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IdentityServer4 on RavenDB

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A RavenDB copy of the original EntityFramework IdentityServer4 store implementations. Use RavenDB to store IdentityServer4 related entities. Covers most of the tests implemented by the official EntityFramework stores.

Getting Started

Sample Projects

  • IdentityServer / Identity server with Core Identity on RavenDB using the Mcrio.AspNetCore.Identity.On.RavenDb package.

  • MyApi / API with an endpoint that requires authentication.

  • ConsoleClient / Console application using client credentials flow to access the secured MyApi endpoint.

  • MvcClient / MVC client using the code flow to authenticate, get the tokens and call the secured MyApi endpoint.

Note: If you change the current application urls and ports make sure to reflect the change in code, otherwise clients may not be able to connect.

Try the sample applications

1. CD into the solution directory

2. Start the RavenDB docker container (use flag -d to start in background)
   $ docker-compose up

3. Start IdentityServer + protected API
   $ dotnet run -p sample/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.IdentityServer/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.IdentityServer.csproj
   $ dotnet run -p sample/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.MyApi/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.MyApi.csproj

3. MVC sample
   $ dotnet run -p sample/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.MvcClient/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.MvcClient.csproj

   Open in browser: https://localhost:5021
   That will open the MVC app that wants to try to connect to a protected API.

5. Console application Sample
   Obtain access token and retrieve data from a protected API.
   $ dotnet run -p sample/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.ConsoleClient/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.ConsoleClient.csproj
6. Device Flow Sample
   Authorize a device and retrieve data from a protected API.
   $ dotnet run -p sample/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.DeviceFlowClient/Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Sample.DeviceFlowClient.csproj

// RavenDB Studio is available at: http://localhost:32779

NuGet Package

Using the NuGet package manager install the Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb package, or add the following line to the .csproj file:

    <PackageReference Include="Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb"></PackageReference>

This package contains extension methods which allow easy setup of RavenDB stores with IdentityServer4.

If you want to reference the stores implementations package only, please check NuGet package Mcrio.IdentityServer.On.RavenDb.Storage.


Please refer to sample projects for working examples.

Simple usage

Add the following lines to Startup.cs.

// ConfigureServices(...)
    // adds IdentityServer as per IDS4 documentation
    // adds RavenDbStores
        // define how IAsyncDocumentSession is resolved from DI
        // as library does NOT directly inject IAsyncDocumentSession
        serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncDocumentSession>(),
        // define how IDocumentStore is resolved from DI
        // as library does NOT directly inject IAsyncDocumentSession
        serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IDocumentStore>(),
        // retrieve OperationalStoreOptions from configuration
        operationalStoreOptions => Configuration
        // IDS4 options as documented in official documentation
        addOperationalStore: true,
        addConfigurationStore: true,
        addConfigurationStoreCache: true
    // ASP.Net identity on RavenDb. See NuGet Mcrio.AspNetCore.Identity.On.RavenDb
    // as per IDS4 documentation

Add the following configuration to appsettings.json:

    "OperationalStoreOptions": {
        /* If true sets expires metadata so that we can use RavenDB auto cleanup functionality for expired documents */
        "SetRavenDbDocumentExpiresMetadata": true,
        "TokenCleanup": {
            /* If true enables token cleanup background service */
            /* Suggested way is to false and to go with the RavenDB auto cleanup of expired documents */
            "EnableTokenCleanupBackgroundService": false,
            "CleanupIntervalSec": 60,
            "CleanupStartupDelaySec": 30,
            "DeleteByQueryMaxOperationsPerSecond": 1024

Compare Exchange key prefixes

Extend DeviceFlowStore and override protected virtual CompareExchangeUtility CreateCompareExchangeUtility() to return an extended CompareExchangeUtility that will override the functionality for generating compare exchange key prefixes. See CompareExchangeUtility.GetKeyPrefix for predefined compare exchange key prefixes.

Multi-tenant guidelines

  • Extend DeviceFlowCode and PersistedGrant to include a TenantId property
  • Extend DeviceFlowstore
    • so it returns an extended CompareExchangeUtility which includes the tenant identifier in the compare exchange prefixes
    • Override StoreDeviceAuthorizationAsync to assign Tenant ID to device entity
  • Extend PersistedGrantStore:
    • Override StoreAsync to assign Tenant ID to Persisted Grant entity
    • Override CheckRequiredFields to make sure the persisted entity has Tenant ID set

Release History

  • 1.0.0 Stable version.


Nikola Josipović

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See for more information.

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RavenDB implementations of the IdentityServer4 stores.







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