By Mathieu Bourgey, Ph.D
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This means that you are able to copy, share and modify the work, as long as the result is distributed under the same license.
In this workshop, we will present the main steps that are commonly used to process and to analyze cancer sequencing data. We will focus only on whole genome data and provide command lines that allow detecting Single Nucleotide Variants (SNV). This workshop will show you how to launch individual steps of a complete DNA-Seq SNV pipeline using cancer data
We will be working on a CageKid sample pair, patient C0098. The CageKid project is part of ICGC and is focused on renal cancer in many of it's forms. The raw data can be found on EGA and calls, RNA and DNA, can be found on the ICGC portal. For more details about CageKid
For practical reasons we subsampled the reads from the sample because running the whole dataset would take way too much time and resources.
docker run --privileged -v /tmp:/tmp --network host -it \
-w $PWD -v $HOME:$HOME -v /etc/fonts/:/etc/fonts/ \
-v $HOME/cvmfs_caches/:/cvmfs-cache/ c3genomics/genpipes:v2.1.0
module purge
export REF=$MUGQIC_INSTALL_HOME/genomes/species/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38/
export COURSE=/home/training/ebicancerworkshop2022
mkdir -p $COURSE/SNV
These are all already installed, but here are the original links.
- BVATools
- trimmomatic
- SAMTools
- Genome Analysis Toolkit
- SnpEff
- Varscan2
- vardict
- bcbio variation
We should load the corresponding modules
module load mugqic/java/openjdk-jdk1.8.0_72 \
mugqic/bvatools/1.6 \
mugqic/trimmomatic/0.36 \
mugqic/samtools/1.9 \
mugqic/bwa/0.7.17 \
mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/ \
mugqic/R_Bioconductor/3.5.0_3.7 \
mugqic/VarScan/2.4.3 \
mugqic/vcftools/0.1.14 \
mugqic/bcftools/1.9 \
mugqic/VarDictJava/1.4.9 \
mugqic/perl/5.22.1 \
mugqic/bcbio.variation.recall/0.1.7 \
mugqic/snpEff/4.3 \
The initial structure of your folders should look like this:
|-- raw_reads/ # fastqs from the center (down sampled)
`-- normal # The blood sample directory
`-- run*_? # Lane directory by run number. Contains the fastqs
`-- tumor # The tumor sample directory
`-- run*_? # Lane directory by run number. Contains the fastqs
|-- savedResults # Folder containing precomputed results
|-- scripts # cheat sheet folder
|-- adapters.fa # fasta file containing the adapter used for sequencing
- You can find all the unix command lines of this practical in the file:
So you've just received an email saying that your data is ready for download from the sequencing center of your choice.
What should you do ? solution
Let's first explore the fastq file.
Try these commands
zless -S raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair1.fastq.gz
Why was it like that ? solution
Now try these commands:
zcat raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair1.fastq.gz | head -n4
zcat raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair2.fastq.gz | head -n4
What was special about the output ? Why was it like that? Solution
You could also just count the reads
zgrep -c "^@HWUSI" raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair1.fastq.gz
We should obtain 4003 reads
Why shouldn't you just do ?
zgrep -c "^@" raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair1.fastq.gz
We can't look at all the reads. Especially when working with whole genome 50x data. You could easily have Billions of reads.
Tools like FastQC and BVATools readsqc can be used to plot many metrics from these data sets.
Let's look at the data:
# Generate original QC
mkdir -p originalQC/
java -Xmx1G -jar ${BVATOOLS_JAR} readsqc --quality 64 \
--read1 raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair1.fastq.gz \
--read2 raw_reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.64.pair2.fastq.gz \
--threads 2 --regionName normalrun62DVGAAXX_1 --output originalQC/
Open the images
All the generated graphics have their uses. But 3 of them are particularly useful to get an overal picture of how good or bad a run went. - The Quality box plots - The nucleotide content graphs. - The Box plot shows the quality distribution of your data.
The quality of a base is computated using the Phread quality score. notes
The quality of a base is computated using the Phread quality score.
In the case of base quality the probability use represents the probability of base to have been wrongly called
The formula outputs an integer that is encoded using an ASCII table.
The way the lookup is done is by taking the the phred score adding 33 and using this number as a lookup in the table.
Older illumina runs, and the data here, were using phred+64 instead of phred+33 to encode their fastq files.
What stands out in the graphs ? Solution
Why do we see adapters ? solution
Although nowadays this doesn't happen often, it does still happen. In some cases, miRNA, it is expected to have adapters.
Since adapter are not part of the genome they should be removed
To do that we will use Trimmomatic.
