+ const x = _splitVersion(a);
+ const y = _splitVersion(b);
+ return _compareNumberArray(x, y);
+function _compareNumberArray(a: number[], b: number[]): number {
+ while (a.length || b.length) {
+ const x = a.shift() || 0;
+ const y = b.shift() || 0;
+ if (x !== y) {
+ return x - y;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+function _splitVersion(version: string): number[] {
+ if (version.startsWith("≤")) {
+ version = version.slice(1);
+ }
+ return version.split(".").map(Number);
+ * Recursively extracts `__compat` objects from the `feature` and from all
+ * nested features at any depth.
+ *
+ * @param {bcd.Identifier} feature The feature.
+ * @returns {bcd.CompatStatement[]} The array of `__compat` objects.
+ */
+function _extractCompatBlocks(feature: bcd.Identifier): bcd.CompatStatement[] {
+ const blocks: bcd.CompatStatement[] = [];
+ for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(feature)) {
+ if (key === "__compat") {
+ blocks.push(value as bcd.CompatStatement);
+ } else if (typeof value === "object") {
+ blocks.push(..._extractCompatBlocks(value as bcd.Identifier));
+ }
+ }
+ return blocks;
diff --git a/build/extract-sections.ts b/build/extract-sections.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac15cc0ef576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/extract-sections.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
+import { extractBCD } from "./extract-bcd";
+import { extractSpecifications } from "./extract-specifications";
+import { ProseSection } from "../libs/types";
+import { Section } from "../libs/types/document";
+export type SectionsAndFlaws = [Section[], string[]];
+export function extractSections($: cheerio.CheerioAPI): [Section[], string[]] {
+ const flaws: string[] = [];
+ const sections: Section[] = [];
+ const section = cheerio
+ .load("
", {
+ // decodeEntities: false
+ })("div")
+ .eq(0);
+ const body = $("body")[0] as cheerio.ParentNode;
+ const iterable = [...(body.childNodes as cheerio.Element[])];
+ let c = 0;
+ iterable.forEach((child) => {
+ if (
+ (child as cheerio.Element).tagName === "h2" ||
+ (child as cheerio.Element).tagName === "h3"
+ ) {
+ if (c) {
+ const [subSections, subFlaws] = addSections(section.clone());
+ sections.push(...subSections);
+ flaws.push(...subFlaws);
+ section.empty();
+ }
+ c = 0;
+ }
+ // We *could* wrap this in something like `if (child.tagName) {`
+ // which would exclude any node that isn't a tag, such as comments.
+ // That might make the DOM nodes more compact and memory efficient.
+ c++;
+ section.append(child);
+ });
+ if (c) {
+ // last straggler
+ const [subSections, subFlaws] = addSections(section);
+ sections.push(...subSections);
+ flaws.push(...subFlaws);
+ }
+ // Check for and mutate possible duplicated IDs.
+ // If a HTML document has...:
+ //
+ // Check these examples
+ // ...
+ // Examples
+ //
+ // then this can cause various problems. For example, the anchor links
+ // won't work. The Table of Contents won't be able to do a loop with unique
+ // `key={section.id}` values.
+ // The reason we need to loop through to get a list of all existing IDs
+ // first is because we might have this:
+ //
+ // Foo X
+ // Foo Y
+ // Foo Z
+ //
+ // So when you encounter `Foo Y
` you'll know that you
+ // can't suggest it to be `Foo Y
` because that ID
+ // is taken by another one, later.
+ const allIDs = new Set(
+ sections
+ .map((section) => section.value.id)
+ .filter(Boolean)
+ .map((id) => id.toLowerCase())
+ );
+ const seenIDs = new Set();
+ for (const section of sections) {
+ const originalID = section.value.id;
+ if (!originalID) {
+ // Not all sections have an ID. For example, prose sections that don't
+ // start with a .
+ // Since we're primarily concerned about *uniqueness* here, let's just
+ // skip worrying about these.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // We normalize all IDs to lowercase so that `id="Foo"` === `id="foo"`.
