GPSForge is a battle-hardened library for training wavefunction models based on the Gaussian Process State with Variational Monte Carlo, with a particular focus on challenging quantum chemical systems. All the models are implemented in GPSKet, a plugin for the NetKet framework, which uses JAX to build machine-learning models of wavefunction Ansatze for quantum many-body problems. The library takes a modular approach for quick and reproducible experimentation.
To train and test the qGPS models working installations of NetKet, the plugin GPSKet and the library ml_collections for configuration files are required. Once these are installed, clone or download this repository.
The main entrypoint to train and test the models on different systems is the
To launch a new optimsation, if is sufficient to run the
script with the corresponding configuration file specifying the system, the Ansatz and the optimizer, as well as the working directory in which to save any output from the optimisation.
Importantly, configurations can be overwritten at the command line by specifying them as --config.parameter=value
For example, to optimize the autoregressive qGPS on the 1D Heisenberg system with 10 sites, run
python -m gps_forge.main --config=$(pwd)/gps_forge/configs/,ARqGPS,ARDirectSampler,MCState,SRDense --workdir=$(pwd)/tmp/arqgps-$(date +%s) --config.total_steps=1000 --config.variational_state.n_samples=1000
The list of comma separated names after the path to the configuration file correspond to class names for the system, the Ansatz, the sampler, the variational state and the optimizer respectively. Currently the following options are available:
- System:
: one-dimensional spin system with nearest neighbor Heisenberg interactionHeisenberg2d
: two-dimensional spin system with nearest neighbor Heisenberg interactionJ1J22d
: two-dimensional spin system with nearest neighbor and next-nearest neighbor Heisenberg interactionHchain
: one-dimensional chain of Hydrogen atoms separated by a certain interatomic distanceHring
: one-dimensional ring of Hydrogen atoms separated by a certain interatomic distanceHsheet
: two-dimensional sheet of Hydrogen atoms separated by a certain interatomic distanceH2O
: water moleculeN2
: nitrogen dimerCr2
: Chromium dimerHubbard1d
: one-dimensional fermionic Fermi-Hubbard systemHubbard2d
: two-dimensional fermionic Fermi-Hubbard system
- Ansatz:
: fully variational autoregressive qGPS modelARPlaquetteqGPS
: filter-based autoregressive qGPS modelARqGPS
: autoregressive qGPS model with weight-sharingqGPS
: qGPS modelCPDBackflow
: backflow model with CP-decomposed orbitalsSlaterqGPS
: Slater-Jastrow wavefunction with a qGPS Jastrow factor
- Sampler:
: direct sampler for autoregressive modelsMetropolisExchange
: Metropolis sampler with exchange rule for spin systemsMetropolisHopping
: Metropolis sampler with hopping rule for fermionic systems
- Variational state:
: Monte Carlo variational quantum stateMCStateUniqueSamples
: Monte Carlo variational quantum state with support for unique samplesMCStateStratifiedSampling
: Monte Carlo variational quantum state with support for stratified samplingFullSumState
: exact quantum state that computes expectation values over the whole Hilbert space
- Optimizer:
: Stochastic gradient descent optimizerAdam
: Adam optimizerSRDense
: Stochastic gradient descent optimizer with Stochastic Reconfiguration preconditioning of gradients (uses the dense Quantum Geometric Tensor)SRRMSProp
: SR with RMSProp diagonal shiftkernelSR
: SR optimizer with a kernel trick for training large models
To run code on GPU nodes in a HPC cluster, follow these steps.
- First, log into a GPU node and load the necessary modules:
module load anaconda3/2021.05-gcc-9.4.0
module load cuda/11.4.2-gcc-9.4.0
module load cudnn/
module load openmpi/4.1.1-gcc-9.4.0-ucx-python-3.8.12
- Create a new conda environment:
conda create --name qgps-gpu python=3.8
conda activate qgps-gpu
- Install JAX:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f
- Install mpi4py:
pip install mpi4py
- Install mpi4jax:
pip install cython
pip install mpi4jax --no-build-isolation
- Install NetKet with MPI support:
pip install "netket[mpi]"
- Install ml-collections:
pip install ml-collections
- Create a bash script that binds GPU devices to individual MPI ranks:
cat << EOF >
chmod +x
- Run your job with as many ranks as available GPU devices (e.g. 4 ranks on a node with 4 GPUs):
mpirun -n 4 python -m gps_forge.main --config=$(pwd)/gps_forge/configs/,ARqGPS,ARDirectSampler,MCState,SRDense --workdir=$(pwd)/tmp/arqgps-$(date +%s) --config.total_steps=1000 --config.variational_state.n_samples=1000