The adapter file is in your work folder.
cat adapters.fa
Why are there 2 different ones ? Solution
trimming with trimmomatic:
# Trim and convert data
for file in raw_reads/*/run*_?/*.pair1.fastq.gz;
FNAME=`basename $file`;
DIR=`dirname $file`;
OUTPUT_DIR=`echo $DIR | sed 's/raw_reads/reads/g'`;
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR;
java -Xmx2G -cp $TRIMMOMATIC_JAR org.usadellab.trimmomatic.TrimmomaticPE -threads 2 -phred64 \
$file \
${file%.pair1.fastq.gz}.pair2.fastq.gz \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/${FNAME%.64.pair1.fastq.gz}.t30l50.pair1.fastq.gz \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/${FNAME%.64.pair1.fastq.gz}.t30l50.single1.fastq.gz \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/${FNAME%.64.pair1.fastq.gz}.t30l50.pair2.fastq.gz \
${OUTPUT_DIR}/${FNAME%.64.pair1.fastq.gz}.t30l50.single2.fastq.gz \
TOPHRED33 ILLUMINACLIP:adapters.fa:2:30:15 TRAILING:30 MINLEN:50 \
2> ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${FNAME%.64.pair1.fastq.gz}.trim.out ;
cat reads/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.trim.out
What does Trimmomatic says it did ? Solution
Exercice: Let's generate the new graphs Solution
How does it look now ? Solution
The raw reads are now cleaned up of artefacts we can align each lane separatly.
Why should this be done separatly? Solution
Why is it important to set Read Group information ? Solution
##Alignment with bwa-mem
# Align data
for file in reads/*/run*/*.pair1.fastq.gz;
FNAME=`basename $file`;
DIR=`dirname $file`;
OUTPUT_DIR=`echo $DIR | sed 's/reads/alignment/g'`;
SNAME=`echo $file | sed 's/reads\/\([^/]\+\)\/.*/\1/g'`;
RUNID=`echo $file | sed 's/.*\/run\([^_]\+\)_.*/\1/g'`;
LANE=`echo $file | sed 's/.*\/run[^_]\+_\(.\).*/\1/g'`;
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR;
bwa mem -M -t 5 \
-R "@RG\\tID:${SNAME}_${RUNID}_${LANE}\\tSM:${SNAME}\\t\
LB:${RUNID}\\tPU:${RUNID}_${LANE}\\tCN:Centre National de Genotypage\\tPL:ILLUMINA" \
${REF}/genome/bwa_index/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
$file \
${file%.pair1.fastq.gz}.pair2.fastq.gz \
| java -Xmx6G -jar ${GATK_JAR} SortSam \
-I /dev/stdin \
-O ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${SNAME}.sorted.bam \
--CREATE_INDEX true --SORT_ORDER coordinate --MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM 500000
Why did we pipe the output of one to the other ? Solution
Could we have done it differently ? Solution
We now have alignments for each of the sequences lanes:
- This is not practical in it's current form.
- What we wan't to do now is merge the results into one BAM.
Since we identified the reads in the BAM with read groups, even after the merging, we can still identify the origin of each read.
# Merge Data
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} MergeSamFiles \
-I alignment/normal/run62DPDAAXX_8/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/run62DVGAAXX_1/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/run62MK3AAXX_5/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/runA81DF6ABXX_1/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/runA81DF6ABXX_2/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/runBC04D4ACXX_2/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/runBC04D4ACXX_3/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/runBD06UFACXX_4/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/normal/runBD06UFACXX_5/normal.sorted.bam \
-O alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam \
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} MergeSamFiles \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DU0AAXX_8/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DUUAAXX_8/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DVMAAXX_4/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DVMAAXX_6/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DVMAAXX_8/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62JREAAXX_4/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62JREAAXX_6/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62JREAAXX_8/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/runAC0756ACXX_5/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/runBD08K8ACXX_1/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DU6AAXX_8/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DUYAAXX_7/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DVMAAXX_5/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62DVMAAXX_7/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62JREAAXX_3/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62JREAAXX_5/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/run62JREAAXX_7/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/runAC0756ACXX_4/tumor.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/runAD08C1ACXX_1/tumor.sorted.bam \
-O alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.bam \
You should now have one BAM containing all your data.
Let's double check
ls -l alignment/normal/
samtools view -H alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam | grep "^@RG"
You should have your 9 read group entries.
Why did we use the -H switch? Solution
Try without. What happens? Solution
Let's spend some time to explore bam files.
samtools view alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam | head -n4
Here you have examples of alignment results. A full description of the flags can be found in the SAM specification
You can try using picards explain flag site to understand what is going on with your reads
The flag is the 2nd column.