+ const id = originalID.toLowerCase();
+ if (seenIDs.has(id)) {
+ // That's bad! We have to come up with a new ID but it can't be one
+ // that's used by another other section.
+ let increment = 2;
+ let newID = `${originalID}_${increment}`;
+ while (
+ seenIDs.has(newID.toLowerCase()) ||
+ allIDs.has(newID.toLowerCase())
+ ) {
+ increment++;
+ newID = `${originalID}_${increment}`;
+ }
+ section.value.id = newID;
+ seenIDs.add(newID.toLowerCase());
+ flaws.push(
+ `'${originalID}' is not a unique ID in this HTML (temporarily changed to ${section.value.id})`
+ );
+ } else {
+ seenIDs.add(id);
+ }
+ }
+ return [sections, flaws];
+/** Return an array of new sections to be added to the complete document.
+ *
+ * Generally, this function is called with a cheerio (`$`) section that
+ * has HTML in it. The task is to structure that a little bit.
+ * If the HTML inside the '$' is:
+ *
+ * Foo
+ *
Bla bla
+ *
+ *
+ * then, the expected output is to return:
+ *
+ * [{
+ * type: "prose",
+ * id: "foo",
+ * title: "Foo"
+ * content: "Bla bla
+ * }]
+ *
+ * The reason it's always returning an array is because of special
+ * sections. A special section is one where we try to transform it
+ * first. For example BCD tables. If the input is this:
+ *
+ * Browser Compat
+ * ...
+ *
+ * Then, extract the ID, get the structured data and eventually return this:
+ *
+ * [{
+ * type: "browser_compatibility",
+ * value: {
+ * query: "foo.bar.thing",
+ * id: "browser_compat",
+ * title: "Browser Compat",
+ * data: {....}
+ * }]
+ *
+ * Another example is for the specification section. If the input is this:
+ *
+ * Specifications
+ * ...
+ *
+ * Then, extract the data-bcd-query and return this:
+ *
+ * [{
+ * type: "specifications",
+ * value: {
+ * query: "foo.bar.thing",
+ * id: "specifications",
+ * title: "Specifications",
+ * specifications: {....}
+ * }]
+ */
+function addSections($: cheerio.Cheerio): SectionsAndFlaws {
+ const flaws: string[] = [];
+ const countPotentialSpecialDivs = $.find("div.bc-data, div.bc-specs").length;
+ if (countPotentialSpecialDivs) {
+ /** If there's exactly 1 special table the only section to add is something
+ * like this:
+ * {
+ * "type": "browser_compatibility",
+ * "value": {
+ * "title": "Browser compatibility",
+ * "id": "browser_compatibility",
+ * "query": "html.elements.video",
+ * "data": {....}
+ * }
+ *
+ * Where the 'title' and 'id' values comes from the tag (if available).
+ *
+ * However, if there are **multiple special tables**,
+ * it needs to return something like this:
+ *
+ * [{
+ * "type": "prose",
+ * "value": {
+ * "id": "browser_compatibility",
+ * "title": "Browser compatibility"
+ * "content": "Possible stuff before the table"
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "type": "browser_compatibility",
+ * "value": {
+ * "query": "html.elements.video",
+ * "data": {....
+ * },
+ * {
+ * "type": "prose",
+ * "value": {
+ * "content": "Any other stuff before table maybe"
+ * },
+ */
+ if (countPotentialSpecialDivs > 1) {
+ const subSections: Section[] = [];
+ const section = cheerio
+ .load("
", {
+ // decodeEntities: false
+ })("div")
+ .eq(0);
+ // Loop over each and every "root element" in the node and keep piling
+ // them up in a buffer, until you encounter a `div.bc-data` or `div.bc-specs` then
+ // add that to the stack, clear and repeat.
