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F1-tsp is a project to calculate the fastest distance around all of the f1 locations. To do this it currently uses the nearest neighbor algorithm which is admitedly not very optimized, I am looking into implementing better algorithms.. Currently the program runs a comparison between nearest neighbour and simulated annealing.


Recently I developed an interest in the travelling salesman problem and after a few attempts at brute forcing solutions I realised I needed to be a bit smarter. This, paired with F1 being an interesting sport, made me start on this project. Originally, I only implemented nearest neighbour but this obviously wasn't giving me the best paths. A while later my dad was using simulated annealing to solve suduko puzzles and he taught me how it worked. I found the origins in nature really interesting, and hence I implemented it here!


With Nix (Recommended)

  • This is done utilising the flake.nix found in this repository
Enabling flakes ❄️
  • To run this program you will need nix flakes enabled (or you can append the option for every command)
  • So to enable nix flakes for just your user add this to your home-manager configuration:
nix = {
    package = pkgs.nix;
    settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
  • Or to enable it system wide:
nix.settings.experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ];
  • Finally, if you just want to enable it on a command-by-command basis append --experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' to every command
Building and running the program 👷
  • The program is wrapped in a flake, so it can be run with:
nix run 'github:max-amb/f1-tsp' <export path for graph>


git clone && cd f1-tsp
cargo run -- <export path for graph> # To build and run 


  • Go to releases and download the latest binary
  • In the same folder as the binary, make a folder named data and place the f1-locations.json inside it
  • Then make it executable and run it!
chmod +x {YOUR BINARY}
./{YOUR BINARY} <export path for graph>

Screenshots 📸

  • Just nearest neighbour (cost: 63476.25688357275km): nearest_neighbour
  • Just simulated annealing (cost: 52140.55396293411km): simulated annealing
  • The comparison: comparison

Simulated Annealing Explanation (from numerical recipes)

  • The idea of reducing cost, the solution/configuration with the lowest cost is the best solution
    • Cost function based upon the distance (for TSP)
  • By slowly trying to hone in on the lowest cost we can allow for alternate paths to the lowest cost
    • This is due to the fact that our data is discrete and does not follow a curve (which would suggest as soon as we find a drop in cost we follow it until we reach the end and this would be optimum)
    • The slower the better (rooted in thermodynamics) - the technical definition of annealing
  • If you go greedily immediately towards the local minimum you are guaranteed to find a local minimum but not the global
  • Natures minimization algorithm follows:

$$ \begin{gather} \text{The probability of a singular energy state is given by:} \\ \text{Prob(E)} \sim \exp{(-E/kT)} \ \\ \text{E maps to the cost function (Energy in this case)} \\ \implies \text{Lower E is better} \ \\ \text{T maps to temperature} \\ \implies \text{The higher the temperature, the more likely the particle is to adopt a higher energy state} \\ \text{This means that at higher temperatures the arrangements are less optimised} \ \\ \text{k is a constant (As this is the boltzman distribution it is the boltzman constant)} \end{gather} $$

$$ \begin{gather} \text{The probability of a switch from } E_{1} \text{ to } E_{2} \text{ is given by: }\\ \text{Prob(Jump from } E_{1} \text{ to } E_{2} \text{)} \sim \exp\left( -\frac{E_{2} - E_{1}}{kT} \right) \ \\ \text{It is obvious here that if } E_{2} < E_{1} \text{ the probability of jumping is >1 hence we set it to 1} \\ \end{gather} $$

Different e^x graphs

  • Blue is where there is a high temperature, orange medium and pink with a low temperature
    • You can see the probability to jump is very reduced at lower temperatures
    • As the area needs to equal 0 the graph stops at $x=0$ and the pink line would start higher up


  • TSP is a NP-Complete problem - the compute for an exact solution increases with N nodes $\text{exp(const. } * \text{N)}$
  • To use the metropolis algorithm for non-thermodynamic systems, the following elements are required (TSP's examples are here):
    • Cities numbered $i = 0...N-1$ with coordinates $(x_{i}, y_{i})$
    • A configuration is a permutation of the number $0...N-1 \implies N! \text{ permutations}$
    • For rearrangements there are two possible efficient moves:
      • Switching the order of two nodes in the path
        • ABCD -> ACBD
        • Rearrangement diagram
      • Moving a section of the path to somewhere else in the path
        • ABCDE -> ADEBC
    • Next we need a way to calculate the cost of the configuration
      • A common way is to simply calculate the total length of the path
      • $E = L = \sum^{N-1}_{i=0} \sqrt{ (x_{i} - x_{i+1})^2 + (y_{i} - y_{i+1})^2}$
      • This cost function is quite nice because it allows for changes to requirements
        • For example if you wanted to assign a heavy cost to crossing the river (Splitting the map into west and east)
        • $\mu_{i} = 1 \iff \text{node i is on the west}$
        • $\mu_{i} = -1 \iff \text{node i is on the east}$
        • $\lambda = \text{ Cost of crossing}$
        • $E = L = \sum^{N-1}_{i=0} \sqrt{ (x_{i} - x_{i+1})^2 + (y_{i} - y_{i+1})^2} + \lambda(\mu_{i} - \mu_{i+1})$
        • So here if the next node was across the river an additional cost of $4\lambda$ would be associated with the traversal
    • Finally we need a good annealing schedule
      • This is how quickly we lower the temperature - how quickly we descend on our local minimums (hoping they are global!!)
      • Initially we randomly generate a path - following that we perform some random rearrangements, collecting some $\Delta E's$
      • Then a $T$ is picked that is comfortably above any $\Delta E's$ encountered to provide the really gentle curve we need to hop around to find our minimums
      • Then we keep regenerating the path, if we start getting failed reconfigurations we should look to lower T as we are honing in on a minimum


  • Thank you to bacinger for the json file provided at his f1-circuits repository, I use a modified version within this program!