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CoffeeScript-optimized interface for building web apps on Node.js with Express and Socket.IO. |
If you can describe it in 495 characters, why on earth should it take 879?
Zappa is a CoffeeScript-optimized interface to Express and Socket.IO that makes this:
{% highlight coffeescript %} require('zappa') -> Gizmo = require './model/gizmo'
@use 'bodyParser', 'methodOverride', @app.router, 'static'
@configure development: => @use errorHandler: {dumpExceptions: on} production: => @use 'errorHandler'
@get '/': -> @render 'index'
@get '/gizmos/:id': -> Gizmo.findById, (err, gizmo) => @render index: {err, gizmo}
@on connection: -> @emit welcome: {time: new Date()}
@on shout: -> @broadcast shout: {@id, text: @data.text} {% endhighlight %}
Equivalent to this:
{% highlight coffeescript %} express = require 'express' app = express.createServer() io = require('').listen(app)
Gizmo = require './model/gizmo'
app.use express.bodyParser() app.use express.methodOverride() app.use app.router app.use express.static __dirname + '/public'
app.configure 'development', -> app.use express.errorHandler dumpExceptions: on
app.configure 'production', -> app.use express.errorHandler()
app.get '/', (req, res) -> res.render 'index'
app.get '/gizmos/:id', (req, res) -> Gizmo.findById, (err, gizmo) -> res.render 'index', {err, gizmo}
io.sockets.on 'connection', (socket) -> socket.emit 'welcome', time: new Date()
socket.on 'shout', (data) -> socket.broadcast.emit 'shout', id:, text: data.text
app.listen 3000
console.log "Express server listening on port %d in %s mode", app.address().port, app.settings.env {% endhighlight %}
And throws in some additional features while at it:
{% highlight coffeescript %} require('zappa') -> @enable 'default layout', 'serve jquery', 'serve sammy', 'minify'
@get '/': -> @render 'index'
@on connection: -> @emit welcome: {result: sum 1, 2}
@shared '/shared.js': -> root = window ? global root.sum = (x, y) -> x + y
@client '/index.js': -> @connect()
@get '#/route': ->
$('body').append 'client routes!'
@on welcome: ->
$('body').append "welcomed: #{sum @data.result, 2}"
@view index: -> @title = 'PicoChat!' @scripts = ['/', '/zappa/jquery', '/zappa/sammy', '/zappa/zappa', '/shared', '/index']
h1 @title
{% endhighlight %}
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Check the API reference
See the examples included with the source
Read the annotated source generated by docco
The source code repository at github
Questions, suggestions? Drop us a line on the mailing list
Rather do it realtime? Join the IRC channel on freenode: [#zappajs]((irc://
Found a bug? Open an issue at github
Check the project's history at the change log
Migrating from an earlier version? Read the announcements (0.2.x/0.3.x) for an overview on changes, and follow the TL;DR migration guides (0.2.x/0.3.x)
Deploying to heroku? Check this blog post