+ const div = $[0] as cheerio.ParentNode;
+ const iterable = [...(div.childNodes as cheerio.Element[])];
+ let c = 0;
+ let countSpecialDivsFound = 0;
+ iterable.forEach((child) => {
+ if (
+ child.tagName === "div" &&
+ child.attribs &&
+ child.attribs.class &&
+ (child.attribs.class.includes("bc-data") ||
+ child.attribs.class.includes("bc-specs"))
+ ) {
+ countSpecialDivsFound++;
+ if (c) {
+ const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = buildSection(section.clone());
+ subSections.push(...proseSections);
+ flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
+ section.empty();
+ c = 0; // reset the counter
+ }
+ section.append(child);
+ // XXX That `_addSingleSpecialSection(section.clone())` might return a
+ // and empty array and that means it failed and we should
+ // bail.
+ subSections.push(...addSpecialSection(section.clone()));
+ section.empty();
+ } else {
+ section.append(child);
+ c++;
+ }
+ });
+ if (c) {
+ const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = buildSection(section.clone());
+ subSections.push(...proseSections);
+ flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
+ }
+ if (countSpecialDivsFound !== countPotentialSpecialDivs) {
+ const leftoverCount = countPotentialSpecialDivs - countSpecialDivsFound;
+ const explanation = `${leftoverCount} 'div.bc-data' or 'div.bc-specs' element${
+ leftoverCount > 1 ? "s" : ""
+ } found but deeply nested.`;
+ flaws.push(explanation);
+ }
+ return [subSections, flaws];
+ }
+ const specialSections = addSpecialSection($);
+ // The _addSingleSpecialSection() function will have sucked up the or
+ // and the `div.bc-data` or `div.bc-specs` to turn it into a special section.
+ // First remove that, then put whatever HTML is left as a prose
+ // section underneath.
+ $.find("div.bc-data, h2, h3").remove();
+ $.find("div.bc-specs, h2, h3").remove();
+ const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = buildSection($);
+ specialSections.push(...proseSections);
+ flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
+ if (specialSections.length) {
+ return [specialSections, flaws];
+ }
+ }
+ // all else, leave as is
+ const [proseSections, proseFlaws] = buildSection($);
+ flaws.push(...proseFlaws);
+ return [proseSections, flaws];
+function addSpecialSection($: cheerio.Cheerio): Section[] {
+ let id: string | null = null;
+ let title: string | null = null;
+ let isH3 = false;
+ const h2s = $.find("h2");
+ if (h2s.length === 1) {
+ id = h2s.attr("id");
+ title = h2s.text();
+ } else {
+ const h3s = $.find("h3");
+ if (h3s.length === 1) {
+ id = h3s.attr("id");
+ title = h3s.text();
+ isH3 = true;
+ }
+ }
+ let dataQuery = "";
+ let hasMultipleQueries = false;
+ let specURLsString = "";
+ let specialSectionType: string | null = null;
+ if ($.find("div.bc-data").length) {
+ specialSectionType = "browser_compatibility";
+ const elem = $.find("div.bc-data");
+ // Macro adds "data-query", but some translated-content still uses "id".
+ dataQuery = (elem.attr("data-query") || elem.attr("id")) ?? "";
+ hasMultipleQueries = elem.attr("data-multiple") === "true";
+ } else if ($.find("div.bc-specs").length) {
+ specialSectionType = "specifications";
+ dataQuery = $.find("div.bc-specs").attr("data-bcd-query") ?? "";
+ specURLsString = $.find("div.bc-specs").attr("data-spec-urls") ?? "";
+ }
+ // Some old legacy documents haven't been re-rendered yet, since it
+ // was added, so the `div.bc-data` tag doesn't have a `id="bcd:..."`
+ // or `data-bcd="..."` attribute. If that's the case, bail and fall
+ // back on a regular prose section :(
+ if (!dataQuery && specURLsString === "") {
+ // I wish there was a good place to log this!
