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Atomwaffestaaten. Den exklusivste Club vun der Welt?

Nuclear Weapon States. The World's most exclusive club?

🇬🇧 English version further below


  1. Atomwaffestaaten. Den exklusivste Club vun der Welt?
  2. Wéi eng Länner hunn Atomwaffen? Néng Staate besëtzen Atomwaffen:
    • China,
    • Frankräich,
    • Groussbritannien,
    • Indien,
    • Israel,
    • Nordkorea,
    • Pakistan,
    • Russland, an
    • d'USA.
  3. Russland an d'USA besëtzen 90% vun all den Atomwaffen. Deenen anere Länner ginn hier méi kleng Bestänn duer. An Ofrüstungsfroe kënne si sech dofir hannert den USA a Russland verstoppen.
  4. Ginn et nach Atomwaffen an anere Länner?
    • An der Belsch, an Däitschland, Holland, Italien an an der Tierkei leien amerikanesch Atomwaffen.
    • Dës sollen am Krichsfall an Europa schnell kënnen agesat ginn.
  5. Huet Lëtzebuerg Atomwaffe virun der Dier leien? Jo.
    • Dës Waffen sinn haaptsächlech aus symbolesche, net aus militäresche Grënn an Europa.
    • Trotzdeem si se ee Sécherheetsrisiko, well se militäresch Ziler duerstellen a well Accidenter geschéie kënnen.
  6. Kann ech eppes dogéint maachen? Jo!
    • Lëtzebuerg ka bei eisen Noperen an an der NATO soen, dass mir géint d'Stationéierung vun amerikaneschen Atomwaffen an Europa sinn.
    • Dofir muss de politesche Wëllen an den ëffentleche Support do sinn, allerdéngs wësse vill Leit net, dass et nach Atomwaffen hei gëtt.
    • Mir kënnen dat änneren, andeems mer Famill, Frënn an de Public informéieren!

Plain Text Transcription

  1. Nuclear weapon states. The World's most exclusive club?
  2. Which countries possess nuclear weapons? Nine states own nuclear weapons:
    • China,
    • France,
    • India,
    • Israel,
    • North
    • Korea,
    • Pakistan,
    • Russia,
    • the UK, and
    • the US.
  3. Russia and the US own 90% of the world's nuclear weapons. All other countries view their much smaller stockpiles to be sufficient. In disarmament talks, this allows them to shift responsibilities to the US and Russia.
  4. Are there any other states having nuclear weapons?
    • There are American nuclear weapons stored in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and in Turkey.
    • These weapons are to be deployed quickly in case of a war in Europe.
  5. Luxembourg has got nuclear weapons at its doorstep? Yes.
    • These weapons are mainly for symbolic, not for military reasons in Europe.
    • At the same time, they are a security threat as they are military targets and accidents can happen.
  6. What can we do about this?
    • Luxembourg can inform its neighbouring countries and NATO that it opposes the deployment of US nuclear weapons in Europe.
    • Such a statement requires political will and public support. However, a lot of people do not know about the nuclear weapons in Europe.
    • We can change this by informing family, friends and the public!
