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An OpenAPI.Operation
type that guarantees
its parameters
, requestBody
, responses
and security
are inlined instead of referenced.
@dynamicMemberLookup public struct DereferencedOperation: Equatable
Create a DereferencedOperation
if all references in the
operation can be found in the given Components Object.
internal init(_ operation: OpenAPI.Operation, resolvingIn components: OpenAPI.Components) throws
or ReferenceError.missingOnLookup(name:key:)
depending on whether an unresolvable reference points to another file or just points to a component in the same file that cannot be found in the Components Object.
The original OpenAPI.Operation
prior to being dereferenced.
let underlyingOperation: OpenAPI.Operation
A dereferenced array of parameters.
let parameters: [DereferencedParameter]
A dereferenced request body.
let requestBody: DereferencedRequest?
A dereferenced map of responses.
let responses: DereferencedResponse.Map
An array of dereferenced security requirements.
let security: [DereferencedSecurityRequirement]?
If defined, overrides the security requirements in the
root document security
Each secutity requirement in this array is an alternative, only one of which must be met for the request to be authorized.
By contrast, all entries in an individual DereferencedSecurityRequirement
(which is itself a dictionary) must be met.
indicates this operation uses the security requirements
defined at the root of the document.
Get all response outcomes for this operation.
var responseOutcomes: [ResponseOutcome]
An array of ResponseOutcomes
with the status and the response for the status.
- AnyCodable
- DereferencedContent
- DereferencedContentEncoding
- DereferencedDocument
- DereferencedDocument.Route
- DereferencedHeader
- DereferencedJSONSchema
- DereferencedJSONSchema.ArrayContext
- DereferencedJSONSchema.ObjectContext
- DereferencedOperation
- DereferencedOperation.ResponseOutcome
- DereferencedParameter
- DereferencedPathItem
- DereferencedPathItem.Endpoint
- DereferencedRequest
- DereferencedResponse
- DereferencedSchemaContext
- DereferencedSecurityRequirement
- DereferencedSecurityRequirement.ScopedScheme
- Either
- EitherDecodeNoTypesMatchedError
- EitherDecodeNoTypesMatchedError.IndividualFailure
- ErrorCategory
- ErrorCategory.KeyValue
- InconsistencyError
- JSONReference
- JSONReference.InternalReference
- JSONReference.Path
- JSONReference.PathComponent
- JSONSchema
- JSONSchema.ArrayContext
- JSONSchema.CoreContext
- JSONSchema.CoreContext.Permissions
- JSONSchema.IntegerContext
- JSONSchema.IntegerContext.Bound
- JSONSchema.NumericContext
- JSONSchema.NumericContext.Bound
- JSONSchema.ObjectContext
- JSONSchema.StringContext
- JSONSchemaResolutionError
- JSONType
- JSONTypeFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.AnyFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.ArrayFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.BooleanFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.IntegerFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.IntegerFormat.Extended
- JSONTypeFormat.NumberFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.ObjectFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.StringFormat
- JSONTypeFormat.StringFormat.Extended
- OpenAPI
- OpenAPI.CallbackURL
- OpenAPI.ComponentKey
- OpenAPI.Components
- OpenAPI.Components.ReferenceCycleError
- OpenAPI.Components.ReferenceError
- OpenAPI.Content
- OpenAPI.Content.Encoding
- OpenAPI.ContentType
- OpenAPI.Discriminator
- OpenAPI.Document
- OpenAPI.Document.Info
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.Contact
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.License
- OpenAPI.Document.Route
- OpenAPI.Document.Version
- OpenAPI.Error
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Document
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Document.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Operation
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Operation.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Path
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Path.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Request
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Request.Context
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Response
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Response.Context
- OpenAPI.Example
- OpenAPI.ExternalDocumentation
- OpenAPI.Header
- OpenAPI.HttpMethod
- OpenAPI.Link
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.AuthorizationCode
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.ClientCredentials
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.CommonFields
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Implicit
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Password
- OpenAPI.Operation
- OpenAPI.Operation.ResponseOutcome
- OpenAPI.Parameter
- OpenAPI.Parameter.Context
- OpenAPI.Parameter.Context.Location
- OpenAPI.Parameter.SchemaContext
- OpenAPI.Parameter.SchemaContext.Style
- OpenAPI.Path
- OpenAPI.PathItem
- OpenAPI.PathItem.Endpoint
- OpenAPI.Request
- OpenAPI.Response
- OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode
- OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode.Range
- OpenAPI.RuntimeExpression
- OpenAPI.RuntimeExpression.Source
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme.Location
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme.SecurityType
- OpenAPI.SecurityScheme.SecurityType.Name
- OpenAPI.Server
- OpenAPI.Server.Variable
- OpenAPI.Tag
- OrderedDictionary
- OrderedDictionary.Iterator
- ResolvedDocument
- ResolvedEndpoint
- ResolvedRoute
- URLTemplate
- URLTemplate.Component
- Validation
- ValidationContext
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorCollection
- Validator
- Validator.CodingKey
Global Functions
- Array
- Bool
- Dictionary
- Double
- Float
- Int
- Int32
- Int64
- OpenAPI.Callbacks
- OpenAPI.Content.Encoding
- OpenAPI.Document.Info
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.Contact
- OpenAPI.Document.Info.License
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Document
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Operation
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Path
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Request
- OpenAPI.Error.Decoding.Response
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.AuthorizationCode
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.ClientCredentials
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.CommonFields
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Implicit
- OpenAPI.OAuthFlows.Password
- OpenAPI.Parameter.Context
- OpenAPI.Parameter.SchemaContext
- OpenAPI.Response.StatusCode
- OpenAPI.Server.Variable
- Optional
- String