+ return buildSection($)[0];
+ }
+ const query = dataQuery.replace(/^bcd:/, "");
+ if (specialSectionType === "browser_compatibility") {
+ const { data, browsers } = extractBCD(query);
+ if (hasMultipleQueries) {
+ title = query;
+ id = query;
+ isH3 = true;
+ }
+ return [
+ {
+ type: "browser_compatibility",
+ value: {
+ title,
+ id,
+ isH3,
+ data,
+ query,
+ browsers,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ } else if (specialSectionType === "specifications") {
+ const specifications = extractSpecifications(query, specURLsString);
+ return [
+ {
+ type: specialSectionType,
+ value: {
+ title,
+ id,
+ isH3,
+ query,
+ specifications,
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ throw new Error(`Unrecognized special section type '${specialSectionType}'`);
+function buildSection($: cheerio.Cheerio): SectionsAndFlaws {
+ let id: string | null = null;
+ let title: string | null = null;
+ let titleAsText = "";
+ let isH3 = false;
+ const flaws: string[] = [];
+ // The way this works...
+ // Given a section of HTML, try to extract a id, title,
+ let h2found = false;
+ const h2s = $.find("h2");
+ h2s.each((i) => {
+ const h2 = h2s.eq(i);
+ if (i) {
+ // Excess!
+ flaws.push(
+ `Excess tag that is NOT at root-level (id='${h2.attr(
+ "id"
+ )}', text='${h2.text()}')`
+ );
+ } else {
+ // First element
+ id = h2.attr("id") ?? "";
+ title = h2.html() ?? "";
+ titleAsText = h2.text();
+ h2.remove();
+ }
+ h2found = true;
+ });
+ // If there was no , look through all the s.
+ if (!h2found) {
+ const h3s = $.find("h3");
+ h3s.each((i) => {
+ const h3 = h3s.eq(i);
+ if (i) {
+ // Excess!
+ flaws.push(
+ `Excess tag that is NOT at root-level (id='${h3.attr(
+ "id"
+ )}', text='${h3.text()}')`
+ );
+ } else {
+ id = h3.attr("id") ?? "";
+ title = h3.html() ?? "";
+ titleAsText = h3.text();
+ if (id && title) {
+ isH3 = true;
+ h3.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (id) {
+ // Remove trailing underscores (https://github.com/mdn/yari/issues/5492).
+ id = id.replace(/_+$/g, "");
+ }
+ const value: ProseSection["value"] = {
+ id,
+ title,
+ isH3,
+ content: $.html()?.trim(),
+ };
+ // Only include it if it's useful. It's an optional property and it's
+ // potentially a waste of space to include it if it's not different.
+ if (titleAsText && titleAsText !== title) {
+ value["titleAsText"] = titleAsText;
+ }
+ const sections: ProseSection[] = [];
+ if (value.content || value.title) {
+ sections.push({
+ type: "prose",
+ value,
+ });
+ }
+ return [sections, flaws];
diff --git a/build/extract-sidebar.ts b/build/extract-sidebar.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..37774eef39d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/extract-sidebar.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
+import { Doc } from "../libs/types/document";
+/** Extract and mutate the $ if it as a "Quick_links" section.
+ * But only if it exists.
+ *
+ * If you had this:
+ *
+ * const $ = cheerio.load(`
+ *
+ * Headline
+ *
+ * `)
+ * const sidebar = extractSidebar($);
+ * console.log(sidebar);
+ * // 'Stuff
+ * console.log($.html());
+ * // 'Headline\n
+ *
+ * ...give or take some whitespace.
+ */
+export function extractSidebar($: cheerio.CheerioAPI, doc: Partial) {
+ const search = $("#Quick_links");
+ if (!search.length) {
+ doc.sidebarHTML = "";
+ return;
+ }
+ // Open menu and highlight current page.
+ search.find(`a[href='${doc.mdn_url}']`).each((_i, el) => {
+ $(el).parents("details").prop("open", true);
+ $(el).attr("aria-current", "page");
+ // Highlight, unless it already is highlighted (e.g. heading).
