diff --git a/docs/components/menu.md b/docs/components/menu.md
index 567b172a0c..0433fcbe55 100644
--- a/docs/components/menu.md
+++ b/docs/components/menu.md
@@ -370,8 +370,8 @@ Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description
`listTabIndex` | `list-tabindex` | `number` | `-1` | The tabindex of the underlying list element.
`type` | `type` | `string` | `'menu'` | The role of the underlying list element.
`typeaheadDelay` | `typeahead-delay` | `number` | `200` | The max time between the keystrokes of the typeahead menu behavior before
it clears the typeahead buffer.
-`anchorCorner` | `anchor-corner` | `string` | `Corner.END_START` | The corner of the anchor which to align the menu in the standard logical
property style of _.
NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm
if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
-`menuCorner` | `menu-corner` | `string` | `Corner.START_START` | The corner of the menu which to align the anchor in the standard logical
property style of _.
NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm
if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
+`anchorCorner` | `anchor-corner` | `string` | `Corner.END_START` | The corner of the anchor which to align the menu in the standard logical
property style of - e.g. `'end-start'`.
NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm
if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
+`menuCorner` | `menu-corner` | `string` | `Corner.START_START` | The corner of the menu which to align the anchor in the standard logical
property style of - e.g. `'start-start'`.
NOTE: This value may not be respected by the menu positioning algorithm
if the menu would render outisde the viewport.
`stayOpenOnOutsideClick` | `stay-open-on-outside-click` | `boolean` | `false` | Keeps the user clicks outside the menu.
NOTE: clicking outside may still cause focusout to close the menu so see
`stayOpenOnFocusout` | `stay-open-on-focusout` | `boolean` | `false` | Keeps the menu open when focus leaves the menu's composed subtree.
NOTE: Focusout behavior will stop propagation of the focusout event. Set
this property to true to opt-out of menu's focuout handling altogether.
`skipRestoreFocus` | `skip-restore-focus` | `boolean` | `false` | After closing, does not restore focus to the last focused element before
the menu was opened.
diff --git a/docs/components/text-field.md b/docs/components/text-field.md
index 4a865f1d6e..a45ccfec2e 100644
--- a/docs/components/text-field.md
+++ b/docs/components/text-field.md
@@ -480,7 +480,6 @@ Method | Parameters | Returns | Description
`stepDown` | `stepDecrement` | `void` | Decrements the value of a numeric type text field by `step` or `n` `step`
number of times.
`stepUp` | `stepIncrement` | `void` | Increments the value of a numeric type text field by `step` or `n` `step`
number of times.
`reset` | _None_ | `void` | Reset the text field to its default value.
-`attributeChangedCallback` | `attribute`, `newValue`, `oldValue` | `void` |
@@ -545,7 +544,6 @@ Method | Parameters | Returns | Description
`stepDown` | `stepDecrement` | `void` | Decrements the value of a numeric type text field by `step` or `n` `step`
number of times.
`stepUp` | `stepIncrement` | `void` | Increments the value of a numeric type text field by `step` or `n` `step`
number of times.
`reset` | _None_ | `void` | Reset the text field to its default value.
-`attributeChangedCallback` | `attribute`, `newValue`, `oldValue` | `void` |
diff --git a/internal/analyzer/analyze-element.ts b/internal/analyzer/analyze-element.ts
index db9592ee5c..bddcd37f3c 100644
--- a/internal/analyzer/analyze-element.ts
+++ b/internal/analyzer/analyze-element.ts
@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ function nameToAttribute(propertyName: string) {
* These are methods we do not want to expose on the API docs.
const METHODS_TO_IGNORE = new Set([
+ 'attributeChangedCallback',