🇬🇧 English version further below
- Atomwaffestaaten. Den exklusivste Club vun der Welt?
- Wéi eng Länner hunn Atomwaffen?
Néng Staate besëtzen Atomwaffen:
- China,
- Frankräich,
- Groussbritannien,
- Indien,
- Israel,
- Nordkorea,
- Pakistan,
- Russland, an
- d'USA.
- Russland an d'USA besëtzen 90% vun all den Atomwaffen. Deenen anere Länner ginn hier méi kleng Bestänn duer. An Ofrüstungsfroe kënne si sech dofir hannert den USA a Russland verstoppen.
- Ginn et nach Atomwaffen an anere Länner?
- An der Belsch, an Däitschland, Holland, Italien an an der Tierkei leien amerikanesch Atomwaffen.
- Dës sollen am Krichsfall an Europa schnell kënnen agesat ginn.
- Huet Lëtzebuerg Atomwaffe virun der Dier leien?
- Dës Waffen sinn haaptsächlech aus symbolesche, net aus militäresche Grënn an Europa.
- Trotzdeem si se ee Sécherheetsrisiko, well se militäresch Ziler duerstellen a well Accidenter geschéie kënnen.
- Kann ech eppes dogéint maachen?
- Lëtzebuerg ka bei eisen Noperen an an der NATO soen, dass mir géint d'Stationéierung vun amerikaneschen Atomwaffen an Europa sinn.
- Dofir muss de politesche Wëllen an den ëffentleche Support do sinn, allerdéngs wësse vill Leit net, dass et nach Atomwaffen hei gëtt.
- Mir kënnen dat änneren, andeems mer Famill, Frënn an de Public informéieren!
- Nuclear weapon states. The World's most exclusive club?
- Which countries possess nuclear weapons?
Nine states own nuclear weapons:
- China,
- France,
- India,
- Israel,
- North
- Korea,
- Pakistan,
- Russia,
- the UK, and
- the US.
- Russia and the US own 90% of the world's nuclear weapons. All other countries view their much smaller stockpiles to be sufficient. In disarmament talks, this allows them to shift responsibilities to the US and Russia.
- Are there any other states having nuclear weapons?
- There are American nuclear weapons stored in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and in Turkey.
- These weapons are to be deployed quickly in case of a war in Europe.
- Luxembourg has got nuclear weapons at its doorstep?
- These weapons are mainly for symbolic, not for military reasons in Europe.
- At the same time, they are a security threat as they are military targets and accidents can happen.
- What can we do about this?
- Luxembourg can inform its neighbouring countries and NATO that it opposes the deployment of US nuclear weapons in Europe.
- Such a statement requires political will and public support. However, a lot of people do not know about the nuclear weapons in Europe.
- We can change this by informing family, friends and the public!
- H. M. Kristensen and M. Korda. "Status of World Nuclear Forces" (2022). https://fas.org/issues/nuclear-weapons/status-world-nuclear-forces/ (retrieved 26/03/2022).
- H. M. Kristensen and M. Korda. "United States nuclear weapons, 2021". Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 77:1 (2021), pp. 43-63. DOI: 10.1080/00963402.2020.1859865
- P. Podvig. "Nuclear Weapons in Europe after the INF Treaty". Deep Cuts Issue Brief #10 (2020). https://deepcuts.org/publications-briefings/issue-briefs/issue-brief-10-nuclear-weapons-in-europe-after-the-inf-treaty