+ if ($(el).find("em,strong").length === 0) {
+ $(el).parent().wrapInner("");
+ }
+ });
+ doc.sidebarHTML = search.html();
+ search.remove();
diff --git a/build/extract-specifications.ts b/build/extract-specifications.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..94562f0a0edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/extract-specifications.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+import { packageBCD } from "./resolve-bcd";
+import * as bcd from "@mdn/browser-compat-data/types";
+import { Specification } from "../libs/types/document";
+import specs from "browser-specs";
+import web from "../kumascript/src/api/web";
+export function extractSpecifications(
+ query: string,
+ specURLsString
+): Specification[] {
+ if (query === undefined && specURLsString === "") {
+ return [];
+ }
+ // Collect spec URLs from a BCD feature, a 'spec-urls' value, or both;
+ // For a BCD feature, it can either be a string or an array of strings.
+ let specURLs: string[] = [];
+ function getSpecURLs(data: bcd.Identifier) {
+ // If we’re processing data for just one feature, then the 'data'
+ // variable will have a __compat key. So we get the one spec_url
+ // value from that, and move on.
+ //
+ // The value may have data for subfeatures too — each subfeature with
+ // its own __compat key that may have a spec_url — but in that case,
+ // for the purposes of the Specifications section, we don’t want to
+ // recurse through all the subfeatures to get those spec_url values;
+ // instead we only want the spec_url from the top-level __compat key.
+ if (data && data.__compat) {
+ const compat = data.__compat;
+ if (compat.spec_url) {
+ if (Array.isArray(compat.spec_url)) {
+ specURLs.push(...compat.spec_url);
+ } else {
+ specURLs.push(compat.spec_url);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If we get here, we’re processing data for two or more features
+ // and the 'data' variable will contain multiple blocks (objects)
+ // — one for each feature.
+ if (!data) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const block of Object.values(data)) {
+ if (!block) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!("__compat" in block)) {
+ // Some features — e.g., css.properties.justify-content — have
+ // no compat data themselves but have subfeatures with compat
+ // data. So we recurse through the nested property values until
+ // we either do or don’t find any subfeatures with spec URLs.
+ // Otherwise, if we’re processing multiple top-level features
+ // (that is, from a browser-compat value which is an array),
+ // we’d end up entirely missing the data for this feature.
+ getSpecURLs(block as bcd.Identifier);
+ } else {
+ // If we get here, we’ve got a __compat key, and we can extract
+ // any spec URLs its value may contain.
+ const compat = block.__compat;
+ if (compat && compat.spec_url) {
+ if (Array.isArray(compat.spec_url)) {
+ specURLs.push(...compat.spec_url);
+ } else {
+ specURLs.push(compat.spec_url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (query) {
+ for (const feature of query.split(",").map((id) => id.trim())) {
+ const { data } = packageBCD(feature);
+ // If 'data' is non-null, we have data for one or more BCD features
+ // that we can extract spec URLs from.
+ getSpecURLs(data);
+ }
+ }
+ if (specURLsString !== "") {
+ // If specURLsString is non-empty, then it has the string contents
+ // of the document’s 'spec-urls' frontmatter key: one or more URLs.
