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Understand the purpose and usage of other tooling types commonly found in a web project. |
Tooling |
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This set of criteria doesn't require having an in-depth knowledge of the tools listed below; instead, students are encouraged to learn the basic concepts of why and how they are used (and where in a web app project), test them out, and play with usage examples.
Learning outcomes — understand the purpose and basic usage of other common tooling types you may be required to use in a web project:
Linters/formatters, for example, ESLint and Prettier:
Detecting potential bugs, and how linters can automatically fix them.
The need to have coding standards, and how these tools can easily automate conformance to those standards.
Integrating them as part of your workflow — as a code editor extension, as part of your test runner, or as part of a CI run.
Package managers, for example, npm and yarn:
Using these as a way to manage project dependencies as a codebase becomes more complex.
Finding suitable packages to solve your problems from registries and installing them.
Using scripts (for example npm scripts) to make deployment and testing easier.
Build tools/bundlers, for example, Rollup.js, Parcel, and Vite.js:
- Using these to manage dependencies, and organize, optimize, and minify your code into build files for improved performance.
Deployment tools, for example, Simple FTP clients, Netlify and Vercel:
Using these to deploy your applications.
Integrating tooling with GitHub to provide automatic test deployments on push.
Handling custom domains, serverless functions, and form submissions.
Handling access control and integration with identity providers such as Okta and Auth0.
Integrations with popular frameworks and app platforms.