Stuff still to do
- Replace wall building in level generation with something other than random walks, since that method still hangs from time to time
- Keyboard support for movement
- Different character sprites for each player
- Have ghosts vanish and reappear after a bit of chasing
- Kill on ghost touch even when not moving
- Add flashlight
- Change name to Candy Crypt
- Difficulty levels. easy => {t=0.05 p=0.35 k=1.0}, medium => {t=0.05 p=0.25 k=1.0}, hard => {t=0.05 p=0.15 k=1.25}, impossible => {t=0.05 p=0.1 k=1.5}
- Key progression
- Single player: show torch after dark
- Increase volume of creepy music
- Fix hitboxes