What do the flags of the first 4th reads mean? solutions
Exercice: Let's take the 3rd one, the one that is in proper pair, and find it's mate. solutions
Why the pairing information is important ? solutions
You can use samtools to filter reads as well.
Exercice: How many reads mapped and unmapped were there? solution
Another useful bit of information in the SAM is the CIGAR string. It's the 6th column in the file.
This column explains how the alignment was achieved.
M == base aligns *but doesn't have to be a match*. A SNP will have an M even if it disagrees with the reference.
I == Insertion
D == Deletion
S == soft-clips. These are handy to find un removed adapters, viral insertions, etc.
An in depth explanation of the CIGAR can be found here
The exact details of the cigar string can be found in the SAM spec as well.
We won't go into too much detail at this point since we want to concentrate on cancer specific issues now.
We started by cleaning up the raw reads. Now we need to fix some alignments.
The first step for this is to realign around indels and snp dense regions.
The Genome Analysis toolkit has a tool for this called IndelRealigner.
It basically runs in 2 steps:
- Find the targets
- Realign them
##GATK IndelRealigner
# Realign
#switch to old GATK 3.8
module unload mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/
module load mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/3.8
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} \
-T RealignerTargetCreator \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-o alignment/normal/realign.intervals \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.bam \
-L chr9
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} \
-T IndelRealigner \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-targetIntervals alignment/normal/realign.intervals \
--nWayOut .realigned.bam \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.bam
mv* alignment/normal/
mv* alignment/tumor/
#return to GATK 4
module unload mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/3.8
module load mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/
Why did we use both normal and tumor together? Solution
How could we make this go faster ? Solution
How many regions did it think needed cleaning ? Solution
Indel Realigner also makes sure the called deletions are left aligned when there is a microsatellite or homopolymer.
Why it is important ?Solution
What are duplicate reads ? Solution
What are they caused by ? Solution
What are the ways to detect them ? Solution
Here we will use picards approach:
# Mark Duplicates
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} MarkDuplicates \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.realigned.bam \
-O alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.bam \
--METRICS_FILE alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.metrics
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} MarkDuplicates \
-I alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.realigned.bam \
-O alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.bam \
--METRICS_FILE alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.metrics
We can look in the metrics output to see what happened.
less alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.metrics
How many duplicates were there ? Solution
Dupliate reads number are estimated separately for each library.
Why is this important to do not combine everything ? Solution
Why do we need to recalibrate base quality scores ? Solution
It runs in 2 steps:
1 - Build covariates based on context and known snp sites
2 - Correct the reads based on these metrics
GATK BaseRecalibrator:
# Recalibrate
for i in normal tumor
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} BaseRecalibrator \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
--known-sites ${REF}/annotations/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dbSNP142.vcf.gz \
-L chr9:127452721-127873721 \
-O alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recalibration_report.grp \
-I alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.bam
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} ApplyBQSR \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-bqsr alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recalibration_report.grp \
-O alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-I alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.bam
Once your whole bam is generated, it's always a good thing to check the data again to see if everything makes sens.
Contamination It tells you if your date are contaminated or if a mix-up had occured
Compute coverage If you have data from a capture kit, you should see how well your targets worked
Insert Size It tells you if your library worked
Alignment metrics It tells you if your sample and you reference fit together
To estimate these metrics we will use the GATK tool. This run in 2 steps:
1 - Generate GATK pileup tables
2 - Estimate contamination
#Pileup table for the tumor sample
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} GetPileupSummaries \
-I alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-V $REF/annotations/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.vcf.gz \
-L chr9:127452721-127873721 \
-O alignment/tumor/tumor.pileups.table
#Pileup table for the normal sample
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} GetPileupSummaries \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-V $REF/annotations/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.vcf.gz \
-L chr9:127452721-127873721 \
-O alignment/normal/normal.pileups.table
#Esitmate contamination
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} CalculateContamination \
-I alignment/tumor/tumor.pileups.table \
-matched alignment/normal/normal.pileups.table \
-O contamination.table
Look at the contamination result file
less contamination.table
What do you think about this estimation ? solution
Both GATK and BVATools have depth of coverage tools.
