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  • NodeJS (16.x.x)
  • NPM (8.x.x)

How to start the app

  1. Create and fill in .env file following .env.example file
  2. Run npm install at the root folder
  3. Start in DEV env: npm run start
  4. Build: npm run build
  5. Start in PROD env:npm run serve

Rules of naming localization files

  • File names for localization are given by the name of the page, for example personal-info for '/user-account/dashboard/personal-info'.
  • If the pages are small, you should combine them into one file, for example auth for sign-in, sign-up and auth-verify.
  • If you will use component on several places of app add the localization of the components to the file common.json/components or to the file with the current page if the component will be used only there.
  • We add localization for public routes to public.json.
  • After adding a new file with localization, you need to import it into index.ts for the correct definition of types. ua, en
  • Localization files consist of nested objects with keys written in camel case.