+ specURLs.push(...specURLsString.split(",").map((url) => url.trim()));
+ }
+ // Eliminate any duplicate spec URLs
+ specURLs = [...new Set(specURLs)];
+ // Use BCD specURLs to look up more specification data
+ // from the browser-specs package
+ const specifications = specURLs
+ .map((specURL) => {
+ const spec = specs.find(
+ (spec) =>
+ specURL.startsWith(spec.url) ||
+ specURL.startsWith(spec.nightly.url) ||
+ spec.nightly.alternateUrls.some((s) => specURL.startsWith(s)) ||
+ // When grabbing series nightly, make sure we're grabbing the latest spec version
+ (spec.shortname === spec.series.currentSpecification &&
+ specURL.startsWith(spec.series.nightlyUrl))
+ );
+ const specificationsData = {
+ bcdSpecificationURL: specURL,
+ title: "Unknown specification",
+ };
+ if (spec) {
+ specificationsData.title = spec.title;
+ } else {
+ const specList = web.getJSONData("SpecData");
+ const titleFromSpecData = Object.keys(specList).find(
+ (key) => specList[key]["url"] === specURL.split("#")[0]
+ );
+ if (titleFromSpecData) {
+ specificationsData.title = titleFromSpecData;
+ }
+ }
+ return specificationsData;
+ })
+ .filter(Boolean);
+ return specifications;
diff --git a/build/extract-summary.ts b/build/extract-summary.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..589f8cca66d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/extract-summary.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import * as cheerio from "cheerio";
+import { ProseSection, Section } from "../libs/types/document";
+ * Given an array of sections, return a plain text
+ * string of a summary. No HTML or Kumascript allowed.
+ */
+export function extractSummary(sections: Section[]): string {
+ let summary = ""; // default and fallback is an empty string.
+ // If the sections contains a "Summary" one, use that, otherwise
+ // use the first prose one.
+ const summarySections = sections.filter(
+ (section: Section): section is ProseSection =>
+ section.type === "prose" && section.value.title === "Summary"
+ );
+ if (summarySections.length) {
+ const $ = cheerio.load(summarySections[0].value.content ?? "");
+ summary = extractFirstGoodParagraph($);
+ } else {
+ for (const section of sections) {
+ if (
+ section.type !== "prose" ||
+ !section.value ||
+ !section.value.content
+ ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const $ = cheerio.load(section.value.content);
+ // Remove non-p tags that we should not be looking inside.
+ $("div.notecard, div.note, div.blockIndicator").remove();
+ summary = extractFirstGoodParagraph($);
+ if (summary) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return summary;
+function extractFirstGoodParagraph($: cheerio.CheerioAPI): string {
+ const seoSummary = $("span.seoSummary, .summary");
+ if (seoSummary.length && seoSummary.text()) {
+ return seoSummary.text();
+ }
+ let summary = "";
+ $("p").each((i, p) => {
+ // The `.each()` can only take a callback, so we need a solution
+ // to exit early once we've found the first working summary.
+ if (summary) return; // it already been found!
+ const text = $(p).text().trim();
+ // Avoid those whose paragraph is just a failing KS macro
+ if (text && !text.includes("Redirect") && !text.startsWith("{{")) {
+ summary = text;
+ }
+ });
+ return summary;
diff --git a/build/index.ts b/build/index.ts
index 1cba26a2897d..47721d252c23 100644
--- a/build/index.ts
+++ b/build/index.ts
@@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ import { CONTENT_ROOT, REPOSITORY_URLS } from "../libs/env";
import * as kumascript from "../kumascript";
import { FLAW_LEVELS } from "../libs/constants";
-import {
- extractSections,
- extractSidebar,
- extractSummary,
-} from "./document-extractor";
+import { extractSidebar } from "./extract-sidebar";
+import { extractSections } from "./extract-sections";
+import { extractSummary } from "./extract-summary";
export { default as SearchIndex } from "./search-index";
import { addBreadcrumbData } from "./document-utils";
import { fixFixableFlaws, injectFlaws, injectSectionFlaws } from "./flaws";
diff --git a/libs/types/document.ts b/libs/types/document.ts
index 9581a8b02702..9b525a1959fa 100644
--- a/libs/types/document.ts
+++ b/libs/types/document.ts
@@ -187,6 +187,11 @@ export interface ProseSection {
titleAsText?: string;
+export interface Specification {
+ bcdSpecificationURL: any;
+ title: string;
export interface SpecificationsSection {
type: "specifications";
value: {
@@ -194,10 +199,7 @@ export interface SpecificationsSection {
title: string;
isH3: boolean;
query: string;
- specifications: {
- bcdSpecificationURL: any;
- title: string;
- }[];
+ specifications: Specification[];