Here we'll use the GATK one
# Get Depth
#switch to old GATK 3.8
module unload mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/
module load mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/3.8
for i in normal tumor
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} \
-T DepthOfCoverage \
--omitDepthOutputAtEachBase \
--summaryCoverageThreshold 10 \
--summaryCoverageThreshold 25 \
--summaryCoverageThreshold 50 \
--summaryCoverageThreshold 100 \
--start 1 --stop 500 --nBins 499 -dt NONE \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-o alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.coverage \
-I alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-L chr9:127452721-127873721
#return to GATK 4
module unload mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/3.8
module load mugqic/GenomeAnalysisTK/
note on DepthOfCoverage command
In this project the expected coverages are : ~40x for the normal and ~50x for the tumor
Look at the coverage:
less -S alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.coverage.sample_interval_summary
less -S alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.recal.coverage.sample_interval_summary
Is the coverage fit with the expectation ? solution
It corresponds to the size of DNA fragments sequenced.
Different from the gap size (= distance between reads) !
These metrics are computed using Picard:
# Get insert size
for i in normal tumor
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} CollectInsertSizeMetrics \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-I alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-O alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.metric.insertSize.tsv \
-H alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.metric.insertSize.histo.pdf \
-L chr9
look at the output
less -S alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.metric.insertSize.tsv
less -S alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.recal.metric.insertSize.tsv
There is something interesting going on with our libraries.
Can you tell what it is? Solution
Which library is the most suitable for cancer analysis ? Solution
For the alignment metrics, samtools flagstat is very fast but with bwa-mem since some reads get broken into pieces, the numbers are a bit confusing.
We prefer the Picard way of computing metrics:
# Get alignment metrics
for i in normal tumor
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-I alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-O alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.metric.alignment.tsv \
explore the results
less -S alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.metric.alignment.tsv
less -S alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.recal.metric.alignment.tsv
Do you think the sample and the reference genome fit together ? Solution
Most of SNV caller use either a Baysian, a threshold or a t-test approach to do the calling
Here we will try 3 variant callers.
- Varscan 2
- MuTecT2
- Vardict
many, MANY others can be found here:
In our case, let's start with:
mkdir -p pairedVariants
VarScan calls somatic variants (SNPs and indels) using a heuristic method and a statistical test based on the number of aligned reads supporting each allele.
Varscan somatic caller expects both a normal and a tumor file in SAMtools pileup format. From sequence alignments in binary alignment/map (BAM) format. To build a pileup file, you will need:
- A SAM/BAM file ("myData.bam") that has been sorted using the sort command of SAMtools.
- The reference sequence ("reference.fasta") to which reads were aligned, in FASTA format.
- The SAMtools software package.
# SAMTools mpileup
for i in normal tumor
samtools mpileup -B -q 1 \
-f ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-r chr9:127452721-127873721 \
alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
> pairedVariants/${i}.mpileup
note on samtools mpileup command
Now we can run varscan:
# varscan
java -Xmx2G -jar ${VARSCAN2_JAR} somatic \
pairedVariants/normal.mpileup \
pairedVariants/tumor.mpileup \
pairedVariants/varscan2 \
--output-vcf 1 \
--strand-filter 1 \
--somatic-p-value 0.05
Then we can extract somatic SNPs:
# Filtering
grep "^#\|SS=2" pairedVariants/varscan2.snp.vcf > pairedVariants/varscan2.snp.somatic.vcf
# Variants MuTecT2
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} Mutect2 \
-R ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-I alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-I alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
-normal normal \
-tumor tumor \
--germline-resource $REF/annotations/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.1000G_phase1.snps.high_confidence.vcf.gz \
-O pairedVariants/mutect2.vcf \
-L chr9:127452721-127873721
Then we can extract somatic SNPs:
# Filtering
java -Xmx2G -jar ${GATK_JAR} FilterMutectCalls \
-V pairedVariants/mutect2.vcf \
--contamination-table contamination.table \
-O pairedVariants/mutect2.filtered.vcf
vcftools --vcf pairedVariants/mutect2.vcf \
--stdout --remove-indels --recode \
| sed -e "s|normal|NORMAL|g" -e "s|tumor|TUMOR|g" \
> pairedVariants/mutect2.snp.somatic.vcf
java -Xmx6G -classpath $VARDICT_HOME/lib/VarDict-1.4.9.jar:$VARDICT_HOME/lib/commons-cli-1.2.jar:$VARDICT_HOME/lib/jregex-1.2_01.jar:$VARDICT_HOME/lib/htsjdk-2.8.0.jar com.astrazeneca.vardict.Main \
-G ${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
-N tumor_pair \
-b "alignment/tumor/tumor.sorted.dup.recal.bam|alignment/normal/normal.sorted.dup.recal.bam" \
-Q 10 -f 0.05 -c 1 -S 2 -E 3 -g 4 -th 3 \
-R chr9:127452721-127873721 \
| $VARDICT_BIN/testsomatic.R \
| $VARDICT_BIN/ -N "TUMOR|NORMAL" -f 0.05 > pairedVariants/vardict.vcf
Note on vardict parameters avaialble here
Then we can extract somatic SNPs:
bcftools filter \
-i 'FILTER="PASS"&&TYPE="snp"&&INFO/STATUS="StrongSomatic"' \
pairedVariants/vardict.vcf \
| awk ' BEGIN {OFS="\t"} \
{ if(substr($0,0,1) == "#" || length($4) == length($5)) {if(substr($0,0,2) != "##") \
{t=$10; $10=$11; $11=t} ; print}} ' > pairedVariants/vardict.snp.somatic.vcf
Now we have somatic variants from all two methods. Let's look at the results.
