Stored Procedure to get the distinct network of a node 4 levels out
This project uses maven, to build a jar-file with the procedure in this project, simply package the project with maven:
mvn clean package
This will produce a jar-file,target/procedures-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
that can be deployed in the plugin
directory of your Neo4j instance.
cp target/procedures-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar neo4j-enterprise-3.1.0/plugins/.
If you don't have maven, you can look at the releases tab of this github repository and grab a pre-compiled jar.
Start Neo4j and log in.
Create sample users:
WITH ['Jennifer','Michelle','Tanya','Julie','Christie','Sophie','Amanda','Khloe','Sarah','Kaylee'] AS names
FOREACH (r IN range(0,100000) | CREATE (:Customer {CustomerID:names[r % size(names)]+r}))
Connect those sample users:
MATCH (u1:Customer),(u2:Customer)
WITH u1,u2
LIMIT 100000000
WHERE rand() < 0.1
CREATE (u1)-[:FRIEND_OF]->(u2);
Try the stored procedure:
MATCH (c:Customer {CustomerID:'Jennifer0'}) CALL com.maxdemarzi.distinct_network(c) YIELD value RETURN value