less pairedVariants/varscan2.snp.somatic.vcf
less pairedVariants/mutect2.snp.somatic.vcf
less pairedVariants/vardict.snp.somatic.vcf
Could you notice something from these vcf files ? Solution
Details on the spec can be found here:
Fields vary from caller to caller.
Some values are are almost always there:
- The ref vs alt alleles,
- variant quality (QUAL column)
- The per-sample genotype (GT) values.
Choosing the best caller is not an easy task each of them have their pros and cons. Now new methods have been developped to extract the best information from a multiple set of variant caller. These methods refer to the ensemble approach (as developped in bcbio.variation or somaticSeq) and rely on pre-selecting a subset of variants from the interesect of multiple caller and then apply Machine Learning approach to filter the high quality variants.
As we don't have enough variant for the full ensemble approach we will just launch the initial step in order to generate a unifed callset form all the call found in at least 2 different variant callers:
# Unified callset
bcbio-variation-recall ensemble \
--cores 2 --numpass 2 --names mutect2,varscan2,vardict \
pairedVariants/ensemble.snp.somatic.vcf.gz \
${REF}/genome/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.fa \
pairedVariants/mutect2.snp.somatic.vcf \
pairedVariants/varscan2.snp.somatic.vcf \
look at the unified callset
zless pairedVariants/ensemble.snp.somatic.vcf.gz
The next step in trying to make sense of the variant calls is to assign functional consequence to each variant.
At the most basic level, this involves using gene annotations to determine if variants are sense, missense, or nonsense.
We typically use SnpEff but many use Annovar and VEP as well. Let's run snpEff:
# SnpEff
java -Xmx6G -jar ${SNPEFF_HOME}/snpEff.jar \
eff -v -c ${SNPEFF_HOME}/snpEff.config \
-o vcf \
-i vcf \
-stats pairedVariants/ensemble.snp.somatic.snpeff.stats.html \
GRCh38.86 \
pairedVariants/ensemble.snp.somatic.vcf.gz \
> pairedVariants/ensemble.snp.somatic.snpeff.vcf
You can learn more about the meaning of snpEff annotations here.
Use less to look at the new vcf file:
less -S pairedVariants/ensemble.snp.somatic.snpeff.vcf
Can you see the difference with the previous vcf ? solution
The annotation is presented in the INFO field using the new ANN format. For more information on this field see here. Typically, we have:
ANN=Allele|Annotation|Putative impact|Gene name|Gene ID|Feature type|Feature ID|Transcript biotype|Rank Total|HGVS.c|...
Here's an example of a typical annotation:
What does the example annotation actually mean? solution
Exercice: Find a somatic mutation with a predicted High or Moderate impact solution
What effect categories were represented in these variants? solution
Next, you should view the report generated by snpEff.
Use the procedure described previously to retrieve:
The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) is an efficient visualization tool for interactive exploration of large genome datasets.
Before jumping into IGV, we'll generate a track IGV can use to plot coverage:
# Coverage Track
for i in normal tumor
igvtools count \
-f min,max,mean \
alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam \
alignment/${i}/${i}.sorted.dup.recal.bam.tdf \
- Open IGV
- Chose the reference genome corresponding to those use for alignment (hg38)
- Load bam file
- Load vcf files
Explore/play with the data:
- find somatic variants
- Look around...
Open the high impact position in IGV, what do you see? solution
I would like to thank and acknowledge Louis Letourneau for this help and for sharing his material. The format of the tutorial has been inspired from Mar Gonzalez Porta. I also want to acknowledge Joel Fillon, Louis Letrouneau (again), Robert Eveleigh, Edouard Henrion, Francois Lefebvre, Maxime Caron and Guillaume Bourque for the help in building these pipelines and working with all the various datasets.